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Dallas and Washington are very much alike...

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Old 09-22-2009, 01:40 PM   #16
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Re: Dallas and Washington are very much alike...

Originally Posted by skinsfan69 View Post
Dallas can score points. They just ran over a very good Giants defense. Just mauled them in the run game. However the secondary is a real problem. We may be alike cause one side of the ball is better than the other but that's the case with a lot of teams. But Dallas is probably better simply cause they can score.
They have to try to keep up with all of the points their defense gives up.
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Old 09-22-2009, 01:54 PM   #17
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Re: Dallas and Washington are very much alike...

Dallas has a jumbotron. We have Lite-Bright.
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Old 09-22-2009, 06:00 PM   #18
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Re: Dallas and Washington are very much alike...

Originally Posted by Ruhskins View Post
I hate to say it but Dallas has a better running game right now...I'm just not sold on CP and I think we should become a pass-offense (I could be dead wrong about this). In regards to Romo and Campbell...well I think both QBs have lost games for their teams. Romo gave away that game with those 3 picks, and Campbell lost that game with that fumble against the G-men.
In order for a running back to gain yards he must have a hole to run through. Our O-line is doing okay in passing situations but in running situations not so much. Dallas are deep at RB and this has been a big topic in the off season about our RB dpeth and talent. But that is neither here nor their. But Portis is still a better RB than Barber. Our like is not creating holes. For him or anyone else. Barber would have the same results if he was here. When CP did get a good hole the first game. he took it 30+ yards. But we need more of that type of run blocking. Your not sold on CP. He is not a rookie he has been producing since he got in the league.

Your right we have a short leash on Campbell. he is not allowed to throw caution to the wind. He has been trained that way by Gibbs to manage a game not win it. Zorn is easing him in slowly. But if he was to make mistakes liek Romo or Cutler. He wouldn't last in "our" organization. This kid has little room for error. Also the most unconventional grooming of a QB I ever seen. The season is young. Portis and JC will produce. Atleast we are progressing every week. If we dont do that then its time to worry.
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Old 09-22-2009, 06:51 PM   #19
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Re: Dallas and Washington are very much alike...

Originally Posted by Buster View Post
Campbell > R(h)omo.
Nope...Romo is better, just cause you don't like him doesn't all of sudden mean he is worse.

Portis > Dallas RRBC
nope. Portis is good (obviously), but Barber and Felix Jones are better...unless you're counting the barber quad injury.

Skins WRs > Dallas busts/scrubs lined up at WR
Not sure...I think Williams, Crayton, and Miles are better than Moss, Kelly, and Randel El...albeit slightly. Although I am excited about Kelly for the future.

Skins D >>>>>>>>> Dallas d brainer.

Skins owner > Dallas egomaniac
Nope. Jones has rings, Snyder wins at fantasy football. Jones has a more lucrative team, and brings attention to his team like no other. I would still prefer Snyder though, but that does not mean he's a better owner.

Every NFL owner except maybe Al Davis > Jerry Jones
I would certainly take a few of the owners over Jones, however, that is a NOPE statement. You'd take the Lions / Rams / Jags / Browns / Bengals owners over Jones? You're smoking something, or lying to yourself.

Hunter the Punter > Dallas punter forced to kick line drives so the stadium won't block his kick
Nice research on the dallas punter's name. haha

Love the enthusiasm, but being a homer doesn't have to mean you are blind.
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Old 09-22-2009, 07:51 PM   #20
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Re: Dallas and Washington are very much alike...

^^Wow thanks Jsarno, I love my team but I am not blind to what is wrong with them. I could have a conversation with you because every point you made I would make a smiliar reply to Buster's post. Who knows had Campbell been able to have the time to groom like Romo he may be better. Romo hit his celing already, he ain't getting better.

Originally Posted by roth74va View Post
Dallas' front 7 is pretty nice, the defensive backfield sucks! Ware is a beast, and I like Spears, Ratliff, and James. Newman is an overrated Probowl POS!
Newman is overrated and he never deserved that extension he signed. He will be gone after next year. Backfield is horrible and has been horrible since Darren Woodson retired. When Hamliln got paid he just don't care about playing hard anymore. I enjoyed Carnell Williams trucking him week 1.
Ratliff & Ware are the only ones who ever brings fire. I have mixxed feelings on the front 4. Canty jetting off to the NYG hurts.

