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Old 12-19-2012, 02:57 PM   #151
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Re: Jordan Black suspended for PEDs

Originally Posted by The Goat View Post
Supposedly, our scouts and personnel guys under BA/MS are quite good, right? SS has said this repeatedly. And BA is a smart guy, I'd expect him to rely on their expertise regarding personnel and probably promote someone within, but absolutely I want BA at the top of the pyramid. Here again, he's said to have done wonders for the culture around Redskins Park. Does he bring in another personnel guy? Sure, whatever.

The larger point is to seperate coaching from personnel. Mike will never go for that, and I do not believe he can build a contender wearing the personnel hat, period. So you say Mike goes to personnel full time, and Kyle becomes HC. I asked the question in another thread and nobody tried to answer it, because the answer would be a fake: is Kyle a leader of men or just another offensive guru? And what if he struggles as HC? Does daddy fire him? It's a really, really stupid position to put yourself in as a franchise. In fact, I think it's unheard of, and for good reason.

I think it's funny there's a whole thread about a "Shanaplan" but there isn't a single person who can say what that plan has been, is today, or will be down the road. Just a lot of conjecture. But again, we know certain things. We know Mike thinks he knows best about personnel and will always want to be that guy. We know he "misses" a lot defensively. We know his last stop, Denver, isn't missing him in the least right now.

The arguments made against Reid were really shallow. His big screw up, not even mentioned btw, was betting on the wrong horse (Vick) who can't stay healthy and had a lower ceiling than many expected. And you can't ignore the injuries across his roster, most especially to Jason Peters and the whole oline. But more than anything, he's experienced the worst possible tragedy. It would be unreal, almost disturbing if he weren't showing signs of weariness and lack of focus this season. I don't know how some of you blow this off...hopefully it's just the kool-aid talking and not serious thought.

But yeah, I'd take a legit FO structure coupled with Reid or a handful of other HCs over the mysterious Shanaplan. We're facing two years of limited resources with an HC/GM that hasn't been able to develop a single defensive player selected outside the first two rounds, and we've seen myriad FA screw ups. It's not just McNabb. There's Brown. There's Doughty and Williams starting at safety because we bet on a dope head and a guy who hasn't been healthy in years. There's an oline that struggled mightily to pass protect when basically at full health, and now we'll see where that goes. A lot of this goes back to opportunity cost. How much better could the defense be, and even the offense, if we hadn't blown up the entire defense that still today isn't as good as the one Mike inherited?

I think what we saw is a lot of one step forward, two steps back during Mike's first two years, though this season looks like two steps forward, one step back. We got RG and the offense clicking, but the secondary fell into the toilet and the defense was a huge liability up until recently.
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Old 12-19-2012, 03:20 PM   #152
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Re: Jordan Black suspended for PEDs

Originally Posted by The Goat View Post
Supposedly, our scouts and personnel guys under BA/MS are quite good, right? SS has said this repeatedly. And BA is a smart guy, I'd expect him to rely on their expertise regarding personnel and probably promote someone within, but absolutely I want BA at the top of the pyramid. Here again, he's said to have done wonders for the culture around Redskins Park. Does he bring in another personnel guy? Sure, whatever.

The larger point is to seperate coaching from personnel. Mike will never go for that, and I do not believe he can build a contender wearing the personnel hat, period. So you say Mike goes to personnel full time, and Kyle becomes HC. I asked the question in another thread and nobody tried to answer it, because the answer would be a fake: is Kyle a leader of men or just another offensive guru? And what if he struggles as HC? Does daddy fire him? It's a really, really stupid position to put yourself in as a franchise. In fact, I think it's unheard of, and for good reason.

I think it's funny there's a whole thread about a "Shanaplan" but there isn't a single person who can say what that plan has been, is today, or will be down the road. Just a lot of conjecture. But again, we know certain things. We know Mike thinks he knows best about personnel and will always want to be that guy. We know he "misses" a lot defensively. We know his last stop, Denver, isn't missing him in the least right now.

