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Official Redskins vs. Bears Meetup Thread

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Old 09-05-2005, 09:01 PM   #1
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Official Redskins vs. Bears Meetup Thread

Only a few days away, I just wanted to put up some information for anyone who wanted to meet up. If anyone else is going, please post your information (seat number, parking lot section, etc.) so we can all get together.

I'll be in Section 413, parking in the cash lot arriving at about 9 AM. I'll be pounding some beers in the cash lot with my girlfriend and then meeting up with Gmanc outside the stadium. If you have a grill and you don't mind feeding some fellow WPers, I'm sure we'd all love to meet you. Even if you don't have a grill and have some brew, I'm on a liquid diet.

Also, the girlfriend and I are arriving that Saturday so if anyone wants to get together the night before for some drinkin', we'll be all for it.

PM me if you want my cell phone or you want to give me yours so we can call and coordinate once the day is here.
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Old 09-05-2005, 10:45 PM   #2
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Re: Official Redskins vs. Bears Meetup Thread

Orange Lot next to Arena Drive F22 I believe. Burgundy Conversion van. Will be there at 9:00 AM. Seats are 326 Row 10 15-18. Will aslo have 4 luxry suite tickets courtsey of Centerplate for the crazy way they treated me last preseason game.
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Old 09-06-2005, 03:39 PM   #3
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Re: Official Redskins vs. Bears Meetup Thread

Originally Posted by CRT3
Orange Lot next to Arena Drive F22 I believe. Burgundy Conversion van. Will be there at 9:00 AM. Seats are 326 Row 10 15-18. Will aslo have 4 luxry suite tickets courtsey of Centerplate for the crazy way they treated me last preseason game.
I'm in sect 308 - in between the Humidor and the Starboard bars.

Did I miss this story? What happened with Centerplate?
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Old 09-06-2005, 03:45 PM   #4
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Re: Official Redskins vs. Bears Meetup Thread


I'll be in the nosebleed section. Look for me throwing Bears fans from the top level if they talk any shit to me. I ran the Steelers fans out of their seats last game.
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Old 09-06-2005, 03:50 PM   #5
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Re: Official Redskins vs. Bears Meetup Thread

Originally Posted by TheMalcolmConnection

I'll be in the nosebleed section. Look for me throwing Bears fans from the top level if they talk any shit to me. I ran the Steelers fans out of their seats last game.
I'm sure the Steelers' play on the field helped as well.
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Old 09-06-2005, 03:57 PM   #6
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Re: Official Redskins vs. Bears Meetup Thread

Hmmm... I prefer to think that I'm such a hard ass that they wanted to leave.

But you think what you want.
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Old 09-07-2005, 09:35 AM   #7
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Re: Official Redskins vs. Bears Meetup Thread


Your only 2 sections away. I'm in 306 row 4. As always I'll be tailgating in A-46 straight out from gate-A next to the Jersey walls by the limo lot. Driving a blue Xterra flying a Redskins flag below an American flag and playin' some killer tunes, after all I am a DJ. Anybody feel free to stop by for a brew or 2, the more the merrier and if you post a request I'll be sure to have it.

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Old 09-07-2005, 09:46 AM   #8
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Re: Official Redskins vs. Bears Meetup Thread

If you have Dos Equis lager, I'll make DAMN sure that I stop by...
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Old 09-07-2005, 09:51 PM   #9
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Re: Official Redskins vs. Bears Meetup Thread

Originally Posted by BrudLee
I'm in sect 308 - in between the Humidor and the Starboard bars.

Did I miss this story? What happened with Centerplate?
No just never posted it. First preseason game the charge my credit card 2 $16,000.00 charges. Thats right that is the number. Ok I dealt with it and they took care of it. The next game the guys gives me a sausage with out the peppers and onions and I ask where they are and he says they do not have. I said just credit my forward pass account. Can't do as they can not process returns. So to make a long story short it blows up into a ridcuclous argument which goes on for a complete 1/2. This is over $7.00 mind you. The next thing I know the guy from Centerplate accuses me of using the "N" word. Now I can be rude and have been known to use a cuss word or 2 but this is over the top. So I blow my stack and raise wholly hell as I was quite offended by this. Not in my nature to ever say that or even imply that. They realized thier gross mistake and gave me credit for the $7.00, credit for my $16.00 charge earlier, 4 luxury suite tickets to the opener, $200.00 worth of food coupons for the openner, 4 more luxry tickets for the Seatle game and $200.00 more in food coupons. Now I never asked for these things, I just wanted a appology as I was completly offended. They came up with this so it has made me wonder as to why such a generous offer. Any thoughts??? I will never let them forget it till the day I die. I will make mention of it each and every time I enter that shit hole stadium. No amount of money or luxry tickets will ever make it better especially when all of this occured in front of my 7 year old little girl, dressed in her Redskin cheerleaader outfit. Pretty frekin sorry.

Sorry if I am ramblin but this really has soured me on the stadium people and I am quite upset.
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Old 09-08-2005, 05:36 PM   #10
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Re: Official Redskins vs. Bears Meetup Thread


That would be requests for songs not beer. I'll have plenty of food and beer. Can't say that I'll have Dos Equis on the beer menu though. Feel free to stop by for a bite to eat and rockin' tunes.

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Old 09-08-2005, 07:26 PM   #11
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Re: Official Redskins vs. Bears Meetup Thread

I know, I'm kidding, but we'll definitely come on by.

Seriously though on requests, I always love some AC/DC prior to the games. TNT baby.
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Old 09-08-2005, 09:40 PM   #12
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Re: Official Redskins vs. Bears Meetup Thread

Originally Posted by CRT3
No just never posted it. First preseason game the charge my credit card 2 $16,000.00 charges. Thats right that is the number. Ok I dealt with it and they took care of it. The next game the guys gives me a sausage with out the peppers and onions and I ask where they are and he says they do not have. I said just credit my forward pass account. Can't do as they can not process returns. So to make a long story short it blows up into a ridcuclous argument which goes on for a complete 1/2. This is over $7.00 mind you. The next thing I know the guy from Centerplate accuses me of using the "N" word. Now I can be rude and have been known to use a cuss word or 2 but this is over the top. So I blow my stack and raise wholly hell as I was quite offended by this. Not in my nature to ever say that or even imply that. They realized thier gross mistake and gave me credit for the $7.00, credit for my $16.00 charge earlier, 4 luxury suite tickets to the opener, $200.00 worth of food coupons for the openner, 4 more luxry tickets for the Seatle game and $200.00 more in food coupons. Now I never asked for these things, I just wanted a appology as I was completly offended. They came up with this so it has made me wonder as to why such a generous offer. Any thoughts??? I will never let them forget it till the day I die. I will make mention of it each and every time I enter that shit hole stadium. No amount of money or luxry tickets will ever make it better especially when all of this occured in front of my 7 year old little girl, dressed in her Redskin cheerleaader outfit. Pretty frekin sorry.

Sorry if I am ramblin but this really has soured me on the stadium people and I am quite upset.
(Sound of my jaw hitting the floor)

That's crazy.
There's nowhere to go but up. Or down. I guess we could stay where we are, too.
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