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Media Bias

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Old 07-26-2016, 05:14 PM   #1
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Media Bias

This probably will end up being the most quixotic thread on the Warpath. Nearly every person not in the pure Democratic block will acknowledge that Mainstream media, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC and CBS, have a shockingly strong liberal/democratic bias in there reporting. Likewise, other than the few fanatical conservatives, most every one will acknowledge that FoxNews and a few others have a strong conservative/republican bias. I don't think this is really in dispute.

But, sometimes, the stench of it overwhelms the senses. I hope that this thread becomes more a testimony to the truth of media bias, then to bitter petty disputes of whether the latest Trump tweet or Hillary Clinton pronouncement are specific examples. With that I offer two examples, though there are many, of how far the liberal media will stoop to stay in HC's good graces.

1st, and this amazed me. CBS the first night of the Republican convention aired a sitdown conversation with Hillary at 10:45PM on the national broadcast, while the convention was still in swing .

2nd, from current yahoo ticker as the Main picture on the yahoo home page:
The truth is Debbie Delivered. Reince Didn't So if I understand right, rigging and tampering with the outcome of the elections is delivering, allowing the public vote to determine the nominee of the party is not delivering. Forgetting the incredibly Orwellian nature of that headline, the bias I see is where Yahoo puts its name to a deflection story, making Debbie sound purposeful and good, while Reince is incompetent, and the Republicans are fools. I didn't read the article yet, but for the purposes of showing Bias, my point is not for those that read the article in depth, but that when the average citizen looks at Yahoo and sees Debbie Delivered, Reince didn't it becomes almost subliminal in it's cumulative effect.

I would hope people will add their best examples of media bias here. I'd hope that it wouldn't devolve into back and forth, but a place where Maybe, JUST maybe, we can apply critical thinking and listen to both sides views of media portrayals of world events.
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Old 07-26-2016, 05:32 PM   #2
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Re: Media Bias

In truth I think, few Americans actually try to be aware of what is really going on in the country. Rather they are satisfied with tossing around "Yahoo" style grenades as truth......AND, obviously they are not. The political system is a disgrace, failing us and the media feeds us what we want. If not, we would stop patronizing them.
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Old 07-26-2016, 05:47 PM   #3
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Re: Media Bias

I can't quote to a lot of this because I agree there is a good bit of media bias on both sides, but I'll just leave this here: If people use one or two news channels as their only source of information, I can understand how people can be mislead.

It's becoming increasingly difficult to find unbiased news sources online. I can't think of one that really exists on TV. If someone has one, I'd be really interested to check it out.
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Old 07-26-2016, 06:06 PM   #4
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Re: Media Bias

Really would like to find an unbiased watchdog group too give us facts. Lotta media companies are clearly in bed with political elements
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Old 07-26-2016, 08:21 PM   #5
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Re: Media Bias

When you really think about it, is it possible for completely unbiased reporting? And is this issue based more on perception than reality? I'd be interested to see some studies on this.

I think more than ever people seek out the truth they want to hear.
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Old 07-26-2016, 09:05 PM   #6
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Re: Media Bias

Originally Posted by MTK View Post
When you really think about it, is it possible for completely unbiased reporting? And is this issue based more on perception than reality? I'd be interested to see some studies on this.

I think more than ever people seek out the truth they want to hear.
Your right bout people want to seek out what they want to hear. Well said.

My problem is much like the thin blue line of the police, the media will scream freedom of the press, speech etc. and act defensive whenever challenged.

Certainly editorials vs news reporting is lost. And that's bullshit. It's a disgrace to present the news and then precede to tell me how I must interpret it.

News reporting is also moving closer to tabloid more than ever...I blame that on dumb Americans more than anything.
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Old 07-26-2016, 09:07 PM   #7
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Re: Media Bias

The media has including social media has become maybe the powerful force in the country.

