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Sean Taylor Magnetic Car Ribbon

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Old 12-04-2007, 04:06 PM   #16
Redskin Rich
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Re: Sean Taylor Magnetic Car Ribbon

Originally Posted by Hog1 View Post
Not trying to be a downer on a potentially noble cause...........but? I have noticed several such funds arising in the aftermath of the #21 tragedy.
We are not talking about someone without means. ST should, and probably does have several million $$$ laying around.
Is his daughter not going to share in that in the form of support, education, etc? If so, why all the fundraising?
Amen... I am getting slammed on here for saying THE EXACT SAME THING...
I really have nothing to say in this matter, please ignore the above post as blowing hot air.
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Old 12-04-2007, 04:11 PM   #17
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Re: Sean Taylor Magnetic Car Ribbon

Originally Posted by Hog1 View Post
Not trying to be a downer on a potentially noble cause...........but? I have noticed several such funds arising in the aftermath of the #21 tragedy.
We are not talking about someone without means. ST should, and probably does have several million $$$ laying around.
Is his daughter not going to share in that in the form of support, education, etc? If so, why all the fundraising?
I have no idea for that reason, but my reasoning behind it is because of this:

For the past 2 years, I've been a diehard Redskins fan because of Sean Taylor. Before that, I'd switch teams every year, not sure which was my favorite. With his passing, I feel as if I have lost my father again. (He died October 31, 1998) I know how it feels to lose a loved one and I never had a fund raising type of thing like this for my family. My mom had to go back to college because without a college education, she wouldn't have been able to afford the house we used to live in. I know first hand how hard this experience must be for his family. I decided to fund raise because I'd like that chance to reach out to his family and give them my support. I felt I had no support when I lost my father, thus sending me into severe depression (which I recently have overcome).
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Old 12-04-2007, 04:18 PM   #18
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Re: Sean Taylor Magnetic Car Ribbon

Originally Posted by xkaotikx View Post
You're all free to think what you want, I'm not going to try and argue my case. My deed is stated, and shall be done. If you don't want to donate, then so be it. It's not my choice. All I'm going to say is, they're for sale and that's that. I'm sorry I'm just trying to help funds out, is that such a crime? And one more thing, I doubt I would sell them cheaper than the most expensive price I get them for...because I'd be losing money, just like right now. I've put almost $50 worth of advertising together. Thank you for taking the time to just look.

I stated my case, and I'm not going to argue. Why argue over sending money to charity? That's senseless.
Don't take it personally. The internet is full of scams and people trying to make a buck off tragic events. You are new to the site and people are sceptical of thing like this which is really not a bad thing. I'm sure with ST's wealth and what will be raised just from the skins players his family will have no problems making ends meet.
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Old 12-04-2007, 04:19 PM   #19
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Re: Sean Taylor Magnetic Car Ribbon

Originally Posted by xkaotikx View Post
I have no idea for that reason, but my reasoning behind it is because of this:

For the past 2 years, I've been a diehard Redskins fan because of Sean Taylor. Before that, I'd switch teams every year, not sure which was my favorite. With his passing, I feel as if I have lost my father again. (He died October 31, 1998) I know how it feels to lose a loved one and I never had a fund raising type of thing like this for my family. My mom had to go back to college because without a college education, she wouldn't have been able to afford the house we used to live in. I know first hand how hard this experience must be for his family. I decided to fund raise because I'd like that chance to reach out to his family and give them my support. I felt I had no support when I lost my father, thus sending me into severe depression (which I recently have overcome).
Glad to hear about the success with the depression. My dad died in '95. It is not fun. I am sure it is a noble effort you spearhead! Good luck
HTTR..............ALWAYS remain a 'Skins fan!!!!!!!!!!
Goodbye Sean..........Vaya Con Dios
thankyou Joe.......
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Old 12-04-2007, 04:21 PM   #20
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Re: Sean Taylor Magnetic Car Ribbon

Originally Posted by Hog1 View Post
Glad to hear about the success with the depression. My dad died in '95. It is not fun. I am sure it is a noble effort you spearhead! Good luck
HTTR..............ALWAYS remain a 'Skins fan!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you very much. I would have never been able to do it without my current girlfriend. And I plan on staying a Skins fan since now we have 13 men on the field. 11 Defensive players, Sean Taylor, and the crowd.
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Old 12-04-2007, 04:23 PM   #21
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Re: Sean Taylor Magnetic Car Ribbon

Just to be frank for a second, fundraising over the internet is always going to raise a few eyebrows for a variety of reasons. None of which I care to list, but trust me it's a long list.

I think if you really want to move these ribbons in honour of Sean, doing so in person would lend some credibility to your cause.

Just to give you an idea. Go to your local Pop Warner football games, if they're still playing, and start there. Lots of young athletes look up to Sean Taylor. (Wow, I still can't believe he's not with us) Ditto high school and college.

Also if you know someone that either manages or owns a restaurant or local convenience store, you can simply prop them up on the counter or behind the counter and advertise them. I bet people would snap them up on the way out the door. Just an idea.
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Old 12-04-2007, 04:27 PM   #22
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Re: Sean Taylor Magnetic Car Ribbon

Originally Posted by 12thMan View Post
Just to be frank for a second, fundraising over the internet is always going to raise a few eyebrows for a variety of reasons. None of which I care to list, but trust me it's a long list.

