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Teen still being bullied after suicide

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Old 09-27-2011, 01:42 PM   #1
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Teen still being bullied after suicide

Teen’s parents: After suicide, he’s still being bullied - TODAY People -

Dude committed suicide and kids are still ragging on his memory? Some of these kids need serious help. I'd say they'd be deserving of a beatdown but we all know violence doesn't solve anything.
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Old 09-27-2011, 02:12 PM   #2
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Re: Teen still being bullied after suicide

I just cant understand people,I dont see how anyone can be that cruel
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Old 09-27-2011, 03:14 PM   #3
Naega jeil jal naga
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Re: Teen still being bullied after suicide

Originally Posted by mooby View Post
Teen’s parents: After suicide, he’s still being bullied - TODAY People -

Dude committed suicide and kids are still ragging on his memory? Some of these kids need serious help. I'd say they'd be deserving of a beatdown but we all know violence doesn't solve anything.
Besides Mental torture is so much more effective. Problem is a lot of times it's hard to truly f with someones mind to the point of satisfaction. You have to either be a sociopath or extremely clever.

There is good news is though. They have the slurs in writing. They also have a major pop star with millions of dollars who is pissed off. I wouldn't be surprised if her fans found out who the kids were and started harrasing them online (Go to any LGaga YouTube video and you'll see how crazy and loyal her fans are).

Lady Gaga calls for action after teen's suicide

Either way the families of these bullies are going to be sued hard. Like no more college fund hard.
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Old 09-27-2011, 04:29 PM   #4
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Re: Teen still being bullied after suicide

Originally Posted by Dirtbag59 View Post
Besides Mental torture is so much more effective. Problem is a lot of times it's hard to truly f with someones mind to the point of satisfaction. You have to either be a sociopath or extremely clever.

There is good news is though. They have the slurs in writing. They also have a major pop star with millions of dollars who is pissed off. I wouldn't be surprised if her fans found out who the kids were and started harrasing them online (Go to any LGaga YouTube video and you'll see how crazy and loyal her fans are).

Lady Gaga calls for action after teen's suicide

Either way the families of these bullies are going to be sued hard. Like no more college fund hard.
I'd love to see the legal side take due course and punish the kids who were doing this, but nothing's guaranteed. With that said, they do have evidence on their side. But evidence of what exactly? Are they going to punish some teens for bullying/harassment after the kid already died? I'm not a lawyer by any stretch but that doesn't sound feasible.
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Old 09-27-2011, 04:42 PM   #5
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Re: Teen still being bullied after suicide

Originally Posted by mooby View Post
I'd love to see the legal side take due course and punish the kids who were doing this, but nothing's guaranteed. With that said, they do have evidence on their side. But evidence of what exactly? Are they going to punish some teens for bullying/harassment after the kid already died? I'm not a lawyer by any stretch but that doesn't sound feasible.
Well keep in mind these kids aren't master criminals. Pretty much everyone at the school knows who they are, and it won't be to hard to round up witnesses, starting with his friends (they did these chants in full view at a school dance). Also I'm not totally sure but it's possible some of the more vulgar messages were posted on Facebook, others were posted on a blog where people can remain anonymous but even then IP addresses can be dug up and subpoenaed. It wouldn't be to hard for someone with the resources to find out not only who they are but what they said.

The criminal part is minimal. Harassment is likely the only thing they'll be charged with and thats community service. The part that will keep them up at night and turn the tables will be a civil suit hanging over their heads. Their home lives will become hell, and ironically they'll get an idea of what they put that other kid through.

The other part that sucks for them though is a pissed off millionaire (Lady Gaga) with virtually unlimited resources making this case her latest causes. If I read the article correctly she even met with the president to discuss this.
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Last edited by Dirtbag59; 09-27-2011 at 04:47 PM.
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Old 09-29-2011, 12:20 PM   #6
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Re: Teen still being bullied after suicide


And I'm not saying that what I'm about to bring up is the same. But on this board, and on other similar sites a lot of people like to mock Tony Romo by calling him Tony Homo. For one thing because they think it's funny since Homo rhymes with Romo. But also, because it implies that he's an effeminate, homosexual who isn't "man enough" to play football. Yet I doubt any of who throw the phrase around consider that a) some of the NFL's best players (past and present) are gay or that b) when you slander his name like that you may not realize that a fellow Redskins fan is on this board reading that and feeling a bit hurt maybe because they are actually gay.

Anyhow, like I said it's not the same as what's happened in Buffalo. And I'm sure many of you who call Tony Romo Tony Homo don't think of it as a gay slur. But I thought I'd just put that out there.
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Old 09-29-2011, 12:45 PM   #7
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Re: Teen still being bullied after suicide

It's often a cruel world we live in. There's no rational explanation for behavior like this.
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Old 09-29-2011, 12:47 PM   #8
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Re: Teen still being bullied after suicide

Yeah, people use gay as a synonym for stupid but it is pretty offensive. I use to use it quite a bit in high school but have since changed that. Sometimes it slips but it is definitely wrong and something i strive not to do.
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Old 09-29-2011, 12:59 PM   #9
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Re: Teen still being bullied after suicide

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post

And I'm not saying that what I'm about to bring up is the same. But on this board, and on other similar sites a lot of people like to mock Tony Romo by calling him Tony Homo. For one thing because they think it's funny since Homo rhymes with Romo. But also, because it implies that he's an effeminate, homosexual who isn't "man enough" to play football. Yet I doubt any of who throw the phrase around consider that a) some of the NFL's best players (past and present) are gay or that b) when you slander his name like that you may not realize that a fellow Redskins fan is on this board reading that and feeling a bit hurt maybe because they are actually gay.

