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Campbell: 'It's just totally different than it used to be'

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Old 03-19-2010, 10:09 PM   #31
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Re: Campbell: 'It's just totally different than it used to be'

Sometimes, describing what something actually is is a crime against humanity for some people. So what if they switched from the HITS method to the conjugate method or have the assistants and weight trainers get on the player's asses more often, it's all just fluffly propaganda from a scared idiot(in the literal definition of that word) and nothing has changed from Mr. Maroon and Black(and Gibbs).
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Old 03-19-2010, 10:13 PM   #32
The Goat
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Re: Campbell: 'It's just totally different than it used to be'

I mean it's hard to live tomorrow's reality today...almost universally. JC knows he might actually get replaced this year, but I doubt he really believes it will happen. From one perspective I guess it's good to keep your confidence up no matter what.

It's almost metaphysically certain Shanny will bench JC in a heartbeat when JC gets out of rhythm and throws a handful of those passes that result in 3 and outs. If the current roster QB collection stays intact the only question is who Shanny puts in there, Grossman or Colt. I think both guys will come out slinging and probably win a lot of hearts around here.
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Old 03-19-2010, 10:23 PM   #33
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Re: Campbell: 'It's just totally different than it used to be'

Originally Posted by The Goat View Post
I mean it's hard to live tomorrow's reality today...almost universally. JC knows he might actually get replaced this year, but I doubt he really believes it will happen. From one perspective I guess it's good to keep your confidence up no matter what.

It's almost metaphysically certain Shanny will bench JC in a heartbeat when JC gets out of rhythm and throws a handful of those passes that result in 3 and outs. If the current roster QB collection stays intact the only question is who Shanny puts in there, Grossman or Colt. I think both guys will come out slinging and probably win a lot of hearts around here.
Ahh, a man with perspective. Everything in this post is the truth. If you think differently, you're bullshitting yourself.
Hail to The REDSKINS

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Old 03-20-2010, 07:04 AM   #34
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Re: Campbell: 'It's just totally different than it used to be'

Originally Posted by SirClintonPortis View Post
Sometimes, describing what something actually is is a crime against humanity for some people. So what if they switched from the HITS method to the conjugate method or have the assistants and weight trainers get on the player's asses more often, it's all just fluffly propaganda from a scared idiot(in the literal definition of that word) and nothing has changed from Mr. Maroon and Black(and Gibbs).
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Old 03-20-2010, 10:18 AM   #35
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Re: Campbell: 'It's just totally different than it used to be'

Originally Posted by SirClintonPortis View Post
Sometimes, describing what something actually is is a crime against humanity for some people. So what if they switched from the HITS method to the conjugate method or have the assistants and weight trainers get on the player's asses more often, it's all just fluffly propaganda from a scared idiot(in the literal definition of that word) and nothing has changed from Mr. Maroon and Black(and Gibbs).
Please!!!! Insulting my Joe Gibbs should be banned from this discussion IMO.
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Old 03-20-2010, 10:45 AM   #36
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Re: Campbell: 'It's just totally different than it used to be'

Originally Posted by mlmdub130 View Post
well said, it really is refreshing hearing things like this come from redskins park rather than all the crap we have had the past few seasons
Credit Bruce Allen's ability to deal effectively with the media in reducing the flow of information coming out of Redskin Park. The local media is taking notice because recently they made mention of how secretive the new administration is. It's obvious they're all hungry for stories that are not forthcoming. Bruce Allen reminds me so much of his father....George Allen was super secretive.

Not putting all your business in the street is the way it should be!!

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Old 03-20-2010, 11:09 AM   #37
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Re: Campbell: 'It's just totally different than it used to be'

Originally Posted by MattsRiff View Post
Hey I'm not making a case for Colt or Rex...
Just saying Campbell sounds like a man with a first round tender who fears his starting days in the NFL are numbered.
he may have some fear but that could be a good thing. he may not truly know what the new coaching staff plans to do.

but i would say he would have had more fear if vinny was still in charge, cuz i'm pretty sure vinny would have already cut or traded campbell.
Hail to Allen/Shanahan .... bring in some baby hogs and load up on diesel fuel !!! (budw38)
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Old 03-20-2010, 12:38 PM   #38
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Re: Campbell: 'It's just totally different than it used to be'

Originally Posted by Mattyk View Post
Almost a week into team workouts at Redskins Park, players Friday continued to marvel at the changes in the organization under Coach Mike Shanahan.

