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CFL Versus NFL Game

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Old 01-25-2006, 12:22 AM   #16
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Re: CFL Versus NFL Game

Originally Posted by armchair jock
I understand you point. I guess my question is: Do guys from the CFL who are in their option years and can sign with an NFL team get a fair shot at making the team? While Flutie is an example one can point out a guy like Warren Moon who actually "lit" up the NFL more than he did his first five years in the CFL. I just don't see how we can make an absolute claim either way until such a game happens. That's all I am trying to point out.
There are a handful of players who have been successful, A handful in lets say 20 years. In fact they can be counted on one hand. They're not even a handful. If the CFL currently has one guy who could start and play close to NFL all-pro level they're lucky.

And lets be honest. We here at the warpath could put together a good ole fashion 22 man roster and take on the Skins. Prior to the game we could act like we have a chance all we want. We could say things like "I just don't see how we can make an absolute claim either way until such a game happens". We all know who would win the game and who would get hurt. Hint: The Skins and us.
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Old 01-25-2006, 01:15 AM   #17
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Re: CFL Versus NFL Game

Originally Posted by FRPLG
There are a handful of players who have been successful, A handful in lets say 20 years. In fact they can be counted on one hand. They're not even a handful. If the CFL currently has one guy who could start and play close to NFL all-pro level they're lucky.
That's harsh man!

Originally Posted by FRPLG
And lets be honest. We here at the warpath could put together a good ole fashion 22 man roster and take on the Skins. Prior to the game we could act like we have a chance all we want. We could say things like "I just don't see how we can make an absolute claim either way until such a game happens". We all know who would win the game and who would get hurt. Hint: The Skins and us.
I'm down for playing the Skins. I can play HB/TE and DE too. All we need is a a good QB. Maybe we could trade for Ramsey? Matty, you good for center? Who else is down?
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Old 01-25-2006, 01:31 AM   #18
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Re: CFL Versus NFL Game

Actually, I enjoy the CFL game and wish I could see more of it. However, I have to agree that even a CFL all-star team would have trouble against an NFL team. Just as Texas, USC or a college all-star team would have trouble. While it might be possible to get skill players on the CFL (or college) side who could perform well, the difference would be in the OL, DL and LBs. How many former college greats have bombed out in the NFL and said, after the fact, that they couldn't adjust to how quick the lines and linebackers were in the NFL? (In fact, on a completely unrelated topic, I'm a Bush skeptic - I just don't think he's going to be able to take only 15 snaps a game and dance around for big yards in the NFL the way he did in college. Just picture him trying to dance around with the likes of Lavar Arrington and Sean Taylor itching to pound him...)

That said, what I would like to see is a game matching CFL and NFL Europe all-stars. That would be a closer match and, I think, would help expand international interest in the American football. And, as a football fan overseas I'd love to see the game become more of an international sport. Similarly, I'd like to a touring team of NFLE or maybe CFL players (not even all-stars) go around and play some of the minor leagues champions in Europe (there are actually a number of minor leagues in Europe). The games would be one-sided but seeing the Helsinki Roosters going up against REAL pro players might just attract some needed press and public attention.
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Old 01-25-2006, 02:36 AM   #19
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Re: CFL Versus NFL Game

I think that everyone is underestimating the CFL's 12th man!!!
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Old 01-25-2006, 06:23 AM   #20
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Re: CFL Versus NFL Game

Originally Posted by saden1
I'm down for playing the Skins. I can play HB/TE and DE too. All we need is a a good QB. Maybe we could trade for Ramsey? Matty, you good for center? Who else is down?
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Old 01-25-2006, 07:11 AM   #21
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Re: CFL Versus NFL Game

not to rip the cfl way they stand a chance.on a regulation field,i think they would lose to alot of top 25 teams also.about the cfl players getting a fair shot in the nfl,the players who try out definitly get a fair go because the nfl is all about winning and putting the best product on the field
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Old 01-25-2006, 07:15 AM   #22
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Re: CFL Versus NFL Game

We do get some CFL games here, and like college, you can tell that the talent level is MUCH lower. You keep insisting that no one here knows about the CFL or else they'd agree with you, but if that's the best response you've got, this thread is pointless (no facts, just agree with me statements means there's not much point in debate).

