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Gibbs needs help

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Old 01-17-2006, 02:13 AM   #31
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Thumbs up Re: Gibbs needs help

Originally Posted by Luxorreb
Gibbs = Playoffs.
For those nonbelievers and doubters go to NOW!!!
To doubt Gibbs is ridiculous unless maybe you're Sally Jenkins. We were 5-6 and made it to the 2nd round of the playoffs. Before you bitch about Gibbs address Parcells, Coughlin, Dungee, Gruden, Reid, Martz, Mora, Fisher, Vermeil, Schottenheimer, Turner, etc. We're better with Gibbs than anyone.
If ya don't believe then find another team, because the Redskins owe their entire championship legacy to JOE GIBBS!!!

Yes, he won 3 outta 4 championships, but George Allen brought the winning tradition to the Redskins. He brought the first Championship team to the Redskins. Gibbs just finished it off for him. ;] Gotta show George some love... sorry. Lol.
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Old 01-17-2006, 03:23 AM   #32
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Re: Gibbs needs help

When did Allen win a Championship with the Redskins? What championship team are talking about the one that lost to Miami?
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Old 01-17-2006, 08:22 AM   #33
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Re: Gibbs needs help

Originally Posted by CooleyFan
Yes, he won 3 outta 4 championships, but George Allen brought the winning tradition to the Redskins. He brought the first Championship team to the Redskins. Gibbs just finished it off for him. ;] Gotta show George some love... sorry. Lol.
Are you talking about an NFC Championship? You do know the Redskins lost to the undefeated Miami Dolphins back in the 70's when Allen was coach.
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Old 01-17-2006, 08:45 AM   #34
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Re: Gibbs needs help

Originally Posted by CooleyFan
Now, let me just start this out by saying....

Joe Gibbs has given me a reason to believe in my Redskins once again. Gibby needs help. Musgrave sucks. West Coast? No. The NFL isn't going to be slow enough for the counter tray, or these line pulls anymore. It's a dying breed of offense, and there is no place in football for it anymore. We need to go out in the off season and get an offensive mind to help poor Joe. I love Joe, but I need to say what everyone else is scared to say. He's too old.

I think if we got a good West Coast guy... like (i hate to say it) but ol' Norval Turner, maybe we can establish more of a deep impact. I friggin hate Norv, but he is an offensive mind. Have you guys seen the forlorn looks on ol' Joe's face everytime the offense falters? He can't understand the fast pace game. I know I'm gonna get hate mail, but it needs to be addressed. I know Joe is a genius, and I hope he proves me wrong, but he will NOT take us to a SuperBowl. I hope he proves me wrong.

What team have you watched all year? Musgrave does not run HIS offense, it Gibbs and HIS offense. Musgrave was brought here to help Brunell, They were together in Jacksonville. He may have suggested the shotgun, but that is about it. dont think for a second that we are running any sort of offense other that what Gibbs wants. Secondly, Norv Turner does not run a west coast offense. If anything its much like a Gibbs offense where he like to run the ball heavy, and hit you deep. Some mis directions and Tuners did run the counter trey, as alot of teams now do. The pulling of guards or tackles is part of the NFL today, and will be. The guards and tackles are more athletic and fast and can get moving downfield and plow holes big enough for trucks to drive through. Gibbs may be 65, but why is that old. Dude, this was the best year we have had since 99. we had a 3000 yard passer, 1500 yard rusher and a 1400 almost 1500 yard receiver and cooley had a hell of a year with 60-70 receptions. I dont know what you are watching dude, but tune in next year for another good season of Redskins football.
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Old 01-17-2006, 09:55 AM   #35
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Re: Gibbs needs help

Originally Posted by #56fanatic
What team have you watched all year? Musgrave does not run HIS offense, it Gibbs and HIS offense. Musgrave was brought here to help Brunell, They were together in Jacksonville. He may have suggested the shotgun, but that is about it. dont think for a second that we are running any sort of offense other that what Gibbs wants. Secondly, Norv Turner does not run a west coast offense. If anything its much like a Gibbs offense where he like to run the ball heavy, and hit you deep. Some mis directions and Tuners did run the counter trey, as alot of teams now do. The pulling of guards or tackles is part of the NFL today, and will be. The guards and tackles are more athletic and fast and can get moving downfield and plow holes big enough for trucks to drive through. Gibbs may be 65, but why is that old. Dude, this was the best year we have had since 99. we had a 3000 yard passer, 1500 yard rusher and a 1400 almost 1500 yard receiver and cooley had a hell of a year with 60-70 receptions. I dont know what you are watching dude, but tune in next year for another good season of Redskins football.
I agree good points across the board.

Norv definitely does not run the west coast.

There probably isn't a single team in the league that doesn't have counter plays in their playbook.
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Old 01-17-2006, 10:34 AM   #36
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Re: Gibbs needs help

Here is a must-read by Boswell (sent to me by warpather grayacre):

Gibbs and his offensive staff are up to speed on the NFL of '06. But they still believe that fundamental football, properly executed, will work in any era. Fine offenses work for a reason. Each play complements other plays and disguises future options. The success of one play, which must then be defended, sets up the success of entirely different plays. Gibbs and his buddies have not worked all their lives to throw away that enormous accumulated knowledge for the sake of a few new wrinkles.

