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Pacman suspended for entire 2007 season!

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Old 04-10-2007, 05:49 PM   #76
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Re: Pacman suspended for entire 2007 season!

Originally Posted by Sheriff Gonna Getcha View Post
The Commish isn't dumb, he's not going to start suspending players left and right and booting guys outta clubs because that would simply hurt the NFL's image even more and its bottom line. I wouldn't be too fearful that things will get out of control.
Good point.
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Old 04-10-2007, 05:51 PM   #77
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Re: Pacman suspended for entire 2007 season!

Originally Posted by jdlea View Post
I'm not going to try to defend anything Pacman Jones has done. However, I think his conduct is an indictment of the way young athletes are treated throughout their lives. Pacman's problems are not new...he was getting into trouble at WVU. Everyone knew it then, he has a problem. He can't stay outta trouble. No one ever did anything about it at West Virginia, all they did was enable him. All so they could make their millions of dollars by exploiting their players, but that's another topic. Pacman had trouble with the law at WVU and everyone around the university did everything they could to keep him on the field so they could make money. All he's ever learned is that as long as he performs on the field, his problems will go away off of it. As much as he made his own decisions, I feel sorry for a lot of the kids who grow up without the advantages most of the people judging them have enjoyed. Especially since, if they didn't have a father, the only males they really see are their coaches and they're too busy trying to figure out how to keep him on the field, rather than out of trouble. It's a little disturbing. I'm not condoning any of Pacman's actions, but I think there's a problem with this society, just as much as with him.

Another thought, Henry and Jones were both disciplinary problems in college. They also went to the same college, West Virginia. Why isn't Rich Rodriguez held accountable in any way? He did nothing about this when they were there. Where the hell was he? He just made sure they kept making the university money by taking them to a bowl game, it's bullshit.

Somehow, I don't think taking a troubled kid and making him a millionaire is the best way to solve people's problems. People should have seen this coming. I feel sorry for Pacman Jones.

This is exactly why the athletes are the way they are. Or any troubles kids now. people want to point the blaim in so many different directions instead of where they belong. Pacman and Henry are adults. They know whats right and whats wrong. carrying weed, beating up strippers and shooting guns, going 100 MPH while drinking!! any adult should know those are things that will get you in trouble. I dont feel sorry or believe this blaim the environment they lived in crap. They used their athletic gifts to get out of those situations. Now, they have all the money in the world and end up making the same stupid mistakes they made before. you have all the money in the world, that doesn't give you a pass to act like the biggest dumb ass in the world. These guys should pay for their crimes. Too many athletes get off with a slap on the wrist. If pacman is convicted of all the charges from the Vegas thing, being suspended from the NFL for 1 year will look like nothing compared to the jail time he will face. People need to stop making excuses for these idiots and hold them accountable for their actions. Do you think if any of us had all these run ins with the cops we would be sitting here typing on the HELL NO! we would be in jail or where ever. At somepoint when do they get treated as a person.. a normal person like everyone else in the country.
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Old 04-10-2007, 05:51 PM   #78
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Re: Pacman suspended for entire 2007 season!

Originally Posted by SUNRA View Post
You make a valid point. As long as the NFL and Goodell apease the media waving Jones around like a mascot for everything that 's wrong with NFL, and never addressing the solution to the problem which lies in the rookie orientation seminars that should have been emphasized to every player coming out of college. Instead Goodell, met with Jones to show how fair and concerned he is about this lingering situation making up rules as he goes along. Hypocrisy has become the order of the day when it comes to young players and out of touch commissoners! (i.e., Stern, Goodell)
You honestly think that the rookie seminar is the magic bullet here? How naive.
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Old 04-10-2007, 05:58 PM   #79
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Re: Pacman suspended for entire 2007 season!

Originally Posted by FRPLG View Post
The NFL's opinion is the only thing that should matter. It is their league and these are their employees. I maintain that using thr US justice system as anything other part of the equation is much too lenient. Guys like Henry and Pacman are bad for the league, the other players, the teams and the union. But by your standard no one should do anything about Pacman since he hasn't been convicted. That is silly.

