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Old 12-02-2007, 06:37 PM   #16
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Re: team hard to take

Originally Posted by SouperMeister View Post
I have no doubt that the Skins will be good again someday. That said, I believe the greatest mistake of the way this team was built early in Gibbs 2.0 was putting more emphasis on glitzy skill position players than the men in the trenches that were so valued during Gibbs 1.0. "Gibbs football" values running the football on offense and stoping the run on defense. To do both consistently, more emphasis must be placed on drafting young studs.

Although the team is mediocre and inconsistent, they do play hard and are competitive every game. Keep the faith - someday, they'll put it together. Just probably not during this season of injury and heartbreak.
Yeah probably. When we win, i'll punch someone in the face if they call me a bandwagon fan. My friends will obviously know the truth but if some stranger says anything of the sort I'll go crazy.
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Old 12-02-2007, 06:39 PM   #17
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Re: team hard to take

I hate to break it to the original post, but this hasn't been their normal week of preparation. I think our season is probably over. Losing Sean Taylor is like losing a Tom Brady. During the field goal, all I could picture is Taylor coming across and blocking the kick and running it to the house. We played the best we could.
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Old 12-02-2007, 06:40 PM   #18
Sheriff Gonna Getcha
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Re: team hard to take

Originally Posted by BigSKINBauer View Post
I am also including my favorite redskin dying in the fact that this is the worst i've ever felt. I feel sick and am in unbelievably bad mood. I don't even want to talk to my best friends. I think i'll get pissed off at something not worth it. I just feel like going to sleep. This is absolutely horrible.
I hear ya BSB, I'm absolutely heartbroken. To have Sean, a Pro-Bowl, HoF-caliber safety, taken away from us has made me feel a pain I haven't ever felt. I am simply depressed and, outside of this forum, I don't think people understand me. My friends who are not Redskins fans have been really kind, but they simply can't understand why I am so upset.
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Old 12-02-2007, 06:40 PM   #19
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Re: team hard to take

Originally Posted by desperadoinfl View Post
I love Joe Gibbs and I love John Riggins, but their time has come and gone. Jayson needs to grow, our defense needs to put pressure on QB's and we need to finish the game.
I have never been so dispondent in the 4th quarter. I have always felt we had a chance. If it is close in the 4th quarter I expect to loose. Say what you will, but we do it time and again.
Ok hammer away.
It gets back to the way the team was built. Before Gibbs arrived, we had a chance to draft bulldozing guard Steve Hutchinson, and we opted for Rod Gardner. Everywhere Hutchinson has played (Seattle and Minnesota), you've seen GREAT running attacks. Gibbs still plays it close to the vest, but we cannot count on our personnel to salt a game away by pounding the ball in the 4th quarter. I believe there is a disconnect in the type of team Gibbs wants to be and the players that we're acquiring. I'd even argue that Portis would be a much better fit in a wide open attack than a pound it out approach.
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Old 12-02-2007, 06:41 PM   #20
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Re: team hard to take

Originally Posted by Sheriff Gonna Getcha View Post
Were you around in 2003? We were straight up getting blown out in games. Do you prefer getting blown out and being the laughing stock of the league to losing close games? We should have a better record and the blame for not having one falls on the players' shoulders, the assistant coaches' shoulders, and, of course, on Gibbs' shoulders. But to think that this team is as bad or worse as the 2003 Spurrier team is simply incorrect IMO.
I appreciate the reminder. Your post and this thread make me want to start thinking more and more of the future of the organization - I am a forward-looking guy almost all the time. However, I guess I don't feel it's the right time for that just yet. I know a lot of guys want to see something miraculous from this season and the current Gibbs era, so I won't be the one to try to start a serious analysis about what direction the Redskins need to take (and who should lead them).

But eventually, is it going to be alright w/ most everyone for that kind to discussion?
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Old 12-02-2007, 06:42 PM   #21
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Re: team hard to take

I wait every week for the mental screw up and it finally came in a 2nd time-out by Joe Gibbs in the end. Even I, a non $5 million a year coach knew we could not call a 2nd timeout after calling the first one!!!! How do we continue to mentally screw up week after week. You are 67 years old and afre past your time Joe Gibbs, please step away!!!!
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Old 12-02-2007, 06:43 PM   #22
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Re: team hard to take

Why didnt the skins keep it open in the 4th quarter? I hate when we have a lead and try to run the clock out from 8 minutes on in the 4th, when we should be spreading the field picking up 1st downs like we do all first half of most games. Portis was averaging 2 ypc and they kept feeding him the balll in the 4th, I would have like to see ladell betts get a few reps, and throw some play action. We lose bc our offense is never on the field in the 2nd half and we let oppenents get into a rhtythm offensively.
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Old 12-02-2007, 06:45 PM   #23
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Re: team hard to take

Man are you guys serious??? Whine moan and complain about losing a football game TODAY???

I remember my first GREAT Redskins team and the names Riggins and Theisman were used back then...others remember Charlie Casserly or Chris Hamburger leading good Redskins teams.

I also remember when Gibbs was 0 and 5 his first season and some said he should be fired then and there. Do y'all have an opinion about that? Do y'all even remember that?

I can't believe how much this has made me think about my own life and family and Sean Taylor's life and family...I played football and I couldn't imagine the pain of losing a teammate.

