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Lavar has been misused...

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Old 02-19-2006, 02:00 AM   #16
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Re: Lavar has been missused...

I like LA, but I think it is time for him to go. His knee is a`big problem.
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Old 02-19-2006, 05:09 AM   #17
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Re: Lavar has been missused...

i agree with just about everything that has been said here and this is a make or break season for lavar.usually injuries dont fully recover until the second season so if he is ever going to be at full strength,this is the year
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Old 02-19-2006, 08:32 AM   #18
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Re: Lavar has been missused...

Originally Posted by shallyshal
i see the skins are thinking seriously about drafting tapp to play def end. he is 255 and 6' 1" and will be going up against those same tackles. is that a mistake too?

seriously, lavar has enough size and strength but lacks technique coming off the edge. he tends to plow right into those tackles and get swallowed up. even chris clemons seemed to have better technique.
perhaps lavar is not fully over his injuries and perhaps he is not suited well for rushing the passer from that spot... i do not know for certain but lavars production has certainly diminished inthat regard
The mistake isn't having a guy his size play 3rd down DE, the mistake is having a guy WITH A BUM KNEE playing 3rd down DE against those OTs.

Regardless of technique, when Lavar was healty, he produced quite a few sacks when rushing from the DE position. Williams made it very clear that he had to get back to that level of health. I think that it would have been idiotic to put him back at DE last year while his knee was "iffy".

I agree that his production has diminished, the question is why. Does anyone here believe, as the title of this thread suggests, that it's because the coaching staff doesn't know how to use or get the most out of their players? If so, please name another defensive player who this is happening to.

Lets reserve judgment until after seeing Lavar healty after a full offseason of workouts and training camps.
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Old 02-19-2006, 09:43 AM   #19
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Re: Lavar has been missused...

Originally Posted by wheeler
i think it would be great if lavar stayed . I think he's a leader .Remember he was the redskins very best player for a couple of years .
He was the very best player on Redskin teams that couldn't make the playoffs. Lavar did not study his assignments back then, he just used his pure speed to wreak havoc. The only way he becomes that same player again is if his knee is completely healthy. Even then, he's a bit older now, and his speed is not likely to be what it once was.

And he's definitely the furthest thing from a leader in my mind. He doesn't lead by example. The right example to set for teammates is to study hard and learn to work as a unit. And leaders don't come out whining in the media about treatment from the coaching staff, and then a few days later retracting those comments.

Marcus Washington is the emotional leader of the defense. And Lemar Marshall sets the tone for work ethic.
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Old 02-19-2006, 11:15 AM   #20
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Re: Lavar has been missused...

Originally Posted by Skins_4_Lyfe
Does anyone remember this quote in a Washington Post article back when Joe Gibbs and Greg Williams came on board?

"Washington gives the Redskins another linebacker in addition to LaVar Arrington with an ability to rush the passer. Washington, who compiled 18 sacks in the past four seasons with the Indianapolis Colts, appears likely to play strongside linebacker. The change would move Arrington to weakside linebacker -- Armstead's old spot -- which would give Arrington a better path to the quarterback. Williams also plans to often use Arrington at defensive end on third downs. Arrington had a career-high 11 sacks in 2002 when then-defensive coordinator Marvin Lewis used him in that capacity.
Gibbs called Washington and Arrington "double jeopardy," alluding to their pass-rushing ability."

I'm quite sure Williams never lived up to his plans for Lavar. I can count on one hand the number of times I've seen him lined up at DE post Greg Williams (even in 2004 before the injury). During the three games that Lavar was sidelined our defense produced 2 sacks. With a performance like that I would be willing to try anything. You can't blow an assignment if your on the field to rush the QB. LT became famous doing just that as he wasn't the most disciplined of players.

I would hat to see Lavar go elsewhere and return to his Pro-Bowl statis.
I'd love to see him go, if he still doesn't get it.

The guy does not play all out on every play. and he missed 2 games late in the season cause of a deep thigh bruise. We won those games without him, Get with the program, or get lost LA.
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Old 02-19-2006, 11:57 AM   #21
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Re: Lavar has been missused...

He was hurt in 2004 and so Williams didn't get to see what he can do. He did find a ragtag group and turned them into the #3 defense in the league. This year there was that whole "they don't know how to use me," "they won't pay me my 6.5 million," "they don't want me" fiasco. LaVar was singing a different tune at the end of the season and I hope he stays but I'm not holding my breath.
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Old 02-19-2006, 12:46 PM   #22
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Re: Lavar has been missused...

First off, I don't think LaVar was 100% healthy for a majority of this season, especially early on. Second, I don't think he was 100% on board with this coaching staff and what they were trying to accomplish as a defensive unit.

He should be much closer to 100% health-wise in 2006, but does he have the confidence of this coaching staff? That's the key question and what will ultimately decide his fate as a Redskin.
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Old 02-19-2006, 12:56 PM   #23
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Re: Lavar has been missused...

Originally Posted by Mattyk72
First off, I don't think LaVar was 100% healthy for a majority of this season, especially early on. Second, I don't think he was 100% on board with this coaching staff and what they were trying to accomplish as a defensive unit.