There is a vested interest for controlling the narrative more than ever...special interest groups as well as political parties.
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Old 07-27-2016, 12:15 PM   #8
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Re: Media Bias

The real problem in this world is that people are for the most part mindless minions. Don't believe everything you read. Trust your gut not your computer screen. Mind over media people.
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Old 07-27-2016, 12:23 PM   #9
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Re: Media Bias

Like Matty said - more than ever people are seeking out the truth that THEY WANT to hear. I got a huge bleeding lump on my head - i know ill go on web md and keep clicking different buttons until it tells me its a really bad mosquito bite. Boom! Cured!
Amazing that after all the human race has accomplished that they still can't think for themselves.
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Old 07-27-2016, 01:20 PM   #10
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Re: Media Bias

Its more than just people seeking out what they want to hear. It's the media packaging the materials in ways that purposefully mislead or create a sympathy towards whatever ideology it's biased towards. It's often done subtly but sometimes it's blatant. My two examples were one of each, but both were definitely reflective of specific bias.

Often it's done because a certain part of our society berates those who disagree with their "educated" views as small minded, or they presume that their view is the only correct view.

You can see media bias pretty easily if you look at sites using critical thinking skills. Are they pushing an agenda? Do the reported facts and story line up with the story Headline. (Headline writers often aren't the same as those who write the stories, and their job is to draw in people to read the actual story, so if a headline is grossly misstating the facts reported then some form of bias may be at play). Does a site/media outlets facts vary from other reputable sites (not other mainstream media that all get their stories from one or two sources).

Media Bias happens from both sides. You hope that by searching and reading you can find out the "truth" (the truth is out there Mulder). But I am more and more skeptical that any of the fourth estate can be seen as more than lapdogs.
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Old 08-01-2016, 02:48 PM   #11
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Re: Media Bias

Deadliest July in Chicago in 10 years - Chicago Tribune

65 people killed in July which pushes Chicago total homicide rate to almost all of last year was 490.

You really wont hear about this from the national news for several reason...first the police aren't doing the killings. second, Chicago has the strictest gun laws in the entire nation...

So the first 2 narratives are out

Minor ones, is Rahm Emanuel, Obama's right hand man and close personal friend, has run that city into the ground. Chicago is a smoking heap of garbage these days. Tax issue, school issues, gangs run rampant, and the killings. When you have trash run the city, you get a city full of trash. new proof: Rahm Emanuel Says Chicago Pension Crisis "Improving", Facts Show He Is Lying | Zero Hedge, Chicago property tax bill double whammy: Increases plus an assessment hike - Chicago Tribune

Also, you wont hear of the any national protest group throwing a fit, blocking highways...they are absolutely a-ok with the killings.
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Old 08-01-2016, 03:55 PM   #12
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Re: Media Bias

A simple google news search shows plenty of results on the topic. It's no big secret what's going on there.
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Old 08-01-2016, 04:21 PM   #13
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Re: Media Bias

Yeah, but its not being reported on. Chicago and the violence going on there, its an epidemic. It deserves national coverage. If violence is down nationally over the last 20-25 years, why are so many people dying? Look at kids under 18 killed there. Its insane and out of step.

You don't see any investigative reports, CNN or MSNBC doing specials...CBS???

I don't really understand the focus on police or mass shooting but the national media seems to be almost complicit in its coverage in the violence in Chicago.

I firmly believe because some national narratives are not in line with what stories are being pushed by major news org then its conscious efforts made not to report it. If it doesn't support the agenda or goes against "news trends" then why bring it up?
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Old 08-01-2016, 07:23 PM   #15
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Re: Media Bias

June 4th, April 1st, July 9th, Jun 5th

65 homicides in Chicago in July.

I think Chico's point is that while the media may write on it, they don't draw attention to it as they would if one of their pet causes were at stake. Maybe they feel dwelling on it is to negative and dark. Who knows.

For Example: On CNN homepage there is not one reference to Inner City murder rates. Or MSNBC which has a link to the Black Lives Matter policy paper outlining their agenda, but again, not one story on the damage done to our inner cities by violence.

I know this will be dismissed by some people, but when everyone stops playing political games with US citizens, maybe we could move forward. That includes Republicans, Democrats, BLM, Tea Party advocates, and the national media.
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