4.8 linebackers just don't have much of a shot in the NFL, but can easily make it in college or the CFL. The difference in speed at every position is what tilts it so heavily in favor of the NFL. There are NFL running backs that could outrun most (if not all) CFL DBs. Most people in the CFL that get a chance jump to the NFL for the money or to play at the highest level etc, so that means the CFL is mainly 2nd tier talent (and i mean the guys that leave are generally competing for 3rd and 4th string jobs, not to be starters). If you don't recognize that then i'm not sure why its worth my time to reply :/
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Old 01-25-2006, 07:38 AM   #23
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Re: CFL Versus NFL Game

Combine all of the players from the CFL, NFLE, Australian Rules FB, and all other Foreign teams.

Now have an NFL FA Draft.

You might see 20-25 players become either 3-4th stringers in the NFL or become NFL training camp fodder.

Only a very small percentage are NFL ready. That's why you will not see such a FA draft.

That is why the College All-Star game vs. the NFL Champs was discontinued years ago. No contest.
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Old 01-25-2006, 08:49 AM   #24
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Re: CFL Versus NFL Game

I like the CFL and find the games fun to watch but as has been previously stated, there is no way the CFL could compete with the NFL. The CFL vs NFL Europe would be a more interesting and competitive game.
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Old 01-25-2006, 09:09 AM   #25
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Re: CFL Versus NFL Game

i think the cfl is a waste of time and money arena football is the best
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Old 01-25-2006, 03:43 PM   #26
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Re: CFL Versus NFL Game

First off, welcome to the board armchair.

I used to watch the CFL when I was a kid in the Warren Moon days but haven't really followed it since. However I don't think your suggestion is so crazy.

The first thing to realize is - IT'S A DIFFERENT GAME. The field is huge, there's only 3 downs, etc.

Because of this I DO think a CFL all-star team could beat an NFL team, under the following conditions:

- the game would be played on a CFL field with CFL rules
- the CFL all-stars would have ample time to practice with each other before the game
- the NFL team would have to be bad, and have had little time to prepare

So if the game was arranged where a team like the Texans would play on a CFL field, on their bye week for example, then I think the CFL team would win.

And yes, if the scenario above ever unfolds, I will take all your action. You don't even have to give me any points.

Now if it was a game between the CFL all-stars and the NFL all-stars, and the NFL guys had some time to prepare, then yes I think it would be very ugly.

What I'd like to see is the ProBowl using CFL rules. I mean the ProBowl is useless anyways. No one cares and no one wants to get hurt. So why not shake up the rules and turn it into a track meet? I mean could you imagine Santana or Steve Smith running wild all over that huge field?
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Old 01-25-2006, 04:36 PM   #27
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Re: CFL Versus NFL Game

Here's one way to look at this. Joe Theismann played three years in Canada and won three championships. When he came to the Resdkins he was third string behind Billy and Sonny for one season and then second string behind Billy for another two and a half. Now some of that was because George Allen was a Billy homer, but Kilmer's record as a starter was like 51-26, so its not like there was a groundswell to put Joe in.

The reason for the disparity is simple. Nobody that is good enough to play in the NFL would choose to play in the CFL. It is a second tier league. Not that upsets don't happen. The "replacement" Redskins led by parolee quarterback Tony Robinson defeated a Cowboys team with at least a dozen regular players including Tony Dorsett. So, I suppose anything is possible.

Update: I do think the CFL is a great place for QBs to gain playing experience or to put off the field problems behind them. (Mike Sellers)
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Last edited by 70Chip; 01-25-2006 at 04:58 PM.
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Old 01-25-2006, 04:46 PM   #28
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Re: CFL Versus NFL Game

Sean Salisbury was a Grey Cup-winning beast in the CFL.
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Old 01-25-2006, 06:31 PM   #29
armchair jock
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Re: CFL Versus NFL Game

Hey Guys:

For those who are interested in the history of games between the NFL and the CFL the games and scores can be seen here:
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Old 01-25-2006, 06:42 PM   #30
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Re: CFL Versus NFL Game

:thumb: :thumb:

I suck.
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