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What REALLY grinds your gears?

Parking Lot

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Old 08-21-2012, 12:20 PM   #1156
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Re: What REALLY grinds your gears?

Go to a local store for lunch, grab a couple items and immediately head to the quick, "10 items or less" check out...lady in front of me checking out A) has 13 items and B) asks for a f*ckin pen.

A) rules. if it says 10 items, then 10 is the effing max. its a line for people like me, with 3 items who want to grab and go.

B) Who the f*ck writes a effing check anymore? Of course we need to write it out, let the cashier run it and record it in our little register. An addition 2 minutes to my waiting time while im staring at the other line 10 items line breeze right through. Who the f*ck writes a check? Get a effing check card.

2 gears in with one lady, and she wasnt old like 40. god damn it
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Old 08-21-2012, 12:25 PM   #1157
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Re: What REALLY grinds your gears?

Originally Posted by Chico23231 View Post
Go to a local store for lunch, grab a couple items and immediately head to the quick, "10 items or less" check out...lady in front of me checking out A) has 13 items and B) asks for a f*ckin pen.

A) rules. if it says 10 items, then 10 is the effing max. its a line for people like me, with 3 items who want to grab and go.

B) Who the f*ck writes a effing check anymore? Of course we need to write it out, let the cashier run it and record it in our little register. An addition 2 minutes to my waiting time while im staring at the other line 10 items line breeze right through. Who the f*ck writes a check? Get a effing check card.

2 gears in with one lady, and she wasnt old like 40. god damn it

I had to laugh at this because I have experienced this all too often. The blood begins to boil when it happens as
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Old 08-21-2012, 12:28 PM   #1158
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Re: What REALLY grinds your gears?

Originally Posted by Chico23231 View Post
Go to a local store for lunch, grab a couple items and immediately head to the quick, "10 items or less" check out...lady in front of me checking out A) has 13 items and B) asks for a f*ckin pen.

A) rules. if it says 10 items, then 10 is the effing max. its a line for people like me, with 3 items who want to grab and go.

B) Who the f*ck writes a effing check anymore? Of course we need to write it out, let the cashier run it and record it in our little register. An addition 2 minutes to my waiting time while im staring at the other line 10 items line breeze right through. Who the f*ck writes a check? Get a effing check card.

2 gears in with one lady, and she wasnt old like 40. god damn it
I called a lady out one time at Wegmans. I was having a wicked day and I had to run in for stuff for dinner. She literally had over 20 items in the 10 or less line; I huffed and puffed. She finally was like to the cashier please take this gentleman first he is obviously upset. I said lady it clear says ten or less don't make me the a$$hole for complaining about you breaking the rules. The cashier was smurking the whole time.

I hate when people try to bend rules and hope now one says anything so they can get away with it.

Paying with check is unbelievable I get that sometimes as well; we need to be done with checks at least in the retail world.
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Old 08-21-2012, 12:55 PM   #1159
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Re: What REALLY grinds your gears?

This is my new gear grinder!

The dysfunctional functioning alcoholic single mom next door to me.

Her mom has been my neighbor for since I moved there. She is in her mid sixties; I help her out all the time because she is my neighbor and she is a single women living alone.

So come early July she says her daughter (27) is moving back in with her son (4); same age as my son. Great my son needs a play mate at home.

It was fine at first but she has totally taken advantage of the situation with us. Literally dropping him off and taking off. Last Saturday she asked if he could go to the pool with us; sure no problem (she will always ask in ear shot of the kids so if you say no they have a fit). This was noon we get back at 4 she is not around and her mom is no where to be found. It gets about 8:30 and her mom shows up so we shuttle him off to her; she was out and didn't realize her daughter was gone. The daughter as of this morning has still not shown up but has text her mom saying she needs sometime(she is on a bender I just know it).

Most weeknights she drops him off to us and takes off saying she has a doctors appointment or some lame excuse; she is just going drinking. She is our best buddy when she has her son and wants to pawn him off but if it is a day his dad has him she can't remember our names. She has literally in the past walked right past my son when he has said hi to her; really? After the hours I have watched your kid and feed him you can't say hi to my son.

On the rare occasion she does stay with us to watch him she is glued to her phone with the text messaging and facebook shit. She is there but not mentally.

I am really stuck with this situation because the boys want to play together but there are times I can't handle him, my son and my 1 year old daughter all at the same time. It has also got to the point where he has gotten comfortable with us that we have to discipline him at times (most kids at first are afraid of other adults and tend to behave better than when with their parents).
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Old 08-21-2012, 01:23 PM   #1160
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Re: What REALLY grinds your gears?

Still my boss. Me and my coworkers have figured out his master plan: Teach all of us how to do everything in his old non-computer reliant methods, so he doesn't have to do anything.
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Old 08-21-2012, 01:41 PM   #1161
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Re: What REALLY grinds your gears?