Anyhow, like I said it's not the same as what's happened in Buffalo. And I'm sure many of you who call Tony Romo Tony Homo don't think of it as a gay slur. But I thought I'd just put that out there.
Funny as a moderator on this board you took the time to "slap the hand" of folks who use Homo instead of Romo but yet let folks use terms such as "butt pirate" (which IMO is the same as calling a African American a "N") go unpunished.

I am not speaking directly to you SS but the moderation board as a whole on here. I still have a bitter taste in my mouth about the below postings and was appalled no real action was taken. I always thought something like this would not have been stood for on this web site.

Most notably post number 3612 on that page.

You guys as moderators had a opportunity to stop a bully or bully like actions but you choose to turn a blind eye to it. Just like maybe one of Jamey's teachers did in school when he was being called names or bullied because of his sexuality, maybe if a teacher had step in Jamey still be here.

I am real not trying to be a dick to you guys but I am still very bitter about those posts and the actions or non-actions that were taken afterwards.
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Last edited by mredskins; 09-29-2011 at 01:59 PM.
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Old 09-29-2011, 01:13 PM   #10
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Re: Teen still being bullied after suicide

Originally Posted by mredskins View Post
Funny as a moderator on this board you took the time to "slap the hand" of folks who use Homo instead of Romo but yet let folks use terms such as "butt pirate" (which IMO is the same as calling a African American a "N") go unpunished.

I am not speaking directly to you SS but the moderation board as a whole on here. I still have a bitter taste in my mouth about the below postings and was applauded no real action was taken. I always thought something like this would not have been stood for on this web site.

Most notably post number 3612 on that page.

You guys as moderators had a opportunity to stop a bully or bully like actions but you choose to turn a blind eye to it. Just like maybe one of Jamey's teachers did in school when he was being called names or bullied because of his sexuality, maybe if a teacher had step in Jamey still be here.

I am real not trying to be a dick to you guys but I am still very bitter about those posts and the actions or non-actions that were taken afterwards.
1. I think any of those slurs are wrong, was just using that one as an example. Maybe there should be enforcement against using Tony Homo. I've never thought about that before. I just find it kind of juvenile
2. I think the SHFT has "jumped the shark" if you will and I tend at most to just skim through it every other week or so
3. Sorry you felt bitter, but don't go SBF on us and think we turned a blind eye to it. Maybe we just missed it. Maybe one of the other mods spoke to AW (I don't know)
4. If you felt offended you should reach out to us. There is an option to report a post and you should PM us. We've said that time and again
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Old 09-29-2011, 01:20 PM   #11
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Re: Teen still being bullied after suicide

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
1. I think any of those slurs are wrong, was just using that one as an example. Maybe there should be enforcement against using Tony Homo. I've never thought about that before. I just find it kind of juvenile
2. I think the SHFT has "jumped the shark" if you will and I tend at most to just skim through it every other week or so
3. Sorry you felt bitter, but don't go SBF on us and think we turned a blind eye to it. Maybe we just missed it. Maybe one of the other mods spoke to AW (I don't know)
4. If you felt offended you should reach out to us. There is an option to report a post and you should PM us. We've said that time and again
No worries, I am off my soap box. After reading back through Matty did say enough is enough. I just felt more could have been done and that is just my opinion, in the end you guys are judge, jury and executioner on here.

Little old me is just going to go back to my BBQ pit and sulk.
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Old 09-29-2011, 01:50 PM   #12
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Re: Teen still being bullied after suicide

Mredskins, just a heads up but you should change "applauded" to "appalled" in that post above, because even though they are spelled slightly similar, they are two different things. Just thought I'd let you know.

SS, the whole nicknames thing in the NFL is so lame. Deadskins, Foreskins, Cowgirls, Sheagles, Gints (and even midgets), Tony Homo, etc. is so lame. It's like going out of your way to try and insult them, and the insult is mediocre at best. I used to follow that line of thinking, and probably still do on occasion, but every time I think about it the more I realize how lame and unoriginal they are.

Also, I completely agree that the SHFT has reached its' expiration date. I still see funny stuff in there occasionally, but it's few and far between. Just put it out of its' misery.

As far as gay and butt pirate goes, I follow along the lines of hooskins. I've used both a lot in the past (although I've never used butt pirate to explicitly refer to a gay person like AW did), and to this day I still let it slip, but I'm in the process of trying to eliminate it from my vocabulary. I've always used gay to identify something I don't necessarily identify with, but I don't use it as a hurtful term, and lately I feel it's being overused so much by the male population that now I prefer to use more original terms.
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Old 09-29-2011, 01:59 PM   #13
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Re: Teen still being bullied after suicide

Well I did say something...

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Old 09-29-2011, 02:01 PM   #14
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Re: Teen still being bullied after suicide

Thanks Mooby.

Yes Matty you did and I acknowledge it in my response to SS.
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Old 09-29-2011, 02:03 PM   #15
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Re: Teen still being bullied after suicide

Ahhh so who's go the blind eye?

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