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All things Science related. λν = c

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Old 07-02-2012, 03:44 PM   #31
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Re: All things Science related. λν = c

^^ which is why we need to do more stem cell research....BUT the religious nutjobs think otherwise.

Speaking of religion.

APNewsBreak: Proof of 'God particle' found - Yahoo! News

All those TV evangelist better get their cash while they can. Their gimmick may be up soon enough.
"So let me get this straight. We have the event of the year on TV with millions watching around the world... and people want a punt, pass, and kick competition to be the halftime entertainment?? Folks, don't quit your day jobs."- Matty
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Old 07-02-2012, 04:25 PM   #32
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Re: All things Science related. λν = c

Originally Posted by NC_Skins View Post
^^ which is why we need to do more stem cell research....BUT the religious nutjobs think otherwise.

Speaking of religion.

APNewsBreak: Proof of 'God particle' found - Yahoo! News

All those TV evangelist better get their cash while they can. Their gimmick may be up soon enough.
You can do all the stem cell research you wan to do.
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Old 07-03-2012, 02:36 PM   #33
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Re: All things Science related. λν = c

Researchers crack the code of what makes us cool - The Body Odd
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Old 07-04-2012, 11:58 AM   #34
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Re: All things Science related. λν = c

Originally Posted by NC_Skins View Post
^^ which is why we need to do more stem cell research....BUT the religious nutjobs think otherwise.
You do see why that's not an issue in this case...
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Old 07-04-2012, 12:27 PM   #35
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Re: All things Science related. λν = c

It's a boson: Higgs quest bears new particle
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Old 07-04-2012, 01:16 PM   #36
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Re: All things Science related. λν = c

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
Thanks for posting this Smoot. I read the yahoo article and I'll post this as well since it is a video showing the "god particles".

'God Particle': New Proof Found by Physicists | Watch the video - Yahoo! News

Science and technology | Photo Gallery - Yahoo! News

I was going to post the link and put a WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW??? caption to it

Either way, it's some amazing stuff being discovered. Read Smoot's article he posted as it's much more detailing and thorough.
"So let me get this straight. We have the event of the year on TV with millions watching around the world... and people want a punt, pass, and kick competition to be the halftime entertainment?? Folks, don't quit your day jobs."- Matty

Last edited by NC_Skins; 07-04-2012 at 01:30 PM.
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Old 07-05-2012, 11:40 AM   #37
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Re: All things Science related. λν = c

In case anyone is trying to win 1000lbs:

Why does hot water freeze faster than cold water? Royal Society of Chemistry offers reward for explanation | Fox News

Which reminds me of something i "discovered" a few years ago. I dont drink much soda, but every now and then i like a coke a cola. And when i treat myself to a coke i like them really really cold, so ill put them in the freezer for a little bit. Well one day i did it with a plastic coke bottle and when i opened it and i guess kind of bumped it, the thing just crystalized in front of my eyes.

Its called supercooling and its nothing special but i had never noticed it before and thought it was pretty neat. If you have kids it might be something cool to do with them. You got to cool it to the point right before it freezes but i dont think its all that hard to time it right.

Supercooling Experiment 2 - YouTube
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Old 07-05-2012, 02:05 PM   #38
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Re: All things Science related. λν = c

Originally Posted by NC_Skins View Post
Thanks for posting this Smoot. I read the yahoo article and I'll post this as well since it is a video showing the "god particles".

'God Particle': New Proof Found by Physicists | Watch the video - Yahoo! News

Science and technology | Photo Gallery - Yahoo! News

I was going to post the link and put a WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW??? caption to it

Either way, it's some amazing stuff being discovered. Read Smoot's article he posted as it's much more detailing and thorough.
Keep in mind that if proven that it is actually a Higgs Boson, it doesn't mean it eliminates the existence of God. It just means that it confirms the Standard Model of the universe. Which IS a pretty big deal in the science community, don't get me wrong. Would it disprove the literal meaning behind Genesis? Well, maybe, but then again, Genesis never really was specific about the tools God used in creation other than speaking, so the literal meaning would be pointless to argue against anyway.

Either way, I am all for scientists continuing work on this, as I find it fascinating and hope it opens up other possibilities of discovery that we current feel are science fiction.
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Old 07-05-2012, 04:16 PM   #39
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Re: All things Science related. λν = c

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Old 07-05-2012, 04:26 PM   #40
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Re: All things Science related. λν = c

Originally Posted by skinsguy View Post
Keep in mind that if proven that it is actually a Higgs Boson, it doesn't mean it eliminates the existence of God. It just means that it confirms the Standard Model of the universe. Which IS a pretty big deal in the science community, don't get me wrong. Would it disprove the literal meaning behind Genesis? Well, maybe, but then again, Genesis never really was specific about the tools God used in creation other than speaking, so the literal meaning would be pointless to argue against anyway.

