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Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

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Old 08-23-2007, 10:15 PM   #16
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

Originally Posted by 70Chip View Post
Meh, he could be digging holes for a living. It's not like he's hand digging a tunnel on the Transcontinental Railroad. He's got a sweet gig.
atta boy great analysis.....JLC is a clown and freaking wessel, he cant even get an interview inside that locker room. that says alot when players and coaches wont even talk to him. he gets all his quotes from other interviews and other "excutives". i think as a beat reporter you would want to develope a good relationship with the team you are reporting on, not this clown.
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Old 08-23-2007, 10:22 PM   #17
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

there's definitely a rift, but hasn't Snyder went out of his way to seperate the team away from the Post? The Red Zebra radio station doesn't have any limitations of access to the team like other media outlets. I can't recall any one on one interview with JLC and team players...
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Old 08-23-2007, 10:26 PM   #18
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
I'm anxious to see how Jason Reid from the LA Times does as the new Redskins reporter for the Post.

If you don't like soccer, you don't like soccer. I don't know why you want to try to knock those that do
Try living in a country where it is the only game in town where the NFL is looked upon as steroid ridden a joke and depite the fact that it regulary draws in a TV audience for the superbowl of around 4 million viewers (at 4am on a february monday morning) it gets less press than the womens soccer world cup ...which has about as many people playing as spectating ...i may have come across as a little bitter....but look if thats your thing its fine there is nothing wrong with it soccer is what it is but this guy is supposed to the beat reported for the Washington Redskins and takes time out to talk soccer
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Old 08-23-2007, 10:27 PM   #19
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

Originally Posted by Daseal View Post
The folks who annoy me are the people that act as if the skins do no wrong.
I'm not sure why you get annoyed by people that act as if the skins can do no wrong and do not gripe about the people that act as if the skins can do no right. Kinda hypocritical.

Originally Posted by Daseal View Post
Part of the reason I hate listening to games on Redskins radio, too one sided.
Come on, you can't really expect anything different. I wouldn't expect Ford to run ads on TV saying, "Our cars break down within 5 years because they are P.O.S., but buy em anyways."
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Old 08-23-2007, 10:40 PM   #20
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

Originally Posted by Daseal View Post
Im with Beemn. No one will agree with everything these guys say, but you'll agree with some of it. I totally see, and somewhat agree with what a lot of national media says about us, and JLC probably is a little bitter and I understand why. The folks who annoy me are the people that act as if the skins do no wrong. Part of the reason I hate listening to games on Redskins radio, too one sided.

Also, as an organization I think the Redskins have burned a lot of bridges and made plenty of folks mad. Remember when the skins got rid of all the season tickets the Post owned? Sure JLC wasn't happy about that.
I think they were selling some of those tickets.

The Post as an institution has a somewhat distorted view of itself. They're just a newspaper. They seem to think they hold some sort of sacred public trust but they don't. They are a business like any other business. I love the fact that the Redskins broadcast the player and coaches interviews "unfiltered". I can draw my own conclusions from the primary source without having to be limited to two-sentence sound bites or the unnecessary acumulation of adjectives that is the hallmark of a reporter who has had his feelings hurt or feels slighted.

Also, Bramm Weinstein took JLC's side against Gibbs on the radio yesterday, much to the annoyance of Larry Micheal. Bramm works for the Skins (for now).
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Old 08-23-2007, 10:47 PM   #21
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

I am no huge fan of the Post as a paper, but whether or not the pulling of their season tickets by the Skins was justified, it came across as petty and vindictive. Back to the original post about JLC:

a) Most of the gripes expressed here come from comments posted on the Redskins Insider blog, which is where I believe he has more latitude to express his own point of view.

b) The Skins deserve to be criticized when they do dumb stuff and they do dumb stuff a lot. I love the Skins, but I do get sick of people in this town that see them as incapable of doing anything stupid or wrong. It's refreshing to me have a somewhat critical eye cast upon them and that view expressed in the local media.

c) Again, I love Gibbs, but it was a bad move by him to go after JLC at a presser. It is actions like this that reinforce the Skins as being vindictive.
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Old 08-23-2007, 10:48 PM   #22
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

Anyone consider the fact that Gibbs may be trying to protect the young undrafted rook? Gibbs may feel that the Skins NEED Heyer around this year, and can you think of any more of a confidence boost for an undrafted rookie than to have a 3-time Super Bowl champion coach personally defend you? Now Heyer feels more confidence, and more importantly, more of a sense of obligation to the team. If that's the case, coaching brilliance.
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Old 08-23-2007, 10:56 PM   #23
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

No, I don't feel he doesn't like the Skins, however he doesn't like how the FO operates. He feels we needed to make this move, but shouldn't have been put into this position in the first place.

If we hadn't wasted away several draft choices and drafted a decent guard or tackle we would have solid young depth ready to go. Instead we have an aging offensive line that we need to draft desperatly in 2008.

Now, we need DE, OL (guard and tackle) and depending on how Golston and Montgomery do we may even have to draft another DT.

We hope our fo comes through and resigns Cooley or else that will be a giant hole we will need to fill as well. In 2008 we will probably have to restructure Taylor and possibly Campbell in 2009 also.

The FO has a lot of work to do on some major impact players in the next couple of years. Will they come through, I don't know, but I certainly hope they do, before it is too late.
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Old 08-23-2007, 11:15 PM   #24
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
I think, more than anything, he has a gripe with the people at ES. (By the way, good news. The mods there encourage personal insults. So have at it with those winners over there ! ).

