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is Glenn Beck for real?

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Old 07-30-2009, 09:37 AM   #31
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Re: is Glenn Beck for real?

OBAMA was right. Crowley lied in his police report. Two lies in his police report. Actually the police report is not facts. The 911 tapes are facts. Crowley lied.
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Old 07-30-2009, 12:14 PM   #32
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Re: is Glenn Beck for real?

Saying Obama is a rascist when he has a white mother and white grandparents is like saying George Bush speaks English at a 12 grade level...........................It just doesn't make any sense.
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Old 07-30-2009, 12:19 PM   #33
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Re: is Glenn Beck for real?

Originally Posted by joethiesmanfan View Post
The cops acted stupidly point blank period. The charges were dropped, couldn't stand up in any court of law even in South Carolina. In this system the cops can arrest you but the prosecutor has to prosecute. Now how can you prosecute if no crime was committed? Calling someone a racists who is not a racist is not a crime. Glenn Beck's point exactly. He was doing to Obama what Professor Gates did to the cop. The cops reaction was weak, he should have been more professional. You don't arrest people who have not committed a crime, unless you want the prosecutor to look at you like you acted stupidly when he has to drop the charges and apologize. I don't think the officer is racist, I just think he needs vacation or something. As for the black police officers. They better agree with the other cops, everyone understands that cops stick together.
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Old 07-30-2009, 12:40 PM   #34
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Re: is Glenn Beck for real?

Originally Posted by joethiesmanfan View Post
OBAMA was right. Crowley lied in his police report. Two lies in his police report. Actually the police report is not facts. The 911 tapes are facts. Crowley lied.
How so? I hadn't seen that anywhere.
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Old 07-30-2009, 01:37 PM   #35
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Re: is Glenn Beck for real?

Lie #1: Well, the 911 caller says she did not say the suspects were black. 911 call confirms her story. Crowley's report says she said two black suspects.

Lie #2: Crowley says he spoke to the 911 caller at the scene. 911 caller was never at the scene, did not kow what the scene was. she was relaying to 911 what an elderly lady had told her.

My suspicion: Crowley brings the professor to jail. What are the charges? Disorderly conduct. Here comes the lawyer: hmm, man at home, showed his ID, wasn't cooperating, cooperating with what?

Prosecutor: Not gonna embarass me in court. Gates would have a field day.

(Crowley slumped over his desk trying to use the race card to cover his stupid arrest that can't be prosecuted.)

Read any article about the 911 caller being upset at being called a racist and there you find the lies, documented. Let's have a beer, you were wrong Crowley, but no need to stir up the masses waiting to pounce on conspiracy theories about communism or the impending demotion of america's upper crust.
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Old 07-30-2009, 01:55 PM   #36
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Re: is Glenn Beck for real?

Logic and coherent argument are no friend of this thread. For every lucid point made, a string of rants seem to follow.

Ahhh, the parking lot - where intelligent discussion goes to die.
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Old 07-30-2009, 02:19 PM   #37
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Re: is Glenn Beck for real?

Originally Posted by joethiesmanfan View Post
Lie #1: Well, the 911 caller says she did not say the suspects were black. 911 call confirms her story. Crowley's report says she said two black suspects.
You do understand officers complete reports pretty much immediately after an incident. Considering all that happened, the fact that Crowley made this misstatement in his report has no bearing on what happpened. Also, 911 calls are relayed to officers through 911 center personnel, who knows what was actually relayed to Crowley.

Lie #2: Crowley says he spoke to the 911 caller at the scene. 911 caller was never at the scene, did not kow what the scene was. she was relaying to 911 what an elderly lady had told her.
If these are the actual police reports:

Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Police Report - July 23, 2009

Then Officer Figueroa and Ms. Whalen are liars also. You don't have your facts straight. Ms. Whalen was on-scene.

My suspicion: Crowley brings the professor to jail. What are the charges? Disorderly conduct. Here comes the lawyer: hmm, man at home, showed his ID, wasn't cooperating, cooperating with what?

Prosecutor: Not gonna embarass me in court. Gates would have a field day.

(Crowley slumped over his desk trying to use the race card to cover his stupid arrest that can't be prosecuted.)
How about this. City of Cambridge doesn't want an ongoing, racially charged, and very expensive media circus along with wasting man-hours on prosecution of a disorderly conduct charge.

I guess this doesn't matter either (from CNN):

Obama: I didn't mean to slight Cambridge police -

"Numerous police officers, including African-Americans, have spoken up on Crowley's behalf and portrayed him as a good and fair officer. Crowley, who is white, had once been chosen by a black police officer to teach a police academy course on ways to avoid racial profiling.
Obama said he had heard of Crowley's record, saying, "I don't know all the extenuating circumstances, and as I said, I respect what police officers do. From what I can tell, the sergeant who was involved is an outstanding police officer, but my suspicion is probably it would have been better if cooler heads prevailed."
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Old 07-30-2009, 02:28 PM   #38
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Re: is Glenn Beck for real?

