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To All The Liberals

Debating with the enemy

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Old 11-04-2010, 01:43 AM   #136
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Re: To All The Liberals

Should government not be concerned with the welfare of our ocean and sea life, as well as the livelyhood of the hard working Americans who live in the Gulf Coast region when oil companies get careless and are more concerned with profits than safety? Who's going to protect the little guy, who by the way is still getting back on his feet from Katrina, when BP is gushing millions of gallons of oil in our waters and onto our beaches for an entire summer?

Should we trust big oil to clean up the mess and govern themselves or should Big Brother to be there with, at times, a heavy hand to ensure that foreign and domestic companies are playing by the rules?

I'll take the EPA with all of it's warts everyday of the week in that scenerio.
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Old 11-04-2010, 08:39 AM   #137
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Re: To All The Liberals

Originally Posted by Buster View Post
W.A.M. I get it.

Must be the same thing for Barney Frank, who is one of the major reasons for the housing crisis and this whole economic crash....but he brings home the bacon I guess.

That's true, Barney Frank himself was the reason for the housing crisis. Not the slow attrition of the Glass-Steagal act; that certainly had nothing to do with it. It was all Barney Frank.
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Old 11-04-2010, 09:30 AM   #138
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Re: To All The Liberals

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
I believe The Daily Mail is a tabloid newspaper. Sources said indeed. I am curious, do you guys really lack the necessary analytical skills to see how absurd this claim is? Has it also occurred to you that it is incumbent upon the host nation to pay for most of the security costs?

You guys are amazing.
34 warships sent from US for Obama visit
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Old 11-04-2010, 10:40 AM   #139
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Re: To All The Liberals

Originally Posted by mlmpetert View Post
He's visiting a region hit by a terrorist attack in the not-so-distant future (hotel bombing a few years ago, still unstable region). He's taking more warships than EVER used by a President on a trip, booking an ENTIRE hotel and shutting down all business in the area for 3 days, taking 3,000 people along...FOR WHAT REASON? It's costing US $2 billion! For what reason are we putting the safety and security of our President at risk? This is not a trip he should be making for the regional danger alone...and this is coming from someone who would rather see him leave office...but he's our President and he does need to be safe regardless of political and idealogical disagreements. On top of this, it's a trip he's canceled TWICE already, so his itinerary may already be out there! Really smart. The hosts may already know his movements and whereabouts. This is extremely risky.

According to the White House, he wants to "experience the festival of lights".

Hopefully we can impeach him before he loses his election. He and his wife are single-handedly bankrupting us on their vacations and shopping alone. He is just completely out of touch with reality, especially when it comes to economics and responsibility. He thinks he can do anything he wants and won't have any dangers or consequences.

Even in the Cold War with Reagan and Gorbechev, we didn't need that many warships. We probably didn't use that many warships in Yalta for the WWII conference with FDR, Chruchhill and Stalin. This man literally thinks he's the most important man in the world at all times.
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Old 11-04-2010, 11:08 AM   #140
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Re: To All The Liberals

Obamas wanted to celebrate Diwali in India

Apparently, people in India do not want him to come either....check out these comments from The Times of India:

US bomber aircrafts to escort Obama's plane in Mumbai - The Times of India

There are also concerns being voiced over there that because he's literally shutting down a part of the city and all of the businesses, that some business owners aren't going to be able to feed their families that week.

More details from Indian sources:

Obama's visit: Under siege in south Mumbai?

"For residents and shopkeepers, this clampdown coming in peak season is definitely not good news. A street vendor on Colaba causeway, a paradise for shoppers, tells NDTV, "This is the Diwali weekend when we can make money. But we have been told to shut shop.We have no problem with his visit. But why should it affect our business?"

Mani Bhavan: Where Obama will stop on Saturday

The Mumbai students who'll have an Obama diwali
34 warships sent from US for Obama visit

Force One inspect venues of Obama's visit

Obama Visit: Full security rehearsal in Mumbai tomorrow

Mumbai: Gateway jetty to be shut during Obama's visit

US sniffer dog 'Khan' has its own passport
Dogs need passports now?

Mumbai: Auto enthusiasts await Barack Mobile C1

Oh and current events in the area:

Razor attack on Mumbai teen at Kurla station

Congress attacks RSS for involvement in terror

Another arrest in Ajmer blast case

Five arrested for heckling separatist in Jammu
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Old 11-04-2010, 11:16 AM   #141
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Re: To All The Liberals

Originally Posted by mlmpetert View Post
My analytical skills are suggesting that if ythe host nation writes a check for bounces.....and maybe the U.S as well?
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Old 11-04-2010, 11:32 AM   #142
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Re: To All The Liberals

Originally Posted by Buster View Post
This man literally thinks he's the most important man in the world at all times.
Forbes - Barack Obama

Number 2 "most powerfull".