I think if you really want to move these ribbons in honour of Sean, doing so in person would lend some credibility to your cause.

Just to give you an idea. Go to your local Pop Warner football games, if they're still playing, and start there. Lots of young athletes look up to Sean Taylor. (Wow, I still can't believe he's not with us) Ditto high school and college.

Also if you know someone that either manages or owns a restaurant or local convenience store, you can simply prop them up on the counter or behind the counter and advertise them. I bet people would snap them up on the way out the door. Just an idea.

Thank you for the ideas. I already an posting an ad in my college student union. I also have another friend asking around if anyone would want one. (No charge of shipping because we can meet them somewhere). And one question, I'm not sure of what are considered Pop Warner football games. Are they like high school, middle school, etc football games?
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Old 12-04-2007, 04:56 PM   #23
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Re: Sean Taylor Magnetic Car Ribbon

Originally Posted by xkaotikx View Post
Thank you for the ideas. I already an posting an ad in my college student union. I also have another friend asking around if anyone would want one. (No charge of shipping because we can meet them somewhere). And one question, I'm not sure of what are considered Pop Warner football games. Are they like high school, middle school, etc football games?

Yeah, like the pee-wee league. Ages 7-14 maybe.
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Old 12-04-2007, 04:56 PM   #24
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Re: Sean Taylor Magnetic Car Ribbon

seans girlfriend, and the mother of his child, is andy garcia daughter, who is also a millionaire. The kid can afford college... Is there really a trust fund setup for her for people to donate?
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Old 12-04-2007, 04:58 PM   #25
Redskin Rich
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Re: Sean Taylor Magnetic Car Ribbon

Originally Posted by SKINSnCANES View Post
seans girlfriend, and the mother of his child, is andy garcia daughter, who is also a millionaire. The kid can afford college... Is there really a trust fund setup for her for people to donate?
Wow... I didn't realize that... I knew his father was a police chief... not a wealthy job, but not one that usually causes someone to struggle with... but I did not know that about her other grandfather.
I really have nothing to say in this matter, please ignore the above post as blowing hot air.
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Old 12-04-2007, 05:00 PM   #26
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Re: Sean Taylor Magnetic Car Ribbon

Originally Posted by SKINSnCANES View Post
seans girlfriend, and the mother of his child, is andy garcia daughter, who is also a millionaire. The kid can afford college... Is there really a trust fund setup for her for people to donate?
Yeah, Snyder opened it in her name and dropped 500K in there to start everyone off.

On that note, since Taylor was more than likely the next big name Skin to renegotiate his contract, I wouldn't be suprised to see him and Drew work out something to sweeten the pot for Sean's family.

It's a shame this isn't a football related death because I think that takes the Redskins off the hook.
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Old 12-04-2007, 05:03 PM   #27
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Re: Sean Taylor Magnetic Car Ribbon

Originally Posted by SKINSnCANES View Post
seans girlfriend, and the mother of his child, is andy garcia daughter, who is also a millionaire. The kid can afford college... Is there really a trust fund setup for her for people to donate?
Taylor's girlfriend is Andy Garcia's niece, not daughter.
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Old 12-04-2007, 05:04 PM   #28
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Re: Sean Taylor Magnetic Car Ribbon

Originally Posted by 12thMan View Post
Yeah, Snyder opened it in her name and dropped 500K in there to start everyone off.

On that note, since Taylor was more than likely the next big name Skin to renegotiate his contract, I wouldn't be suprised to see him and Drew work out something to sweeten the pot for Sean's family.

It's a shame this isn't a football related death because I think that takes the Redskins off the hook.
Yes, it does take them "off the hook", but Dan seems to be doing right by this young lady.
I really have nothing to say in this matter, please ignore the above post as blowing hot air.
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Old 12-04-2007, 05:10 PM   #29
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Re: Sean Taylor Magnetic Car Ribbon

Originally Posted by Redskin Rich View Post
Yes, it does take them "off the hook", but Dan seems to be doing right by this young lady.
I still think Dan will do something behind the scenes to compensate them.
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Old 12-04-2007, 07:48 PM   #30
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Re: Sean Taylor Magnetic Car Ribbon

Originally Posted by xkaotikx View Post
You're all free to think what you want, I'm not going to try and argue my case. My deed is stated, and shall be done. If you don't want to donate, then so be it. It's not my choice. All I'm going to say is, they're for sale and that's that. I'm sorry I'm just trying to help funds out, is that such a crime? And one more thing, I doubt I would sell them cheaper than the most expensive price I get them for...because I'd be losing money, just like right now. I've put almost $50 worth of advertising together. Thank you for taking the time to just look.

I stated my case, and I'm not going to argue. Why argue over sending money to charity? That's senseless.
In your arguments/responses, you talk an awful lot about making/losing money...while I understand the context in which you are talking, you still seem to focused on the bottom line, and not the charitable aspect.
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