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Media Bias

Debating with the enemy

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Old 10-06-2020, 08:34 PM   #946
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Re: Media Bias

Originally Posted by BaltimoreSkins View Post
I agree with what Shaq and Barkley said but you do have some facts wrong. It was a no knock warrant so there was no announcement. To me it is frustrating that we have a situation in which an innocent person was killed and there is no accountability. This probably needs to go into police reform but the habits that we view as acceptable police practices need to change. It puts our police in bad situations that are easily avoidable. Serving no knock warrants at 1:00 am in states where they have castle defense laws in place, serving no knock warrants at residents where a law abiding registered gun holder is sleeping. These are all avoidable and should be policy and Taylor would be alive. We would never tolerate a teacher working one on one with a student after school, or a surgeon being on call for 72 hours but for some reason this is viewed as acceptable in police departments.

I just don't understand why the 2A supporters and/or the NRA don't step up. Intruders burst in the home at 1 am and a gun owner defends themselves, this is literally every 2a supporter's wet dream.
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Old 10-07-2020, 10:02 AM   #947
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Re: Media Bias

Originally Posted by Chico23231 View Post
This is the problem and where the public (including myself) has been mislead. Neighbor has submitted under witness testimony that they heard the police announce themselves. Also the police did knock...Kenneth Walker admitted he heard knocking 30-45 seconds. Finally, people keep saying Taylor was killed in her sleep, this is not true, it’s been confirmed she was awake.

I had been under the impression, the police didn’t announce, knock and came in the door looking to execute the warrant. Also I’d heard many time Taylor was asleep. The media has again failed us, wanting to provide a false narrative to support a side. It’s as dangerous as bad police work.

I don’t have answers too why there is extremely shoddy police work or why they chose 12:53’s disturbing. I hope changes will be made.
Body cameras not being on during a no-knock search warrant is inexcusable. That is a huge red flag.

No knock warrant reform is something I think most americans can agree on. I wouldnt make a total ban on them bc there are some bad armed people out there but I would require surveillance to confirm the target is actually at the location before a no-knock warrant can be executed. Judges need to stop signing off on search warrants like its candy.

I actually spent a year reviewing search warrant applications in Montgomery County and they all got signed off on.

In Breona's case, their target had moved out months prior .. all the police had to do was a little bit of surveillance to confirm.

No knock warrants can effect anyone. I had a case where the swat team executed a no knock warrant on like 6701 Street when it was supposed to be 6710 Street. Grandmother shot, she lived. I switched firms before the case was resolved but i imagine qualified immunity as the police were acting under "good faith" but made an accident
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Old 10-07-2020, 10:19 AM   #948
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Re: Media Bias

The biggest red flag is this, after the Kentucky AG did something never/rarely done...released grand jury evidence including recordings (!) last Friday....the story has fallen off the map.


Because the evidence proves the narratives were false. The warrant may have been a no-knock, it was not treated as a no knock. Even the pre-meeting police sheet they stated and did not check the box as no knock. Testimony...neighbor heard the police announcement, and the guy who shot the police officer testified he heard the police knocking 45 seconds to 1 minute.

I know we are grasping for anything now as BLM and the media lied for months over the facts
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Old 10-07-2020, 10:31 AM   #949
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Re: Media Bias

The biggest red flag is that a young INNOCENT woman was shot dead in her home because of a police mistake.

You hammer the media bias narrative but if the police had activated their body cameras there would be no guessing as to what happened.

KY AG only released some of the GJ stuff because he said after the lone indictment that the GJ also decided no charges for murder were correct.

That comment prompted a grand juror to say "whoa .. were were never given the option to indict the officers who shot and killed Breona. The only indictment we were asked to decide on was for shooting into the neighbors apartment".


The most important point is that an innocent woman was killed by sloppy police work. Chico, I think you would agree with that.
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Old 10-07-2020, 10:35 AM   #950
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Re: Media Bias

Originally Posted by SunnySide View Post
The biggest red flag is that a young INNOCENT woman was shot dead in her home because of a police mistake.

