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Problem with posts or censorship?

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Old 07-12-2020, 11:51 AM   #16
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Re: Problem with posts or censorship?

Originally Posted by Schneed10 View Post
It’s important to understand that if a social media platform decides it doesn’t want certain posts on its platform, that’s not anywhere close to the same thing as government censorship or a violation of your rights to free speech.

Social media platforms are owned and administrated by the company who created them. So if they take down certain posts, they’re basically telling you “you can say what you want because it’s a free country, but you can’t say it here, take it somewhere else.”

And if you don’t like it, you’re free to start your own social media platform.
I get that, doesn't make it any less annoying and the rest of the internet and the media is controlled and treated the same way but I def get what you're saying. Restaurant/bar owners have a right to refuse service too, except they'd get excruciatingly ridiculed for it.... More double standardized hypocrisy which is the root of what pisses me off ya know...
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Old 07-12-2020, 11:56 AM   #17
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Re: Problem with posts or censorship?

Originally Posted by SCRedskinsFan View Post
Great message, hope more than a few here are with you, it does sound discouraging. All those that have somehow attached their personal identity to the name of a football team need to get a life. And before you call me out, know that I have been a Redskins fan since my Army days at Fort Belvoir in 1966.

And “oblivious” is a pretty kind way to describe the reaction of too many on this board. I hope that description is accurate, but fear it may not be. If that sort of nonsense continues in a serious vein, I will depart The Warpath after many years.
Get a life? I've spent the last 30 years of my life, since I was 5 years old with a gigantic passion for sports... The skins and the penguins are the team's I chose at that age and was literally inspired by it. I'm sorry that it becomes part of who I am as a person and you're too closed minded to see and allow someone else to be passionate about a team that is more than just a team to them. To each their own man get off your high horse. More double standard bullshit. It's ok for you to think it's silly to be that passionate about a team and orginazations legacy, name and history and what impact it has had on soa y lives...... But its not ok to you and I need to "get a life" because I'm that passionate about those things. Please, check your Spurs at the door or exit it as you said.
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Old 07-12-2020, 03:59 PM   #18
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Re: Problem with posts or censorship?

Originally Posted by Meks View Post
Get a life? I've spent the last 30 years of my life, since I was 5 years old with a gigantic passion for sports... The skins and the penguins are the team's I chose at that age and was literally inspired by it. I'm sorry that it becomes part of who I am as a person and you're too closed minded to see and allow someone else to be passionate about a team that is more than just a team to them. To each their own man get off your high horse. More double standard bullshit. It's ok for you to think it's silly to be that passionate about a team and orginazations legacy, name and history and what impact it has had on soa y lives...... But its not ok to you and I need to "get a life" because I'm that passionate about those things. Please, check your Spurs at the door or exit it as you said.
I admire your passion and perhaps wish I could be as invested in a team and name as you are. If my post struck you as closed minded, I apologize, no offense intended. So I’ll step of my high horse, if I’m actually on it, but I really have no notion of how a team and it’s name become “part of who you are” as a person. And maybe I’m a little jealous about that.

So I’ll check my spurs at the door, would love to dwell here a little longer.
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Old 07-12-2020, 04:58 PM   #19
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Re: Problem with posts or censorship?

Originally Posted by SCRedskinsFan View Post
I admire your passion and perhaps wish I could be as invested in a team and name as you are. If my post struck you as closed minded, I apologize, no offense intended. So I’ll step of my high horse, if I’m actually on it, but I really have no notion of how a team and it’s name become “part of who you are” as a person. And maybe I’m a little jealous about that.

So I’ll check my spurs at the door, would love to dwell here a little longer.
Well I appreciate your words and I don't mean to seem rude either so I apologise if it comes off that way, it's just to each their own I guess. Do appreciate the acknowledgement because I do feel very strongly and connected and it's moreso the outside bullshit coming in than anyone actually in here.
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Old 07-12-2020, 05:12 PM   #20
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Re: Problem with posts or censorship?

Originally Posted by SCRedskinsFan View Post
I admire your passion and perhaps wish I could be as invested in a team and name as you are. If my post struck you as closed minded, I apologize, no offense intended. So I’ll step of my high horse, if I’m actually on it, but I really have no notion of how a team and it’s name become “part of who you are” as a person. And maybe I’m a little jealous about that.

