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Orioles versus Nationals

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Old 02-15-2005, 12:13 PM   #1
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Orioles versus Nationals

This question is for all of you Orioles and Skins fans out there. Will you be switching allegiances this year and getting behind the nationals? For me its a dilemma. Im pretty fed up with the o's, and i have never felt the type of connection to them i feel with the skins and wizards, probably because my family is from the DC area. That being said, my number one criticism of ravens fans is that 95 percent of them are bootleg 2000 season bandwagon jumping ex-redskins fans (the other five percent being 78 year old guys who never stopped liking the colts). So i am definately being hypocritical if i suddenly eschew the orioles and reemerge this april as a nationals fan. But if i am going to switch sides I'd rather do it now when the orioles are better - at least on paper - then wait until the nats get good and truly jump the bandwagon. Anyway, what do you guys think?
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Old 02-15-2005, 12:32 PM   #2
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Re: Orioles versus Nationals

I was born and raised here in the DC area, so naturally I root for my local teams. I was never a huge baseball fan until I moved up to NYC in 98 and went to my first Yankee game at Yankee stadium, and since then I have been a huge Yankee fan. I get a lot of slack for that because most of my friends hate the Yankees.

But now that I get a chance to see my own team in my backyard....heck yeah I'm gonna follow my Nats. Good thing is, is that the Nats are in the NL and the Yanks in the AL. So it works out. If you're going to follow your team, don't wait until their good. Be there thru the good and bad, and f*** what people say. DC hasn't had a baseball team in 33 years. This is something that all of us DC locals should be excited about. So don't feel bad man.

I really could care less about the Orioles. Especially Angelos. I hate that guy. He's probably the reason why I hate the Orioles so much. Whats sucks is that he has some of my favorite players on his team. Palmeiro, Sosa, Javy Lopez, and Miguel Tejada. Hopefully they have another shitty season and all those players get traded to the Nats.

I can't wait for Baseball season to start. I'll be in RFK stadium on opening day. Then, take some trips up 95 to see my Yankees.
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Old 02-15-2005, 12:44 PM   #3
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Re: Orioles versus Nationals

i have the same dilemma. my fiancee looks at me funny when i talk about going to Nats games over O's games...logically, since i work in Falls Church, it's much easier for me to hit Nats games after work than O's games...

I've come to the conclusion that I am still an O's fan, but will root for the Nats. Can't help but do so. I too am fed up with the way that Angelos has handled the team, and would love an excuse to jump ship...but I simply can't do it. my loyalties are too strong...

i remember my first O's game...1986, O's/A's in a makeup that was too almost rained out...luckily we were sitting under the mezzanine at Memorial Stadium. I was 7 years old, and all i remember was that the final score was 4-1, and Ripken advanced twice on wild pitches. i actually just found the box score...Canseco played in that game, and Dave Stewart started for the A's.

so i've been an O's fan for almost 20 years...well, at least from when i understood until now...can't turn my back now. if i knew a time when the Senators were here, maybe...but since that was way before my time, i'm an O's fan.
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Old 02-15-2005, 12:51 PM   #4
Uncle Phil
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Re: Orioles versus Nationals

It definitely helps that one team is in the AL and the other in the NL, makes it a bit easier to root for both

When they play each other though it's going to be a tough call. I think I will probably say Go Nats because even though I live in Maryland, everyone from here knows that saying you live in a DC suburb of Maryland (as I do) is very different from saying you live in Baltimore, MD. It's as if I live in DC anyway

Lucky for me that in addition to liking the Orioles I grew up liking the Expos so the fact that they're the team that moved here is like icing on the cake. And the fact that along the way they played in my motherland of Puerto Rico made it doubly sweet
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Old 02-15-2005, 01:52 PM   #5
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Re: Orioles versus Nationals

I don't even like baseball but will be a "homer" and cheer for my local Nationals.

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Old 02-15-2005, 02:58 PM   #6
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Re: Orioles versus Nationals

Go Nats!
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Old 02-15-2005, 03:14 PM   #7
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Re: Orioles versus Nationals

I've always been an O's fan, so I'll continue to root for them (although I too hate Angelos). Miguel Tejada is one of the best players in the League.

I really want to see baseball succeed in DC, though.
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Old 02-15-2005, 03:34 PM   #8
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Re: Orioles versus Nationals

Was a O's fan for 20 years, til Alomar spit in the umps face and was BACKED, by the team, not punished.
An outrage.
Hindsight shows that this franchise kept baseballl from DC for 30 years, yet cried and soaked there diapers when they talk about the colts, who move due to poor support.
Then what do these clASS fans do?. Rape an enitre city (Cleveland) of there beloved team.
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