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Old 08-20-2005, 10:05 AM   #16
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Re: Thoughts on the game

I agree with that statement.

Give a shout out to my boys on the D. The first team unit played well despite all the injuries.
P. Prioleau had a great game and looked good. He is a very solid tackler. Great and inexpensive pick up. Hopefully Snyder learned from Williams on this pick up.

C. Clemons continues to look good in his new position

The 1st team offensive line continues to show signs of much improved play from last year, they played really well last night. They opened up some running lanes and protected Ramsey; this this time you cannot blame them for Ramseys inconsistant play.
R. Cartwright and Broughton had very impressive game. Rock averaged 7.5 yards a carry! Broughton averaged 5 tough yards per carry. Broughton is a keeper.
Ramsey was booed on the first three drives for continued poor play from last week. But he snapped out of it and had a handful of great throws mixed in with his bad ones. I hate to say it but Ramsey is still inconsistant. On one of his interceptions, he never took his eyes off the receiver; he telegraphed it. Not the sign of a third year NFL QB.
Although some of his completions were awesome, threaded the needle on a couple of them. The lone TD pass Ramsey has in in 2005 came off a great interception from Carlos Rogers. I like Carlos!
So you have to say Ramsey has yet to drive the team down the field for a TD in 2005: in something like 15 drives. My boy Sonny J. was keeping track last night.

Last edited by Defensewins; 08-20-2005 at 10:18 AM.
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Old 08-20-2005, 10:13 AM   #17
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Re: Thoughts on the game

Ramsey is trash......I keep making excuses for him and I'm done with that. He looked horrible last night. We are going to live and die with Ramsey this year and we might limp our way to 7 wins if we're lucky. I keep saying that Ramsey made a few nice plays last night, trying to defend him...but that is what his job is, to hit the open receiver and he can't do it more than 1/2 the time unless its a dump off.

Enough with that.....does anyone feel that we haven't worked the middle of the field at all in this preseason. I feel like that is coming at some point in time. I feel like we are attacking the side and corners of the field. Anyone else see that??
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Old 08-20-2005, 10:13 AM   #18
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Re: Thoughts on the game

Originally Posted by Beemnseven
Matty, this is Palmer's second year as a starter after watching Kitna in his rookie season. Palmer looked shaky in the first few series against a still depleted Redskin starting defense, but warmed up a bit as the first half continued on. If you're trying to correlate his performance with Ramsey's, you needn't bother. Palmer, while younger with not as much experience as Ramsey, isn't projecting himself as such the way Ramsey still is.
Ramsey is older by 10 months. Palmer had a zero passer rating at the end of the 1st quarter. We had already pulled our D-line and linebackers at the end of the quarter and he moved the ball down the field, mostly on his ability to run becasue nothing was there. He looked shaky even against our 3rd stringers. If I were the bengals I would be worried as that was a pitiful performance.

As far as Ramsey, I personally thought he played fine. The Int. in the end zone was a ball that got a lot of air under it , similar to the TD to Thrash. I don't like that throw and he has to learn to zip it versus loft it unless it is the one on one fade. But that would be a better pass for Randy Moss and we don't have him. The other Int. looked like a miscommunication. We can not judge what we do not know. I also thought there was a ball in the 2nd series that Moss failed to make an attempt at. It was an excellent pass but he seemed to give up on the play. He did make a couple of great moves though.

The guy that impressed me the most was Antonio Brown. He was awsome. He seems to have a knack for returning the ball, expect him to break a few. But he juked Rasheed Bauman out of his jock strap for a catch. Sold the post and turned poor Bauman around and took the out pattern. GREAT MOVE!!!

On defense seems like Aki Jones is going to make the ball club.
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Old 08-20-2005, 10:18 AM   #19
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Re: Thoughts on the game

I'm concerned about Patrick Ramsey...we can't have him playing Jekyl and Hyde. I thought his performance was better with the long pass completions, but his bonehead INTs are killing this team's momentum. I do agree that the only way Patrick can get through this is to play through it. But, it's his fourth year, it's time for him to start eliminating mistakes such as what he made last night.

I know the boo birds will still doubt Brunell because he was playing against the second and third string, but keep in mind, he was playing behind a second and third string OL and second and third string receivers and backs. I'm impressed with Brunell so far.

Overall, I have concerns with Patrick Ramsey and our back up defense. I'm afraid we're not going to have good depth on our defense this year, but as long as our first stringers don't get hurt, we should dominate. Carlos Rogers is going to have to get into condition fast..he was tired after the first quarter last night!!

