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Supposed genius young coaches

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Old 09-18-2007, 08:35 PM   #1
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Supposed genius young coaches

I thought last season many of you were singing the praises of Eric Mangini and Sean Payton for all of their great work. Well, I know it is only two games into the season, but their teams are a combined 0-4. Many of you complainers last season wanted us to go out and get a young coach after last season's debacle, but who's that old reliable coach whose team is now standing at 2-0? I think a lot people may begin eating their first serving of crow pretty soon if these trends continue!
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Old 09-19-2007, 08:58 AM   #2
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Re: Supposed genius young coaches

They've also played: New England, Baltimore, Indianapolis, and Tampa Bay. If we played all 4 of those games, I'm guessing we'd be 0-4 right now.

The Jets would have won that game with their backup QB in if McCareins would have held on to one of two TD passes that hit him right in the hands.

Payton is making a huge mistake with Reggie Bush. He needs to run Deuce like he did last year. That offense works around McAllister.

I think it's too early in the season to say they suck, we're good. You're still not sure what teams are yet. The only thing that matters is who makes the playoffs.
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Old 09-19-2007, 09:13 AM   #3
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Re: Supposed genius young coaches

seriously, its two games into the season. we could go 2-14, and they could go 14-2. its way too early to get into a discussion on this stuff. Sounds like you are justing itching for a heated argument.
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Old 09-19-2007, 09:19 AM   #4
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Re: Supposed genius young coaches

Gary Kubiak, who also in his second year as a HC, is 2-0. So is Rod Marinelli, and Mike McCarthy. And none of their teams were very good last year.

I'm just saying this for the sake of argument. I've had as many concerns with Gibbs lately as the next guy, but I wouldn't trade him for any of these three.
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Old 09-19-2007, 10:30 AM   #5
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Re: Supposed genius young coaches

Originally Posted by ArtMonkDrillz View Post
Gary Kubiak, who also in his second year as a HC, is 2-0. So is Rod Marinelli, and Mike McCarthy. And none of their teams were very good last year.

I'm just saying this for the sake of argument. I've had as many concerns with Gibbs lately as the next guy, but I wouldn't trade him for any of these three.

Lets not forget Mike Tomlin. Not that I'm calling any of these guys geniuses, but they're getting it done in the first two weeks of this season... thats really all you can say so far...
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Old 09-19-2007, 10:41 AM   #6
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Re: Supposed genius young coaches

I know a good coach is essential to a team, but a coach needs some talent too. Belichick in Cleveland? Shottenheimer (spelling?) here?
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Old 09-19-2007, 10:46 AM   #7
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Re: Supposed genius young coaches

So now after each win we are going to try and throw stuff back in the face of people who had different opinions. This is the second thread doing this today.
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Old 09-19-2007, 11:15 AM   #8
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Re: Supposed genius young coaches

Is it the general consensus that Gregg Williams will cesede (spelling?) Joe Gibbs when he retires?
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Old 09-19-2007, 11:48 AM   #9
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Re: Supposed genius young coaches

Originally Posted by ncskinsfanec View Post
I thought last season many of you were singing the praises of Eric Mangini and Sean Payton for all of their great work. Well, I know it is only two games into the season, but their teams are a combined 0-4. Many of you complainers last season wanted us to go out and get a young coach after last season's debacle, but who's that old reliable coach whose team is now standing at 2-0? I think a lot people may begin eating their first serving of crow pretty soon if these trends continue!
It's only week two!!!! RELAX.
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Old 09-19-2007, 12:50 PM   #10
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Re: Supposed genius young coaches

Joe Gibbs is the man i hope he lived forever and always coaches the redskins
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Old 09-19-2007, 01:49 PM   #11
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Re: Supposed genius young coaches

Originally Posted by killromo View Post
Is it the general consensus that Gregg Williams will cesede (spelling?) Joe Gibbs when he retires?

It's succeed. There is also secede as in, "Virginia has voted to secede from the Union". Just trying to help.

As to your question, I think the general consensus is that if Gibbs steps down, Snyder would eat the million he would owe Williams and hire the flavor of the month. Agitating against this line of reasoning is the influence of Joe Gibbs who would remain as team President and who would be more likely to advocate doing right by Williams, IMO. But, Gibbs' role may be more totemistic with him going back to Charlotte and having very little to do with the day to day operations. It's hard for me to imagine that he could come into the Park 25 hours a week and feel like he wasn't wasting his time. He throws himself into things whole hog and I suspect that he will end up being more of an occasional advisor to Snyder, trying to steer him in a sensible direction but not having the final authority in big decisions. Hopefully as Snyder reasserts himself after Gibbs 2, he will be more seasoned and less likely to do things like sign Jeff George.