He should be much closer to 100% health-wise in 2006, but does he have the confidence of this coaching staff? That's the key question and what will ultimately decide his fate as a Redskin.
Yeah and I think the reason the coaching staff doesn't have the confidence in him is because they know he's not a team player. I don't think Gregg Williams will gain any confidence in Lavar before June 1. If Williams is going to gain confidence in Lavar, it will have to come in training camp and the preseason as Lavar attempts to show that he deserves a starting role. Unfortunately a decision will have to be made by then. I think the decision will come down to one thing, salary cap space. If the Skins have to keep him for financial reasons, then Williams will give him a shot in training camp. But if the season started today, I don't think there's any way Williams would trust Lavar enough to be a starter. I know I wouldn't.
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Old 02-20-2006, 12:06 AM   #24
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Re: Lavar has been missused...

i gaurentee you if i could rewind time about 2-3 yrs ago u guys wera ALL on arringtons nuts.....the guy had knee problems!!! it a crime that the guy wants to get paid, or the fact that the redskins didnt pay him his money that was OWED to my boss didint pay me money that he owed me too id make a big deal about it too.........the only thing ill agree on is the fact he went to the media about how his coaches werent treating him right........i want him to stay and get a shot........if hes no good in GW mind then ill accept parting ways until then i wanna see LA as a just got this season a 300 authentic arrington jersey) haha i dont wanna retire thatr jersey yett......
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Old 02-20-2006, 12:38 AM   #25
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Re: Lavar has been missused...

and another thing saying hwo arrington sucks b/c of his knee this and that....go look at the s005 defense plays and go see some of arrigntons plays then come and say what you think.......b/c he made some big plays.....
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Old 02-20-2006, 12:40 AM   #26
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Re: Lavar has been missused...

arrington is so overpaid and overrated

why didn't he just read his contract before he signed it instead of being a moron and then complaining about it later
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Old 02-20-2006, 02:11 AM   #27
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Re: Lavar has been missused...

Originally Posted by jordanz301
i gaurentee you if i could rewind time about 2-3 yrs ago u guys wera ALL on arringtons nuts.....the guy had knee problems!!! it a crime that the guy wants to get paid, or the fact that the redskins didnt pay him his money that was OWED to my boss didint pay me money that he owed me too id make a big deal about it too.........the only thing ill agree on is the fact he went to the media about how his coaches werent treating him right........i want him to stay and get a shot........if hes no good in GW mind then ill accept parting ways until then i wanna see LA as a just got this season a 300 authentic arrington jersey) haha i dont wanna retire thatr jersey yett......
I'm not positive, but I thought a conclusion had been made that he was never owed any money. That his agent had read the contract wrong.
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Old 02-20-2006, 02:51 AM   #28
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Re: Lavar has been missused...

lavar will be a pro bowler again with the skins or without them. Lavar still is the man.
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Old 02-20-2006, 08:35 AM   #29
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Re: Lavar has been missused...

Originally Posted by TAFKAS
I'm not positive, but I thought a conclusion had been made that he was never owed any money. That his agent had read the contract wrong.
Yes this is correct. A grievance has been filed against Poston, the agent, because of it.
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Old 02-20-2006, 08:51 AM   #30
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Re: Lavar has been missused...

Originally Posted by jordanz301
i gaurentee you if i could rewind time about 2-3 yrs ago u guys wera ALL on arringtons nuts.....the guy had knee problems!!! it a crime that the guy wants to get paid, or the fact that the redskins didnt pay him his money that was OWED to my boss didint pay me money that he owed me too id make a big deal about it too.........the only thing ill agree on is the fact he went to the media about how his coaches werent treating him right........i want him to stay and get a shot........if hes no good in GW mind then ill accept parting ways until then i wanna see LA as a just got this season a 300 authentic arrington jersey) haha i dont wanna retire thatr jersey yett......
1) The knee problem is my exact point. The only reason Lavar was a good player was his pure speed. When the knee problem robbed him of his speed, it became very apparent how technicially unsound he was.

2) In this past season Lavar had some good games. I remember one game when he had 10 tackles and was all over the field. He had finally gotten his knee healthy and his speed was there. So he was making plays, and it was nice to see. But then towards the end of the season the leg started bothering him again. I kept seeing him limping off the field. Some players can play hurt and play through pain even when their speed isn't 100%, because those players work hard, study opponents' tendencies, and practice sound technique. Lavar is definitely not one of them. If he's hurt, he's useless. He can play through pain because he's tough, but he can't play WELL through pain. He needs his speed to be effective.

Now, do you want to see $12 million in cap space go to a guy who can't be counted on to do much of anything unless he's 100%? For a guy coming off a knee injury, I say NO WAY.

Just think about who Lavar is for a second, though. Whenever I hear him speak, I can tell how much emotion he has in him. He plays with ferocity, and you can tell how proud he is. You can tell how much he cares about the Skins too. And his outbursts to the media (complaints about coaches) are entirely driven by emotions. He has retracted his statements several times because he lets his emotions get the best of him, and he just pops off. Then later once he cools off, he regrets what he said. That's Lavar in a nutshell, a ball of emotions.

I have no problem with emotion, you need it to play with ferocity. My main problem with Lavar is what you DON'T EVER hear him talk about. He never says anything insightful, analytical, or calculating. He never talks about the importance of technique, he never mentions being in the right place so that his teammates can make plays. When I've heard Antonio Pierce or Lemar Marshall speak, they talk about directing traffic, identifying formations, adjusting before the snap. They understand that getting Griffin and Salave'a lined up in the right spot means the LBs will have a better chance to make tackles. They talk about maintaining containment on edge runs. They talk about how a TE like Jeremy Shockey threatens certain areas of the defense, and how it's very important to stay with him in coverage. All these things they talk about, it's all indicative of a player who works hard and studies hard. They understand the importance of technique and film study, and they take coaching to heart. I NEVER hear Lavar say anything that indicates he values these kinds of things. He's not a complete player. He has the emotion and he has the speed, but he doesn't have the mind for the NFL game.

When healthy he's a force. But you can't use emotion and speed when your body is hurting. You have to use your brain and focus on being in the right place at the right time.
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