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Thoughts on Potential Draft Trade With Cleveland!!!

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Old 03-31-2007, 03:28 PM   #16
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Re: Thoughts on Potential Draft Trade With Cleveland!!!

1) We just gave Betts an extension, and he is one of Gibbs' "core Redskins" and a "character guy." I don't think it would sit too well in the locker room if we shipped him off. We'd be trading a proven stud for potential talent. Not typical Skins behavior. Plus from what I understand Saunders/Gibbs are pretty set on the Betts/Portis combo, as they should be.

2) The combined contracts of Lloyd, Moss, ARE is $91M (potentially). So we're gonna have a #4 WR (Lloyd) with a $29M contract?

3) We've been involved in so much hearsay, at this point I think we're just lobbing rumors out there to keep other teams guessing. In the past the writing has been on the wall with the Skins: mortgage draft picks for overhyped free agents and pay them waaaay to much. It's different this year.

4) WE DESPERATELY NEED HELP ON THE D-LINE!! I know we'd get a 3rd round pick if this trade went through, and I know this is a deep draft for D-lineman, but the 1st rd/early 2nd is where all the talent is.

In summary, PLEASE NO!
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Old 03-31-2007, 03:29 PM   #17
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Re: Thoughts on Potential Draft Trade With Cleveland!!!

Originally Posted by GMScud View Post
1) We just gave Betts an extension, and he is one of Gibbs' "core Redskins" and a "character guy." I don't think it would sit too well in the locker room if we shipped him off. We'd be trading a proven stud for potential talent. Not typical Skins behavior. Plus from what I understand Saunders/Gibbs are pretty set on the Betts/Portis combo, as they should be.

2) The combined contracts of Lloyd, Moss, ARE is $91M (potentially). So we're gonna have a #4 WR (Lloyd) with a $29M contract?

3) We've been involved in so much hearsay, at this point I think we're just lobbing rumors out there to keep other teams guessing. In the past the writing has been on the wall with the Skins: mortgage draft picks for overhyped free agents and pay them waaaay to much. It's different this year.

4) WE DESPERATELY NEED HELP ON THE D-LINE!! I know we'd get a 3rd round pick if this trade went through, and I know this is a deep draft for D-lineman, but the 1st rd/early 2nd is where all the talent is.

In summary, PLEASE NO!

Good post, I pretty much agree 100%.
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Old 03-31-2007, 03:30 PM   #18
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Re: Thoughts on Potential Draft Trade With Cleveland!!!

If we could replace Betts with Lloyd, sign me on as a booster of this trade. Otherwise, forget it. We need D linemen!
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Old 03-31-2007, 03:40 PM   #19
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Re: Thoughts on Potential Draft Trade With Cleveland!!!

I don't love the trade but I would do this before the Briggs trade.
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Old 03-31-2007, 03:47 PM   #20
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Re: Thoughts on Potential Draft Trade With Cleveland!!!

Another thing- Cleveland desperately needs a QB. Derek Andersen and Charlie Frye are not gonna win them any significant football games. Romeo Crennell and Charlie Weis coached together in NE. You better believe they are targeting Brady Quinn. They are foolish if they don't. They could draft Adrian Peterson, but they did just get Jamal Lewis. If Cleveland is smart they keep that #3 and draft Quinn, then draft a RB in the 2nd round. Unless they think they can get Quinn at #6, but that's no guarantee by any means.
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Old 03-31-2007, 04:13 PM   #21
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Re: Thoughts on Potential Draft Trade With Cleveland!!!

Originally Posted by GMScud View Post
They could draft Adrian Peterson, but they did just get Jamal Lewis. If Cleveland is smart they keep that #3 and draft Quinn, then draft a RB in the 2nd round. Unless they think they can get Quinn at #6, but that's no guarantee by any means.
If this trade acutally happened they wouldn't need to draft a RB because they'd be picking up Betts.
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Old 03-31-2007, 04:22 PM   #22
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Re: Thoughts on Potential Draft Trade With Cleveland!!!

Originally Posted by ArtMonkDrillz View Post
If this trade acutally happened they wouldn't need to draft a RB because they'd be picking up Betts.
Right, but they still wouldn't have addressed their QB situation, and we'd have their 3rd round pick which is the neighborhood where Troy Smith, who has lobbied Cleveland to pick him, will be taken.

Trying to make a big splash with a wideout when we already have 3 PLUS a great TE makes no sense, especially if it would cost us Betts, who was probably our best offensive player last year. Who's gonna step in if Portis' surgically repaired shoulder doesn't hold up? Rock Cartwright? Mike Sellers? I love those guys, don't get me wrong, but we'd be screwed if we had to rely solely on them to handle the running game.
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Old 03-31-2007, 04:35 PM   #23
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Re: Thoughts on Potential Draft Trade With Cleveland!!!

I would guess that Cleveland would have to take Smith in the 2nd, but that might be kind of a stretch. Maybe they take Drew Stanton instead, even though that probably wouldn't be a really popular choice around Cleveland.

As far as trading Betts, I don't really like it all the much either. We absolutely need to have 2 above average running backs or we're in trouble. Like you said, if we lose Betts we don't really have anyone great to step in for him and that just creates another need for the team.

I have to admit though, this whole Calvin Johnson thing has me feeling like a bit of a hypocrite. I'm totally against trading for Briggs because I don't think that move fills a real need. At the same time though, the thought of having Johnson on our offense has me feeling giddy, even though WR is not a true need (at least not a first round need).

