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Updated/Merged: Shanahan Rumors (Will He or Won't He?)

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Old 10-12-2009, 03:04 PM   #151
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Re: Updated/Merged: Shanahan Rumors (Will He or Won't He?)

It ain't over until the fat lady sings but she's walking onto the stage waving and blowing kisses to the crowd.
"The Redskins have always suffered from chronic organizational deformities under Snyder."

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Old 10-12-2009, 03:07 PM   #152
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Re: Updated/Merged: Shanahan Rumors (Will He or Won't He?)

Shanahan was the coach/GM in Denver even when some other folks held the title of GM or Player Peronnel Director or Whatever. My guess is he will want something similar in his next job - - unless it is with Washington or Dallas. He knows that he will not get final say in both jobs in either town; neither owner will allow that.

Therefore, his asking price in Dallas and/or Washington will be much higher than in other cities AND my guess is that he will require a LONG term deal just so that if either Danny Boy or Jerry Jones does want to fire him they will have a really big severance check to write.

Mike Holmgren was the GM and coach in Seattle for most of his time there; in the last year - or maybe the last two - there was a GM in place and all he did was coach. There is some reason to believe that he would be just as happy being a GM as a coach in the NFL...
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Old 10-12-2009, 03:14 PM   #153
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Re: Updated/Merged: Shanahan Rumors (Will He or Won't He?)

Originally Posted by sportscurmudgeon View Post
Shanahan was the coach/GM in Denver even when some other folks held the title of GM or Player Peronnel Director or Whatever. My guess is he will want something similar in his next job - - unless it is with Washington or Dallas. He knows that he will not get final say in both jobs in either town; neither owner will allow that.

Therefore, his asking price in Dallas and/or Washington will be much higher than in other cities AND my guess is that he will require a LONG term deal just so that if either Danny Boy or Jerry Jones does want to fire him they will have a really big severance check to write.

Mike Holmgren was the GM and coach in Seattle for most of his time there; in the last year - or maybe the last two - there was a GM in place and all he did was coach. There is some reason to believe that he would be just as happy being a GM as a coach in the NFL...
If Snyder were to "step aside" I'm really hoping it's not for Shanahan. Not when it comes to player personnel decisions. Maybe he'll prove me wrong a second time around, but I was not impressed at all with his tenure in Denver.

As for Holmgren, I don't get the sense Snyder has much interest in him. Plus going from Paul Allen to Dan Snyder would be a radical change. Allen is probably the most hands off owner, arguably in all of pro sports.
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Old 10-12-2009, 03:16 PM   #154
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Re: Updated/Merged: Shanahan Rumors (Will He or Won't He?)

Originally Posted by CRedskinsRule View Post
Nitpicking alert!

We beat the Rams

Back to the regularly scheduled Snyder bashing.
Sorry, just trying to put this season behind me already. Especially since I could see us going 7-0 into the break and maybe ending up 10-6 or 11-5. Now I have to hope for 8-8. Sorry about the miscue. As bad as this season and turning out to be my alzheimers screwed me up. I know we are 2-3 and the loss's were to one good team and two shitty teams. The two wins we squeeked by bad teams.
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Old 10-12-2009, 03:25 PM   #155
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Re: Updated/Merged: Shanahan Rumors (Will He or Won't He?)

I don't like the Shanahan or Holmgren ideas.

I like M.Schottenheimer and have made no bones about it but even today on the radio the discussed previous coach's and apparently said the reason Marty was let go was because DS could not get a long with him. Perhaps thats why I like him. Maybe Marty would have the balls to tell DS to back off and let him be the GM. As long as the team is winning I can't see DS complaining too much.

I just wish they could mend any fences that may have been broken and make the move. I thought Marty got canned cause he wanted more control like a GM position and DS said no and Marty left, so I wonder if he would take the job if asked? He was pretty good at evaluating talent. Would bring in great talent scouts. Could name his son B. Schottenheimer HC. Maybe make it a family affair and bring in his brother Bruce Schottenheimer as well to learn under a great defensive co-ordinator.
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Old 10-12-2009, 03:37 PM   #156
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Re: Updated/Merged: Shanahan Rumors (Will He or Won't He?)

Bill Cohwer
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Old 10-12-2009, 03:38 PM   #157
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Re: Updated/Merged: Shanahan Rumors (Will He or Won't He?)


I do not pretend to know either Marty Schottenheimer or Danny Boy. However, I do know several folks who know both of these men well.

According to those folks, Marty is VERY difficult to work with and particularly difficult in a situation where you put him in charge of something. In that scenario, his idea is that he is the only person on Earth who should be allowed to make even the most trivial deicsion about what goes on there. AND by reputation, he is not the most tactful person on the planet when it comes to telling people to stay out of his business.

According to other folks, Danny Boy thinks that his money makes him the smartest guy in the room under almost any circumstances. But according to those same folks, he's not the smartest guy in the room - - ever. And because he thinks he knows just about everything, he cannot abide people making decisions that do not involve his "approval" or "impramatur".