You hammer the media bias narrative but if the police had activated their body cameras there would be no guessing as to what happened.

KY AG only released some of the GJ stuff because he said after the lone indictment that the GJ also decided no charges for murder were correct.

That comment prompted a grand juror to say "whoa .. were were never given the option to indict the officers who shot and killed Breona. The only indictment we were asked to decide on was for shooting into the neighbors apartment".


The most important point is that an innocent woman was killed by sloppy police work. Chico, I think you would agree with that.
I would agree with sloppy police work if you agree the media and BLM lied repeatedly about the facts of the case in order to push a false narrative.
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Old 10-07-2020, 10:50 AM   #951
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Re: Media Bias

Originally Posted by Chico23231 View Post
I would agree with sloppy police work if you agree the media and BLM lied repeatedly about the facts of the case in order to push a false narrative.
lol .. why does acknowledging the truth of the matter require a conditional add-on? Are we negotiating over whether Breona Taylor deserved to die? Acknowledging that should be a given, no matter where you sit on political spectrum.

I honestly have not followed the media description of this case closely so I dont feel like I know enough to make a judgment call on it. I will say the "she was shot and killed in bed" was false but where did that first come from? Where ever it came from, it certainly resonated in the echo chamber of social media and was amplified. I personally thought and assumed she was killed in her bed.

I think we can agree on 4 things:

1. Sloppy police work led to an innocent womans death
2. Search warrants need to be tightened up and executed better
3. Police body cameras should be activated at all times. This is inexcusable
4. Breona Taylor was not in her bed when she was shot and killed by police
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Old 10-07-2020, 11:02 AM   #952
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Re: Media Bias

Originally Posted by SunnySide View Post
lol .. why does acknowledging the truth of the matter require a conditional add-on? Are we negotiating over whether Breona Taylor deserved to die? Acknowledging that should be a given, no matter where you sit on political spectrum.

I honestly have not followed the media description of this case closely so I dont feel like I know enough to make a judgment call on it. I will say the "she was shot and killed in bed" was false but where did that first come from? Where ever it came from, it certainly resonated in the echo chamber of social media and was amplified. I personally thought and assumed she was killed in her bed.

I think we can agree on 4 things:

1. Sloppy police work led to an innocent womans death
2. Search warrants need to be tightened up and executed better
3. Police body cameras should be activated at all times. This is inexcusable
4. Breona Taylor was not in her bed when she was shot and killed by police
Especially when it comes to search warrants. Officers are entering one of the most potentially dangerous situations when it comes to their safety, search warrants and dv calls should be always-on scenarios.
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Old 10-07-2020, 11:05 AM   #953
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Re: Media Bias

Originally Posted by SunnySide View Post
lol .. why does acknowledging the truth of the matter require a conditional add-on? Are we negotiating over whether Breona Taylor deserved to die? Acknowledging that should be a given, no matter where you sit on political spectrum.

I honestly have not followed the media description of this case closely so I dont feel like I know enough to make a judgment call on it. I will say the "she was shot and killed in bed" was false but where did that first come from? Where ever it came from, it certainly resonated in the echo chamber of social media and was amplified. I personally thought and assumed she was killed in her bed.

I think we can agree on 4 things:

1. Sloppy police work led to an innocent womans death
2. Search warrants need to be tightened up and executed better
3. Police body cameras should be activated at all times. This is inexcusable
4. Breona Taylor was not in her bed when she was shot and killed by police
No. the media lied, BLM lied, and even the family’s Attorny lied in May about the case. They distorted the facts, lied, painted a false picture of Taylor, painted a false picture of the police, avoided critical facts, was biased in reporting to support a false narrative about the police.