The more I think about it the more I hope we trade down to someone like Atlanta for their first and fourth round picks (even though we'd lose some value on that) and pick up Okoye and an extra pick.
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Old 03-31-2007, 04:38 PM   #24
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Re: Thoughts on Potential Draft Trade With Cleveland!!!

Originally Posted by ArtMonkDrillz View Post
I would guess that Cleveland would have to take Smith in the 2nd, but that might be kind of a stretch. Maybe they take Drew Stanton instead, even though that probably wouldn't be a really popular choice around Cleveland.

As far as trading Betts, I don't really like it all the much either. We absolutely need to have 2 above average running backs or we're in trouble. Like you said, if we lose Betts we don't really have anyone great to step in for him and that just creates another need for the team.

I have to admit though, this whole Calvin Johnson thing has me feeling like a bit of a hypocrite. I'm totally against trading for Briggs because I don't think that move feels a real need. At the same time though, the thought of having Johnson on our offense has me feeling giddy, even though WR is not a true need (at least not a first round need).

The more I think about it the more I hope we trade down to someone like Atlanta for their first and fourth round picks (even though we'd lose some value on that) and pick up Okoye and an extra pick.
Okoye and an extra pick is EXACTLY what I want. I would be thrilled with that. The Falcons wants either LaRon Landry or Calvin Johnson. They could get Landry with the 6th pick for sure if we could make a deal with them.

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Old 03-31-2007, 05:08 PM   #25
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Re: Thoughts on Potential Draft Trade With Cleveland!!!

Cleveland can get the QB they want in Quinn at 6. I don't see anyone else going for him. I wouldn't be upset if we went after Calvin Johnson. He'll be a stud in the league. Betts is a good runner, but he has fumbling problems. I'm all for this deal, I'd like Johnson on the team, but even if we just do this then repackage the 3rd overall for someone to get Johnson I'd be okay with it.
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Old 03-31-2007, 05:44 PM   #26
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Re: Thoughts on Potential Draft Trade With Cleveland!!!

Originally Posted by GMScud View Post
1) We just gave Betts an extension, and he is one of Gibbs' "core Redskins" and a "character guy." I don't think it would sit too well in the locker room if we shipped him off. We'd be trading a proven stud for potential talent. Not typical Skins behavior. Plus from what I understand Saunders/Gibbs are pretty set on the Betts/Portis combo, as they should be.

2) The combined contracts of Lloyd, Moss, ARE is $91M (potentially). So we're gonna have a #4 WR (Lloyd) with a $29M contract?

3) We've been involved in so much hearsay, at this point I think we're just lobbing rumors out there to keep other teams guessing. In the past the writing has been on the wall with the Skins: mortgage draft picks for overhyped free agents and pay them waaaay to much. It's different this year.

4) WE DESPERATELY NEED HELP ON THE D-LINE!! I know we'd get a 3rd round pick if this trade went through, and I know this is a deep draft for D-lineman, but the 1st rd/early 2nd is where all the talent is.

In summary, PLEASE NO!
Didn't he call Pierce and Smoot core guys too?
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Old 03-31-2007, 05:50 PM   #27
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Re: Thoughts on Potential Draft Trade With Cleveland!!!

Originally Posted by skinsfan242 View Post
HORRIBLE TRADE PERIOD! We need to keep Betts, he is signed for 5 years for small contract and it is proven you need two RB's to win in this league.

Now I would love to C.J. don't get me wrong, but why not just throw in a second rounder next year? That way we have Betts, Portis, Cooley, Moss, ARE, and C.J. That is a offsense with Depth.

In Additon like someone said, this can only be a draft day trade if C.J. is there.
Horrible, are you serious? We give up our back up RB and a 6th round pick to move up 3 spots into the top 5, thats a hell of a steal if you ask me. We could always use that 3rd round pick on a DL or a back up to Portis and we would end up with the best player in the draft in Calvin Johnson, DO IT DO IT
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Old 03-31-2007, 05:54 PM   #28
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Re: Thoughts on Potential Draft Trade With Cleveland!!!

Forget Calvin Johnson. WE DON'T NEED HIM!!! We have far bigger holes to fill.
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Old 03-31-2007, 06:09 PM   #29
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Re: Thoughts on Potential Draft Trade With Cleveland!!!

Originally Posted by GiantsSuck703 View Post
Horrible, are you serious? We give up our back up RB and a 6th round pick to move up 3 spots into the top 5, thats a hell of a steal if you ask me. We could always use that 3rd round pick on a DL or a back up to Portis and we would end up with the best player in the draft in Calvin Johnson, DO IT DO IT

First of all last year he was supposed to be a backup.......didn't turn out that way. He was our #1 back after CP went down, and did a pretty damn good job.

Nobody know's how CP is going to return this year after major shoulder repairs? And the fumble issue is a non-issue, easily fixed "AKA" Tikki, it's all in the RB technique. LB will be fine.

Futhermore, he's not going anywhere it makes zero sense. He could easily be the go to back before it's all said and done. You can't put all your eggs in the CP basket coming off a major injury.
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Old 03-31-2007, 06:15 PM   #30
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Re: Thoughts on Potential Draft Trade With Cleveland!!!

if portis went down again this year and we did this trade we'd have to rely on rock and nemo to carry the load...yikes
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