"Some offensive concepts work year after year," said offensive coordinator Don Breaux. "You can tweak them. But the truth is that a lot of us do the same things. And, with computers, it's now much easier to see anything new that anybody in the league develops. It just flies around the league in no time. We incorporated some things that New England does during the last offseason. But any coach who has accomplished anything has a belief system. Joe has a system and he believes in it."

So, don't expect to see new formations, new strategies or significantly different play-calling next season. It's just not going to happen. Gibbs will be Gibbs. To find out if that approach to offense is good enough in the current NFL, one thing is essential. Gibbs has assembled his new Hogs and his 1,500-yard running back. He has as good a deep receiver in Moss as he's ever coached and in Chris Cooley he may have his best H-back ever. Between Mark Brunell (23 touchdown passes, only 10 interceptions) and the young Campbell, he now has quarterbacks who are comparable to his list of non-Hall-of-Famers in the past.

What Gibbs does not have is a second wide receiver who is even remotely equivalent to the kind of player his system demands. Until that void is corrected, the Redskins probably won't go any further than they did this season. If they do, then Gibbs will have a fair chance to prove that, past the age of 65, he can go all the way to a fifth Super Bowl.
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Old 01-20-2006, 07:00 PM   #37
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Re: Gibbs needs help

Now that Saunders is signed Musgrave bites the dust, perhaps? As reported on every coach was retained! That's ridiculous as having Raymer filling in at RG. Who's decision was that?
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Old 01-20-2006, 07:17 PM   #38
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Re: Gibbs needs help

Originally Posted by EXoffender
Now that Saunders is signed Musgrave bites the dust, perhaps? As reported on every coach was retained! That's ridiculous as having Raymer filling in at RG. Who's decision was that?
don't you know that gibbs knows what hes doing by now
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Old 01-20-2006, 08:13 PM   #39
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Re: Gibbs needs help

Originally Posted by EXoffender
Now that Saunders is signed Musgrave bites the dust, perhaps? As reported on every coach was retained! That's ridiculous as having Raymer filling in at RG. Who's decision was that?
Musgrave is the personal trainer for the QB's during the season. He obviously helps break things down in the offseason and contributes to the offense with regards to what the QB needs to be successful, but he is not the offensive coordinator (as some have implied).

Gibbs plans on leaving in a few years and wants to leave the orginization with the guys to keep it going. I expect to see Don Breaux gone next year or moved to consultant or something. Saunders will be (and is now) the guy on offense.
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Old 01-20-2006, 09:47 PM   #40
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Re: Gibbs needs help

Originally Posted by steveo395
don't you know that gibbs knows what hes doing by now
How dare I second guess coach? Hail Gibbs!
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Old 01-20-2006, 11:02 PM   #41
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Re: Gibbs needs help

This guy actually asked for Norv Turner back?

Why don't you just ask for Jimmy Johnson.

That makes me sick. There will never be another Cowboy on the coaching staff, period.
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Old 01-20-2006, 11:11 PM   #42
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Re: Gibbs needs help

Originally Posted by Grim21Reaper
This guy actually asked for Norv Turner back?

Why don't you just ask for Jimmy Johnson.

That makes me sick. There will never be another Cowboy on the coaching staff, period.
Who cares whether or not someone coached for the Cowboys?

Hell, I'd shine Jerry Jones' shoes myself if it meant the Redskins winning another Superbowl.
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Old 01-20-2006, 11:51 PM   #43
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Re: Gibbs needs help

Why don't you tell that to Doc Walker.

Obviously you aren't a real fan.
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Old 01-22-2006, 05:36 PM   #44
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Re: Gibbs needs help

Originally Posted by SC Skins Fan
Did Clinton Portis have 1,500 yds this year? Oh I must have misread those numbers because having those sort of stats would be impossible in such an anachronistic offensive scheme. Also, the so-called West Coast offense is built upon short passes not a vertical passing game and as someone else pointed out Norv Turner does not run a West Coast scheme (was there a more inept offense with more talent than the Raiders this year, by the way). Why don't you go pick up Football for Dummies before you make more foolish posts. Oh, and Musgrave was a quarterbacks coach he wasn't up in the booth calling plays, if you really really need someone to kick after a loss (clearly you are a fairweather type) then I'm not sure Bill should be the #1 target.

See dummy? We DID GO GET AN OFFENSIVE COORDINATOR. LOOK WHO FEELS DUMB NOW DUMMY. Keep talkin shit. Fairweather I am not. I've been a diehard fan since I was old enough to know what a football was. Thanks.
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Old 01-22-2006, 05:49 PM   #45
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Re: Gibbs needs help

Originally Posted by wolfeskins
while i don't put all our offensive problems on joe gibbs, i must say he still needs to open it up a bit more. he opened it up this year compared to last but not quite enough. having another dependable wr could help out big time though. i guess he couldn't do but so much having only portis, cooley and moss.

We did open it up more, but you do gotta understand halfway through the season, teams were studying Santana Moss in the videorooms, and had all the plays and everything called. It was very hard to get single man-man defense on Santana, so it was hard for him to get open. They all shut him down pretty good after that Dallas game. Hard to open it up when you have two safeties and a CB on Santana Moss, suffocating him. Cooley isn't that fast, but he has JUST enough to get into the secondary, past the linebackers. Weapons are precious. Once a team nabs your style, you gotta do other things just to get it done.
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