The arguments made against Reid were really shallow. His big screw up, not even mentioned btw, was betting on the wrong horse (Vick) who can't stay healthy and had a lower ceiling than many expected. And you can't ignore the injuries across his roster, most especially to Jason Peters and the whole oline. But more than anything, he's experienced the worst possible tragedy. It would be unreal, almost disturbing if he weren't showing signs of weariness and lack of focus this season. I don't know how some of you blow this off...hopefully it's just the kool-aid talking and not serious thought.

But yeah, I'd take a legit FO structure coupled with Reid or a handful of other HCs over the mysterious Shanaplan. We're facing two years of limited resources with an HC/GM that hasn't been able to develop a single defensive player selected outside the first two rounds, and we've seen myriad FA screw ups. It's not just McNabb. There's Brown. There's Doughty and Williams starting at safety because we bet on a dope head and a guy who hasn't been healthy in years. There's an oline that struggled mightily to pass protect when basically at full health, and now we'll see where that goes. A lot of this goes back to opportunity cost. How much better could the defense be, and even the offense, if we hadn't blown up the entire defense that still today isn't as good as the one Mike inherited?

I think what we saw is a lot of one step forward, two steps back during Mike's first two years, though this season looks like two steps forward, one step back. We got RG and the offense clicking, but the secondary fell into the toilet and the defense was a huge liability up until recently.
What does any of this have to do with Jordan Black?
Dolphins get good press for saving drowning humans.But we only hear about the swimmers theyve pushed ashore.You know who we havent heard from: all the people theyve pushed out to sea.Dolphins dont know what theyre doing-they just like pushing things.
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Old 12-19-2012, 03:21 PM   #153
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Re: Jordan Black suspended for PEDs

Goat, you know Shanny is getting strong consideration for coach of the year and RG3 MVP? And the Skins are vying for home playoff game?

You know when Zorn left the franchise was at the absolute bottom that most fans had never experienced?

I kinda dont get it
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Old 12-19-2012, 03:37 PM   #154
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Re: Jordan Black suspended for PEDs

The problem I have with Goat's argument that Shanny doesn't have a plan is, by his standard, most teams in the NFL don't have a plan either. They're either winging it or hoping and praying something good happens.

The Redskins are in first place in the NFC East for the first time in a very long time. To suggest it was luck or chance, because that's what Goat's suggesting, is ludicrous on so many levels it really doesn't warrant a serious response. Yet here we are.
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Old 12-19-2012, 03:46 PM   #155
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Re: Jordan Black suspended for PEDs

Goat your main argument against Shanny seems to break down to you don't KNOW what the plan is.

The whole argument is ironically made upon assumptions and conjecture...that which explicitly dislike.
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Old 12-19-2012, 03:49 PM   #156
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Re: Jordan Black suspended for PEDs

Since Goat decided to derail the thread and criticize Shanahan as a personnel guy, i'll play along. But lets actually look at what Shanahan has done. I apologize to anyone who's color blind, but i've made 4 categories. Please note that an * indicates the player is on another NFL team.

Stud / Starter - Green
Contributer - Blue
Unknown - Black
Dud - Red

2010 Draft
Round Pick Overall Name Position College

1 4 4 Trent Williams OT
4 5 103 Perry Riley LB
6 5 174 Dennis Morris TE
7 12 219 Terrence Austin WR
7 22 229 Erik Cook G
7 24 231 Selvish Capers* OT

2011 Draft
Round Pick Overall Name Position

1 16 16 Ryan Kerrigan DE
2 9 41 Jarvis Jenkins DT
3 15 79 Leonard Hankerson WR
4 8 105 Roy Helu RB
5 15 146 DeJon Gomes S
5 24 155 Niles Paul WR
6 12 177 Evan Royster RB
6 13 178 Aldrick Robinson WR
7 10 213 Brandyn Thompson CB
7 14 217 Maurice Hurt OT
7 21 224 Markus White* DE
7 50 253 Chris Neild DT