If you can’t agree you that, then fuck off

MSNBC still has this headline up on Facebook:

Breonna Taylor, a black EMT worker, was shot and killed as she slept in her home after police officers “blindly fired” after executing a search warrant at the wrong home in Louisville, Kentucky, a lawsuit says.
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Last edited by Chico23231; 10-07-2020 at 11:42 AM.
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Old 10-07-2020, 11:26 AM   #954
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Re: Media Bias

Originally Posted by mooby View Post
Especially when it comes to search warrants. Officers are entering one of the most potentially dangerous situations when it comes to their safety, search warrants and dv calls should be always-on scenarios.
Look, we aren’t talking about Breanna Taylor because of shoddy police work, body cameras, search warrants, etc

We are talking about her because the country was told the police barged in her residence without announcing themselves and started firing their weapons without cause, killing an innocent, EMT-working young black woman in her sleep.
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Old 10-07-2020, 11:44 AM   #955
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Re: Media Bias

Originally Posted by Chico23231 View Post
No. the media lied, BLM lied, and even the family’s Attorny lied in May about the case. They distorted the facts, lied, painted a false picture of Taylor, painted a false picture of the police, avoided critical facts, was biased in reporting to support a false narrative about the police.

If you can’t agree you that, then fuck off
Right wingers focusing on minut peripheral matters to distract or downplay the undeniable fact that an innocent woman was killed by the police is why people say "Black Lives Matter".
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Old 10-07-2020, 11:50 AM   #956
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Lightbulb Re: Media Bias

Originally Posted by SunnySide View Post
Right wingers focusing on minut peripheral matters to distract or downplay the undeniable fact that an innocent woman was killed by the police is why people say "Black Lives Matter".
In other words, critical facts

I’m not celebrating this discovery of facts, and especially the outcome where an innocent life was killed. But to ignore how this shit is packaged and sold to the American people is unacceptable, it’s purposely dividing people...and if u don’t acknowledge it, shame on you.
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Old 10-07-2020, 12:06 PM   #957
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Re: Media Bias

Interesting. I thought you valued human life .... I guess you are pro-choice then, to a certain extent. We have a lot in common, we just need to talk and learn more. Im pro-choice, youre pro-choice. Im for police reform - youre for some police reform. We'll work on it, youll come around.

I feel good about this.

I am even going to forgive you for telling me to fuck off earlier. Clearly it was a misunderstanding and we worked through it.
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Old 10-07-2020, 12:21 PM   #958
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Re: Media Bias

Originally Posted by SunnySide View Post
Interesting. I thought you valued human life .... I guess you are pro-choice then, to a certain extent. We have a lot in common, we just need to talk and learn more. Im pro-choice, youre pro-choice. Im for police reform - youre for some police reform. We'll work on it, youll come around.

I feel good about this.

I am even going to forgive you for telling me to fuck off earlier. Clearly it was a misunderstanding and we worked through it. know you are correct as this whole exercise is too argue over points we disagree and to highlight them, but the fact of the matter is we most likely agree on a majority of issue. But that’s boring right?

It’s kinda like the Supreme Court vacancy exercise, I remember reading when Kavenaugh got the seat...he and merrick Garland aligned something like 92%-93% of the time on decisions. So the assumptions they were drastically apart on how law is applied, not really true.
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Old 10-07-2020, 12:50 PM   #959
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Re: Media Bias

Originally Posted by Chico23231 View Post
Look, we aren’t talking about Breanna Taylor because of shoddy police work, body cameras, search warrants, etc

We are talking about her because the country was told the police barged in her residence without announcing themselves and started firing their weapons without cause, killing an innocent, EMT-working young black woman in her sleep.
I thought we were talking about Breonna Taylor because she didn't deserve to be shot to death in her own home?
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Old 10-07-2020, 01:03 PM   #960
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Re: Media Bias

Originally Posted by mooby View Post
I thought we were talking about Breonna Taylor because she didn't deserve to be shot to death in her own home?
I definitely wish her boyfriend wouldn’t have started shootings and shot the officer. And I wish the officers wouldn’t have returned fire killing Breanna.
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