But anyway, I think this animosity he has developed with ES tends to project to the Skins, because he probably thinks "Here I am, a professional and I have to take a back seat to Arturo?")
I think you're on to something
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Old 08-23-2007, 11:48 PM   #25
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

There's no problem between JLC and Coach Gibbs:

Redskins Insider

I guess I was wrong.
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Old 08-23-2007, 11:52 PM   #26
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

Originally Posted by 70Chip View Post
There's no problem between JLC and Coach Gibbs:

Redskins Insider

I guess I was wrong.
HA!!! I'm hearing: "I have no problem with Coach Joe b/c even though he doesn't believe what he's saying, he's saying it anyway to sell tickets!!!" Wow! If that's not the most backhanded "everything is cool" statement I've ever seen... LOL!!! Cool my ass!
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Old 08-24-2007, 12:05 AM   #27
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

Ummmm, gee, this entry doesn't sound bitter or anything... HAHAHA!!!!

Kendall Reax/Hello Fred Beasley

Skins have agreed to terms with FB Fred Beasley from what I hear - more on that in a minute.
As for Kendall: In a nutshell, the Redskins overpaid for a 34-year old guard - same ol story there - and have again taken aim at a future year's draft, but that's a vicious cycle that might never end at this point, so let's not even get into it now. I'll put the exact compensation in my story in tomorrow's paper, but it's substantial for a stopgap guy.
But the bottom line is because of their doing - poor drafting in the past, inability to develop a yoing O Lineman, failed experiment trying to bank on Todd Wade becoming a guard, failure to lock up Dockery in the summer of 2006 when he could've been had more cheaply - they HAD to make this trade. I don't envy the situation they put themselves in - desperate for a starting guard a few weeks before the start of the season - but applaud them for going out and finally doing something about it and getting the best guy they probably could so late in the game.
Yeah, teams have gotten Pro Bowl starting quarterbacks for less recently (Trent Green comes to mind), but the Skins were in a bind. Maybe at some point they'll draft someone to fill this role - you can find starting-caliber young guards all over the middle of the draft every year - but for the sake of Jason Campbell's development alone, you gotta solidify the left side of the line.
Okay, Beasley hasn't played in a year and is going on 33 - starting the Over The Hill Gang, Part Deux around here lately - but they had nothing behind Mike Sellers. Schmidt and Bell are nice prospects, but you don't want them second on the depth chart right now. We'll see how much Beasley has left in the tank.
First thing that came to mind for me, though, was the wide receiver, Brandon Lloyd. You may recall Beasley being one of the guys to rip him a it there in San Francisco, saying in 2004 that the team lacked anyone with the fortitude to be a big-time wideout - a shot at Lloyd - and also tore into his mentality.

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Old 08-24-2007, 12:49 AM   #28
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

JLC is a company man. It's about time people around here start seeing JLC for what he is. I brought this up before and pretty much everybody jumped all over me. JLC is a reporter for the Washington Post and while he has very good access to the team on certain levels he will never be an "insider" IMO. The Post hates Snyder and Snyder hates The Post. JLC is an extension of that grudge. He does get some great tips and he is a quality reporter, but I don't like him.
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Old 08-24-2007, 08:09 AM   #29
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

Originally Posted by GMScud View Post
Ummmm, gee, this entry doesn't sound bitter or anything... HAHAHA!!!!

Kendall Reax/Hello Fred Beasley

Skins have agreed to terms with FB Fred Beasley from what I hear - more on that in a minute.
As for Kendall: In a nutshell, the Redskins overpaid for a 34-year old guard - same ol story there - and have again taken aim at a future year's draft, but that's a vicious cycle that might never end at this point, so let's not even get into it now. I'll put the exact compensation in my story in tomorrow's paper, but it's substantial for a stopgap guy.
But the bottom line is because of their doing - poor drafting in the past, inability to develop a yoing O Lineman, failed experiment trying to bank on Todd Wade becoming a guard, failure to lock up Dockery in the summer of 2006 when he could've been had more cheaply - they HAD to make this trade. I don't envy the situation they put themselves in - desperate for a starting guard a few weeks before the start of the season - but applaud them for going out and finally doing something about it and getting the best guy they probably could so late in the game.
Yeah, teams have gotten Pro Bowl starting quarterbacks for less recently (Trent Green comes to mind), but the Skins were in a bind. Maybe at some point they'll draft someone to fill this role - you can find starting-caliber young guards all over the middle of the draft every year - but for the sake of Jason Campbell's development alone, you gotta solidify the left side of the line.
Okay, Beasley hasn't played in a year and is going on 33 - starting the Over The Hill Gang, Part Deux around here lately - but they had nothing behind Mike Sellers. Schmidt and Bell are nice prospects, but you don't want them second on the depth chart right now. We'll see how much Beasley has left in the tank.
First thing that came to mind for me, though, was the wide receiver, Brandon Lloyd. You may recall Beasley being one of the guys to rip him a it there in San Francisco, saying in 2004 that the team lacked anyone with the fortitude to be a big-time wideout - a shot at Lloyd - and also tore into his mentality.
Now I'm really starting to wonder about JLC. Just a few days ago he said the Skins should trade Brunell and then turn around and trade for Kendall to shore up the LG spot. Now that we actually have him he's griping about the contract, which really isn't that unreasonable considering there were a few teams in line for his services and he was bound to get paid by someone.
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Old 08-24-2007, 08:10 AM   #30
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

Originally Posted by Sheriff Gonna Getcha View Post
I'm not sure why you get annoyed by people that act as if the skins can do no wrong and do not gripe about the people that act as if the skins can do no right. Kinda hypocritical.
Well played sir
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