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Landry is at it again

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Old 03-16-2008, 06:34 PM   #1
Redskin Rich
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Landry is at it again

For those of you who are interested, Laron Landry was supposed to be at the Collector's Showcase in Chantilly today. He did his normal blow of the fans thing.

Please, someone correct me if I am wrong, but I believe he is 2 for 8 on these things now.
I really have nothing to say in this matter, please ignore the above post as blowing hot air.
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Old 03-16-2008, 06:41 PM   #2
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Re: Landry is at it again

By now people have to figure that it's not worth setting up. And more importantly, if it is set up just don't go.
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Old 03-16-2008, 06:48 PM   #3
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Re: Landry is at it again

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
By now people have to figure that it's not worth setting up. And more importantly, if it is set up just don't go.
I don't collect the current players. They are to expensive and alot of times in just a couple of years, they are pretty much worthless (Heath, Westbrook etc).

I just can't believe the stores and other places are still booking him. He is actually scheduled to do another appearance in Virginia Beach in a few weeks... they same people he has stood up several times. I just can't believe they are trying it again.
I really have nothing to say in this matter, please ignore the above post as blowing hot air.
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Old 03-16-2008, 09:42 PM   #4
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Re: Landry is at it again

Just like I said at, i'm sure there is a good reason why he didnt make it and why expect something that never happens?
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Old 03-16-2008, 10:31 PM   #5
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Re: Landry is at it again

I was visiting DC for a weekend earlier this Christmas break and I was randomly walking around in Tyson's Coner mall and saw him at Gordon Bierch. I got his autograph on my Redskins hat, which I wear all the time here in Florida. I guess i'm just lucky though because I also saw Cooley and Smoot that week.
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Old 03-16-2008, 10:39 PM   #6
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Re: Landry is at it again

Originally Posted by flashalexb View Post
I was visiting DC for a weekend earlier this Christmas break and I was randomly walking around in Tyson's Coner mall and saw him at Gordon Bierch. I got his autograph on my Redskins hat, which I wear all the time here in Florida. I guess i'm just lucky though because I also saw Cooley and Smoot that week.
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Old 03-16-2008, 10:57 PM   #7
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Re: Landry is at it again

Maybe someday when he has done something besides get paid, I would like to meet him.
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Old 03-16-2008, 11:13 PM   #8
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Re: Landry is at it again

Who cares!!!!!
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Old 03-17-2008, 06:01 AM   #9
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Re: Landry is at it again

The thing that I wonder about this is how honnest the organizers are being . It may be they are booking him in good faith and doing everything right but he is just being an ass, OR there is a problem with the booking company in that they are not providing what is promised or not paying what is promised which and there is a genunie beef going on and rather than be adults about it and discuss the situation privatly they go running to the fans post anonomously on a message board bad mouthing the players character .

There is a reason that most players avoid these public signing events and I am sure it isn't due to a general disrespect for the fans ...
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Old 03-17-2008, 08:30 AM   #10
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Re: Landry is at it again

Originally Posted by bedlamVR View Post
The thing that I wonder about this is how honnest the organizers are being . It may be they are booking him in good faith and doing everything right but he is just being an ass, OR there is a problem with the booking company in that they are not providing what is promised or not paying what is promised which and there is a genunie beef going on and rather than be adults about it and discuss the situation privatly they go running to the fans post anonomously on a message board bad mouthing the players character .

There is a reason that most players avoid these public signing events and I am sure it isn't due to a general disrespect for the fans ...
Actually, most players do these events.. at least a majority of the one's with names.

I would agree with your post if it were not that Landry has done this to multiple places on multiple occassions. I believe Tidewater Sports several times, PS Game Gear twice, Collector's Showcase twice. I also think there is one other place. Of course, these stores/promoters bear some responsibility at this point, since Landry has a history of doing this, why do they keep booking him? I believe he has only shown up twice, both times to PS Game Gear.... after blowing of the original schedule without letting them know ahead of time.
I really have nothing to say in this matter, please ignore the above post as blowing hot air.
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Old 03-17-2008, 10:55 AM   #11
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Re: Landry is at it again

Originally Posted by Redskin Rich View Post
Actually, most players do these events.. at least a majority of the one's with names.

