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Where will McNabb land?

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Old 06-21-2011, 05:21 PM   #136
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Re: Where will McNabb land?

To be honest, McNabb's best chance to have any sort of sustained success is to stay here. Where else is he going to go that doesn't have a young quarterback waiting in the wings, waiting to take his job?

But he's not going to stay here. A lot of things would have to happen for that to work. First he'd have to restructure his contract, and we all know how long it took to get the first stupid deal. Second, he'd have to be a lot more coachable, and it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks.

But you gotta think...they're going to improve the o-line. They drafted a bunch of new weapons. He should be better at the offense (in theory anyway) after a year in it.

But he's going to go somewhere else, and I think he's going to struggle wherever else he goes, regardless of where he ends up.
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Old 06-22-2011, 12:31 AM   #137
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Re: Where will McNabb land?

Originally Posted by NLC1054 View Post
To be honest, McNabb's best chance to have any sort of sustained success is to stay here. Where else is he going to go that doesn't have a young quarterback waiting in the wings, waiting to take his job?

But he's not going to stay here. A lot of things would have to happen for that to work. First he'd have to restructure his contract, and we all know how long it took to get the first stupid deal. Second, he'd have to be a lot more coachable, and it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks.

But you gotta think...they're going to improve the o-line. They drafted a bunch of new weapons. He should be better at the offense (in theory anyway) after a year in it.

But he's going to go somewhere else, and I think he's going to struggle wherever else he goes, regardless of where he ends up.
Well this would make sense, except that our coach has a big ego so that's not going to work out. The Shanahans want McNabb out of here, and McNabb wants out of here.

My hope is that the team doesn't make a stupid mistake like the McNabb trade again.
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Old 06-22-2011, 12:41 AM   #138
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Re: Where will McNabb land?

Originally Posted by Ruhskins View Post
Well this would make sense, except that our coach has a big ego so that's not going to work out. The Shanahans want McNabb out of here, and McNabb wants out of here.

My hope is that the team doesn't make a stupid mistake like the McNabb trade again.
What does Shanahan's ego have to do with it?

I mean, Mike Shanahan bought McNabb here despite his offensive coordinator not thinking he was a good fit. If anything, it was Shanny's ego, or more likely, his history of developing quarterbacks, that bought McNabb here.

Getting rid of McNabb is more admitting a mistake and admitting the trade was a failure than it has to do with any sort of ego. I mean, there's kinda two sides in the whole mess, and McNabb had a big part in it as well. His reluctance to meet Kyle halfway, the lack of good practice habits, the inability to execute the offense...I mean, both sides screwed up.

But I don't think Mike Shanahan is letting McNabb go because of his ego. I think the famed Mike Shanahan ego is largely made up. I can't imagine him having anywhere near the level of success he's had winning two Super Bowls and winning as many games as he did without having elite quarterbacks after Elway left if he was an egomaniac.
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Old 06-22-2011, 12:54 AM   #139
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Re: Where will McNabb land?

Originally Posted by NLC1054 View Post
What does Shanahan's ego have to do with it?

I mean, Mike Shanahan bought McNabb here despite his offensive coordinator not thinking he was a good fit. If anything, it was Shanny's ego, or more likely, his history of developing quarterbacks, that bought McNabb here.

Getting rid of McNabb is more admitting a mistake and admitting the trade was a failure than it has to do with any sort of ego. I mean, there's kinda two sides in the whole mess, and McNabb had a big part in it as well. His reluctance to meet Kyle halfway, the lack of good practice habits, the inability to execute the offense...I mean, both sides screwed up.

But I don't think Mike Shanahan is letting McNabb go because of his ego. I think the famed Mike Shanahan ego is largely made up. I can't imagine him having anywhere near the level of success he's had winning two Super Bowls and winning as many games as he did without having elite quarterbacks after Elway left if he was an egomaniac.
I do think Shanny has a big ego, but you are right, in this situation it wasn't much ego. Both sides would be unwilling to give it a try, which is a shame given how much we gave up for McNabb. I just don't want the FO to make a major screw up like this again.
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Old 06-22-2011, 10:02 AM   #140
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Re: Where will McNabb land?