Either way, I am all for scientists continuing work on this, as I find it fascinating and hope it opens up other possibilities of discovery that we current feel are science fiction.
I agree with this perspective.
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Old 07-05-2012, 04:59 PM   #41
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Re: All things Science related. λν = c

Chuck Norris can detect both the Higgs boson and the tehnicolor particles.
There is only one particle accelerator more powerfull than LHC: Chuck Norris. Particles just keep running from him, nearly at the speed of light.
Chuck Norris can kill Schrodinger’s cat for good.
Chuck Norris can produce a chain reaction out of any stable isotope just by roundhouse kicking it in the face.
Chuck Norris can sucks vacuum.
The Higgs boson will be named “The Norris Particle”.
Chuck Norris can kick a charm quark and turn it up-side-down.
There is only one Higgs Boson, but after a roundhouse kick from Chuck Norris, it became a whole family.
Only Chuck Norris can run faster than the proton beam inside LHC.
Chuck Norris is so sexy that he can attracts neutrons, without the help of gravity.
Chuck Norris can change the spin of the protons with a single round-house kick.
Chuck Norris sucks black-holes dry, without the help of Hawking radiation!
Chuck Norris can swallow a whole beam of acccelerated particles just for cleaning his teeth.
The LHC was built when Chuck Norris accidentally performed a roundhouse kick at a subway station in Zurich.
13.7 billion years ago, Chuck Norris said: “Let there be Big-Bang”
No subquarks particles are known to exists because Chuck Norris didn’t roundhouse kick a quark. Yet. When he decide to do this, LHC will became useless in studying the new physics created by those particles.
There is no quadrupoles for controlling the proton beam at LHC. Chuck Norris simply stares at the protons and the Higgs boson pops out.
Only Chuck Norris can use the LHC ring to propose. Andromeda said yes, but Chuck Norris kicked her in the face and she was projected 2 millions light-years away.
LHC doesn’t bring the Apocalipse. Only Chuck Norris can do that.
There are no stable particles. Each and every particle exists as long as Chuck Norris looks at it.

Chuck Norris uses micro-black-holes created at CERN to cook spaghetti for himself. Out of anything.
Initially, neutrinos had no mass. But they prefer an encounter with Higgs boson rather than facing Chuck Norris.
The photon was a stationary particle once. Until Chuck Norris roundhouse kick it. Just ask a photon about his speed nowadays.
There are no gravitational waves. It’s just Chuck Norris inhaling and exhaling after a roundhouse kick.
There are no gluons holding the quarks inside hadrons. They are just sitting there, trying to hide from Chuck Norris.
Ever wonder where does the energy needed for LHC came from? They got it all when Chuck Norris blinked once.
Chuck Norris can inject neutral particles inside the LHC ring and detects whatever he wants, otherwise he will roundhouse kick you in the face with a force so powerfull that you would produce Higgs bosons instantly.
Chuck Norris once engraved his name on a quark. With his fingernail. While the quark was part of the proton beam inside the LHC.
Chuck Norris decides both the position and the velocityof any particle he wants.
God plays dices. With Chuck Norris. And guess who’s winning?
Chuck Norris keeps his beers cooled down at LHC.
Stephen Hawking was a healthy young boy once. But he felt asleep while watching a Chuck Norris moive. Chuck Norris heard about this and paid him a visit.
Chuck Norris once applied for being an astronaut. He was trained to support G’s in the LHC tunnel.
Atomic clocks are synchronized after Chuck Norris’ roundhouse kick.
Chuck Norris drinks beer and urinates proton beams.
Once Chuck Norris lost his keys in a black hole. He just reach his hand and got them back.
Chuck Norris can do one-hand push-ups on a neutron star.
Before this decade is out, Chuck Norris can land on the moon and return safely to Earth. By himself.
Source: Hard Chuck Norris LHC facts | Starlog
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Old 07-05-2012, 05:28 PM   #42
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Re: All things Science related. λν = c

Originally Posted by skinsguy View Post
Keep in mind that if proven that it is actually a Higgs Boson, it doesn't mean it eliminates the existence of God. It just means that it confirms the Standard Model of the universe. Which IS a pretty big deal in the science community, don't get me wrong. Would it disprove the literal meaning behind Genesis? Well, maybe, but then again, Genesis never really was specific about the tools God used in creation other than speaking, so the literal meaning would be pointless to argue against anyway.

Either way, I am all for scientists continuing work on this, as I find it fascinating and hope it opens up other possibilities of discovery that we current feel are science fiction.
It was meant in jest, hence the all caps and singled out(followed with a lol). You can never prove or disprove god, even if they do figure out the origin of the universe.
"So let me get this straight. We have the event of the year on TV with millions watching around the world... and people want a punt, pass, and kick competition to be the halftime entertainment?? Folks, don't quit your day jobs."- Matty

Last edited by NC_Skins; 07-05-2012 at 06:52 PM.
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Old 07-05-2012, 05:42 PM   #43
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Re: All things Science related. λν = c

How about we just leave this thread to cool scientific discoveries and leave the religion talk out of it
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Old 07-05-2012, 07:16 PM   #44
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Re: All things Science related. λν = c

Yay for the voice of reason!
Strap it up, hold onto the ball, and let’s go.
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Old 07-05-2012, 07:45 PM   #45
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Re: All things Science related. λν = c

Can't wait to start "working from home".

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