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Old 01-05-2006, 01:21 AM   #16
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Re: Reggie Bush vs Lindell White

Originally Posted by jdlea
..I'm not necessarily directing this you at you Defensewins, but I don't like when people just wait for someone to fail. Reggie Bush made one bad play that game and you won't convince that that cost them the game because all USC had to do was tackle. Or Lienart could have made a play on the last play of the game. Or he could have not throw that pick in the end zone. USC made too many stupid mistakes to win that game. One of them was also not getting the football in Reggie Bush's hands.

USC didn't lose because of Reggie Bush.
I know you are not directing it at me, but nobody is saying R. Bush failed. He had a great game. R. Bush is one of 2 or 3 top players in the entire country.
I am not saying he is not great. The guy IS the next Barry Sanders. However he is also running behind one of the best O-lines in the nation and playing with Heisman winning QB, plus another 1st round RB helping him. He is not carring most of the offensive load like V. Young is.

Plus did you see the Texas vs. Ohio State game earlier this year? Besides tonights game, the second played best game this year. Very physical game! Vince Young removed Ohio State from National title hopes in the Horse Shoe. I am not sure if you ever seen a game at Ohio U but it is one of the toughest places to win. I knew from that day V. Young is the best period.
The guy by himself is a difference maker.
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Old 01-05-2006, 01:29 AM   #17
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Re: Reggie Bush vs Lindell White

Originally Posted by Defensewins
I know you are not directing it at me, but nobody is saying R. Bush failed. He had a great game. R. Bush is one of 2 or 3 top players in the entire country.
I am not saying he is not great. The guy IS the next Barry Sanders. However he is also running behind one of the best O-lines in the nation and playing with Heisman winning QB. He is not carring the offensive load like Young is.
Plus did you see the texas vs. Ohio State game earlier this year? Vince Young remove Ohio State from National title hopes in the Horse Shoe. I am not sure if you ever seen a game at Ohio U but it is one of the toughest places to win. I knew from that day V. Young is the best period.
I'm not gonna argue that Vince Young isn't a great football player. I love watching him. He got me hooked against OK State. That pump fake and then turn on the after burners down the sidelines made me believe he was great. I don't doubt that he can play, all I'm saying is that I'm tired of the people who try to take everything away from Reggie Bush just because he's on one the most talented teams in the history of college football.

I also won't argue that USC has a great O Line, that said, I also don't think that he's necessarily overrated. He passes what Tom Jackson calls the "eye test." Every time I watch him play he amazes me at some point in the game. ND wins that game if Reggie Bush isn't on the team. Fresno State does too. And he was sick against Cal. I think he'll make a great pro just like Vince Young, who btw, should turn pro now.

I'm just sick of everybody saying that his o line is great so he's not that good. It's not true. I saw some stat tonight that showed how many 20+ yard plays he has this season and while I don't remember the number I know that it wowed me when I saw it. I think it worked out to like 5 a game or something. He's excellent in the open field, that's got nothing to do with the O Line.

I do however have real expectations for Reggie Bush. That's why I think the Texans are the perfect fit. I think he comes to Houston and splits time with Domanick Davis. It would help keep them both healthy which is good cause Davis has issues with that and who knows if Reggie can take the NFL grind, right? Now, I think if he comes into that situation David Carr immediately gets better because teams really have to respect the run now. They always have a fresh back who is more than serviceable. And I think Andre Johnson helps keep defenses honest. I think that he's can't miss if you don't ask him to carry the load. And I'll go out on a limb and say that if he gets 15 carries a game he could go for close to 1300 yards.
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Old 01-05-2006, 01:40 AM   #18
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Re: Reggie Bush vs Lindell White

Yeah, I strongly agree with you, R. Bush is not overated.
We just agree to disagree on who is the better player. They are both awesome though.
I just read on ESpn:
"He (Young) ran for 200 yards and passed for another 267.....and became the first player in NCAA history to rush for 1,000 yards and pass for 2,500 in a season.

One other thing, IMO I do not see the Texans using that pick on Bush. The Texans need deperate help on both the offense and defensive lines. Casserly will try and trade down. There might not be any takers though.
Either way Young is saying tonight he is going to stay in school. Once he sees the $igns he might change his mind.
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Old 01-05-2006, 01:47 AM   #19
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Re: Reggie Bush vs Lindell White

I can't really say who I think the better player is after tonight's game. Vince Young showed me a lot more than I had really seen because this was such a close game. I didn't see the OSU game, so I can't speak intelligently on that. All I can say is it is too close for me to call right now.
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Old 01-05-2006, 02:07 AM   #20
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Re: Reggie Bush vs Lindell White

Originally Posted by hooskins
The game tonight is overhyped, and im finally glad it is gonna happen, im sick and tired of ESPN only showing crap on the Rose Bowl.
Maybe it was, but it lived up to its billing and more. That's as good a game as you'll ever see.
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Old 01-05-2006, 02:30 AM   #21
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Re: Reggie Bush vs Lindell White

Uh, his name is *LenDale* White, not "Lindell." I guess that answers the question whether he's overlooked or not.