Originally Posted by EARTHQUAKE2689 View Post
Agreed there. I just don't think that the Dallas D is as BAD as everyone thinks or how they are playing now. I think they are better than that.
You have it right. That is exactly what I was trying to say. Sorry for the confusion, maybe I should get some sleep before I post. Redskins do have talent on offense but I just don't know if they prefer to run or pass.
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Old 09-22-2009, 08:44 PM   #21
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Re: Dallas and Washington are very much alike...

jsarno and VRG, you guys don't know how nice it is to hear from both sides A: dallas fan that doesn't think they are going to go undefeated the rest of the year and SB bound and B:skins fan who realizes that it is only week 2 and there is still ALOT of fubball left!
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Old 09-22-2009, 08:54 PM   #22
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Re: Dallas and Washington are very much alike...

Originally Posted by dmvskinzfan08 View Post
In order for a running back to gain yards he must have a hole to run through. Our O-line is doing okay in passing situations but in running situations not so much. Dallas are deep at RB and this has been a big topic in the off season about our RB dpeth and talent. But that is neither here nor their. But Portis is still a better RB than Barber. Our like is not creating holes. For him or anyone else. Barber would have the same results if he was here. When CP did get a good hole the first game. he took it 30+ yards. But we need more of that type of run blocking. Your not sold on CP. He is not a rookie he has been producing since he got in the league.

Your right we have a short leash on Campbell. he is not allowed to throw caution to the wind. He has been trained that way by Gibbs to manage a game not win it. Zorn is easing him in slowly. But if he was to make mistakes liek Romo or Cutler. He wouldn't last in "our" organization. This kid has little room for error. Also the most unconventional grooming of a QB I ever seen. The season is young. Portis and JC will produce. Atleast we are progressing every week. If we dont do that then its time to worry.

At this point in their careers, Barber is better than Portis. Portis had HUGE holes to run through during the first half of last year and couldn't muster a run longer than 31 yards. Now if you want to blame downfield blocking, go ahead. But the holes were there at the line of scrimmage, so don't blame the O line. Everyone likes to point to Portis' EOY yardage totals, but he benefits from being a "feature back", which is something you you rarely see these days. There are lots of talented RBs that would have similar or better numbers if their coaches were stupid enough to give them the ball 342 times. So far this year, Barber's averaging 6.3 yards per carry. He's faster, a better receiver, more elusive, harder to bring down and can score from anywhere on the field. That said, I like Portis a lot, just not for the price tag. I also respect everything he does for the ball club, particularly his blocking and durability, and think he's the least of our problems and probably the best thing we have going for us Offensively. I don't think Barber is head and shoulders better that Portis, but I do think he's better.

And I'll take Romo over Campbell any day. Romo may choke once he gets to the playoffs, but at least he gets there, which is more than anyone can say for Campbell. Yes, Romo throws Ints, but he also throws a lot of TDs. I would much rather have his TD to INT ratio over the last 2 season than Campbell's (and I won't even bother with yardage and I could give a damn about QB ratings):

2008 - 26 TDs and 14 INTs
2007 - 36TDs and 19 INTs

2008 - 13 TDs and 6 INTs
2007 - 12 TDs and 11 INTs

As for Campbell being hamstrung by Zorn, when he does get a chance to throw deep, it's been woefully inaccurate and just plain ugly. The deep pass to Moss against the Giants wasn't even close, the first pass of the game against the Rams should have been an EASY TD, but Campbell underthrew it. On the same route but to DT, he threw the ball 5 yards out of bounds and on an attempted bomb to the end zone, he almost threw it in the first row of the stands. He's not shown that he can even get the ball close on deep passes this season, so maybe that's why Zorn isn't "taking the reigns off". I've also said a few times that I get the sense that Campbell is petrified to throw into single coverage unless his receiver has 2-3 steps on the defender, while we see WRs making plays all over the league with defenders draped all over them. 4 things can happen - INT, Completion, Incompletion, Pass Interference. 3 of the 4 ain't that bad, so why not throw the damn ball. I could be wrong, but that's how it looks from where I'm sitting.

