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Offensive Review: Giants

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Old 09-18-2009, 12:37 PM   #31
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Re: Offensive Review: Giants

the thing that irks me about that decisive play you talk about was Campbell's inability to make a play. why not throw the ball away? that little timer in his head had to be going off. either take off, and run. or try to squeeze a throw in, and trust one of your receivers to make a play. even with a stout o-line, you only have so long in this league to throw
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Old 09-18-2009, 01:30 PM   #32
Uncle Phil
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Re: Offensive Review: Giants

Might be reading too much into this, but anyone else find it kind of curious that on the first passing play of the game (the ARE option), he doesn't put it in Campbell's hands to make the first throw? Reading too much into it, I'm sure
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Old 09-18-2009, 02:27 PM   #33
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Re: Offensive Review: Giants

Fantastic, Tripp--top-shelf.

As for Zorn and play-calling, I do think there's a learning curve/confidence factor here. With luck (and the light schedule coming up), he'll get into his groove as well.

As for the O running so few plays, recall also that the gints punted just once and controlled the clock well with long efficient drives (even though they didn't score much). If the other team can hold the ball, you get fewer plays.

Moss always seems to be either feast or famine. Hope he wakes the f up!

The thing with this game--and it's the one that made it most frustrating but also oddly encouraging--is that it's clear we were very close. Still, we are just not good enough to overcome even a single major mistake against good teams.
Hail from Houston!
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Old 09-18-2009, 07:15 PM   #34
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Re: Offensive Review: Giants

Originally Posted by Slingin Sammy 33 View Post
- Still the damn tendency to drop the ball to his waist and double pump before releasing. It's not even a "pat", it's a full pump and completely wasted motion (time).
You have identified the most consistently frustrating thing about Campbell. When he gets the ball out quickly, works with timing and anticipation, he looks very good (the best drive against the Patriots, the td drive last week), but he regresses to these bad habits too often. I don't know if it is entirely his fault or if guys are not coming open at the expected time, or what, but it is frustrating and does not show in the 73% completion rate. And I'm someone who has always liked Campbell.
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