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Scared To Win!

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Old 11-20-2005, 06:41 PM   #1
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Scared To Win!

Here's the problem in a nut shell, Gibbs will do whatever it takes to keep a team in the game, he coaches scared, all I heard all week long is how well our running game is in short yardage, and how Gibbs made the right call's on our last possession last week, believe whatever you want, the fact is he's been hyping Portis as a between the tackle RB, yet in the first quarter on 4th and inches on the raiders 40 he punt's, when our defense has not allowed the raiders to remotly move the ball up until that time, THAT'S RIGHT PUNT'S! I guess talk is cheap the fact is he has no confidence in our ability to run the ball 4 inches in the opposing teams territory, there's our big time running game! What's the excuse now, it was to early in the game to take a chance, that's a very scary word for Gibbs, CHANCE, along with RISK, and AGGRESIVE, not in his vocabulary.

Turnovers will not be tolerated, well unless your last name begins with a P, or a B.

Jacobs showed today he doesn't have the speed to run past defenders, or size to out position them. Yes Bailey said he's one of the toughest player to cover, but when was the last time Champ actually covered someone?

Until Gibbs get's the killer insticnt back we will continue to spin our tires as a team.

Portis= 50 mil. I prefere his latest name, dollar bill, now there is a name I can associate Portis running abilities with!
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Old 11-20-2005, 06:50 PM   #2
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Re: Scared To Win!

Originally Posted by offiss
Here's the problem in a nut shell, Gibbs will do whatever it takes to keep a team in the game, he coaches scared, all I heard all week long is how well our running game is in short yardage, and how Gibbs made the right call's on our last possession last week, believe whatever you want, the fact is he's been hyping Portis as a between the tackle RB, yet in the first quarter on 4th and inches on the raiders 40 he punt's, when our defense has not allowed the raiders to remotly move the ball up until that time, THAT'S RIGHT PUNT'S! I guess talk is cheap the fact is he has no confidence in our ability to run the ball 4 inches in the opposing teams territory, there's our big time running game! What's the excuse now, it was to early in the game to take a chance, that's a very scary word for Gibbs, CHANCE, along with RISK, and AGGRESIVE, not in his vocabulary.

Turnovers will not be tolerated, well unless your last name begins with a P, or a B.

Jacobs showed today he doesn't have the speed to run past defenders, or size to out position them. Yes Bailey said he's one of the toughest player to cover, but when was the last time Champ actually covered someone?

Until Gibbs get's the killer insticnt back we will continue to spin our tires as a team.

Portis= 50 mil. I prefere his latest name, dollar bill, now there is a name I can associate Portis running abilities with!

11 TDs out of 15 in the redzone is not exactly scared coaching, but Gibbs does coach conservatively which has not affected our defenses inconsistent bad play. We have given up 6 big plays in six games and it's finally catching up with us. We put up 35 points against the 1# defense and loss due to Mr. Walt Harris.
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Old 11-20-2005, 06:51 PM   #3
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Re: Scared To Win!

I agreed with your post up until the shot at Portis. He had a good game aside from the 2 fumbles. So...let's look at the fumbles. The first lead to 3 points...that didn't break the team's back. What killed the Skins was the 23 yard run he had called back right before the fumble.

The second, I remember happening, but I don't remember if the Raiders scored on the ensuing possession, while I believe they did, they shouldn't have. They took over at like their own 35 or 40. The D should have been able to stop them from scoring. In addition, I am of the belief that Clinton was down and the play should have been challenged, but that really doesn't matter now.

Finally, I would like to know what your solution to the "problem" with Clinton Portis would be. Start Ladell Betts who got hurt again? What about last week when Portis averaged around 6 yards a carry? He averaged over 4 this week, which isn't bad, he just had 2 giveaways, I know that hurt, but that's a particularly bad day. Niether of them killed the team. The D just needed to step up more than they did, and I agree that Joe should be putting teams away, but he plays tenative.
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Old 11-20-2005, 07:14 PM   #4
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Re: Scared To Win!

BTW, I was just looking at some stats and while the 2 fumbles by Portis did really hurt the team, I would like to point his 2 fumbles today were numbers 2 and 3 on the year! And Ladell, in limited action, has had 2, both of which he lost.
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Old 11-20-2005, 07:18 PM   #5
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Re: Scared To Win!