2012 Draft
Round Pick Overall Name Position
1 2 2 Robert Griffin III QB
3 8 71 Josh LeRibeus OG
4 7 102 Kirk Cousins QB
4 24 119 Keenan Robinson ILB
5 6 141 Adam Gettis OG
6 3 173 Alfred Morris RB
6 23 193 Tom Compton OT
7 6 213 Richard Crawford CB
7 10 217 Jordan Bernstine S

To me, it looks like Shanahan's drafts have been largely successful. He's drafted some studs, ALOT of contributers, and very few duds. In fact, every player he's drafted in 2011 and 2012 is on an NFL roster and contributing in some fashion. Compare that to anything this organization has had in the last 20 years and explain how Shanahan's drafts have not been lightyears better.
Dolphins get good press for saving drowning humans.But we only hear about the swimmers theyve pushed ashore.You know who we havent heard from: all the people theyve pushed out to sea.Dolphins dont know what theyre doing-they just like pushing things.
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Old 12-19-2012, 03:51 PM   #157
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Re: Jordan Black suspended for PEDs

The "Shanaplan" is just a term used to basically say are you on board with this regime and the direction we're headed.

I didn't think that was hard to figure out. Sorry for the confusion.
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Old 12-19-2012, 03:54 PM   #158
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Re: Jordan Black suspended for PEDs

the shanaplan is a 5 point plan, it will have it's own wiki page shortly
9 21 28 33 42 43 44 49 65 81
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Old 12-19-2012, 04:03 PM   #159
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Originally Posted by The Goat View Post
Supposedly, our scouts and personnel guys under BA/MS are quite good, right? SS has said this repeatedly. And BA is a smart guy, I'd expect him to rely on their expertise regarding personnel and probably promote someone within, but absolutely I want BA at the top of the pyramid. Here again, he's said to have done wonders for the culture around Redskins Park. Does he bring in another personnel guy? Sure, whatever.

The larger point is to seperate coaching from personnel. Mike will never go for that, and I do not believe he can build a contender wearing the personnel hat, period. So you say Mike goes to personnel full time, and Kyle becomes HC. I asked the question in another thread and nobody tried to answer it, because the answer would be a fake: is Kyle a leader of men or just another offensive guru? And what if he struggles as HC? Does daddy fire him? It's a really, really stupid position to put yourself in as a franchise. In fact, I think it's unheard of, and for good reason.

I think it's funny there's a whole thread about a "Shanaplan" but there isn't a single person who can say what that plan has been, is today, or will be down the road. Just a lot of conjecture. But again, we know certain things. We know Mike thinks he knows best about personnel and will always want to be that guy. We know he "misses" a lot defensively. We know his last stop, Denver, isn't missing him in the least right now.

The arguments made against Reid were really shallow. His big screw up, not even mentioned btw, was betting on the wrong horse (Vick) who can't stay healthy and had a lower ceiling than many expected. And you can't ignore the injuries across his roster, most especially to Jason Peters and the whole oline. But more than anything, he's experienced the worst possible tragedy. It would be unreal, almost disturbing if he weren't showing signs of weariness and lack of focus this season. I don't know how some of you blow this off...hopefully it's just the kool-aid talking and not serious thought.

But yeah, I'd take a legit FO structure coupled with Reid or a handful of other HCs over the mysterious Shanaplan. We're facing two years of limited resources with an HC/GM that hasn't been able to develop a single defensive player selected outside the first two rounds, and we've seen myriad FA screw ups. It's not just McNabb. There's Brown. There's Doughty and Williams starting at safety because we bet on a dope head and a guy who hasn't been healthy in years. There's an oline that struggled mightily to pass protect when basically at full health, and now we'll see where that goes. A lot of this goes back to opportunity cost. How much better could the defense be, and even the offense, if we hadn't blown up the entire defense that still today isn't as good as the one Mike inherited?

