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Don Imus

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Old 04-10-2007, 05:34 PM   #31
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Re: Don Imus

Originally Posted by firstdown View Post
Not sure if you know what your talking about. Imus was on a one and one interview with Ail Sharpton when this happened. Can you give us any link to back up whatyoue have stated as fact. There has been nothing in what i have read and that would make this even a bigger deal.
Imus was on a one-on-one interview with Sharpton when what happened? The racial slurs? No, sorry. That was on Imus' radio show. Also, when Imus was interviewed by Sharpton, on Sharpton's radio show, it was not one-on-one. Maybe I have misunderstood you, and you can clarify.

If you want links, check the ones posted in this thread.
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Old 04-10-2007, 05:36 PM   #32
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Re: Don Imus

Originally Posted by 12thMan View Post
Here's my take very quickly. And I have some very strong opinions about incidents like this one. For the record, I think Inus is a jackass and perhaps racist. Although I'm not totally sure about the latter.

But I will say that we have a double standard in today's society. Had it been JayZ or Diddy who said it, we wouldn't have this same reaction. I promise you that.

I think, in part, Imus, is and has been like subject to our present day culture that makes it acceptable for certain people to say things, but when a white man says it, it's immidiately catorgorized as racism or bigotry.
If a Jewish man makes insults to another Jewish man using degrading remarks related to physical characteristics used to describe Jews by the Nazi's, it reveals a deep level of self-hatred , ignorance and a completely absent knowledge of their history. The reason a white person in the public or private sector should be held accountable for a racist remark against a non-white person is because the very language and racist meaning of the terms were created by whites to attempt to justify their superiority over all non-white people. Coon, Sambo, Negro were used to make an entire race feel that they were less than human. This is the history of America in black and white. Rappers are mental casualties of war who were left to survive for themselves in the streets of America with no real understanding of who they are , where they come from and how words can be used to empower or destroy a peoples minds.
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Old 04-10-2007, 05:56 PM   #33
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Re: Don Imus

Imus isn't just a shock jock... he's a syndicated host on MSNBC with ties to several politicians inside the beltway, including McCain. Just because the term "hoes" is used in many a rap song to objectify women, Imus doesn't have the right to conjoin the terms "nappy headed" and "hoes" to describe actual women playing for a team. You're specifically calling a group of women (not just a generalization) whores with unprocessed hair.

Would it have been appropriate to call the team "watermelon-eating tricks?" There's nothing inherently wrong with the term "watermelon-eating", but in the context of stereotypes it is dead wrong. Imus is an ass.
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Old 04-11-2007, 10:51 PM   #34
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Re: Don Imus


MSNBC Pulls Plug On Don Imus, Cable Network Responds To Growing Outrage By Dropping Simulcast Of "Imus In The Morning" - CBS News
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Old 04-11-2007, 11:08 PM   #35
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Re: Don Imus

"MSNBC's decision to drop the simulcast came after a growing list of sponsors — including American Express Co., Staples Inc., Procter & Gamble Co., and General Motors Corp. — said they were pulling ads from Imus' show for the indefinite future."

Damn. That's a lot of money in sponsorship.

I'm appalled at what he said, and he deserves what he gets. Yet, I kinda feel sorry for him. Not for his punishment -- because he's a moron. What a stupid way to end a career.
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Old 04-11-2007, 11:30 PM   #36
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Re: Don Imus

My uncle made a pretty good point to me tonight. He said "You know, if someone like Chris Rock said these comments, we wouldn't ever here about it"...

I kind of agree with him.

Granted, I've despised Imus for quite a long time, but I think my uncle had a point.

IMO I think the only reason he got yanked was because the advertisers pulled out. It was merely a business decision, so don't give MS NBC any credit for being "noble" or anything to that cause.

Imus is and always has been a bastard... so I don't think that's any news.
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Old 04-11-2007, 11:38 PM   #37
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Re: Don Imus

This thread is like beating a dead horse. It is all the media has talked about over the coarse of the entire week. Yes what he said was messed up because it was the wrong venue to state it apparently. Had that been the Chapelle show or Mind of Mencia, it would just have been blown off as comedy. But, oh no! a white man makes a racial remark, and now its not commedy its racism. Get the F*** outta here. Its either all comedy, or its all racism, I'm tired of all of this double standard S***. Because I know that many of you are curious now. For the record I'm white, my step-father which I consider my Father is Puerto Rican. I have a Black uncle, mixed cousins, a Native American Aunt, and an Italian Grandfather. I served in the military with every race creed color and gender, and I work for a minority owned business. So nothing I have said can be thrown out as me being biased. I am just tired of this crap. Cant we all just get along? Damn!
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Old 04-11-2007, 11:57 PM   #38
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Re: Don Imus

I dont know much about Imus, but I did watch the clip where he made that statement, plus I have seen the whole one on one with sharpton and his multiple apologies.

