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Old 04-01-2007, 12:31 AM   #1
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Getting ready for an awesome year of movies

Seeing Sheriff's thread got me thinking about all of the movies coming out this year and I thought I'd create a thread where any movie fans could talk about recently seen movies as well as upcoming ones and new trailers will get posted when found. Here's a list of a few that I personally can't wait for in the order of their release:

The Reaping= The Reaping - Film Database
Grindhouse= Grindhouse - Film Database
Aqua Teen Hunger Force= Apple - Trailers - Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film For Theaters
Pathfinder= Apple - Trailers - Pathfinder - In Theaters April 13
Hot Fuzz= Apple - Trailers - Hot Fuzz - Trailer
28 Weeks Later= Apple - Trailers - 28 Weeks Later
Shrek the Third= Apple - Trailers - Shrek 3
Paprika= Apple - Trailers - Paprika - Trailer
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End= PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: AT WORLD'S END on Yahoo! Movies
Day Watch (awesome looking middle part of a Russian trilogy)= Apple - Trailers - Day Watch - Trailer A
Ocean's 13= Ocean's 13 - Film Database
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer= Apple - Trailers - Fantastic Four Rise of the Silver Surfer - June 15, 2007 - Teaser Trailer
Live Free Die Hard= Live Free or Die Hard - Film Database
Transformers= Transformers - Film Database
1408= 1408 - Film Database
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix= Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - Film Database
I Now Pronounce You Larry and Chuck= I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU CHUCK AND LARRY on Yahoo! Movies
The Simpsons Movie= The Simpsons Movie
The Bourne Ultimatum= The Bourne Ultimatum - Film Database
Stardust= Stardust - Film Database
Fanboys= Fanboys - Film Database
Balls of Fury= Apple - Trailers - Balls of Fury
Sunshine= Apple - Trailers - Sunshine - Trailer A
Resident Evil: Extinction= Sony Pictures - Resident Evil: Extinction - Trailer
The Kingdom= The Kingdom - Film Database
The Golden Compass= The Golden Compass - Film Database

as well as some movies that don't have any trailers yet like The Mist, Rogue, Hitman, Beowulf, I am Legend, National Treasure: Book of Secrets, 30 days of Night, Saw IV, Rush Hour 3, Day of the Dead remake, Punisher 2, and Alice among others.
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Old 04-01-2007, 08:35 AM   #2
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Re: Getting ready for an awesome year of movies

thanks. that took some work. i am a big fan of 28 days later, and hope the sequel is just as good
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Old 04-01-2007, 12:54 PM   #3
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Re: Getting ready for an awesome year of movies

the one thing I'll miss about leaving school in a tiny back country town is the $5 movie prices
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Old 04-01-2007, 12:56 PM   #4
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Re: Getting ready for an awesome year of movies

Im excited for the aqua teen hunger force movie.
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Old 04-01-2007, 12:57 PM   #5
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Re: Getting ready for an awesome year of movies

I'm actually more excited about the return of Sopranos and Entourage than any movie. But some of those movies should be decent.
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Old 04-01-2007, 01:05 PM   #6
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Re: Getting ready for an awesome year of movies

So many sequels, not of which I plan to see.

I'll probably see: Grindhouse, Paprika, Stardust, Sunshine, The Golden Compass, PoTC, The Simpsons, Shrek The Third.
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Old 04-01-2007, 05:02 PM   #7
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Re: Getting ready for an awesome year of movies

Hot Fuzz looks like it's going to be great, but I might be biased because Shaun of the Dead is one of my favorite movies.

There are some other movies that look pretty good to me (the new Halloween movie from Rob Zombie, Pathfinder, Spiderman3, Die Hard, The Simpsons Bourne Ultimatum, etc) but there aren't any that I feel like I have to see right away.
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Old 04-01-2007, 09:39 PM   #8
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Re: Getting ready for an awesome year of movies

Recently seen movies: Breach and Zodiac

I'm a big fan of David Fincher (Se7en, The Game, Alien3) so I couldn't wait to see "Zodiac". If you didn't like "All the President's Men" you won't like this one -- there's a lot of talk, and really not as much suspense or thrills as you'd expect. If you're up for a good thinking person's movie this will fit the bill. I love the dark, moody cinematography. The murder scenes are so casual, so ... non-chalant, it's a different way of moviemaking compared with your everyday slasher flicks. I'd give "Zodiac" three and a half stars.

Fight Club was his most overrated movie. Alien3 was so-so. But his most overlooked was "The Game" with Michael Douglas. The scene with the porcelain clown was pretty spooky.

Same thing for "Breach" -- a movie about spies, but not a spy movie. Lots of talk, centered on personal relationships, the downfall of a good man... pretty fair, but I'd wait for it on HBO or something. Two and half stars.
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Old 04-02-2007, 07:27 PM   #9
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Re: Getting ready for an awesome year of movies

Originally Posted by ArtMonkDrillz View Post
Hot Fuzz looks like it's going to be great, but I might be biased because Shaun of the Dead is one of my favorite movies.