Vince Young was sick tonight! He almost outrushed Bush and White COMBINED.
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Old 01-05-2006, 02:59 AM   #22
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Re: Reggie Bush vs Lindell White

Originally Posted by redrock-skins
Maybe it was, but it lived up to its billing and more. That's as good a game as you'll ever see.
Yea it wasn't THAT bad lol. Actually it was pretty good, I just get annoyed with the media and when they keep on talking about the same thing.
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Old 01-05-2006, 03:58 AM   #23
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Re: Reggie Bush vs Lindell White

Originally Posted by saden1
Everyone is talking about Bush and he definitely has some mad skills, most notably his ability to elude tackles. But I am left to wonder if Bush has been oversold and over hyped. Can he pound the ball for 16 NFL games? Is he another Peter Warrick? Are people overlooking how good Lindell White is?
I think I'll take Vince Young.....
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Old 01-05-2006, 10:47 AM   #24
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Re: Reggie Bush vs Lindell White

I live in Austin and I am a Horn fan and if that wasn't the best damn game you have seen in a long time something is wrong!!!! HOOK ' EM, now onto more important things this Saturday where it really matters!
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Old 01-05-2006, 10:53 AM   #25
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Re: Reggie Bush vs Lindell White

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Old 01-05-2006, 11:13 AM   #26
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Re: Reggie Bush vs Lindell White

I'm not a big college game guy but I do catch some of the games. As a person who has not seen much of these players over the years this is how I saw the game. To me it looked like Bush while playing hard was playing not to get hurt. Vince Young wow, I would draft him just to keep him from going to another team. He can run like crazy and has a great touch on his passes and now we know he can perform in the big games. I was more impressed with White than Bush. If they did not say or have names on their jersey I would have thought White was Bush. This was a great game and I was realy glad I stayed up to watch what will go down as one of the best college games in history.
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Old 01-05-2006, 11:16 AM   #27
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Re: Reggie Bush vs Lindell White

Leinert is currently playing in a pro style offense, while Vince Young isn't. There is more of a market for a quarterback like Leinert in the NFL than young. Vince Young will not be able to run like he does now in the NFL.

I'm not saying he isn't an awesome qb and he won't be able to run, but nothing like he does in the college game. Running qb's do not last as long as pocket qb's do in the NFL.

Also, if you draft Leinert, its not like your getting a qb with no mobility like Ramsey.

They will go in this order
1. Bush
2. Leinert
3. Young
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Old 01-05-2006, 11:44 AM   #28
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Re: Reggie Bush vs Lindell White

Vince Young is who Michael Vick WISHES he could be.
Regret nothing. At one time it was exactly what you wanted.
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Old 01-05-2006, 12:24 PM   #29
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Re: Reggie Bush vs Lindell White

I'd like to point out that while Vince Young certainly looked great tonight the type of things he did won't necessarily translate to the NFL. What he basically did all night was exploit what looked like a completely overmatched defense that wouldn't cover the pass for fear of Young running and wouldn't really cover him running for fear he would pass. He had a couple really good runs but not every run was an OMG type run. Often times he simply had 20 yards of room to run and no one close by. Other times he did just run guys over but hell he is a big guy and I'll give him a lot of credit for that. As for his throwing, the USC secondary looked ridiculous bad. I think Young is going to be a very good NFL QB but I think tonight maybe his stats were inflated by simply playing against what looked like a poorly prepared defense. In the NFL he'll very rarely play a team that wont cover one or the other tight. One thing Vick had the Young didn't show(not that he doesn't have it though) was a serious ability to make guys totally miss in an OMG way. Vick was on such an overmatched talent team that he often had to make ridiculous moves to avoid tackles. Young didn't have to do that much. He pretty much hit seams, picked holes and ran it to house with ease. He didn't look too challeneged all night. I'd prefered to see him challenged at least.

Now Texas's defense on the other hand looked prepared. They shut down and took out of the game the best RB in the country to the point that USC didn't even bother getting him the ball in 4 and short situations. That's what a prepared defense does in college. It takes away the biggest weapon by over-committing and hoping they can outscore them. That's the difference between USC scoring 55 and USC scoring 38.
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Old 01-05-2006, 12:39 PM   #30
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Re: Reggie Bush vs Lindell White

If Michael Vick was the prototypical QB of the future, Young is version 2.0. He's as good or even better at scrambling than Vick, plus he was the nation's most efficient passer this past year. This equals scary, scary stuff.

Leinert versus Young last night looked like a Model-T versus a Viper.
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