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State of the Union (1/27/10)

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Old 01-27-2010, 10:28 PM   #1
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State of the Union (1/27/10)

Well. Long story short, I didn't watch it.

Anything worth hearing? More hot air? More promises not being fulfilled? (Yeah, I'm swaying on that side of the fence now)

What'd you think about it if you watched?
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Old 01-27-2010, 10:40 PM   #2
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Re: State of the Union (1/27/10)

Typical Obama. Good speech, makes you feel energized, makes you feel hopeful that things will improve. All that warm and fuzzy stuff.

At this point just show me the results or hit the road in 2012, I'm unfazed by the cheerleading.
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Old 01-27-2010, 10:55 PM   #3
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Re: State of the Union (1/27/10)

Yeah I watched it. Man that guy loves the sound of his own voice. It was a long speech. I was really hoping to hear any indication that he was going to pare down his agenda somewhat, and I know many in both parties were hoping the same thing. Not so much. He doesn't appear to backing off anything. Government is trying to do way too much. Actually, Governor McDonnell's response said just that (at least we didn't hear from Bobby Jindal tonight).

Obama said he refuses to quit. I take that as meaning he believes his agenda on inauguration day is still precisely the agenda that is best for America. I don't agree.

I guess I like his idea of a spending freeze (a certain senator from Arizona suggested the same thing a little over a year ago), but hearing Obama warn about the danger of incurring more debt was comical, if not hypocritical.

He also mentioned "the previous 8 years" a few times in a negative light. Stop it Obama. Just stop. Bush has been gone for over a year. It's your time now. Pointing fingers cheapens your presidency.

As usual, the rhetoric doesn't come close to matching the actions.

And on a side note, Greta Van Sustren looks downright frightening.
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Old 01-27-2010, 10:58 PM   #4
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Re: State of the Union (1/27/10)

I was highly amused by the "that's how budgeting works [you morons]" line. Let's hope he doesn't hit the road...not that there is any meaningful chance of that happening.
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Old 01-27-2010, 10:59 PM   #5
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Re: State of the Union (1/27/10)

Originally Posted by GMScud View Post
Yeah I watched it. Man that guy loves the sound of his own voice. It was a long speech. I was really hoping to hear any indication that he was going to pare down his agenda somewhat, and I know many in both parties were hoping the same thing. Not so much. He doesn't appear to backing off anything. Government is trying to do way too much. Actually, Governor McDonnell's response said just that (at least we didn't hear from Bobby Jindal tonight).

Obama said he refuses to quit. I take that as meaning he believes his agenda on inauguration day is still precisely the agenda that is best for America. I don't agree.

I guess I like his idea of a spending freeze (a certain senator from Arizona suggested the same thing a little over a year ago), but hearing Obama warn about the danger of incurring more debt was comical, if not hypocritical.

He also mentioned "the previous 8 years" a few times in a negative light. Stop it Obama. Just stop. Bush has been gone for over a year. It's your time now. Pointing fingers cheapens your presidency.

And on a side note, Greta Van Sustren looks downright frightening
Crypt keeper's long lost sister.

Well I'm assuming that if he doesn't wanna incur more debt, he's going to lop off some things on that Health Care bill.

And I agree about backtracking to the Bush admin again. We all know Bush dropped the ball. Time to move on and look ahead to what we can do over the next 3 years.
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Old 01-27-2010, 11:00 PM   #6
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Re: State of the Union (1/27/10)

The SOB lectured the SUPREME COURT. What a dumb ass! He said he'd also use an executive order to circumvent THE SENATE. Apart from that it was a George B Obama Rino / Progressive BS speech. The only good thing he said, that I like, is that all of the combat troops are going to leave Iraq. Then I realized he said combat troops, and not all troops.
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Old 01-27-2010, 11:03 PM   #7
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Re: State of the Union (1/27/10)

His bit about re-enforcing his ongoing commitment to earmark reform was also hilarious. Umm, didn't he sign a stimulus package with nearly 9,000 earmarks in it?
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Old 01-27-2010, 11:07 PM   #8
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Re: State of the Union (1/27/10)

