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Stallworth suspended for the entire season

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Old 08-13-2009, 05:57 PM   #31
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Re: Stallworth suspended for the entire season

in a union environment, can that be done with out negotiations?
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Old 08-13-2009, 06:07 PM   #32
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Re: Stallworth suspended for the entire season

It is nice to see that these players are not above the law, but I have to agree, too many times leniency is shown to these Big Shot's who think that they are untouchable. They don't get that they should be setting the example for all the kids that idolize them. I worry about our future.

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Old 08-13-2009, 06:22 PM   #33
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Re: Stallworth suspended for the entire season

Originally Posted by FRPLG View Post
Money had nothing to do with his plea deal. That is not in any way the criminal justice system works. Civil settlements don't give prospectors leeway to not pursue proper charges. They pled it out because they were unsure if they could get a conviction on the major charges since there was a good chance they couldn't prove the alcohol was a contributing factor. Now I am only speaking from a pure by-the-law standpoint. From a moral standpoint I think DUI ought to carry a mandatory 1 year prison sentence and suspension of license for 5 years, I don't think we take drunk driving nearly serious enough in our society.
Well I think the state of Florida agrees about the suspension of license thing since his license got a lifetime suspension.

I think this sounds about right. Goodell got to make his point about how serious he takes situations like DUI and manslaughter and Stallworth gets to take an entire season off to reflect before trying to resurrect his career later.

Honestly even though I agree that DUI is bad and needs to be taken seriously I also think Stallworth has been punished enough. He wasn't even the only one at fault here, the guy shouldn't have decided to jaywalk across a major road even though he probably figured it was safe enough to do so.

Stallworth acted appropriately in response to what happened. (Note: I'm not condoning what he did here) He immediately stopped and called police, took immediate responsibility for what he did, reached a settlement with the family so they wouldn't have to bear the weight of the increased financial burden, said and did all the right things including placing himself at the mercy of the court and commissioner, and he also has a lifetime suspension of his drivers license as well as a year long suspension from the NFL. I think all that is sufficent punishment. What else could he have done to right the terrible wrong that he did? He did what Vick should've done after getting arrested and that's ultimately why he got a lighter sentence than Vick. If Vick had just come clean from the start he wouldn't have spent two years in prison.
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Old 08-13-2009, 06:22 PM   #34
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Re: Stallworth suspended for the entire season

Originally Posted by stevenslats View Post
It is nice to see that these players are not above the law, but I have to agree, too many times leniency is shown to these Big Shot's who think that they are untouchable. They don't get that they should be setting the example for all the kids that idolize them. I worry about our future.

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Old 08-14-2009, 01:19 AM   #35
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Re: Stallworth suspended for the entire season

He really should get a lifetime ban. I mean part of me believes Stallworth is genuinely sorry but taking another life outside of maybe killing a criminal during a hostile takeover should be a lifetime ban.
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Old 02-05-2010, 01:55 PM   #36
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Re: Stallworth suspended for the entire season

Wow, ESPN just reported that Donte Stallworth's suspension will be lifted after the Superbowl. That seems ridiculous to me.
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Old 02-05-2010, 04:11 PM   #37
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Re: Stallworth suspended for the entire season

Commissioner Roger Goodell indicated that Donte' Stallworth will be reinstated from his suspension when eligible next week.
"He recognizes the terrible judgment that he made and the tragic judgment he made and he'll be free to continue his career as of next week," offered Goodell. The Browns still own Stallworth's rights, but they fully intend to cut ties with him this offseason.

Donte' Stallworth

Agreed. Way too lenient.
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Old 02-05-2010, 04:26 PM   #38
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Re: Stallworth suspended for the entire season

I don't get it, I know Vick and Stallworth had totally different crimes, but I thought the standard was no decision until you were done with your punishment. Stallworth still is under house arrest, which is a form of civil confinement, so how can Goodell even discuss this IF he is operating the same for every player. I didn't have much of an issue with the legal system's repercussions for Stallworth, but to be off suspension, but under house arrest, seems to make a mockery of an get tough stance Goodell may claim to have.

Just my opinion
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Old 02-05-2010, 05:16 PM   #39
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Re: Stallworth suspended for the entire season

Goodell isn't operating the same for every player. He reviews each case independantly and decides how to act accordingly. There is no standard that he set for how he reviews punishments or when someone's punishment is up.