I would agree with your post if it were not that Landry has done this to multiple places on multiple occassions. I believe Tidewater Sports several times, PS Game Gear twice, Collector's Showcase twice. I also think there is one other place. Of course, these stores/promoters bear some responsibility at this point, since Landry has a history of doing this, why do they keep booking him? I believe he has only shown up twice, both times to PS Game Gear.... after blowing of the original schedule without letting them know ahead of time.
You are right, of course, and some of the comments - especially the characteristically banal ES thread - just don't make sense to me. I don't know how much you want to blame the promoters here. I've dealt with PSGameGear and they are good people and a whole bunch of players have signed there (Cooley, Monk, Portis, Sean Taylor, etc etc). CSA is tops among autograph shows and the list of guys who have signed there is longer than you can mention. They are acting rationally (to a point) since Landry is a draw and the point for them is to make money. If Landry doesn't want to sign then he should just stop signing on to these things, or tell his people to stop signing him on. He doesn't need the money (though it would seem like a pretty easy gig; sign your name for 250 people at $35 per and that is $9000 in a fairly short period of time and you probably end up with a nice portion of that but whatever, he doesn't need it) so if you don't want to do it don't say you will.

I've never tried to get a Landry autograph, but if I had I would be pretty upset. He certainly doesn't owe it to anyone to show up and sign autographs, but if you say you are going to do a signing and sign on to do so, allow the business to promote the signing and then just don't show up, that is pretty indefensible. Once would be one thing, but this is more than five times. I find it hard to believe that he had really legitimate reasons for blowing off events that he knew about months in advance on so many occasions.

It's really simple calculus. He is wrong for doing that, just as it would be wrong if anyone of us made multiple commitments and then failed to follow through. I don't know why anyone would bother defending that sort of action. He's a good player, and I don't really care if he signs or not, but don't say you will and then not follow through. It is disrespectful to the fans and its not like he is doing these signings out of charity, there is serious money involved.
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Old 03-17-2008, 11:00 AM   #12
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Re: Landry is at it again

There's something weird about a guy wanting another guy's signature.
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Old 03-17-2008, 11:11 AM   #13
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Re: Landry is at it again

Originally Posted by firstdown View Post
There's something weird about a guy wanting another guy's signature.
It's not really my thing but it means a lot to a lot of people, especially kids. When I was a kid I used to love going with my brother and dad to Woodward and Lothrop's and getting autographs from guys like Mosely, Theismann, Riggins, Joe Washington. As I've gotten older and because of the work I do, I prefer a handshake and a few minutes of conversation.

But LaRon hasn't shown to be reliable anywhere but on the field. Ultimately, I suppose that's all that should matter.
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Old 03-17-2008, 11:49 AM   #14
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Re: Landry is at it again

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
It's not really my thing but it means a lot to a lot of people, especially kids. When I was a kid I used to love going with my brother and dad to Woodward and Lothrop's and getting autographs from guys like Mosely, Theismann, Riggins, Joe Washington. As I've gotten older and because of the work I do, I prefer a handshake and a few minutes of conversation.

But LaRon hasn't shown to be reliable anywhere but on the field. Ultimately, I suppose that's all that should matter.
He is the defense's Chris Cooley apparently.
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Old 03-17-2008, 12:00 PM   #15
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Re: Landry is at it again

First of all when you are getting an autograph, it isn't about just getting them sign something, you actually get to talk to the players and ask them questions and what not. Yesterday at that show was a great experience! Pat Fischer, Ron McDole, Mike Nelms, Mark May, George Starke, and Bill Brundige couldn't have been nicer! I talked to them asked them questions about games and football and they were really affable. Pat Fischer and McDole were really funny. Fischer was talking trash to this guy in a Riggins jersey saying he would take him down right here and right now. Fischer was kidding me about signing his autograph. He said to me, how do you spell Theismann? He was funny, McDole was funny as well. Mike Nelms let put on his Super Bowl Ring and he was kidding me about trying to take his ring out of the building. Mark May was cool, he and I talked about Notre Dame football and what he thought the chances of getting above .500. Basically, the overall message here is that it isn't about just getting a signature, but it is an opportunity to talk to the players you respect. If people don't like getting autographs, then you don't have to bother. Laron, if you don't like money from the fans and making them angry that you don't show, then don't bother signing the contract. I wouldn't get a modern player's signature because I would be afraid that they wouldn't be here that long. I do think that Laron should man up and follow through on his obligations. He is starting his career out here very similar to how Sean Taylor did.
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