Admittedly, I have distilled info here to keep these descriptions brief but if you look at the two of them and imagine how those folks might work well together, you will see that it is highly unlikely. They tried it once; it didn't work; neither one is interested in burying the hatchet - - unless it is between the eyebrows of the other one.
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Old 10-12-2009, 03:41 PM   #158
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Re: Updated/Merged: Shanahan Rumors (Will He or Won't He?)

the staff is being set up for holmgren, and a plus is that holmgren likes campbell as a quarterback. would not be surprised if within the next week or two he steps in.
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Old 10-12-2009, 03:44 PM   #159
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Re: Updated/Merged: Shanahan Rumors (Will He or Won't He?)

Interesting news:

Rick Snider » Sources: Gruden atop Snyder's wish list | Washington Examiner
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Old 10-12-2009, 03:45 PM   #160
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Re: Updated/Merged: Shanahan Rumors (Will He or Won't He?)

Originally Posted by sportscurmudgeon View Post

I do not pretend to know either Marty Schottenheimer or Danny Boy. However, I do know several folks who know both of these men well.

According to those folks, Marty is VERY difficult to work with and particularly difficult in a situation where you put him in charge of something. In that scenario, his idea is that he is the only person on Earth who should be allowed to make even the most trivial deicsion about what goes on there. AND by reputation, he is not the most tactful person on the planet when it comes to telling people to stay out of his business.

According to other folks, Danny Boy thinks that his money makes him the smartest guy in the room under almost any circumstances. But according to those same folks, he's not the smartest guy in the room - - ever. And because he thinks he knows just about everything, he cannot abide people making decisions that do not involve his "approval" or "impramatur".

Admittedly, I have distilled info here to keep these descriptions brief but if you look at the two of them and imagine how those folks might work well together, you will see that it is highly unlikely. They tried it once; it didn't work; neither one is interested in burying the hatchet - - unless it is between the eyebrows of the other one.
LOL. What a visual

Never spent any time with Snyder (no substantial time at least) but I did spend a lot of time around Schottenheimer and that's pretty much a 100% accurate assessment of him. Superbly arrogant with a remarkably annoying penchant for detail. I was very impressed by him, especially by the way he came in and took charge after the Norv fiasco, but I could see how having to deal with him or work for him could drive someone crazy
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Old 10-12-2009, 03:53 PM   #161
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Re: Updated/Merged: Shanahan Rumors (Will He or Won't He?)

Can anyone take the Photo that is 15th down and make it a Sig? it would be fun to have.

blow some steam. Describe our franchise in Photos -
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Old 10-12-2009, 03:56 PM   #162
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Re: Updated/Merged: Shanahan Rumors (Will He or Won't He?)

Originally Posted by SBXVII View Post
Well this won't please too many people

"Snyder is seeking is a candidate willing to leave major personnel decisions to Cerrato and the owner. NFL sources close to Gruden said that's not an expected deal breaker."

Gruden with Bruce Allen, heck even just Bruce Allen without Gruden, could have been nice. I'm not sure who the sources are who say Gruden is interested in the Redskins, I'm curious to know who they are. Not saying they're wrong but I've got arguably the best source when it comes to Gruden and in the last few weeks this source has repeatedly said "not interested"'s only October
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Old 10-12-2009, 03:59 PM   #163
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Re: Updated/Merged: Shanahan Rumors (Will He or Won't He?)

Originally Posted by sportscurmudgeon View Post

I do not pretend to know either Marty Schottenheimer or Danny Boy. However, I do know several folks who know both of these men well.

According to those folks, Marty is VERY difficult to work with and particularly difficult in a situation where you put him in charge of something. In that scenario, his idea is that he is the only person on Earth who should be allowed to make even the most trivial deicsion about what goes on there. AND by reputation, he is not the most tactful person on the planet when it comes to telling people to stay out of his business.

According to other folks, Danny Boy thinks that his money makes him the smartest guy in the room under almost any circumstances. But according to those same folks, he's not the smartest guy in the room - - ever. And because he thinks he knows just about everything, he cannot abide people making decisions that do not involve his "approval" or "impramatur".

Admittedly, I have distilled info here to keep these descriptions brief but if you look at the two of them and imagine how those folks might work well together, you will see that it is highly unlikely. They tried it once; it didn't work; neither one is interested in burying the hatchet - - unless it is between the eyebrows of the other one.
But....if DS is not getting anyone worth a crap and he does come to the realization that he needs to just write the checks and allow someone else with football knowledge to build the team then maybe M.Schottenheimer is the man to know when to say "Get lost DS." Otherewise we will see more of the same enablers. Saying..."Whatever you want DS."
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Old 10-12-2009, 04:03 PM   #164
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Re: Updated/Merged: Shanahan Rumors (Will He or Won't He?)

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
Well this won't please too many people

"Snyder is seeking is a candidate willing to leave major personnel decisions to Cerrato and the owner. NFL sources close to Gruden said that's not an expected deal breaker."

Gruden with Bruce Allen, heck even just Bruce Allen without Gruden, could have been nice. I'm not sure who the sources are who say Gruden is interested in the Redskins, I'm curious to know who they are. Not saying they're wrong but I've got arguably the best source when it comes to Gruden and in the last few weeks this source has repeatedly said "not interested"'s only October
Are you comfortable with that?
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Old 10-12-2009, 04:05 PM   #165
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Re: Updated/Merged: Shanahan Rumors (Will He or Won't He?)

Originally Posted by Hog1 View Post
Are you comfortable with that?
Comfortable with what?
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