Redskins Insider - Campbell: 'It's just totally different than it used to be'


Redskins Insider - London Fletcher approves of Redskins' new approach to free agency
No offense, but just what exactly did you expect him to say? Think he is gonna come right out of the gate challenging the new coach?

And he said similar things about Zorn too.
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Old 03-20-2010, 01:10 PM   #39
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Re: Campbell: 'It's just totally different than it used to be'

I think it's relevant. The atmosphere around Redskins Park has done a 180 from last year. From the way the front office is operating to the more organized conditioning program. This is more than fluff... going from Zorn to Shanahan is night and day.
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Old 03-20-2010, 02:00 PM   #40
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Re: Campbell: 'It's just totally different than it used to be'

Originally Posted by joethiesmanfan View Post
Please!!!! Insulting my Joe Gibbs should be banned from this discussion IMO.
This isn't about insults. This is about how conditioning programs and stuff are run.

So I will assume you've got evidence to prove that Zorn was not keeping the leeway Gibbs gave to his guys?

Campbell says this is nothing he has seen in all his damn time here, and last time I checked, he was drafted in 2005. Zorn probably tried to keep the status quo while trying to learn on the fly how to be a HC, and flaming out in the end.
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Old 03-20-2010, 02:15 PM   #41
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Re: Campbell: 'It's just totally different than it used to be'

The changes are expected. Players are fighting for their spot on the team/career because the new regime isn't partial to anyone. I have absolutely no doubt this change, taken all by itself, translates into a better football team when the season begins.

I'm waiting to see what else changes. Draft strategy and talent procurement is the kicker IMO. People are taking a lot about drafting QBs. I'll be surprised if we draft on next month...honestly. Our current mix has two guys w/ significant starting experience and a third looking to get his big opportunity. I just read a 2nd hand comment on the team blog about Brennan looking better at his workouts in AZ than any of the rookie QB class. I believe it.

Right now it's still prudent to be pessimistic about the season. We're woefully short on talent on the offensive side of the ball and w/ a change in defensive scheme who knows whether the defense gets better or worse overall. After the draft if Shanny/Allen have found a way to 1) bring in top young talent at LT, RT and RB and 2) rounded out the personnel on defense at LB, DL and FS through acquiring draft picks or relatively young players I think we have every reason to believe this FO has a very sound strategy for success.
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Old 03-20-2010, 10:37 PM   #42
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Re: Campbell: 'It's just totally different than it used to be'

Originally Posted by SirClintonPortis View Post
This isn't about insults. This is about how conditioning programs and stuff are run.

So I will assume you've got evidence to prove that Zorn was not keeping the leeway Gibbs gave to his guys?

Campbell says this is nothing he has seen in all his damn time here, and last time I checked, he was drafted in 2005. Zorn probably tried to keep the status quo while trying to learn on the fly how to be a HC, and flaming out in the end.

Joe Gibbs 2.0 wasn't anything like the first go around. Doc Walker and Brian Mitchell talked about this a thousand times.

Joe 2.0 was anything but a disciplinarian.
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Old 03-20-2010, 11:59 PM   #43
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Re: Campbell: 'It's just totally different than it used to be'

Money talks, bullshit walks. I have no doubt things are different with a GM finally, but how many regime changes have we had here in the last 11 years? And how many times has the hype machine via the players, etc have said similar things. THe proof is in the pudding. I am not going to get overly excited til we beat Dallas on a regular basis and make the playoffs. This excitement always happens when we have a new regime in charge and we have been left frustrated every time. Many people in here creamed their pants when Gibbs was rehired, and hope was supposedly restored only have it go to shit a few years later. Still can't believe how many people in here fell for the Zorn hire and again creamed their pants. It is nice we aren't breaking the bank via FA, but the jury is still out on if our moves are going to pan out or not. As for JC's commment, what is he supposed to say? Allen sucks and/or the change sucks, or there isn't much of a change? THat will be a nice way of getting in the doghouse and possibly be shipped to a shithole like Cleveland or Tampa Bay.
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Old 03-21-2010, 12:37 AM   #44
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Re: Campbell: 'It's just totally different than it used to be'

Same ol' sound bites, different season.
"The Redskins have always suffered from chronic organizational deformities under Snyder."

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Old 03-21-2010, 03:29 AM   #45
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Re: Campbell: 'It's just totally different than it used to be'

I don't think you can say JC is better than SEXY many Superbowls has he led his team too? or played in?

On another note, I think the fact that this quote just shows everybody that Zorn wasn't ready to take charge of a franchise. I'm glad somebody with some decent experience has the more BS now...either put up or shut up.
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