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Does prayer work?

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Old 09-16-2007, 05:05 PM   #151
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Re: Does prayer work?

Originally Posted by Schneed10 View Post
Wow, did you ever misunderstand me. That statement was not to point fingers at Al Qaeda; it was to provide an example of religious belief providing a basis for taking hostile action towards other people. Is that not the very definition of a jihad? I'm equally fine with pointing towards the Salem witch hunt, or the Crusades. Religious belief provides humans with a reason to close their minds off to the ideas of other cultures. The west has been guilty of it throughout history, just as Al-Qaeda is now.

I don't care to argue politics in this thread. This thread is about prayer and religion. My point is that religious belief causes division in our world.

So strange for you to jump down my throat after I was one of the very few people on this forum that actually agreed with something you had to say. But whatever.
You are totally correct. I apologize. I'm the one who is guilty of knee-jerk behavior. I'll read your posts more carefully the next time.
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Old 09-17-2007, 12:41 AM   #152
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Re: Does prayer work?

Originally Posted by Crazyhorse1 View Post
By the way, saying I'm a friend of Castro is a cheap shot and unworthy of someone who doesn't want this forum to be a house of lies. I'm not a friend of Castro's, or any other tyrants, including butchers like Pol Pot and George Bush.
Since you hold religion responsible for the atrocities of the religous and lump all believers together, it seems perfectly reasonable for me to hold athiesm responsible for the atrocities of athiests and lump all non-believers together.
This Monkey's Gone to Heaven
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