Having said that, making Williams the HC may be the absolute wrong move. He seems somewhat unable to rise above petty disputes like this latest Springs flap which should never have happened. I don't think Saunders is ideal either as he is viewed by some as an egotist and self-promoter. So, this may be a situation where Snyder's penchant for headline-grabbing may be just what the doctor ordered.
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Old 09-19-2007, 04:19 PM   #12
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Re: Supposed genius young coaches

Originally Posted by firstdown View Post
So now after each win we are going to try and throw stuff back in the face of people who had different opinions. This is the second thread doing this today.
Second thread?

Anyhow, my personal feeling (and I think I'm going to speak for a lot of other people here) is that yeah I come into each season with high hopes. I'm not a blind loyalist, but I also realize the sky isn't falling at every turn with this team.

But what happens? Me and others get accused of "drinking the kool-aid" "on Gibbs' payroll" of not being "real" fans, and other stupid stuff. And when the Redskins see success on/off the field the detractors are quick with the "Yeah, but..." (Or worse they just disappear. Like I've said before, it's a lot easier and more convenient to never believe than to think big and be let down)

Well, you know what? Yeah, but nothing. We're 2-0 and we just beat a division opponent on the road in our young QB's first ever Monday night start. Two of our division rivals are 0-2. Our defense has been stingy, our running game has overcome two tough injuries to the line. Randle El has emerged as a true #2 receiver to one of the best in the game in Santana Moss, and our kicking game is arguably as good as it's been in over a decade.

Last year, the "real fans" were quick to jump on those that believed in the team with comments like "See, we told you the preseason was a precursor of the regular season." Those people had no problem calling us out and making snide comments like that "on the payroll" crap. So, while I have no idea what the rest of the season holds, I have no problem with people being called out when those same people were quick to call out others themselves last season.

Because I guarantee you, when the first loss of the year comes (and it will come), there will be a lot of "I told you so's" from the other side.

And, to be clear, this isn't saying that people can't express concerns about the team. Valid concerns. I'm just saying if you're quick to dish it out you better be willing to take it.

(firstdown, this isn't directed at you personally. I just happen to be quoting you)
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Old 09-19-2007, 04:24 PM   #13
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Re: Supposed genius young coaches

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
Second thread?

Anyhow, my personal feeling (and I think I'm going to speak for a lot of other people here)is that yeah I come into each season with high hopes. I'm not a blind loyalist, but I also realize the sky isn't falling at every turn with this team.

But what happens? Me and others get accused of "drinking the kool-aid" "on Gibbs'payroll" of not being "real" fans, and other stupid stuff. And when the Redskins see success on/off the field the detractors are quick with the "Yeah, but..." (Or worse they just disappear. Like I've said before, it's a lot easier and more convenient to never believe than to think big and be let down)

Well, you know what? Yeah, but nothing. We're 2-0 and we just beat a division opponent on the road in our young QB's first ever Monday night start. Two of our division rivals are 0-2. Our defense has been stingy, our running game has overcome two tough injuries to the line. Randle El has emerged as a true #2 receiver to one of the best in the game in Santana Moss, and our kicking game is arguably as good as its been in over a decade.

Last year, the "real fans" were quick to jump on those that believed in the team with comments like "See, we told you the preseason was a precursor of the regular season." Those people had no problem calling us out and making snide comments like that "on the payroll" crap. So, while I have no idea what the rest of the season holds, I have no problem with people being called out when those same people were quick to call out others themselves last season.

Because I guarantee you, when the first loss of the year comes (and it will come), there will be a lot of "I told you so's" from the other side.

And, to be clear, this isn't saying that people can't express concerns about the team. Valid concerns. I'm just saying if you're quick to dish it out you better be willing to take it.

(firstdown, this isn't directed at you personally. I just happen to be quoting you)
Great post. Amen brother.
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Old 09-19-2007, 07:01 PM   #14
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Re: Supposed genius young coaches

randle-el one of the best in the game?

um, yeah... how about waiting a little bit on that

he's certainly making lloyd's performance last year look pretty bad though.
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Old 09-19-2007, 07:15 PM   #15
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Re: Supposed genius young coaches

Originally Posted by That Guy View Post
randle-el one of the best in the game?

um, yeah... how about waiting a little bit on that

he's certainly making lloyd's performance last year look pretty bad though.
I don't think that's what he meant. Could have been worded a little better but SS was saying that Randle El was a good #2 next to one of the best in the game: Santana Moss.

Our aged coaching staff has put together a pretty good cast of players. There are still some spots to work on (D-line) but this team is really starting to feel like a real Gibbs team. Our reserve players are stepping and filling adequately. Our young talent is showing up strong on gameday.

Bottom line is if you haven't done so already, start recording these games because it's going to be a year to remember.
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