At this point we should just cut the guy if we can't get a draft pick. It's not a good fit for either side. Even with Mcnabb this isn't a good team. Just part ways and let the aging, past his prime vet go to another team like Minnesota or AZ.
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Old 06-22-2011, 10:12 AM   #141
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Re: Where will McNabb land?

He's under contract, I say keep him and make him back up his big promises now. If this is true and he's worked hard on conditioning and fundamentals...let him show us. He DOES have a year plus in the system now and at times, he did look great last season. He'll have better targets at WR, better RBs behind him and hopefully after FA, a better line.

I'd bring him back with Beck as the backup. Rex is going to want starter's money and he'll always be there as a tempting bandaid if McNabb has a bad game...stirring up controversy every week.

He should finally have a grasp on the system. He says he's ready physically. Lets see it. We're not going to the Super Bowl this year anyways, but the potential of the team is much greater with a healthy and effective McNabb than it would be with Rex or Beck.

Why throw the trade (and 2nd round pick we gave up) after one year. McNabb has the potential to be great for us if he can get a handle on the offense. For what we're paying him, he should be expected to. I say we don't let him go that easily. Make him work out for us.
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Old 06-22-2011, 10:20 AM   #142
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Re: Where will McNabb land?

Originally Posted by NLC1054 View Post
What does Shanahan's ego have to do with it?

I mean, Mike Shanahan bought McNabb here despite his offensive coordinator not thinking he was a good fit. If anything, it was Shanny's ego, or more likely, his history of developing quarterbacks, that bought McNabb here.

Getting rid of McNabb is more admitting a mistake and admitting the trade was a failure than it has to do with any sort of ego. I mean, there's kinda two sides in the whole mess, and McNabb had a big part in it as well. His reluctance to meet Kyle halfway, the lack of good practice habits, the inability to execute the offense...I mean, both sides screwed up.

But I don't think Mike Shanahan is letting McNabb go because of his ego. I think the famed Mike Shanahan ego is largely made up. I can't imagine him having anywhere near the level of success he's had winning two Super Bowls and winning as many games as he did without having elite quarterbacks after Elway left if he was an egomaniac.
I think in fairness to the Shanny's we have to consider what may have transpired before they even stepped into Redskins Park. Bruce Allen was on the job before them & we don't know what his marching orders were from the Danny. I wonder if the Danny said something like, 'I'm not going to micro-manage but I want you to make a move so we can try to win now.'

So, the talks to get McNabb might've been underway before the Shannys came in & it might've been more difficult than we know for them to reverse that process.
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Old 06-22-2011, 10:28 AM   #143
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Re: Where will McNabb land?

Originally Posted by freddyg12 View Post
I think in fairness to the Shanny's we have to consider what may have transpired before they even stepped into Redskins Park. Bruce Allen was on the job before them & we don't know what his marching orders were from the Danny. I wonder if the Danny said something like, 'I'm not going to micro-manage but I want you to make a move so we can try to win now.'

So, the talks to get McNabb might've been underway before the Shannys came in & it might've been more difficult than we know for them to reverse that process.
I've brought this up before, but it was Allen who initiated the idea. He was in some meeting, forget when exactly, but I think it may have been during Super Bowl week. And when I say meeting it was nothing formal, just some get together with NFL execs. And he came back to Shanahan and basically said "Look, I think we could have a real shot at getting Donovan McNabb, would you be interested?" That's how it all started

If I recall correctly, McNabb's contract makes it a lot easier to let him go now. Sucks what happened but time to rip the band-aid right off
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Old 06-22-2011, 10:40 AM   #144
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Re: Where will McNabb land?