So I’ll check my spurs at the door, would love to dwell here a little longer.
Dude, you’re def not on a high horse. I wouldn’t let a few people having loud vocal tantrums sway you.
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Old 07-12-2020, 05:28 PM   #21
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Re: Problem with posts or censorship?

I do not agree with the name change. However, whatever they team is called, they will always be the Redskins to me.

Part of this thread is about discrimination. I am tired of the one sided tirades. How many remember the white lines on the busses in Virginia, Washington D.C. and Maryland? Blacks had to stand behind those lines and could not sit in front of them. How about the restaurants that had two separate dining rooms and two separate sets of dishes? Every restaurant on D.C. was that way, including Congress.

Discrimination? Yes. But how about the preference today given to black students entering college, preference for blacks getting business loans, home loans, TBC's (Traditionally Black Colleges), BET (Black Entertainers only awards), NAACP. Does anyone know of a Traditionally White College? Someone tried to start an NAAWP but it was declared a racist organization by the courts thanks to the efforts of the NAACP. The Left yells about slaves, The only slavery in todays world is in North Africa (black countries) and the middle east. There were black slave owners who owned about 200,000 slaves at the time slavery was abolished. The major importer of slaves through the Caribbean was a black man. There is discrimination on both sides.
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Old 07-12-2020, 06:37 PM   #22
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Re: Problem with posts or censorship?

Originally Posted by meks View Post
post any links you want.. Do i think the article and link posted above from 2/4/20 was manipulated and paid for? Probably. Or just more mindless ppl being sold on an idea that wasn't theirs like fucking the movie inception. Yes. I believe it's mostly bullshit. Not a 'hoax' as you say but absolutely manufactured to serve those behind that particular agenda... You think mass influence isn't real? You think mass manipulation isn't real? Crawl out from that rock you're living under my friend or better yet stay there.... You'd be better off. It's funny that the fuckin "woke masses" or w.ever the fuck it is they call themselves claim what they calim because these moronic drones are the ones who are actually asleep. I am not saying that of you, at all, (who am i kidding i kinda am) but you're in here talking about racial inequality on some grand scale as if us being persecuted for our fucking nfl franchise is somehow bigger than the blackhawks, or even the fucking cowboys. If the cleveland indians have to change their name.... Cowboys vs. Indians........ Fucking hypocritical double standards is something i simply do not fucking tolerate. Go after them and be a poster child for another fucking cause sperate from your flesh and blood that you call your fucking team. I am a redskin for fucking life and i will not .... Hear otherwise.

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Old 07-12-2020, 06:41 PM   #23
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Re: Problem with posts or censorship?

Originally Posted by SCRedskinsFan View Post
Great message, hope more than a few here are with you, it does sound discouraging. All those that have somehow attached their personal identity to the name of a football team need to get a life. And before you call me out, know that I have been a Redskins fan since my Army days at Fort Belvoir in 1966.

And “oblivious” is a pretty kind way to describe the reaction of too many on this board. I hope that description is accurate, but fear it may not be. If that sort of nonsense continues in a serious vein, I will depart The Warpath after many years.

Completely kind when I used oblivious. Lol. Very discouraging to find out what makes alot of these posters tick after several years of thinking most of them were pretty good people. Oh well. I might be on my way out too. Hard to talk football with these people and act like they didn’t just regurgitate all of this nonsense all over these threads.
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Old 07-12-2020, 07:23 PM   #24
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Re: Problem with posts or censorship?

Originally Posted by oldfan View Post
I do not agree with the name change. However, whatever they team is called, they will always be the Redskins to me.

Part of this thread is about discrimination. I am tired of the one sided tirades. How many remember the white lines on the busses in Virginia, Washington D.C. and Maryland? Blacks had to stand behind those lines and could not sit in front of them. How about the restaurants that had two separate dining rooms and two separate sets of dishes? Every restaurant on D.C. was that way, including Congress.

