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NFL Rumor Central: Does Vick have a future in Frisco?

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Old 01-25-2009, 04:58 PM   #31
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Re: NFL Rumor Central: Does Vick have a future in Frisco?

He deserves a second chance he paid his debt to society, its up to the commish to see what happens. If you think he shouldn't be in the league then you obviously have not looked at other athletes who have done just as bad of things as Michael has done and has been let back in the league. Like I said before if you made a mistake wouldn't you want a second opportunity to prove yourself as a better individual. You would! And thats my point
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Old 01-25-2009, 05:10 PM   #32
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Re: NFL Rumor Central: Does Vick have a future in Frisco?

Not to minimize Vick's crime, but I generally agree with the following Chris Rock quote from election season:

"The crowd went crazy with applause when they showed a big picture of Sarah Palin next to the Moose she just killed, and Mike Vick is saying to himself, 'why am I in jail?'" -Chris Rock
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Old 01-25-2009, 05:24 PM   #33
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Re: NFL Rumor Central: Does Vick have a future in Frisco?

Originally Posted by Ruhskins View Post
My only question is where was your outrage when Leonard Little killed that woman, served 90 days in jail, and was allowed to play again? Do you even know that the NFL allowed a guy who killed a human being while driving drunk to play again?

Once again, I don't justify Vick, nor do I think he's a good person whatsoever. I'm just sick and tired of people acting like this is the worst thing an NFL player has done (even though his career was ruined and went to jail for a year). Oh and in case someone starts accusing me of being insensitive, I'm a dog owner.

Please people, there are rapist, child molesters, murderers, that b/c they have money are able to get away with their crime, continue with their lives as if nothing happened. Ok, maybe Goodell should ban Vick for another year. But then again, he gave Pacman Jones a chance, so if Jones got a chance, then Vick should.
Sorry but I didn't and still don't know anything about Leonard Little and if I had known, I would have felt that he should be banned for life. I felt the same about Lewis, another thug who got away with murder.
I've been very disappointed in the NFL the past 10 years or so due to the lax atmosphere about letting thugs get away with murder and turning what was once a true sport, into an entertainment business. It's starting to look like the World Wrestling Federation these days, with all of the dancing and individual entertainment by Players who make it all about themselves and the fans fall for it, hook, line and sinker.
I'm not against Vick ever playing again but he still needs to serve his punishment by the NFL. He was one hell of an athlete but not much of a QB. I hope this has made him a better person because it's not going to matter what he does on the football field, it's what he does with his life that matters.
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Old 01-25-2009, 06:10 PM   #34
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Re: NFL Rumor Central: Does Vick have a future in Frisco?

I think all points are valid. And respected. I didn't know about some of the others like lenard lewis either. And I'm glad PAC is gone. Maybe I'm being to hard on Vick. I'll have to consider it a little longer. I just don't want the NFL to become a sport of no integrity or consequences.

As far ad Sarah Palin standing next to the moose she killed. He(Chris Rock) was making his usual ignorant racist (joke) point. Shooting a moose is not against the law. Drowning, electricuting, and hanging dogs to death is. And takes a twisted person to commit such an act. I may be wrong.

Side note: I didn't vote for Palin
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Old 01-25-2009, 09:17 PM   #35
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Re: NFL Rumor Central: Does Vick have a future in Frisco?

Originally Posted by MdBluefinCrab View Post
Sorry but I didn't and still don't know anything about Leonard Little and if I had known, I would have felt that he should be banned for life. I felt the same about Lewis, another thug who got away with murder.
I've been very disappointed in the NFL the past 10 years or so due to the lax atmosphere about letting thugs get away with murder and turning what was once a true sport, into an entertainment business. It's starting to look like the World Wrestling Federation these days, with all of the dancing and individual entertainment by Players who make it all about themselves and the fans fall for it, hook, line and sinker.
I'm not against Vick ever playing again but he still needs to serve his punishment by the NFL. He was one hell of an athlete but not much of a QB. I hope this has made him a better person because it's not going to matter what he does on the football field, it's what he does with his life that matters.
The evidence showed that Lewis was not the guy stabbing anyone and he was found not guilty of murder cause of a total lack of evidence. It was his two thug friends. Lewis just obstructed justice by lying about what he saw. BIG DIFFERENCE. Leiws was just really stupid and used horrible judgement about who he ran with.

IMO Leonard Little should not be playing in the NFL. He killed someone drinking and driving and then after he killed an innocent women he did it again. Should have a lifetime ban.
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Old 01-25-2009, 09:22 PM   #36
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Re: NFL Rumor Central: Does Vick have a future in Frisco?

If Vick is let back in the NFL then SF should look at all the options cause their QB situation is really bad. Hill is not a 16 game starter and Smith is a total 100% bust. But Vick hasn't even thrown a ball in a few years, hasn't studied any film or seen live action. It's going to take some time for him to get his skills back.
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Old 01-25-2009, 09:37 PM   #37
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Re: NFL Rumor Central: Does Vick have a future in Frisco?

Originally Posted by skinsfan69 View Post
If Vick is let back in the NFL then SF should look at all the options cause their QB situation is really bad. Hill is not a 16 game starter and Smith is a total 100% bust. But Vick hasn't even thrown a ball in a few years, hasn't studied any film or seen live action. It's going to take some time for him to get his skills back.
the SF situation just highlights there are some really shitty QBs in the league and Vick brings serious talent to the table so you have to believe FOs will look at him. He'd make a great replacement for T-jack in Minnesota. Altogether he'd probably be an instant upgrade at the position for 5-10 teams out there.
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Old 01-25-2009, 10:11 PM   #38
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Re: NFL Rumor Central: Does Vick have a future in Frisco?