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
I've brought this up before, but it was Allen who initiated the idea. He was in some meeting, forget when exactly, but I think it may have been during Super Bowl week. And when I say meeting it was nothing formal, just some get together with NFL execs. And he came back to Shanahan and basically said "Look, I think we could have a real shot at getting Donovan McNabb, would you be interested?" That's how it all started

If I recall correctly, McNabb's contract makes it a lot easier to let him go now. Sucks what happened but time to rip the band-aid right off
Ok, so Mike was on board. If that's the case it does sound like there was either a serious disconnect between he & his son, Kyle came on board too late to change the decision, or Mike said McNabb is our qb & if you want this job you'll have to deal w/that.

I can't remember when Kyle was hired, but to my point - would Kyle have ever consulted on McNabb? Kyle may have been stuck w/him the way that most coaches are stuck w/players on a roster when they take over. Just because he's the coaches son doesn't mean he didn't have to deal w/personel that he didn't want.

I'm not making excuses for any of them, just pointing out that in any organization decisions are often made w/out consensus of all the top brass. We've seen here that when a coordinator is against bringing a player in, it usually doesn't work out, e.g. J. Taylor & AH w/Blache. Hopefully this will just be a good learning experience for the shannys that they can build on.
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Old 06-22-2011, 12:40 PM   #145
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Re: Where will McNabb land?

I'm pretty sure Kyle Shanahan was already on board as offensive coordinator when McNabb was traded for. Plenty of time for Mike to consult his OC and say "do you think this guy fits with what we want to do?"

That's why I tend to laugh when people talk about how much power Kyle Shanahan has in Washington. Yup, Kyle has so much power in Washington that he couldn't convince his head coach not to add a guy to the team that clearly didn't fit his scheme.
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Old 06-22-2011, 12:50 PM   #146
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Re: Where will McNabb land?

Perhaps Kyle was on board and it wasn't until they actually started working with DM that they found it wasn't going to work out.

Or maybe as most OC's would do, he deferred to the HC to make the final call.
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Old 06-22-2011, 12:50 PM   #147
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Re: Where will McNabb land?

Originally Posted by NLC1054 View Post
I'm pretty sure Kyle Shanahan was already on board as offensive coordinator when McNabb was traded for. Plenty of time for Mike to consult his OC and say "do you think this guy fits with what we want to do?"

That's why I tend to laugh when people talk about how much power Kyle Shanahan has in Washington. Yup, Kyle has so much power in Washington that he couldn't convince his head coach not to add a guy to the team that clearly didn't fit his scheme.
Well he has enough power to make McNabb leave. But you are right, I think his "power" may be a bit exaggerated.
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Old 06-22-2011, 12:58 PM   #148
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Re: Where will McNabb land?

Originally Posted by Ruhskins View Post
Well he has enough power to make McNabb leave. But you are right, I think his "power" may be a bit exaggerated.
I don't think Kyle has a ton of power to say anything. Getting rid of McNabb has to at least be mostly Mike's call.

Also, it's funny how McNabb keeps saying he wants to stay in Washington and then doesn't work out with the team...and then he goes and workouts out with his former Eagles teammates.

Stay classy, Super 5. Somewhere else.
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Old 06-22-2011, 01:05 PM   #149
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Re: Where will McNabb land?

Well Tryon was here working out with the Skins. It's understandable he would work out with former teammates/friends. He spent a long time there in Philly, safe to say that's where his heart is.
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Old 06-22-2011, 01:26 PM   #150
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Re: Where will McNabb land?

Originally Posted by Mattyk View Post
Well Tryon was here working out with the Skins. It's understandable he would work out with former teammates/friends. He spent a long time there in Philly, safe to say that's where his heart is.
It's not so much that he worked out with the Eagles. It's that he worked out with the Eagles AND didn't work out here, despite repeatedly saying that he wants to stay in Washington.

No one would blame him if he was just like "I think it's time to move on", but his insistence that he'd be willing to stay, only to not work out with the team (despite being invited and knowing about it), and then going to work out with the team that traded him in the first place, just rubs me the wrong way, just like it rubbed me the wrong way when he was working out with the Cardinals while we were having workouts here.

I know he doesn't owe the team anything, but still. It's bothersome, and a bit two faced.
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