Elections have consequences, I don't know how anyone can get upset at Obama for pursuing the agenda he believes in. Disagree with it, fine, but don't act surprised that he's not changing his message at the first sign of trouble.
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Old 01-27-2010, 11:08 PM   #9
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Re: State of the Union (1/27/10)

Facts are a damn nuisance when they are not on your side. He took responsibility for the trillion he added to the deficit, you want him to take the blame for the shitty budget left to him aswell? GTFOOH.
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Old 01-27-2010, 11:15 PM   #10
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Re: State of the Union (1/27/10)

Originally Posted by Trample the Elderly View Post
The SOB lectured the SUPREME COURT. What a dumb ass! He said he'd also use an executive order to circumvent THE SENATE. Apart from that it was a George B Obama Rino / Progressive BS speech. The only good thing he said, that I like, is that all of the combat troops are going to leave Iraq. Then I realized he said combat troops, and not all troops.

Alito shaking his head and saying "that's not true" was my second fav moment. It's a place the needed to be gone. As for the bypassing the Senate, can you blame him? Six Republicans co-sponsored the comission bill and then voted against. There is no money in reducing the deficit.
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Old 01-27-2010, 11:21 PM   #11
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Re: State of the Union (1/27/10)

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
Facts are a damn nuisance when they are not on your side. He took responsibility for the trillion he added to the deficit, you want him to take the blame for the shitty budget left to him aswell? GTFOOH.
Didn't he quadruple national debt?

IMO the whole thing was partisan, defensive, and repetitive - except for the spending freeze (which won't take effect for another year so he can rack up more exponential debt by expanding government even further). I think he's out of touch with his own policies in some areas.
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Old 01-27-2010, 11:23 PM   #12
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Re: State of the Union (1/27/10)

"Last week, the Supreme Court reversed a century of law to open the floodgates for special interests — including foreign corporations — to spend without limit in our elections," Obama said

Obama lied on national television. McCain / Feingold isn't that old. They may be but the law isn't.

I don't remember the Democrats complaining when the Chinese nationals (aka the ChiComs) were giving campaign money to the Clintons and Gore.

I thought I hated Bush, then we got Clinton. I thought no one could screw up bigger than Clinton, then we got Dumb-ass the younger. I thought no one, absolutely no one could be a bigger screw up than W. Now we have this guy, a guy who gets up and lies on national television.

It's been a Democrat Congress since 2006. Yeah remember, dumb-ass W destroyed the Republican party like Mao-bama is destroying the Democrat party. Democrats can't wash their hands of this.
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Old 01-27-2010, 11:24 PM   #13
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Re: State of the Union (1/27/10)

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
Alito shaking his head and saying "that's not true" was my second fav moment. It's a place the needed to be gone. As for the bypassing the Senate, can you blame him? Six Republicans co-sponsored the comission bill and then voted against. There is no money in reducing the deficit.
A favorite moment? So either Alito or Obama is full of shit. Either way that's not good for America. The executive branch talking smack to the judicial on the biggest possible stage is a BAD thing.
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Old 01-27-2010, 11:26 PM   #14
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Re: State of the Union (1/27/10)

Originally Posted by djnemo65 View Post
Elections have consequences, I don't know how anyone can get upset at Obama for pursuing the agenda he believes in. Disagree with it, fine, but don't act surprised that he's not changing his message at the first sign of trouble.
I'm not suggesting he hit the reset button. But not backing down at all off your initial agenda after a very poor first year is indicative of the arrogance of this administration. (cough *Rahm Emanuel* cough)
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Old 01-27-2010, 11:26 PM   #15
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Re: State of the Union (1/27/10)

Originally Posted by GMScud View Post
Didn't he quadruple national debt?

IMO the whole thing was partisan, defensive, and repetitive - except for the spending freeze (which won't take effect for another year so he can rack up more exponential debt by expanding government even further). I think he's out of touch with his own policies in some areas.
Since Schneed10 is a budget expert I would love to hear him address your "didn't he quadruple national debt" question.
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