Overall, I see nothing wrong with the offensive system. Gibbs still isn't showing us everything about the offense, but we could have very easily put up more than 17 points last night. Like Gibbs said, "we are our own worst enemy."

We have the talent and ability to have a solid team, some players just need to step up and perform.
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Old 08-20-2005, 10:47 AM   #20
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Re: Thoughts on the game

Originally Posted by skinnyfan
Ramsey is trash......I keep making excuses for him and I'm done with that. He looked horrible last night. We are going to live and die with Ramsey this year and we might limp our way to 7 wins if we're lucky. I keep saying that Ramsey made a few nice plays last night, trying to defend him...but that is what his job is, to hit the open receiver and he can't do it more than 1/2 the time unless its a dump off.

Enough with that.....does anyone feel that we haven't worked the middle of the field at all in this preseason. I feel like that is coming at some point in time. I feel like we are attacking the side and corners of the field. Anyone else see that??

The Redskins just got rid of a WR who held on to the ball 50 percent of the time. Where is he now? You're absolutely right, Ramsey's job is to hit the open receiver but somewhere in between his brain and motor skills lies a dilemma. We want him to do good soooooo bad that we accept his mediocre to horrific performances for the last two games. Who cares if he threw some nice passes if he turned right around and threw 2 INTS? I'm sick of him and the apologist who continue to allow their wisdom to be clouded with the obvious. Which is he will not be the starter of this team, come September if he turns the ball over another time in preseason. PERIOD!
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Old 08-20-2005, 10:56 AM   #21
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Re: Thoughts on the game

Originally Posted by TAFKAS
I don't know that putting Ramsey in as the second stringer is going to give him confidence. It may pad his stats, but I can't imagine he'd feel too relaxed about Brunell starting.
As of August 20, 2005. There is no QB controversey in Redskins camp. It is clear that Ramsey is handing over the first squad to Brunell on a silver platter. Four years later, three coaches later and the same bonehead mistakes. The crime we charged Brunell with last year has plagued Ramsey this year. The underthrown pass. It is unacceptable for an experienced QB to throw the kind of INT's he's throwing. Ramsey was in every damn camp Gibb's called for and he still doesn't get it. How smart is he really?
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Old 08-20-2005, 11:23 AM   #22
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Re: Thoughts on the game

I am surprised that Carlos Rogers is getting critizied a little bit by the WP today.The guy rushed back from an injury that prevented him from doing any tough conditioning. Plus he is still a rookie. He clearly got tired after the first quarter. But again that is due to his inactivity due to his injury. The Post needs to back off a bit, so he does not get gun shy.

Hey, he had a great interception and in the first quatrer (against the starters) he looked great. No complaints from me. If he is going get burned for a TD, let it happen now in the preseason. Plus there is not a CB in the world (much less a rookie) that can shut down his WR forever.
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Old 08-20-2005, 12:11 PM   #23
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Re: Thoughts on the game

Originally Posted by skinnyfan
Ramsey is trash......I keep making excuses for him and I'm done with that. He looked horrible last night. We are going to live and die with Ramsey this year and we might limp our way to 7 wins if we're lucky. I keep saying that Ramsey made a few nice plays last night, trying to defend him...but that is what his job is, to hit the open receiver and he can't do it more than 1/2 the time unless its a dump off.

Enough with that.....does anyone feel that we haven't worked the middle of the field at all in this preseason. I feel like that is coming at some point in time. I feel like we are attacking the side and corners of the field. Anyone else see that??
I agree.....if Ramsey continues on like this, we're gonna live and die by him. BUT I've learned to never doubt Gibbs....he knows what he's doing.
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Old 08-20-2005, 12:23 PM   #24
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Re: Thoughts on the game

I watched the entire game and compared to last week, I thought the team made strides. Much better showing. If the team continues to show improvement on a weekly basis, that's what we, as fans, should be focused on. Some said Ramsey is "trash". Give me a break!! So he made a couple of bone head plays. It happens. This is the time to do it. It is PRE SEASON!! Duh..
This is the time to make dumb mistakes, get burned (C. Rogers), make dumb decisions (PR), fumble the ball in critical situations (Nemo in 4th qtr). I'd rather it happen now than in Dallas on Monday nite. We can learn from mistakes and it gives the coaches PLENTY to use as motivation and teaching tools.
Ramsey made some beautiful passes as well. We had some good D, good teams play and some nice runs. Overall, with a vanilla game plan, some players still hurt, the Redskins are right where they need to be.
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Old 08-20-2005, 12:36 PM   #25
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Re: Thoughts on the game