As for Stallworth's punishment, well I can see why people would want a longer prison sentence but you really have to understand the legal system to know why he only served a month. It's all about evidence and how much the police can prove the extent of involvement, not about the truth of what happened. I don't believe Stallworth fits your average criminal thug type player blessed with great talent kinda profile. From everything I've ever heard or read he's a genuinely nice guy who obviously made a horrible mistake. He's paid his dues and done everything right and now he deserves a second chance. Obviously there will be those who say Mario Reyes didn't get a second chance at life so Stallworth doesn't deserve his but it is what it is. I don't see how anybody can be truly shocked at any step of this whole ordeal because it's how our society works.
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Old 02-05-2010, 06:48 PM   #40
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Re: Stallworth suspended for the entire season

Malice......,Stallworth had no malice while Vick did.You must also understand the crime to understand the punishment.As was reported earlier ther was a vidio of this accident and as in Florida the man was killed while J-walking there by contributing to his own death.Where this comes into play is in the civil case....the family could it or not get nothing.This was all part a a plea arragement....and what was best for the rest of the victums family.
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Old 02-05-2010, 07:05 PM   #41
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Re: Stallworth suspended for the entire season

Originally Posted by mooby View Post
Well I think the state of Florida agrees about the suspension of license thing since his license got a lifetime suspension.

I think this sounds about right. Goodell got to make his point about how serious he takes situations like DUI and manslaughter and Stallworth gets to take an entire season off to reflect before trying to resurrect his career later.

Honestly even though I agree that DUI is bad and needs to be taken seriously I also think Stallworth has been punished enough. He wasn't even the only one at fault here, the guy shouldn't have decided to jaywalk across a major road even though he probably figured it was safe enough to do so.

Stallworth acted appropriately in response to what happened. (Note: I'm not condoning what he did here) He immediately stopped and called police, took immediate responsibility for what he did, reached a settlement with the family so they wouldn't have to bear the weight of the increased financial burden, said and did all the right things including placing himself at the mercy of the court and commissioner, and he also has a lifetime suspension of his drivers license as well as a year long suspension from the NFL. I think all that is sufficent punishment. What else could he have done to right the terrible wrong that he did? He did what Vick should've done after getting arrested and that's ultimately why he got a lighter sentence than Vick. If Vick had just come clean from the start he wouldn't have spent two years in prison.
Yep I agree, he did do all the right things, considering.
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Old 02-05-2010, 07:17 PM   #42
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Re: Stallworth suspended for the entire season

Originally Posted by CRedskinsRule View Post
Wow, ESPN just reported that Donte Stallworth's suspension will be lifted after the Superbowl. That seems ridiculous to me.
Had he veered off of the road and struck a pedestrian I'd agree. I know that DUI isn't right, but the guy stepped out in front of him, that can happen to anyone regardless of BAC.
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Old 02-05-2010, 07:22 PM   #43
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Re: Stallworth suspended for the entire season

Originally Posted by Giantone View Post
Malice......,Stallworth had no malice while Vick did.You must also understand the crime to understand the punishment.As was reported earlier ther was a vidio of this accident and as in Florida the man was killed while J-walking there by contributing to his own death.Where this comes into play is in the civil case....the family could it or not get nothing.This was all part a a plea arragement....and what was best for the rest of the victums family.
That and mooby's points are all well and good, I am not upset about the legal system, but the fact is Goodell has continually claimed that the legal system must finish first. If he is still under house arrest, then the legal system is not finished, regardless of being allowed to leave for work.
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Old 02-05-2010, 08:49 PM   #44
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Re: Stallworth suspended for the entire season

Originally Posted by stu_nna View Post
Im glad the NFL didnt just slap him on the wrist.
Only Michael Vick get's that type of treatment
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Old 02-05-2010, 09:08 PM   #45
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Re: Stallworth suspended for the entire season

Originally Posted by tryfuhl View Post
Had he veered off of the road and struck a pedestrian I'd agree. I know that DUI isn't right, but the guy stepped out in front of him, that can happen to anyone regardless of BAC.
Yeah, its horrible what happened, but there are risks in life, unfortunately people die premature sometimes. Its the same as if he had been drinking recklessly. He didnt intend to kill someone when he made bad judgement and got behind the wheel but it happened.
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