Y'all are bitching about how little fun it is to be a Redskins' fan now.

I'd bet about any amount of money it's no fun being a Redskins player/staff/family member 'round now either.

They will grow closer through their loss. If that leads to winning football games then great. If that leads them to becoming closer to their families then that's even better.

I never even met the guy and it's brought me to tears.
RIP #21 Sean Taylor 1983-2007...always remember that he died protecting his family.
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Old 12-02-2007, 06:49 PM   #24
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Re: team hard to take

Originally Posted by Sheriff Gonna Getcha View Post
I hear ya BSB, I'm absolutely heartbroken. To have Sean, a Pro-Bowl, HoF-caliber safety, taken away from us has made me feel a pain I haven't ever felt. I am simply depressed and, outside of this forum, I don't think people understand me. My friends who are not Redskins fans have been really kind, but they simply can't understand why I am so upset.
Being in college there are a lot of stupid assholes around. My close friends have been understanding but there are some stupid immature people. Someone the other day pretended to shoot my leg while i was wearing my Taylor jersey. Its someone that i know too. I wouldn't say we are friends but we have a good number of mutual friends. He was trying to be funny but that shit isn't funny in the least. I let him know that was a stupid fucking thing to say. Looking back on it, its more of an insult to his character than it is to me.

That is definitely not the only stupid thing i heard this week. Sometimes people don't think before they talk or do something.

All of this has put me in such a bad mood. I just wanted to win this game so bad. It would have brought a sense of normalcy again. To lose a heart breaker that makes the playoffs seem so far away after such a horrible week is just devastating.

Brud was right on in his thread he made before the game. I think i invested too much into this game. It wasn't about the playoffs or winning. It was about feeling better after such a bad week.
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Old 12-02-2007, 06:49 PM   #25
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Re: team hard to take

Originally Posted by twinskinsfan View Post
I hate to break it to the original post, but this hasn't been their normal week of preparation. I think our season is probably over. Losing Sean Taylor is like losing a Tom Brady. During the field goal, all I could picture is Taylor coming across and blocking the kick and running it to the house. We played the best we could.
In hindsight, our season virtually ended when Taylor went down against Philly. Since that moment, opposing teams have made huge plays downfield against the middle of our defense, where Taylor was playing shutdown football previously.
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Old 12-02-2007, 06:52 PM   #26
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Re: team hard to take

It's gets harder and harder to watch a team like this play football, coach gibbs should stick to racing, his glory days are over. I joined the warpath to see if their are as many disgruntled fans out there as me. Maybe next year should be the skins motto!
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Old 12-02-2007, 06:59 PM   #27
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Re: team hard to take

Originally Posted by BigSKINBauer View Post
Someone the other day pretended to shoot my leg while i was wearing my Taylor jersey. Its someone that i know too.
Wow. If I didn't have a bar license to worry about I would have liked to have been there and thrown an elbow to the adam's apple. That guy/gal is an a**hole. No offense if that is a friend of yours.
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Old 12-02-2007, 07:07 PM   #28
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Re: team hard to take

Originally Posted by Sheriff Gonna Getcha View Post
Wow. If I didn't have a bar license to worry about I would have liked to have been there and thrown an elbow to the adam's apple. That guy/gal is an a**hole. No offense if that is a friend of yours.
yeah, like i said, he really isn't someone i would consider a friend but we do have mutual friends. I didn't just let it go though. I gave him a mouth full and i consider myself a pretty chill person that doesn't really yell at people. He said he was sorry and what not but i left yelling at him. It was on monday. While yelling at him i told him that if sean died he would feel like a complete piece of shit. Haven't talked to or seen him since. Definitely someone that i don't respect.
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Old 12-02-2007, 07:28 PM   #29
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Re: team hard to take

I really though they would of just rolled over the Bills today but they basically played the same game they played for most of the season.....get some yards....can't stuff it in the endzone (thanks Samuels)...then get a close lead and turn to conservatism and wait to the last play and hope you win....Portis had 25 carries for 50 yards........ummm.....doesn't that sound like a clue that the run wasn't working? we at least were moving the ball on the pass. We needed one more first down at the end of the game and what do we on 3rd down....pathetic. I really don't see us winning one more game this season, this team just isn't that good.....I am reduced to hoping the Cowgirls do not win the least with the 2nd timeout fiasco, Gibbs will have to leave after this season. Thanks for the 3 Superbowls...but the game has passed you could tell this was a Gibbs called "no huddle"....forcing the run when it wasn't working....and the same lame plays inside the red zone...
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Old 12-02-2007, 08:25 PM   #30
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Re: team hard to take

Originally Posted by twinskinsfan View Post
I hate to break it to the original post, but this hasn't been their normal week of preparation. I think our season is probably over. Losing Sean Taylor is like losing a Tom Brady. During the field goal, all I could picture is Taylor coming across and blocking the kick and running it to the house. We played the best we could.
.... i dont post often, and dont want to honk any horns but losing taylor like losing brady , i dont think so , i loved taylor but dont think for a minute he makes much difference, this team has played the same most of the year with or without taylor , another team might have rose up and friggin buried the bills today, under the same circumstances, not this team ...and greg williams is the next coach ...i think it was how gibbs got him here with the promise of succsesion
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