Originally Posted by SUNRA

The Redskins just got rid of a WR who held on to the ball 50 percent of the time. Where is he now? You're absolutely right, Ramsey's job is to hit the open receiver but somewhere in between his brain and motor skills lies a dilemma. We want him to do good soooooo bad that we accept his mediocre to horrific performances for the last two games. Who cares if he threw some nice passes if he turned right around and threw 2 INTS? I'm sick of him and the apologist who continue to allow their wisdom to be clouded with the obvious. Which is he will not be the starter of this team, come September if he turns the ball over another time in preseason. PERIOD!
ever see any of Theismann's preseason games...? You would have been calling for his head too. I think he ended up ok. It's PRE- season. Way too many people are getting all worked up over it. Was everyone excited when we beat up on San Fran a few years back during the Spurrier years? How'd that season turn out? By week 2, you will have forgotten all about it. So...who should start? Brunell? I guess you were not one of the people calling for HIS head last year, right? You want the rook to start? How far does a team go with a rookie QB? So the alternatives are to stfu and wait and see how PR does when the bullets are live and quit crying like babies every time a mistake is made in a preseason game. If he is still making dumb mistakes and costing us games in the regular season...bash away. Until then, take it easy, man.
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Old 08-20-2005, 01:01 PM   #26
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Re: Thoughts on the game

Cooley and Portis were our two biggest offensive weapons last year, and they were both GONE for this PREseason game.

obviously, Gibbs was using this game to just evaluate the air game, and Ramsey was calling plays and making throws he WOULDN'T be doing in a real game!

he was without his two biggest options, and both Ramsey and Gibbs now know what works when in the air and what doesn't. isn't that the POINT of a preseason game? to see the limits of specific parts of your team?

apparently they weren't even going over the middle (why injure our small recievers?). to expect a one-dimensional offense, blindfolded (no Portis) and one arm behind your back (no Cooley) against a first team defense (a Marvin Lewis defense no less) with no incidents seems reaaaally short sighted.
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Old 08-20-2005, 02:02 PM   #27
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Re: Thoughts on the game

Lost in all this is the fact that both QB's look miles better than they did at this point last year. This should make us feel a little better about things.
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Old 08-20-2005, 02:04 PM   #28
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Great News

Most important improvement from last year--against a marvin lewis defense is

average pass was 6.9 yards

and average rush was 5.1

These are important stats because ideally you want to be able to get a first down in only two down with either rushing or passing. We couldn't do that last year
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Old 08-20-2005, 02:08 PM   #29
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Re: Thoughts on the game

No kidding about the bashing! I know this is our team and all, but most of those people who are doing some extreme bashing need to like many have said this is the pre-season no need to abandon ship. Ramsey has a lot of learning from his mistakes, but the 4 years as all know have been mind blowing and would not call it 4 years worth of experience Spurrier rotation with QBS injured when named starter and then last year 7 games thrown into and offense that no matter who was QB would have done much better. Everyone agreed that Spurriers offense in the NFL was not exactly the best system to gain experience at a PRO level. Just hypothetical and don't everyone get their panties in a bunch and not even trying to compare Ramsey to Farve so chill out before you come back with your blast, but Farve is a gunslinger and could have easily had similar stats as Ramsey and plays a lot like him with his decision making from what I have seen this year. Ramsey will come along and showed great improvement. I would agree the offense was laid out last night to do exactly that get the ball downfield and use the sidelines. Defenses are going to start playing those edges and making plays if you do it over and over. We did not mix in the run well or use the center of the field game plan would have been different in th real season. Preseason is where you see if you can go down field and see what works.
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Old 08-20-2005, 02:59 PM   #30
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Re: Thoughts on the game

Originally Posted by TAFKAS
I don't know that putting Ramsey in as the second stringer is going to give him confidence. It may pad his stats, but I can't imagine he'd feel too relaxed about Brunell starting.

Totally agree! Ramsey need's as much time with the first string as possible, I also think Gibbs should have him throwing downfield as much as possible, he need's to become better and more comfortable with the downfield passing game, and it's only going to happen threw repetition. If he throws some more INT's so be it hopefully he gets them out of his system before the opener.

Hopefully I will catch the replay tonight at 12:00am on the NFL network and have a better feel for what happened.
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