Originally Posted by jdlea
I agreed with your post up until the shot at Portis. He had a good game aside from the 2 fumbles. So...let's look at the fumbles. The first lead to 3 points...that didn't break the team's back. What killed the Skins was the 23 yard run he had called back right before the fumble.

The second, I remember happening, but I don't remember if the Raiders scored on the ensuing possession, while I believe they did, they shouldn't have. They took over at like their own 35 or 40. The D should have been able to stop them from scoring. In addition, I am of the belief that Clinton was down and the play should have been challenged, but that really doesn't matter now.

Finally, I would like to know what your solution to the "problem" with Clinton Portis would be. Start Ladell Betts who got hurt again? What about last week when Portis averaged around 6 yards a carry? He averaged over 4 this week, which isn't bad, he just had 2 giveaways, I know that hurt, but that's a particularly bad day. Niether of them killed the team. The D just needed to step up more than they did, and I agree that Joe should be putting teams away, but he plays tenative.
I think we have seen something that has been discussed but not at length. Clinton Portis is not a work-horse RB. He's getting tired and because Cartwright isn't either and Betts injured, he was forced to handle to workload and thus fumbled twice. I have seen him in the past take himself out of the game to get a breather. I think we activate the rookie Nehemiah Broughton. He looked damn good in preseason and every NFC team has given their rookie RBs playing time. It's time to change the RBs situation and put Sellers in as a blocker in the I formation. We have to get Jimmy Farris in camp and sign him. This Rich Parson looked like he was still in preseason.
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Old 11-20-2005, 07:30 PM   #6
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Re: Scared To Win!

I agree with those points. I would also agree that maybe Portis isn't a workhorse type back. He's certainly not the prototypical workhorse. I think they do need a spell back like Betts, I was just hoping that we weren't going to get back to the "Betts should start" arguements.
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Old 11-20-2005, 07:34 PM   #7
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Re: Scared To Win!

Portis only had 22 carries today, which is pretty much what he averages. He didn't necessarily carry an extra workload today
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Old 11-20-2005, 07:43 PM   #8
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Re: Scared To Win!

Again, I think it was turnovers that left us to playing catch up by throwing the ball more than we would have liked.

As I've been sobering up and looking at the silver lining (which isn't THAT silver, but it's something), at least we've seen an improvement this year. We have to stop being so streaky, but hey, at least we've BEEN on some streaks this year.
Regret nothing. At one time it was exactly what you wanted.
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Old 11-20-2005, 08:18 PM   #9
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Re: Scared To Win!

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Old 11-21-2005, 01:20 AM   #10
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Re: Scared To Win!

Originally Posted by jdlea
I agreed with your post up until the shot at Portis. He had a good game aside from the 2 fumbles. So...let's look at the fumbles. The first lead to 3 points...that didn't break the team's back. What killed the Skins was the 23 yard run he had called back right before the fumble.

The second, I remember happening, but I don't remember if the Raiders scored on the ensuing possession, while I believe they did, they shouldn't have. They took over at like their own 35 or 40. The D should have been able to stop them from scoring. In addition, I am of the belief that Clinton was down and the play should have been challenged, but that really doesn't matter now.

Finally, I would like to know what your solution to the "problem" with Clinton Portis would be. Start Ladell Betts who got hurt again? What about last week when Portis averaged around 6 yards a carry? He averaged over 4 this week, which isn't bad, he just had 2 giveaways, I know that hurt, but that's a particularly bad day. Niether of them killed the team. The D just needed to step up more than they did, and I agree that Joe should be putting teams away, but he plays tenative.

I have alway's felt that Betts was a better fit for us than Portis, but the reality is the guy can't stay healthy, his best position is as a quality backup. My actual solution to the Portis problem is well documented, it was not to trade for him in the first place, Shawn Alexander could have been had for less than what we gave up for Portis and a much better fit for Gibbs, or we could have used draft pick's for either Kevin Jones, or Stephen Jackson, I really liked Julius Jones as well coming out, but he seems to be a lot like Betts at this point, very good when healthy.

But that's water under the bridge now, we have to fix what we have, and the only way to do that is to use Portis on draw after draw, that's where he is best, allowing the defense to come up field and then let him use his speed and cutting ability to take advantage of that, it doesn't seem our line has really grasped the zone blocking concept that we were supposed to be running this year, Portis had a nice run that was called back on a zone blocking play, but it seems whenever he has a big gain it's on a draw, or a cut back play, and then we never see it again.