When i'm occasionally asked to write a check for something, i still use my 5 year old temporary checks without my name on them. I never bothered to order any. 5 years later, still paying bills. And occasionally i eat.
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Old 08-21-2012, 02:50 PM   #1162
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Re: What REALLY grinds your gears?

Originally Posted by mredskins View Post
Paying with check is unbelievable I get that sometimes as well; we need to be done with checks at least in the retail world.
If the changes for Debit/Credit cards being charged an extra 3% on every purchase, expect to see checks make a comeback. Especially for things like groceries. Many stores already put a markup of ~3% on items to cover their losses from people using debit/credit cards... now they'll be getting that 3% straight to their pocket.
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Old 08-21-2012, 02:55 PM   #1163
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Re: What REALLY grinds your gears?

Originally Posted by Chico23231 View Post
Go to a local store for lunch, grab a couple items and immediately head to the quick, "10 items or less" check out...lady in front of me checking out A) has 13 items and B) asks for a f*ckin pen.

A) rules. if it says 10 items, then 10 is the effing max. its a line for people like me, with 3 items who want to grab and go.

B) Who the f*ck writes a effing check anymore? Of course we need to write it out, let the cashier run it and record it in our little register. An addition 2 minutes to my waiting time while im staring at the other line 10 items line breeze right through. Who the f*ck writes a check? Get a effing check card.

2 gears in with one lady, and she wasnt old like 40. god damn it
I really hate it when people abuse the item limit rule. Wish the stores would actually enforce it once in a while.
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Old 08-21-2012, 04:29 PM   #1164
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Re: What REALLY grinds your gears?

Originally Posted by Mattyk View Post
I really hate it when people abuse the item limit rule. Wish the stores would actually enforce it once in a while.
I always though they should just charge a surcharge. Like make it perfectly clear the line for x items and each item over costs a certain amount

Like $10 for going over plus 2 dollars for each item.

1 item = 12
2 = 14

or maybe the first is free
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Old 08-21-2012, 07:46 PM   #1165
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Re: What REALLY grinds your gears?

Originally Posted by Chico23231 View Post
Go to a local store for lunch, grab a couple items and immediately head to the quick, "10 items or less" check out...lady in front of me checking out A) has 13 items and B) asks for a f*ckin pen.

A) rules. if it says 10 items, then 10 is the effing max. its a line for people like me, with 3 items who want to grab and go.

B) Who the f*ck writes a effing check anymore? Of course we need to write it out, let the cashier run it and record it in our little register. An addition 2 minutes to my waiting time while im staring at the other line 10 items line breeze right through. Who the f*ck writes a check? Get a effing check card.

2 gears in with one lady, and she wasnt old like 40. god damn it
I dunno. My grandmother writes checks... Granted shes 93. So she gets a pass right?
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Old 08-21-2012, 07:48 PM   #1166
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Re: What REALLY grinds your gears?

Originally Posted by DynamiteRave View Post
I dunno. My grandmother writes checks... Granted shes 93. So she gets a pass right?
yeah, thats why I said the lady wasnt even old. lol, it makes since for grandmas and grandpas. I would never get mad at the g-parents.

Hell, I might even help her out with her groceries.
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Last edited by Chico23231; 08-21-2012 at 07:53 PM.
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Old 08-22-2012, 01:53 AM   #1167
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Re: What REALLY grinds your gears?

Speaking of supermarkets, I really hate it when people that have no f'ing clue about using the self check out....USE THE SELF CHECK OUT.

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Old 08-22-2012, 10:32 AM   #1168
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Re: What REALLY grinds your gears?

They removed the self checkouts at the store I shop at because of theft. Idiot thieves.

Now I have to be behind the cart-full in express lane fools like you guys do.
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Old 08-22-2012, 10:34 AM   #1169
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Re: What REALLY grinds your gears?

Originally Posted by Mattyk View Post
I really hate it when people abuse the item limit rule. Wish the stores would actually enforce it once in a while.
If I worked at a store, I'd be strict about it and make people leave my line. Of course, I'd probably be fired for what they call "poor customer service" even though I'd actually be providing excellent customer service for the others and applying store rules.
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Old 08-22-2012, 02:19 PM   #1170
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Re: What REALLY grinds your gears?

Originally Posted by Daseal View Post
If the changes for Debit/Credit cards being charged an extra 3% on every purchase, expect to see checks make a comeback. Especially for things like groceries. Many stores already put a markup of ~3% on items to cover their losses from people using debit/credit cards... now they'll be getting that 3% straight to their pocket.
Actually now, if you go into most grocery stores and pay with a check, they still run it through and deduct from your account just like they would do if you paid with a debit card or credit card. The only difference is that it takes longer for them to have to run the check through, getting you to sign the receipt, etc...they hand the check back to you when it has been cleared. So, I'm not sure if using checks now would really make a difference other than wasting more time.
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