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What's up with the cops these days?

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Old 06-27-2010, 08:10 AM   #16
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Re: What's up with the cops these days?

Originally Posted by tryfuhl View Post
It wasn't linked or else I would've taken that into account. Pretty big evidence to have been left out of the original article.
It took me 5 minutes to find the link. Rather than question something that seemed outrageous on its face, you just bought the agenda you wanted to believe and then accuse someone else of not having their facts straight.

Originally Posted by tryfuhl View Post
Yeah I remember this one time this woman adjusted her walker and one of the tennis balls got a few inches closer to me so I clotheslined her. Maybe read the article.
Way to avoid critical thinking. Welcome to the sheep nation.
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Old 06-28-2010, 10:45 AM   #17
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Re: What's up with the cops these days?

Originally Posted by Trample the Elderly View Post
Are the police getting too big for their breeches these days?

Courthouse News Service

'Secret' law lets police arrest for failing to show ID near summit

This is already on top of the little girl getting shot.

Also, it sounds more and more like standard police procedure these days to shoot a man's dog upon entering his house.

What Sayeth the Mob?

If a cop did that to my Grandmother and in her house on her bed..................I'd beat the shit out of him or at least try too! Thats damn for sure! What a bunch of pussies too! Tasering a 86 year old! Freakin horrible! I hope those cops go to prison and then get put in General Population. They won't be able to hide behind their badges then!
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Old 06-28-2010, 10:58 AM   #18
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Re: What's up with the cops these days?

Originally Posted by Miller101 View Post
If a cop did that to my Grandmother and in her house on her bed..................I'd beat the shit out of him or at least try too! Thats damn for sure! What a bunch of pussies too! Tasering a 86 year old! Freakin horrible! I hope those cops go to prison and then get put in General Population. They won't be able to hide behind their badges then!
I understand your anger, i do. But really what could they have done, when she had a knife and was threating to stab her grandson. Would you have just waited for her to stab somebody, and THEN try and calm her down??

the fact was, she was putting people in a life threatening situation, even if it didnt seem like it. If the police did nothing, the same people would be crying that they didnt do anything, after somebody got stabbed....
Time to nut up or shut up
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Old 06-28-2010, 11:15 AM   #19
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Re: What's up with the cops these days?

Dallas.Org: El Reno Police - Report on Lona Varner

Here is the police officer's statement on what happened. It still seems like the police could have backed off, and waited for an ambulance to show. If at that time she threatened the EMT then the police could re-assert control over the situation, including use of a taser. I am glad to be out of that field, and away from dealing with domestic incidents. Absolutely the worst and most unstable situations a police officer can get into.
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Old 06-28-2010, 11:53 AM   #20
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Re: What's up with the cops these days?

Originally Posted by CRedskinsRule View Post
Dallas.Org: El Reno Police - Report on Lona Varner

Here is the police officer's statement on what happened. It still seems like the police could have backed off, and waited for an ambulance to show. If at that time she threatened the EMT then the police could re-assert control over the situation, including use of a taser. I am glad to be out of that field, and away from dealing with domestic incidents. Absolutely the worst and most unstable situations a police officer can get into.
Probably true, although from the report, I don't think that would have changed anything and may have increased the problem as you now have more people crowding into the living room area.

For me, the question is what was the "kitchen knife" - was it some 10" long chef's knife or a little paring knife. At the same time, if the report on this woman's actions is correct, she was really acting crazy. Even it was just a small knife, I just don't know how you could immobilize this woman without likely injuring her in some fashion.

Agreed, domestic issues are always the most unstable - and that applies at the legal end of it too (Once, I saw a milliion dollar divorce settlement fall apart over who gets the poodle).
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Old 06-28-2010, 12:01 PM   #21
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Re: What's up with the cops these days?

Originally Posted by JoeRedskin View Post

Agreed, domestic issues are always the most unstable - and that applies at the legal end of it too (Once, I saw a milliion dollar divorce settlement fall apart over who gets the poodle).
probably a good thing, who would know how to split a milliion dollars anyway, sounds fisshy to me
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Old 06-28-2010, 12:45 PM   #22
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Re: What's up with the cops these days?