Discrimination? Yes. But how about the preference today given to black students entering college, preference for blacks getting business loans, home loans, TBC's (Traditionally Black Colleges), BET (Black Entertainers only awards), NAACP. Does anyone know of a Traditionally White College? Someone tried to start an NAAWP but it was declared a racist organization by the courts thanks to the efforts of the NAACP. The Left yells about slaves, The only slavery in todays world is in North Africa (black countries) and the middle east. There were black slave owners who owned about 200,000 slaves at the time slavery was abolished. The major importer of slaves through the Caribbean was a black man. There is discrimination on both sides.

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Old 07-12-2020, 08:04 PM   #25
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Re: Problem with posts or censorship?

Originally Posted by punch it in View Post
Unbelievable that so many of you seem to believe that racial inequality is a hoax or something. That change is bad. That the change agent is some sort of terrorist organization. That no statistics or facts back up the fact that it is real. Just amazing. I could post 1000 different links to back it up but they would just be called fake news. I honestly do not think you guys are racist , sorry if I implied that. I think you are just completely oblivious. That is not meant to be an insult. I cannot wrap my head around the fact that the fight for racial equality has become some left wing conspiracy theory of sorts with a hidden agenda to somehow ruin all your lives.
Racial inequality does not exist. Even if it did how does looting businesses, attacking innocent people, burning down buildings, illegally occupying public streets, and destroying property fix anything? BLM is a marxist feminist front group who hates traditional family and want to push communism down the throats of the country. Go read their mission statement. It has nothing to do with racial equality. Why do you think they pushed a minuscule issue like police brutality? Even if we got rid of all the police shootings of unarmed black people. We would have the highest murder rates in the country. We would still have the highest unemployment rates in the country. We would still have the highest incarceration rates in the country. We wouldn't have the lowest literacy rates in the country. What is BLM plan to address any of those issues? If they are not trying to address any of that then they are not fighting against racial inequality. The reason why people call BLM a terrorist organization is because of their animalistic behavior and desire to destroy this country.

Btw, I really hope you're not a black man. We need strong men in our community, not a bunch a feminist lapdogs.
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Old 07-12-2020, 09:23 PM   #26
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Re: Problem with posts or censorship?

I see the slippery slope framing coming together quite nicely
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Old 07-12-2020, 09:32 PM   #27
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Re: Problem with posts or censorship?

Originally Posted by oldfan View Post
I do not agree with the name change. However, whatever they team is called, they will always be the Redskins to me.

Part of this thread is about discrimination. I am tired of the one sided tirades. How many remember the white lines on the busses in Virginia, Washington D.C. and Maryland? Blacks had to stand behind those lines and could not sit in front of them. How about the restaurants that had two separate dining rooms and two separate sets of dishes? Every restaurant on D.C. was that way, including Congress.

Discrimination? Yes. But how about the preference today given to black students entering college, preference for blacks getting business loans, home loans, TBC's (Traditionally Black Colleges), BET (Black Entertainers only awards), NAACP. Does anyone know of a Traditionally White College? Someone tried to start an NAAWP but it was declared a racist organization by the courts thanks to the efforts of the NAACP. The Left yells about slaves, The only slavery in todays world is in North Africa (black countries) and the middle east. There were black slave owners who owned about 200,000 slaves at the time slavery was abolished. The major importer of slaves through the Caribbean was a black man. There is discrimination on both sides.


Never thought I’d hear the “both sides” nonsense here. This post is at the very least tone deaf, more likely it is much, much darker than that. Very sad.
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Old 07-12-2020, 09:45 PM   #28
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Re: Problem with posts or censorship?

I love all you fuckers. A lot of you guys crack me up for completely different reasons. Punch loves my gameday cussing but disagrees with me on 99.99% of all other subjects. Oklahoma, at this point, not even on purpose, now thinks the opposite of me on anything team related (Haskins is gonna be the man for us)! Matty has such a dry sense of humor (imo) and that is me in real life I think. I didn't even read the post he replied to but I literally laughed out loud to the guy falling into the pool. Chico might literally be related to me. Cousin from a new family tree.

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Old 07-13-2020, 12:28 AM   #29
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Problem with posts or censorship?