Look he said what he said, and honestly it might be good he did. It brought up an issue of racism that we usually try to hide. Now I am glad the public is out there talking about it. But just staying mad at him doesn't accomplish anything. You have to learn from the situation and move on.
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Old 04-11-2007, 11:59 PM   #39
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Re: Don Imus

The main difference between Imus and rappers/comedians is that he called a specific group of women nappy head hos. While not acceptable rappers don't direct insults like that at specific people (unless they are beefing with them).

As for comedians they are in the business of satire. Brian (the dog) in Family Guy constantly makes racist comments about black people but no one rides Seth McFarland about it and they shouldn't. What about South Park? Man, they are out there and funny at that. It's making fun of stereotypes and it hurts no one in particular, well, maybe Tom Cruise and Scientologists.

Imus on the other hand said really hurtful things. You may not see it that way but a lot of people do. If Imus' sponsors pull out on him, well, that's his fault. Weather just or not. Would he even be allowed on the air again if he said some racist stuff about Jews?

People should be accountable for shit that comes out of their mouths and Imus is getting his. I doubt we have seen the last of him. He'll probably be back after things have cooled down.
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Old 04-12-2007, 12:08 AM   #40
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Re: Don Imus

So when Carlos Mencia did the Racial Olympics he wasn't pointing out specific Individuals? Then who was competing?
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Old 04-12-2007, 12:17 AM   #41
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Re: Don Imus

Originally Posted by angryssg View Post
So when Carlos Mencia did the Racial Olympics he wasn't pointing out specific Individuals? Then who was competing?
Are you talking about this? If not, you need to provide a link.
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Old 04-12-2007, 12:22 AM   #42
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Re: Don Imus

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
The main difference between Imus and rappers/comedians is that he called a specific group of women nappy head hos. While not acceptable rappers don't direct insults like that at specific people.

As for comedians they are in the business of satire. Brian (the dog) in Family Guy constantly makes racist comments about black people but no one rides Seth McFarland about it and they shouldn't. What about South Park? Man, they are out there and funny at that. It's making fun of stereotypes and it hurts no one in particular, well, maybe Tom Cruise and Scientologists.

Imus on the other hand said really hurtful things. You may not see it that way but a lot of people do. If Imus' sponsors pull out on him, well, that's his fault. Weather just or not. Would even be allowed on the air again if he said some racist stuff about Jews?

People should be accountable for shit that comes out of their mouths and Imus is getting his. I doubt we have seen the last of him. He'll probably be back after things have cooled down.
But what are we achieving as a community by crucifying him? That is what the media and the majority of people are trying to do in this thread. There is a difference from setting an example or just not growing as a society.

It is good to discuss the issue, I mean Imus has some racist issues, but if he does alot of America must too. Instead of making him the scapegoat let's try to discuss why people act like this and try to grow as a society.
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Old 04-12-2007, 12:29 AM   #43
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Re: Don Imus

Rob has an interesting point. I guess it's true that a lot of minority comedians make fun of other minority groups or white people and society doesn't bat an eye. But, even if it is hypocritical, it's hard to feel real bad for Imus. The guy is a millionaire who got to talk for living about sports, etc.
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Old 04-12-2007, 12:35 AM   #44
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Re: Don Imus

Originally Posted by hooskins View Post
But what are we achieving as a community by crucifying him? That is what the media and the majority of people are trying to do in this thread. There is a difference from setting an example or just not growing as a society.

It is good to discuss the issue, I mean Imus has some racist issues, but if he does alot of America must too. Instead of making him the scapegoat let's try to discuss why people act like this and try to grow as a society.
To be honest, I don't want to see him fired but I can definitely see advertisers pulling their ads from his show. Like someone else said, it's just business.

I think the main pontificator of this whole thing is the media. They are running wild with it instead of talking about more important issues. In my mind this is just the next best thing after the Anna Nicole Smith saga.
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Old 04-12-2007, 12:39 AM   #45
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Re: Don Imus

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
I think the main pontificator of this whole thing is the media. They are running wild with it instead of talking about more important issues. In my mind this is just the next best thing after the Anna Nicole Smith saga.
Seriously, there is a war in Iraq and Afghanistan, a possible recession on the horizon, and tons of political scandals, but somehow Imus, lacrosse players, and Anna Nicole seem to be the lead stories. But, then again, those are the stories that I keep making posts about.
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