Point 1. We should respect the police department they do a dangerous job.
Point 2. Having said that, in the American justice system we have checks and balances.
Point 3. Lieing on police reports distorts the public's view of the police department.
Point 4. Once the police make an arrest the prosecutors look at the charges. If it's a bogus arrest, charges get dropped.
Point 5. Charges got dropped. Arrest not justified.
Point 6. Glenn Beck's strategy is to find wedge issues, Obama against the common blue collar guy.
Point 7. The average blue collar guy has had to deal with arbitrary arrests "disorderly conduct" with the police.
Point 8. Thank God for checks and balances. Take me to jail if you want, i will see you in court or not. If the prosecutor can't find a law i have broken.
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Old 07-30-2009, 02:28 PM   #39
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Re: is Glenn Beck for real?

Originally Posted by wolfeskins View Post
obama is definately a racist, imo. he's surrounded himself with a few others as well. hell, he just nominated a racist for the supreme court. just because someone is "bright" does'nt mean they're not racist.

by the way, has obama ever showed proof he was born in the USA ?
Absolutely. He also showed a lot of racial bias in his immediate conclusion jumping after the Professor Gates debacle...saying the police acted "stupidly" by arresting Gates, before even getting the facts of the case. Gates was the perpetrator in everything that went wrong in that incident. The police responded to a home that had previously been broken into twice before from a call that two men were outside, prying on the door with a crowbar. All the cop did was ask for ID and Gates flipped out with accusations of racism. It's all recorded.

He surrounds himself with racists and is even building things such as preferential treatment to blacks in some of these healthcare and stimulus bills in lieu of reparations.

Amy Ridenour's National Center Blog: Race Preferences in Health Care Bill

American Thinker: Racial Preferences in the Democrats' Health Care Bill

He's definitely trying to follow his pastor for 20 years and trying to push the black community into a position of power and superiority over white Americans. He's just counting on these multi-thousand page bills will not be read before their passing...which is Congress' (at least the majority party's modus operandi.

To not see President Obama's racist tendencies is to be very naive.
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Old 07-30-2009, 02:30 PM   #40
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Re: is Glenn Beck for real?

Originally Posted by joethiesmanfan View Post
The cops acted stupidly point blank period. The charges were dropped, couldn't stand up in any court of law even in South Carolina. In this system the cops can arrest you but the prosecutor has to prosecute. Now how can you prosecute if no crime was committed? Calling someone a racists who is not a racist is not a crime. Glenn Beck's point exactly. He was doing to Obama what Professor Gates did to the cop. The cops reaction was weak, he should have been more professional. You don't arrest people who have not committed a crime, unless you want the prosecutor to look at you like you acted stupidly when he has to drop the charges and apologize. I don't think the officer is racist, I just think he needs vacation or something. As for the black police officers. They better agree with the other cops, everyone understands that cops stick together.
Not cooperating with police is deserving of an arrest. You sound as racially-biased as Gates and the President.
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Old 07-30-2009, 02:49 PM   #41
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Re: is Glenn Beck for real?

Originally Posted by Buster View Post
Not cooperating with police is deserving of an arrest. You sound as racially-biased as Gates and the President.

If I am at home and I have shown the officer my ID that provs I live there, then I have cooperated. Stand outside for what? I protest i live here. Have not committed a crime. You made up a crime because you want me to step outside for what?

Slingin Sammy point to my racist arguments. Point by point. No matter what color the officers are I am looking at the arrest. Just because the other officers are black is not gonna make me say ohh?!! you can go to someone's home tell them to do something and if they dont do it you go to jail. What's the complaint. What law did he break is my only point.
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Old 07-30-2009, 02:59 PM   #42
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Re: is Glenn Beck for real?

I hear what you are saying, but listen, if a police officer comes to your door, I think you have an obligation to be respectful. He was doing his job, and responding to an alleged crime. Once he had established that Mr. Gates was the legal resident, then yes he should back out. BUT, and I think this is important, Professor Gates could have chosen not to walk out. And just closed the door. but he followed him out, yelling and acting more like a guy (any ethnicity) "off the street" then a Harvard Professor. And he was told to "chill" several times. Really, if someone acted stupidly, I would have said Prof. Gates did. Now the officers could have, and probably should have, just walked away, with the famous line - "Nothing to see here" but they did not.

The fact that charges were dropped was as much of a political decision as a reflection of a lack of case or poor policework.
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Old 07-30-2009, 03:11 PM   #43
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Re: is Glenn Beck for real?

Originally Posted by Buster View Post
He's definitely trying to follow his pastor for 20 years and trying to push the black community into a position of power and superiority over white Americans. He's just counting on these multi-thousand page bills will not be read before their passing...which is Congress' (at least the majority party's modus operandi.
Having a bi-racial president scares you? This is a teaching moment!!!! Misconceptions such as these keep our country from being as effective as it needs to be in a changing global climate. We have to be united.
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Old 07-30-2009, 03:19 PM   #44
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Re: is Glenn Beck for real?

Originally Posted by CRedskinsRule View Post
The fact that charges were dropped was as much of a political decision as a reflection of a lack of case or poor policework.
If a crime was not committed then no jail. He was a butthole, no crime there.

Private property no disorderly conduct. Crowley is not a racist he got offended by being called one took a man to jail and had no case. Unprofessional.
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Old 07-30-2009, 03:24 PM   #45
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Re: is Glenn Beck for real?

No one is obligated to cooperate with the police. THE 5TH AMENDMENT
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