Lastly, I think Zorn is deranged if he's totally pleased with what he saw between the 20s against the Rams. They can not continue to plod down the field taking 15 plays to get to the Red Zone. They had only 7 friggin possessions against the Rams. They need to find a way to get down the field every now and again in 5 or so plays and, of course, they need to get the ball into the end zone.

Good news is that both are not impossible to correct, and the next 4 games couldn't be a better opportunity for the Skins to fix what ails them. For the record, I hate Dallas and will never root for anyone but the Skins, especially the Ravens from that one-horse town of Baltimore.

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Old 09-22-2009, 09:05 PM   #23
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Re: Dallas and Washington are very much alike...

This thread is so wrong.
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Old 09-22-2009, 09:05 PM   #24
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Old 09-22-2009, 09:13 PM   #25
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Re: Dallas and Washington are very much alike...

Originally Posted by TheMalcolmConnection View Post
I really want to agree with you but if I'm being objective, the only true talent on Dallas's offense lies with Witten and MAYBE Barber.
Your insane! Felix jones is a beast and Bennett is really good also, not to mention their wrs actually score tds... Dallas is better than us as an overall team, yea our d is better but they make up when scoring 30 pts a game. Our offense is sad!
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Old 09-23-2009, 12:36 AM   #26
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Re: Dallas and Washington are very much alike...

Originally Posted by 44Deezel View Post
At this point in their careers, Barber is better than Portis. Portis had HUGE holes to run through during the first half of last year and couldn't muster a run longer than 31 yards. Now if you want to blame downfield blocking, go ahead. But the holes were there at the line of scrimmage, so don't blame the O line. Everyone likes to point to Portis' EOY yardage totals, but he benefits from being a "feature back", which is something you you rarely see these days. There are lots of talented RBs that would have similar or better numbers if their coaches were stupid enough to give them the ball 342 times. So far this year, Barber's averaging 6.3 yards per carry. He's faster, a better receiver, more elusive, harder to bring down and can score from anywhere on the field. That said, I like Portis a lot, just not for the price tag. I also respect everything he does for the ball club, particularly his blocking and durability, and think he's the least of our problems and probably the best thing we have going for us Offensively. I don't think Barber is head and shoulders better that Portis, but I do think he's better.

And I'll take Romo over Campbell any day. Romo may choke once he gets to the playoffs, but at least he gets there, which is more than anyone can say for Campbell. Yes, Romo throws Ints, but he also throws a lot of TDs. I would much rather have his TD to INT ratio over the last 2 season than Campbell's (and I won't even bother with yardage and I could give a damn about QB ratings):

2008 - 26 TDs and 14 INTs
2007 - 36TDs and 19 INTs

2008 - 13 TDs and 6 INTs
2007 - 12 TDs and 11 INTs

As for Campbell being hamstrung by Zorn, when he does get a chance to throw deep, it's been woefully inaccurate and just plain ugly. The deep pass to Moss against the Giants wasn't even close, the first pass of the game against the Rams should have been an EASY TD, but Campbell underthrew it. On the same route but to DT, he threw the ball 5 yards out of bounds and on an attempted bomb to the end zone, he almost threw it in the first row of the stands. He's not shown that he can even get the ball close on deep passes this season, so maybe that's why Zorn isn't "taking the reigns off". I've also said a few times that I get the sense that Campbell is petrified to throw into single coverage unless his receiver has 2-3 steps on the defender, while we see WRs making plays all over the league with defenders draped all over them. 4 things can happen - INT, Completion, Incompletion, Pass Interference. 3 of the 4 ain't that bad, so why not throw the damn ball. I could be wrong, but that's how it looks from where I'm sitting.

Lastly, I think Zorn is deranged if he's totally pleased with what he saw between the 20s against the Rams. They can not continue to plod down the field taking 15 plays to get to the Red Zone. They had only 7 friggin possessions against the Rams. They need to find a way to get down the field every now and again in 5 or so plays and, of course, they need to get the ball into the end zone.

Good news is that both are not impossible to correct, and the next 4 games couldn't be a better opportunity for the Skins to fix what ails them. For the record, I hate Dallas and will never root for anyone but the Skins, especially the Ravens from that one-horse town of Baltimore.