This is a complete waste of money.
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Old 11-04-2010, 11:37 AM   #143
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Re: To All The Liberals

Originally Posted by 12thMan View Post
this isn't lining up with the economic data that we're seeing and have seen over the past twelve months. This is the fastest post recession recovery we've seen in a generation or better. How we go from here back to a Depression is beyond me. The auto companies have returned to viability, TARP has been repaid with interest and at a profit to the taxpayer. You know that, right? You can't cut corners when you inherit such an economy as Obama did. You have to spend and cut taxes. You know he's done that too, right?
Not sure what numbers you're looking at, but unemployment is almost 10%, housing is in the crapper, the Fed Reserve is printing another TRILLION, the Fed Gov't is spending like a drunken sailor just off a 6 month cruise, small businesses all over are getting crushed, and retailers are bracing for a horrible holiday season.

If the car companies are getting back to viability, it's because they're being forced to. And what did they do to become profitable....spend, they cut costs and became more efficient. Why can't the Fed do that?

Big businesses are hoarding cash right now, they're not expanding or creating jobs due to the uncertainty of over-regulation and potential taxation from a D controlled Congress. Will this ease once the new Congress is seated and businesses see the Rs have enough power to stop the Obama-genda, that remains to be seen. If businesses start opening up knowing that we've got gridlock for at least two years, it should help the economy and Obama has a chance in 2012. If businesses still hold back, unemployment stays where it is, and the economy is still'll be another bloodbath for the Ds in 2012.
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Old 11-04-2010, 11:38 AM   #144
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Re: To All The Liberals

I don't see anything wrong with him and his wife making this trip. It's the 2998 other people who could have been pared down a bit. It must feel like being an Emperor at times, the way any president is treated nowadays. I imagine Obama will become quite the statesman once he leaves office (unless of course, we get rid of that pesky two term thing)
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Old 11-04-2010, 11:45 AM   #145
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Re: To All The Liberals

Was this such a big deal when W locked down the same Sheraton hotel in Delhi for his 3 day visit in 2006 (less than 6 months after the Oct. 2005 blasts there)?
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Old 11-04-2010, 11:49 AM   #146
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Re: To All The Liberals

Originally Posted by Hog1 View Post
My analytical skills are suggesting that if ythe host nation writes a check for bounces.....and maybe the U.S as well?

Well we are currently printing 800 billion more dollars to increase our monitized debt to 2.5 trillion-ish. So that 200 million (or what ever it is) a day will actually be more like 160 million in today's dollar.

Ben Bernanke (who im usually in agreement with,and a overall fan of) said it best:

"The U.S. government has a technology, called a printing press, that allows it to produce as many U.S. dollars as it wishes at essentially no cost."

Bernanke Playbook Gives Hints on Fed's Next Moves: Mark Gilbert - Bloomberg
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Old 11-04-2010, 11:52 AM   #147
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Re: To All The Liberals

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
Was this such a big deal when W locked down the same Sheraton hotel in Delhi for his 3 day visit in 2006 (less than 6 months after the Oct. 2005 blasts there)?
It is a big deal regardless of who is minding the purse strings....or should be.
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Old 11-04-2010, 12:03 PM   #148
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Re: To All The Liberals

Originally Posted by Slingin Sammy 33 View Post
Not sure what numbers you're looking at, but unemployment is almost 10%, housing is in the crapper, the Fed Reserve is printing another TRILLION, the Fed Gov't is spending like a drunken sailor just off a 6 month cruise, small businesses all over are getting crushed, and retailers are bracing for a horrible holiday season.

If the car companies are getting back to viability, it's because they're being forced to. And what did they do to become profitable....spend, they cut costs and became more efficient. Why can't the Fed do that?

Big businesses are hoarding cash right now, they're not expanding or creating jobs due to the uncertainty of over-regulation and potential taxation from a D controlled Congress. Will this ease once the new Congress is seated and businesses see the Rs have enough power to stop the Obama-genda, that remains to be seen. If businesses start opening up knowing that we've got gridlock for at least two years, it should help the economy and Obama has a chance in 2012. If businesses still hold back, unemployment stays where it is, and the economy is still'll be another bloodbath for the Ds in 2012.
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Old 11-04-2010, 12:19 PM   #149
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Re: To All The Liberals

Originally Posted by Hog1 View Post
It is a big deal regardless of who is minding the purse strings....or should be.
Maybe I should have phrased it differently...would certain people have made such a big deal if...
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Old 11-04-2010, 12:39 PM   #150
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Re: To All The Liberals

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
Was this such a big deal when W locked down the same Sheraton hotel in Delhi for his 3 day visit in 2006 (less than 6 months after the Oct. 2005 blasts there)?
I would feel the same way no matter who is in office at the time. I do not recall the trip Bush took so I'm guessing it must not have been close to 200 million per day. The problem is Obama says he knows how bad people are hurting but they have a history of these expensive outings. This one more so on the tax payers.
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