Originally Posted by CRedskinsRule View Post
Dallas.Org: El Reno Police - Report on Lona Varner

Here is the police officer's statement on what happened. It still seems like the police could have backed off, and waited for an ambulance to show. If at that time she threatened the EMT then the police could re-assert control over the situation, including use of a taser. I am glad to be out of that field, and away from dealing with domestic incidents. Absolutely the worst and most unstable situations a police officer can get into.
I think you're right. One of the biggest problem in dealing with the elderly is that there is so many people that feel that because of their age they should get away with anything. And they love to use the excuse that "they don't know what they are doing", like they are a toddler or some brain-dead invalid.

don't think about the woman's age, and you have a clear crime, with an assailant, and a likely victim (the grandson, or other officers)

The woman was threatening police with a kitchen knife, and also threatened to stab her grandson

that reads a heck of a lot different than:

the elderly, senile woman, was threatening police with a kitchen knife, and also threatened to stab her grandson.

I'm tired of these old bastards getting to do whatever they want just because of their age. You can't tell me that they dont know it either and attempt to exploit people. The guy that killed my friend like a rabbit in the road would be in jail for murder today if it wasn't for the fact that he was 88 and on oxygen, and they said he was "too old" to stand trial.

As others have pointed out, tasering was the safest way to disable her. You cant risk breaking her frail ass bones if the officer tried to grab or wrest the knife away from her, and a punch in the face to disarm her would likely kill her. The tazer is usually the safest bet.
Time to nut up or shut up
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Old 06-28-2010, 01:40 PM   #23
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Re: What's up with the cops these days?

Originally Posted by SolidSnake84 View Post
I understand your anger, i do. But really what could they have done, when she had a knife and was threating to stab her grandson. Would you have just waited for her to stab somebody, and THEN try and calm her down??

the fact was, she was putting people in a life threatening situation, even if it didnt seem like it. If the police did nothing, the same people would be crying that they didnt do anything, after somebody got stabbed....
Nevermind Solidsnake. I only read the first couple posts to this and then responded. I didn't see the Police Take on what happened. I only read what the Grand ma and Grandson said. Yeah, if she had a knife and threatened people including the cops then she deserved to get tased!

I guess I should have read all of the posts before I responded..................and I was going to, but I got interrupted! Somone at my job called me! They needed me to do something RIGHT THEN! So, I just responded with reading only the first couple of posts. Next time, I'll make that butthead wait a little longer!
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Old 06-28-2010, 03:12 PM   #24
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Re: What's up with the cops these days?

You really can't say the cops these days, they are just upholding the laws we put in place.

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Old 06-28-2010, 03:33 PM   #25
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Re: What's up with the cops these days?

Originally Posted by Miller101 View Post
Nevermind Solidsnake. I only read the first couple posts to this and then responded. I didn't see the Police Take on what happened. I only read what the Grand ma and Grandson said. Yeah, if she had a knife and threatened people including the cops then she deserved to get tased!

I guess I should have read all of the posts before I responded..................and I was going to, but I got interrupted! Somone at my job called me! They needed me to do something RIGHT THEN! So, I just responded with reading only the first couple of posts. Next time, I'll make that butthead wait a little longer!
Wait, you aren't the guy at the phone company that I just yelled at are you???
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Old 06-28-2010, 03:58 PM   #26
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Re: What's up with the cops these days?

In a free society the cops should never have the right to search you without cause, and then arrest you for refusing. This is grounds for a revolution.
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Old 06-28-2010, 10:23 PM   #27
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Re: What's up with the cops these days?

Originally Posted by JoeRedskin View Post
It took me 5 minutes to find the link. Rather than question something that seemed outrageous on its face, you just bought the agenda you wanted to believe and then accuse someone else of not having their facts straight.

Way to avoid critical thinking. Welcome to the sheep nation.
Ahh you know me all so well.

Look, had this been something that I was deeply concerned with (the particular situation) yeah I would've taken the time to look more into the situation. I took the irresponsible reporting at face value and rescinded my previous statement for the most part. This is somewhere that I come for fun and to shoot the shit, not debate club. I don't know if you have your differences with me because of some of the other political/society threads or what but I don't take it that seriously.
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Old 06-28-2010, 11:00 PM   #28
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Re: What's up with the cops these days?

^^ I guess the thing that bothered me was the criticism of someone else for failing to get their facts straight when you had not taken the time to do so yourself.
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Old 06-29-2010, 09:13 PM   #29
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Re: What's up with the cops these days?

Originally Posted by JoeRedskin View Post
^^ I guess the thing that bothered me was the criticism of someone else for failing to get their facts straight when you had not taken the time to do so yourself.
Definitely not the first time I've foot-in-mouth'd
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Old 06-30-2010, 07:02 AM   #30
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Re: What's up with the cops these days?

Originally Posted by GhettoDogAllStars View Post
In a free society the cops should never have the right to search you without cause, and then arrest you for refusing. This is grounds for a revolution.
like Professor Gates?
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