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Week 5, Time to Make Moves

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Old 10-04-2006, 07:19 PM   #1
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Week 5, Time to Make Moves

I'm in a 10 team league. Currently 3-1 (but with the lowest points in the league due to a week 1 disaster) and in 4th place. Must start 3 WRs.

I've got depth, but nothing spectacular.

Here is my roster, what kind of moves should I make....

R Grossman
D Culpepper

C Taylor
R Brown
R Dayne
D Foster
C Williams

R Williams (Detroit)
J Walker
M Muhammad
C Chambers

D Clark (Indy)

N Kaeding

"Lighten up, Sandy Baby."
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Old 10-04-2006, 08:08 PM   #2
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Re: Week 5, Time to Make Moves

My team has been terrible. I'm interested to see what people tell you b/c I have a bunch of the same players.
"Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man." The Dude
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Old 10-04-2006, 11:33 PM   #3
That Guy
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Re: Week 5, Time to Make Moves

ditch culpepper, make sure winslow or colston aren't available at TE (they shouldn't be, but still), ditch kaeding for sure, he's on a team with a rookie QB and they aren't scoring. stover or wilkins or anderson may be available there.

the jags D isn't very good in FF, and they're their good DE is on IR. see if atlanta is available, if not, stick with the chargers. Your #2 DEF is a good spot to rotate based on matchups if you don't want to use that space for RB/WR depth. chargers have a good schedule (defensively) all things considered, JAC has an average one (though they play TEN twice).

unfortunately you're weakness is your RBs, none of them are first tier, save maybe brown (who has a terrible line) and CW, who's been TERRIBLE (bad QB play, HORRIBLE matchups, questionable OL). CW has a bad remaining schedule too. he probably won't be able to run up numbers on PHI, WAS, CHI, ATL, or CAR.

Dayne sucks, replace him. look for barlow or use the spot for rotation (taking betts on weeks when WAS plays crap teams or whenever you don't have a better option, morency whenever a green is out, etc). c houston is out for 2-4 weeks for the NYJ, so that means less sharing for barlow.

at WR you got unlucky. new QB and scheme in DET, but RW is quality and should do better now that they've had their first martz score fest... they won't win much, but maybe they'll put up some points.

chambers and walker you basically just need to wait out and see if they can turn it on from slow starts. I'd definately look for another WR though for depth (jac/culpepper are wasted spaces, dayne, kaeding and clark are lower level performers, if you need to drop someone). D gabriel or d branch would be good guys that might be available... maybe cotchery, berrian, or (if you score return yards) d hall or w welker, who'd be consistant scorers and actually benefit from bad matchups (more kick returns = more +20yard plays).

hope that helps some.
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