There are some other movies that look pretty good to me (the new Halloween movie from Rob Zombie, Pathfinder, Spiderman3, Die Hard, The Simpsons Bourne Ultimatum, etc) but there aren't any that I feel like I have to see right away.
I love movies and a weekend doesn't feel complete if I haven't seen a new movie either in the theater or on dvd.

And I had some high hopes for Pathfinder but it got delayed so much I just don't know anymore. but I'll still go see it, haha.
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Old 04-02-2007, 07:39 PM   #10
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Re: Getting ready for an awesome year of movies

I've recently watched Pursuit of Happyness, Children of Men, and Curse of the Golden Flower.

Pursuit of Happyness: I thought it was a pretty moving story and it's good to every once in a while watch a movie about beating real life odds. Will Smith deserved his oscar nomination and he and his son had a few really touching moments that I know a few of us can connect with in relation to our fathers when we were kids.

Children of Men: A movie that deserved more pub than it got. Incredibily well shot movie with multiple scenes lasting 10-12 minutes without a cut. I wouldn't really compare it to Bladerunner like the ads said, but still worth a look.

Curse of the Golden Flower: Up there with 300 as far as one of the most incredibily amazing looking movies. The story is not what I was really expecting (IE some semi Epidus Rex type stuff) but it was still well done. I just can't say enough about the camera work and use of colors. Any fan of epic asian films should enjoy this. and it was freakin awesome to see Chow Yun Fat playing the role of a bastard of an emperor, father, and husband cuz u don't expect that from his previous roles.
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Old 07-27-2007, 02:44 AM   #11
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Merged: The Movies Thread

Well, i figured that everytime i want to talk about a movie i just post it up in the SHFT so i don't have to make a new thread. So maybe this thread would serve well when we want to talk about new movies in theaters.

So, to start this sumbitch off. I just watched the simpsons movie. ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC. I watched the midnight show and it was over by 1:40. So its not way to long but it is hilarious. The great thing is that they obviously don't have to develop any of the characters and go straight into the good stuff. It is awesome. awesome. The people in the theater were the type of people that would go watch the movie at midnight on a thursday. It was a great crowd to watch the movie with. It was getting claps throughout the movie. I can't say enough about it. I was worried it wouldn't deliver but it most definitely did. I loved it. I didn't stop smiling at all throughout the movie.

Also i watched chuck and larry last week. Great movie also by the way. I would talk about other great movies of the summer but i'm going to niagara falls at 6 am so i need some sleep.
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Old 07-27-2007, 02:50 AM   #12
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Re: What movie are you watching?

Originally Posted by BigSKINBauer View Post
Well, i figured that everytime i want to talk about a movie i just post it up in the SHFT so i don't have to make a new thread. So maybe this thread would serve well when we want to talk about new movies in theaters.

So, to start this sumbitch off. I just watched the simpsons movie. ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC. I watched the midnight show and it was over by 1:40. So its not way to long but it is hilarious. The great thing is that they obviously don't have to develop any of the characters and go straight into the good stuff. It is awesome. awesome. The people in the theater were the type of people that would go watch the movie at midnight on a thursday. It was a great crowd to watch the movie with. It has getting claps throughout the movie. I can't say enough about it. I was worried it wouldn't deliver but it most definitely did. I loved it. I didn't stop smiling at all throughout the movie.

Also i watched chuck and larry last week. Great movie also by the way. I would talk about other great movies of the summer but i'm going to niagara falls at 6 am so i need some sleep.
How did you already see the movie, I thought it wasn't out til tomorrow?
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Old 07-27-2007, 02:54 AM   #13
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Re: What movie are you watching?

Originally Posted by jsarno View Post
How did you already see the movie, I thought it wasn't out til tomorrow?
It is tommorrow, remember. Midnight showing.
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Old 07-27-2007, 02:58 AM   #14
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Re: What movie are you watching?

Originally Posted by angryssg View Post
It is tommorrow, remember. Midnight showing.
OH crap, you're right...for some reason I was thinking it was thursday morning, not friday morning. My bad.
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Old 07-27-2007, 03:00 AM   #15
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Re: What movie are you watching?

Originally Posted by BigSKINBauer View Post
Well, i figured that everytime i want to talk about a movie i just post it up in the SHFT so i don't have to make a new thread. So maybe this thread would serve well when we want to talk about new movies in theaters.

So, to start this sumbitch off. I just watched the simpsons movie. ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC. I watched the midnight show and it was over by 1:40. So its not way to long but it is hilarious. The great thing is that they obviously don't have to develop any of the characters and go straight into the good stuff. It is awesome. awesome. The people in the theater were the type of people that would go watch the movie at midnight on a thursday. It was a great crowd to watch the movie with. It has getting claps throughout the movie. I can't say enough about it. I was worried it wouldn't deliver but it most definitely did. I loved it. I didn't stop smiling at all throughout the movie.

Also i watched chuck and larry last week. Great movie also by the way. I would talk about other great movies of the summer but i'm going to niagara falls at 6 am so i need some sleep.
I can't wait to see the Simpsons. Do you still believe this?
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