Nice break down and observation on Campbell and Romo.

When you compare Romo to Campbell you would think Romo was a guy that was more than a stat whore. Personally I see Romo as someone who has had talent surrounding him since day 1. The Oline, RB, WR's(terry glenn, TO) and TE have been amongst the top 5 or have been very productive at their position at some point since he has been the QB. Campbell has not had that luxury. Moss is good but Randell El was never much IMO. Clinton is a good RB but he can't do it alone. Maybe I don't watch skin games but how many big plays does Portis make in the 4th quarter? Barber bails Romo out, many times. He is a luxury for Dallas and should be named one of the leaders. Felix is just going to get better with every touch. Do you forsee Campbell getting traded right after Zorn is gone(because he is as good as gone)? Some players can practice all week and not get it right in the game time. Maybe Campbell has that problem. I think Romo has that problem because he knows to stop making those bonehead plays, but he is like the scarecrow when its crunch time in big games.

When do people stop harping about arm strength if the QB is not accurate? Cutler is accurate, strong arm. Russell, Vick, and Campbell not so much.
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Old 09-23-2009, 02:15 AM   #27
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Re: Dallas and Washington are very much alike...

Originally Posted by Valleyranchgirl View Post
Nice break down and observation on Campbell and Romo.

When you compare Romo to Campbell you would think Romo was a guy that was more than a stat whore. Personally I see Romo as someone who has had talent surrounding him since day 1. The Oline, RB, WR's(terry glenn, TO) and TE have been amongst the top 5 or have been very productive at their position at some point since he has been the QB. Campbell has not had that luxury. Moss is good but Randell El was never much IMO. Clinton is a good RB but he can't do it alone. Maybe I don't watch skin games but how many big plays does Portis make in the 4th quarter? Barber bails Romo out, many times. He is a luxury for Dallas and should be named one of the leaders. Felix is just going to get better with every touch. Do you forsee Campbell getting traded right after Zorn is gone(because he is as good as gone)? Some players can practice all week and not get it right in the game time. Maybe Campbell has that problem. I think Romo has that problem because he knows to stop making those bonehead plays, but he is like the scarecrow when its crunch time in big games.

When do people stop harping about arm strength if the QB is not accurate? Cutler is accurate, strong arm. Russell, Vick, and Campbell not so much.
I must admit guys and girls, Dallas is better than Washington, they have more talent as a whole and way better coaches, sorry but Zorny is going to be looking for a job come Dec. (And I picked Wash. to win the east). And Romo is a good QB, when he throws 3-4 td's and wins (which he does alot) you love him, so now he sucks! You'r like most of these Sad ass saints fans down here, hop on the wagon when their playing good.
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Old 09-23-2009, 02:20 AM   #28
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Re: Dallas and Washington are very much alike...

Originally Posted by skinsfaninok View Post
Your insane! Felix jones is a beast and Bennett is really good also, not to mention their wrs actually score tds... Dallas is better than us as an overall team, yea our d is better but they make up when scoring 30 pts a game. Our offense is sad!
I agree 100%, Felix is a stud and their Offense is one of the best in the league.. Of course my Saints are better but that's another topic lol. When you compare the Cowboys-Redskins offenses, it's like saying 1 Million dollars is better than 1Billion lol, sorry but you guys can't score. 10 PTS vs Ny (fake fg isn't offense) and 9 Pts vs STL WOW, Dallas would score 40+ on STL. If the skins win 8 games, I will be surprised.
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Old 09-23-2009, 09:42 AM   #29
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Re: Dallas and Washington are very much alike...

You guys are kidding me right?

18 games into Zorns tenure and in the wins the margin of victory was less then 10 points in every win. Only 2 of those wins margin was even 7 points or more.

Last week in front of the home crowd, the Redskins get INSIDE THE RAMS 10 yard line FOUR times in the game, and come up with only 3 FG's for the game?

Friends and neighbors, a good bar arguement comparing defenses would have merit. But to compare offenses with these 2 teams is simply a waste of time.
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Old 09-23-2009, 01:03 PM   #30
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Re: Dallas and Washington are very much alike...

Heres a little difference between us and the cowboys. We've won a playoff game this decade.
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