Originally Posted by rypper11 View Post
Bit of a side comment, but I own a small painting company and I can't hire anyone with felonies in the past ten years. If I do, my insurances (liability and workers comp) rise. So if I hired a felon then I'd have to pay everyone less because a higher percentage of salaries are going to pay insurance. You are either concerned about people stealing tools, equipment and customers property or injuring customers. I know that "he paid his time" and should be returned to society, but that's not the way most of society works. There are very few industries (entertainment being the obvious exception) where any recent criminal record doesn't hurt your employment. Even if you are hiring him to clean port a johns you don't want to see him on the news being pulled out of your company truck at his next arrest.

That being said, I just don't think he is a very good quarterback and it might have been the best thing to happen to the Falcons that he was sent to jail. However, if he can catch the ball, imagine him returning punts and kickoffs? You know, somewhere else.
I sell Insurance and have never seen that question aboout felons on any applications but I'm in Va so Nc could be different.
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Old 01-25-2009, 10:38 PM   #39
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Re: NFL Rumor Central: Does Vick have a future in Frisco?

Originally Posted by Larry Michael is Satan View Post
Not to minimize Vick's crime, but I generally agree with the following Chris Rock quote from election season:

"The crowd went crazy with applause when they showed a big picture of Sarah Palin next to the Moose she just killed, and Mike Vick is saying to himself, 'why am I in jail?'" -Chris Rock
I think Chris Rock was truly joking. Although I'm sure the same people that demonize Vick were probably not happy about Palin either.
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Old 01-25-2009, 11:29 PM   #40
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Re: NFL Rumor Central: Does Vick have a future in Frisco?

Originally Posted by skinsfan69 View Post
The evidence showed that Lewis was not the guy stabbing anyone and he was found not guilty of murder cause of a total lack of evidence. It was his two thug friends. Lewis just obstructed justice by lying about what he saw. BIG DIFFERENCE. Leiws was just really stupid and used horrible judgement about who he ran with.

IMO Leonard Little should not be playing in the NFL. He killed someone drinking and driving and then after he killed an innocent women he did it again. Should have a lifetime ban.
Agreed. I'm pretty sure if Little had pulled that shit on Goodell's watch he'd be done for good in football. Tagliabue was pretty soft on discipline.

The fact that he killed someone while drunk driving is awful. The fact that he would drink and drive AFTER that happened is just totally despicable.
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Old 01-26-2009, 11:27 AM   #41
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Re: NFL Rumor Central: Does Vick have a future in Frisco?

The comparisons to Pacman et al are interesting, but Pacman's situation is the only one really worth taking a look at as Goodell essetentially set the bar w/his treatment of Pacman. L. Little, as GMscud said, did his crimes before the conduct policy & Goodell.

Goodell will have a tough choice to make when Vick gets out, essentially a no-win choice at that. If he suspends Vick some will say that's too harsh because he's already paid his debt in jail, etc. Plus, he will set a precedent of sorts.

If he doesn't suspend him, then the nfl might take a PR beating. That in itself might be enough for Goodell to suspend him. I think he'll probably reinstate him w/some form of probation. I also think Vick deserves another chance.

Back to the original point of the thread, if SF or anyone else signs him, realistically how long will the anti-Vick stuff go on? think about it, does PETA or any other group actually have the stamina to consistently protest, picket or whatever else they do, for an entire nfl season? I don't think they would, or if they did they'd lose effectiveness.

Do Native American groups still protest outside Skins' games over the team's name? If they do, I haven't noticed it being any big deal.

In other words, I think Vick will sign somewhere, there will be a few weeks of outcry (much of it in the preseason) then it will blow over.
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Old 01-26-2009, 11:57 AM   #42
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Re: NFL Rumor Central: Does Vick have a future in Frisco?

Originally Posted by Larry Michael is Satan View Post
Not to minimize Vick's crime, but I generally agree with the following Chris Rock quote from election season:

"The crowd went crazy with applause when they showed a big picture of Sarah Palin next to the Moose she just killed, and Mike Vick is saying to himself, 'why am I in jail?'" -Chris Rock
Just curious was the moose beaten and then asked to fight others for sport and then electrocuted or strangled to death by Palin?

Just askin'...
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Old 01-26-2009, 01:44 PM   #43
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Re: NFL Rumor Central: Does Vick have a future in Frisco?

Originally Posted by TheMalcolmConnection View Post
Just curious was the moose beaten and then asked to fight others for sport and then electrocuted or strangled to death by Palin?

Just askin'...
Dude, just drop the Chris Rock joke, the Palin-Vick comparison is not fair and not worth mentioning. Just because the same PETA people that demonized Vick would demonized Palin for her hunting, doesn't make it the same thing.
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Old 01-26-2009, 05:24 PM   #44
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Re: NFL Rumor Central: Does Vick have a future in Frisco?

I definitely think Vick will be back in the league and will start as a QB. He is going to be a solid player anywhere he goes the media hype that he's a terrible teammate is overshadowing the Falcons success when he was there. They were a playoff contender and a very good team with him behind center he will find work quickly when he gets out.
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Old 01-26-2009, 05:25 PM   #45
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Re: NFL Rumor Central: Does Vick have a future in Frisco?

Also people have done much worse then run dog fighting, its somethign that just hits a nerve with the american public this guy isn't as much of a gangster as some of the other trouble makers in the league.
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