I think what we saw is a lot of one step forward, two steps back during Mike's first two years, though this season looks like two steps forward, one step back. We got RG and the offense clicking, but the secondary fell into the toilet and the defense was a huge liability up until recently.
Goat there will always be someone somewhere that is better at something. No team in any sport is perfect from the top on down. However if it aint broke donr fix it. Six weeks ago i think your argument about changes might have been worth atleast listening to but now? I have always said that winning will bring praise - confidence - and belief in a future. The only thing that still bothered me was - is it just rg-3? In other words - was RG-3 saving jobs, and could this organization be built better suited for RG-3 to reach his absolute ceiling for success - although that even seemed silly because of what RG-3 was already accomplishing. Though it was still a thought that maybe someone could even get more out of him. After last week when our rookie backup QB won a road game and a crucial road game at that everything imo has changed. Even our defense has been pretty damn good over these five weeks. As a matter of fact minus the fourth quarter against Dallas they have been awesome. So instead of looking at the cap penalty or personell problems on Defense as a burden look at it like this......we are winning NOW. We are on the cusp of winning the divvision. In year Five of the Shanaplan we will have players on D and we will have our capspace back. We will have a core group of incredibly talented and young skill position players. We will have injured players like Rak and Carriker and Davis and BW back in the mix. In five weeks the plan has completely turned around and taken shape before our very eyes.
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Old 12-19-2012, 04:05 PM   #160
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Re: Jordan Black suspended for PEDs

Don't we already have a Shanaplan thread?
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Bruce Allen's overall Redskins record : 28-52 (.350)
Vinny Cerrato's record when in charge alone: 52-65 (.444)
Vinny's overall Redskins record: 62-82 (.430)
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Old 12-19-2012, 04:08 PM   #161
punch it in
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Originally Posted by Lotus View Post
Don't we already have a Shanaplan thread?
If this thread was about anything other than Jordan Black it would be an issue. Lol.
The original Shanny thread started by Gtripp should have just been renamed instead of closed. It was a perfect funnell for all of this talk.
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Old 12-19-2012, 04:19 PM   #162
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Re: Jordan Black suspended for PEDs

Shanahan has a 5 year plan
Stalin had a 5 year plan

Ergo, Shanahan = Stalin
Bruce Allen when in charge alone: 4-12 (.250)
Bruce Allen's overall Redskins record : 28-52 (.350)
Vinny Cerrato's record when in charge alone: 52-65 (.444)
Vinny's overall Redskins record: 62-82 (.430)
We won more with Vinny
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Old 12-19-2012, 04:45 PM   #163
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Re: Jordan Black suspended for PEDs

To list a bunch of guys as contributors who are hurt (not playing), special teams guys, or only see the field if the rest of the position group is depleted...takes the kind of intellectual gymnastics I'm just not talented enough to understand lol.

Regardless of what you think about Mike's personnel acumen, nobody wants to seriously address/consider the significant conflict of interest associated with father and son running an organization from top to bottom. When will we know, for instance, if decisions made are best for the Shanahans or the Redskins?

One the one hand supporters of the Shanaplan say we have no defensive talent and all the credit goes to Haslett, but then turn around and (try) to create lists of the great talent Mike's acquired across the roster.

We're on a great run right now, and I hope it continues. I think trying to make the last five games into a testament of the regime's overall record is premature at best.
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Old 12-19-2012, 04:46 PM   #164
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Originally Posted by Lotus View Post
Shanahan has a 5 year plan
Stalin had a 5 year plan

Ergo, Shanahan = Stalin
In Soviet Russia, plan has you!
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Old 12-19-2012, 04:58 PM   #165
Uncle Phil
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Re: Jordan Black suspended for PEDs

I blame myself for asking Goat to respond

Am I the only one who realizes Andy Reid's been the HC in Philly for 14 years? It's not like he's dealing with the mess (he partly created himself) in Philly as a first year HC.

But anyhow, I'm sorry. As penance I'm giving up my moderator status for the next 5 seconds
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