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View Poll Results: Who should start week 8 against the Packers?
Ramsey 68 70.83%
Brunell 19 19.79%
Hasselbeck 9 9.38%
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Old 10-17-2004, 06:27 PM   #31
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our defense has been so good all we have needed is a qb that doesnt give up points. which we havent had. when we play farve we are goign to need to score. i love our d but green bay is averaging what, 35 points a game this year. i dotn think we can score that many points until brunell even if he fixes his mistakes.
"I'm used to winning, coming from the University of Miami. " Clinton Portis
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Old 10-17-2004, 07:17 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by SUNRA
Anybody that votes for Ramsey wants the sack and interception stats to increase with great velocity. Take all polls you want Ramsey's not playing until Brunell is carried off of the field. Now you're definitely are not a Redskins fan if you wish this on Brunell.
once again, ramsey has a higer TD/game and lower TD/turnover ratio, has a higher yard per play average AND gives up about 28 less points... and i honestly doubt he'd get sacked much more, the oline has been much much much better than last year. so that arguement is dead, and brunell still sucks.

Originally Posted by SUNRA
I have defended Brunell too. What I noticed about Brunell's passes that seemed to be thrown out of bounds, 1) Coles was pushed out of bounds and tried to come back in to catch it,so that's a no winner. 2) Was the play when Coles was wide open and it looked like the ball was deflected. Brunell missed bad on that one if that wasn't a deflection. The O line is still struggling. Lastly, you will agree that the play calling is too conservative but understandably so. No Oline, no strong QB = the running game, but let's see some screens or slant passet across the middle. Wait a minute I don't know about that one. Let's keep Portis in the groove.
the Oline was above average today, and the running game was there, you can't blame brunell's sucking on either of those factors this week, he sucked hard and all on his own... even i could see wide open receivers often... the play calling asked for deep passes, which were only about 4 miles off target... the play calling was conservative cause the QB couldn't hit anything over 10 yards... it was conservative because IT HAD TO BE, brunell was too crappy to open anything up.

2 games in a row, less than 100 yards passing, averaging 7 points given up per game, under 40% completion rate, about 4 yards per play... he's done, bench him... goodbye.
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Old 10-17-2004, 07:17 PM   #33
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I'm really hoping the passing game's struggles aren't due soley to Brunell and they can get things fixed, but right now when you look at the stats and the way he's played... how can you defend Brunell anymore??
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Old 10-17-2004, 07:23 PM   #34
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Jesus christ, Ramsey.

Yes, I said Jesus Christ or Ramsey...God is a great QB.
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Old 10-17-2004, 07:46 PM   #35
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i'd hope so... that walking on water has got to confuse at least a couple linebackers... and wine raining from the sky has got to be distracting as well... well, wine and locusts...
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Old 10-17-2004, 08:07 PM   #36
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Brunell has thrown tons of TDs. Unfortunatly none of them into the hands of Redskin receivers =p
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Old 10-17-2004, 08:46 PM   #37
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i just got back from taco bell and you guys will never guess what i saw floating in the bathroom toilet.........IT WAS MARK BRUNELL
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Old 10-17-2004, 09:02 PM   #38
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Bottom line, Gibb's is having a real hard time swalling the decision to go after Brunell, he was one of the few who wanted him, most on this board were against it at the time, right now it's a joke that we gave up any kind of draft pick for this guy, let alone 43 million dollar's, and yes I would vote for TH, if it was between him and Brunell, Brunell is that bad.
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Old 10-17-2004, 11:37 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by Bozzy
Jesus christ, Ramsey.

Yes, I said Jesus Christ or Ramsey...God is a great QB.
The only play in our playbook would be the Hail Mary
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Old 10-18-2004, 06:58 AM   #40
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If Ramsey starts this game we LOSE. Gibbs knows it and the whole team knows it. As for the deflected interception that went 70 yards for a TD, I feel that this team has had some horrible luck with the whole turnover thing and that will continue until this team gets on a winning streak and confidence to boot. Brunell played well enough to win, yes he made some bad throws but hes hurt and HE IS NOT A ROLLOUT TYPE PASSER. I hope that coach sees this and make some changes with the scrambling /rollout play calls. The majority of Brunell's bad throws came off of rollouts. This has continued to be a pattern throughout the season. What worries me about this game is the fact that the defense, for the third week in a row continues to struggle against the run late in the game. I don't even know if I should say late in the game or the entire second half. I'm not criticizing them, they played there hearts out. Other that that, WE WON GUYS. Enjoy the next two weeks.
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Old 10-18-2004, 07:45 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by Brute44
What worries me about this game is the fact that the defense, for the third week in a row continues to struggle against the run late in the game.
Did you ever think this may be due to the fact that the offense keeps starting the second half with 3 and outs. The defense is tired. If the offense can stay on the field a little longer the defense will have fresh legs.
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Old 10-18-2004, 07:46 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by Brute44
If Ramsey starts this game we LOSE. Gibbs knows it and the whole team knows it.
Wow. That's a pretty speculative statement. If we're going to start making statements like that, why don't I just go the other way with it, and say that the only thing that kept Mark Brunell from LOSING this game was the defense. Gibbs knows it and the whole team knows it.

And I'd be willing to take it a step further and say that the only thing that's really keeping Mark Brunell in his starting role is a very large contract that is starting to look like a very large cinderblock chained to the collective foot of this team.

Joe Gibbs and the Redskins PR machine would like you to believe otherwise-- going so far as to throw the offensive line under the bus (despite producing a 200+ yard rushing day), and overlooking absolutely horrible passes while claiming the receivers just aren't open, deep or otherwise.

Anyone who's not wearing burgundy and gold glasses (or has otherwise taken them off temporarily to inspect the situation more clearly), bears witness to the fact that Mark Brunell is simply a very bad quarterback at this point in his career, and that his woeful performances are a direct cause of the offensive struggles, not vice-versa.
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Old 10-18-2004, 08:06 AM   #43
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uhh... brunells lost 4 games and hasn't won either of the other two, so saying if ramsey starts, we lose, is pretty silly... brunell's given up 28 points BY HIMSELF! and he's had 5 TDs and NINE TURNOVERS

not only is he not a rollout type passer, he's not any kind of passer

our offense has given up 53 points off of turnovers at this point, for a vet QB trying to manage an offense, He's Failing.
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Old 10-18-2004, 08:17 AM   #44
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MB is killing this O. He is hurting the team too much and needs replaced, either of the 2 backups would be a better option right now.

Had the Bears put 9 men in the box and stuffed CP the skins would not have won yesterday. Thank you Bears coaches!
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Old 10-18-2004, 08:55 AM   #45
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This is not like the Presidential Vote!

I can't vote for Brunell, because of the TOs. I can't vote for P. Ram, because of his TO ratio. I can't vote for Hasselbeck, because he imho is not an NFL caliber QB.

My dilemma is compounded by the fact that Brunell can manage a clock, when not fumbling!
P. Ram can't manage a clock because he throws ints!
Did I mention what I think of Hasselbeck?

So, rather than vote, I leave it up to HOF Coach Gibbs! Of course, he is in love with Brunell! So, the tie goes to the guy in there. It's just not our call!

Tough vote!
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