You know some things in life may look crazy and ppl get very upset when something changes-BUT the world keeps turning . I’m really dating myself but in 1977 I was there when they brought females to the Air Force Academy. Massive gnashing of teeth, meetings, yelling and many said it would ruin the place, blah, blah, blah. I just went to the school for my 40th reunion and guess what? Women AND gays are just accepted as fact - frankly the place needed a little less testosterone. Besides not matter how much the leadership tried, NO ONE was going to think the Air Force Was rougher and tougher than the Army and Navy/Marines!
The world turns: eventually I flew and served in combat with women and gays. Guess what? We still were / are the world’s biggest ass-kicking machine. No one cares about that stuff anymore.

There were pilots, in the beginning, who were pushed over their abilities, to fill a quota. They died or changed jobs. Mostly the former.

I like the Redskins name, mostly because I could lament the “Deadskins “. I guess when our team is doing badly we’ll call them the worriers or Red Pups or something like that. I sympathize with those that lament the name change. But it just doesn’t effect me the same way. When I was facing a big (justified) change, back in the day, the question was simply: are they good enough? Will they kill themselves or others?. Will they crumble when others are counting on them? For the overwhelming majority of them - THEY COULD do it, and were the same nightmares for the bad guys as for all the generations of American fighters before.

Personally, I know this will be unpopular, but I like the Red Wolves name,if chosen. I thought the Redskins brand was too generic, especially when there were so many great warrior tribes across our land to choose from. I hope it isn’t Warriors because that is sooo overused: like “hero” or “PTSD”. Anyway, I think this change may surprise us and give us some MO into the season.

BTW, HTTR, won’t change that much if they choose Red Wolves. We always had the coolest fight song in the NFL and I hope they continues.

I didn’t go down memory lane to look cool or anything. But sometimes changes are bigger than dropping an 80+ year sports team name. It will be alright! ( that was my airline captain voice). We may experience a little turbulence up ahead......LOL!

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Old 07-13-2020, 01:30 AM   #30
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Re: Problem with posts or censorship?

Originally Posted by Warthog View Post
You know some things in life may look crazy and ppl get very upset when something changes-BUT the world keeps turning . I’m really dating myself but in 1977 I was there when they brought females to the Air Force Academy. Massive gnashing of teeth, meetings, yelling and many said it would ruin the place, blah, blah, blah. I just went to the school for my 40th reunion and guess what? Women AND gays are just accepted as fact - frankly the place needed a little less testosterone. Besides not matter how much the leadership tried, NO ONE was going to think the Air Force Was rougher and tougher than the Army and Navy/Marines!
The world turns: eventually I flew and served in combat with women and gays. Guess what? We still were / are the world’s biggest ass-kicking machine. No one cares about that stuff anymore.

There were pilots, in the beginning, who were pushed over their abilities, to fill a quota. They died or changed jobs. Mostly the former.

I like the Redskins name, mostly because I could lament the “Deadskins “. I guess when our team is doing badly we’ll call them the worriers or Red Pups or something like that. I sympathize with those that lament the name change. But it just doesn’t effect me the same way. When I was facing a big (justified) change, back in the day, the question was simply: are they good enough? Will they kill themselves or others?. Will they crumble when others are counting on them? For the overwhelming majority of them - THEY COULD do it, and were the same nightmares for the bad guys as for all the generations of American fighters before.

Personally, I know this will be unpopular, but I like the Red Wolves name,if chosen. I thought the Redskins brand was too generic, especially when there were so many great warrior tribes across our land to choose from. I hope it isn’t Warriors because that is sooo overused: like “hero” or “PTSD”. Anyway, I think this change may surprise us and give us some MO into the season.

BTW, HTTR, won’t change that much if they choose Red Wolves. We always had the coolest fight song in the NFL and I hope they continues.

I didn’t go down memory lane to look cool or anything. But sometimes changes are bigger than dropping an 80+ year sports team name. It will be alright! ( that was my airline captain voice). We may experience a little turbulence up ahead......LOL!

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1. America is the best country in the world, imo the best the world's ever seen. We are a melting pot. The best does not equal perfect. We're a country of humans, we sin daily, can't eliminate sin from humans in any country or religion. We can be even better. But our work in progress is still fucking amazing.

2. This is beyond unacceptable to me. We're gonna PC people to death? This pisses me off. American's have died so PC people feel good about themselves. Sending people that can't do the job out to do the job they can't do is awful.
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