I am not a Portis hater per say, I just didn't see him fitting in to what Gibbs does on offense, Portis can easily recapture his production he had in denver but Gibbs has to change how he uses him on a consistant basis, after a year and a half and he still hasen't adjusted, I don't believe Gibbs will.
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Old 11-21-2005, 01:26 AM   #11
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Re: Scared To Win!

Originally Posted by offiss
I have alway's felt that Betts was a better fit for us than Portis, but the reality is the guy can't stay healthy, his best position is as a quality backup. My actual solution to the Portis problem is well documented, it was not to trade for him in the first place, Shawn Alexander could have been had for less than what we gave up for Portis and a much better fit for Gibbs, or we could have used draft pick's for either Kevin Jones, or Stephen Jackson, I really liked Julius Jones as well coming out, but he seems to be a lot like Betts at this point, very good when healthy.

But that's water under the bridge now, we have to fix what we have, and the only way to do that is to use Portis on draw after draw, that's where he is best, allowing the defense to come up field and then let him use his speed and cutting ability to take advantage of that, it doesn't seem our line has really grasped the zone blocking concept that we were supposed to be running this year, Portis had a nice run that was called back on a zone blocking play, but it seems whenever he has a big gain it's on a draw, or a cut back play, and then we never see it again.

I am not a Portis hater per say, I just didn't see him fitting in to what Gibbs does on offense, Portis can easily recapture his production he had in denver but Gibbs has to change how he uses him on a consistant basis, after a year and a half and he still hasen't adjusted, I don't believe Gibbs will.
Kevin Jones isn't exactly tearing things up. Then again, he is with Detroit. But I recall you being pretty happy with the trade when Portis was traded. Granted, not with the contract but with what he could do under a Gibbs offense.
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Old 11-21-2005, 01:33 AM   #12
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Re: Scared To Win!

Originally Posted by TAFKAS
Kevin Jones isn't exactly tearing things up. Then again, he is with Detroit. But I recall you being pretty happy with the trade when Portis was traded. Granted, not with the contract but with what he could do under a Gibbs offense.

You should recall a little harder because your a million miles off base with that statement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 11-21-2005, 01:39 AM   #13
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Re: Scared To Win!

Originally Posted by offiss
You should recall a little harder because your a million miles off base with that statement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TAFKAS takes the 3 and 0 fastball down the middle and....

In this week's edition of Warpath Rewind, we put egos in check. We take you back to July 2004 when a certain "football man, not a football fan" expoused his opinion on what kind of running back was missing from a Gibbs offense and just who would be a great fit for that offense. Perhaps even the greatest back ever to play in that offense. Mr. Most Knowledgeable has since changed his opinion but apparently publicly denies ever having that opinion in the first place.
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Old 11-21-2005, 02:38 AM   #14
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Re: Scared To Win!

Originally Posted by TAFKAS
TAFKAS takes the 3 and 0 fastball down the middle and....

In this week's edition of Warpath Rewind, we put egos in check. We take you back to July 2004 when a certain "football man, not a football fan" expoused his opinion on what kind of running back was missing from a Gibbs offense and just who would be a great fit for that offense. Perhaps even the greatest back ever to play in that offense. Mr. Most Knowledgeable has since changed his opinion but apparently publicly denies ever having that opinion in the first place.
OOOOUUUUUCCCCHHH!!!!! That hurt!!!
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Old 11-21-2005, 05:51 AM   #15
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Re: Scared To Win!

Originally Posted by TAFKAS
TAFKAS takes the 3 and 0 fastball down the middle and....

In this week's edition of Warpath Rewind, we put egos in check. We take you back to July 2004 when a certain "football man, not a football fan" expoused his opinion on what kind of running back was missing from a Gibbs offense and just who would be a great fit for that offense. Perhaps even the greatest back ever to play in that offense. Mr. Most Knowledgeable has since changed his opinion but apparently publicly denies ever having that opinion in the first place.
That 20/20 hindsight got a little cloudy? I did not..................have sex .........with that woman!!!!!! That you Bill? How bout' them Razorbacks!!!!
Goodbye Sean..........Vaya Con Dios
thankyou Joe.......
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