It is "their" league, whatever that really means. The NFL is nothing without the players and fans who love to watch the most exiting sport in the world. Who would really watch a league with subpar performers but stand up citizens in the community? Granted in a perfect world the NFL gets both. Just seems like all of a sudden a new commissioner is trying to make a name for himself when nobody gives a shit about him. I'd rather see Pacman on sportscenter running for a 90 yard touchdown.....that's just me though. I understand everyone else's opinion and can't argue for a guy like Pacman too hard. Just hate the Uncle Sam approach of the NFL lately.
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Old 04-10-2007, 06:02 PM   #80
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Re: Pacman suspended for entire 2007 season!

Originally Posted by SUNRA View Post
You make a valid point. As long as the NFL and Goodell apease the media waving Jones around like a mascot for everything that 's wrong with NFL, and never addressing the solution to the problem which lies in the rookie orientation seminars that should have been emphasized to every player coming out of college. Instead Goodell, met with Jones to show how fair and concerned he is about this lingering situation making up rules as he goes along. Hypocrisy has become the order of the day when it comes to young players and out of touch commissoners! (i.e., Stern, Goodell)
IMHO it is some of the players (e.g., Pacman) who are out of touch with reality. There was an ESPN article a year or two ago about how rookie seminar sessions about being tolerant of other ethnic groups, homosexuals, etc. were considered a joke. You can't honestly believe that a rookie seminar is going to make a guy like Pacman think, "Gee, no one ever told me this crime stuff is bad and I should stop hanging out with felons. By golly, I'll change my ways now." Sorry for the sarcasm, but I just can't see how the Commissioner is to blame for Pacman and other players being idiots.

These players are grown men and should be treated as though they know the difference between right and wrong. To shift the blame from the perpetrators of crime onto the Commissioner is just wrong. Adults are accountable for their actions and, as adults, players are accountable for what they do and do not do.
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Old 04-10-2007, 06:06 PM   #81
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Re: Pacman suspended for entire 2007 season!

Originally Posted by Sheriff Gonna Getcha View Post
IMHO it is some of the players (e.g., Pacman) who are out of touch with reality. There was an ESPN article a year or two ago about how rookie seminar sessions about being tolerant of other ethnic groups, homosexuals, etc. were considered a joke. You can't honestly believe that a rookie seminar is going to make a guy like Pacman think, "Gee, no one ever told me this crime stuff is bad and I should stop hanging out with felons. By golly, I'll change my ways now." Sorry for the sarcasm, but I just can't see how the Commissioner is to blame for Pacman and other players being idiots. These are grown men and should be treated as though they know the difference between right and wrong.
Agree! You mean it's not everybody else's fault? Hard to believe.
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Old 04-10-2007, 06:12 PM   #82
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Re: Pacman suspended for entire 2007 season!

Originally Posted by Sheriff Gonna Getcha View Post
I'll agree that marijuana laws are kinda dumb to me, but the fact is that they represent community standards. They can be repealed as soon as enough people apply pressure to their state legislatures to do so. Moreover, the penalties for possession of marijuana are really light and typically involve paying a relatively small fine. Almost no one does "time" for simple possession.
So whatever fits the criteria of "community standards" automatically makes common sense? Laws that don't make any sense are only sensical once the appropriate legislation is passed that repeal them?

"Community standards" at one time said people of color couldn't drink from the same water fountain. In some jurisdictions, 'community standards' say that you can't operate a business on Sunday.

I think upon further reflection, you might agree that community standards don't always equal common sense.
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Old 04-10-2007, 06:27 PM   #83
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Re: Pacman suspended for entire 2007 season!

By the way. Let's don't forget da bears! TANK your next in line!
Soon, as your get out of jail card arrives, the COMMISH wants to see ya! BYE
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Old 04-10-2007, 06:51 PM   #84
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Re: Pacman suspended for entire 2007 season!

Originally Posted by Beemnseven View Post
I think upon further reflection, you might agree that community standards don't always equal common sense.
Not always, but the vast majority of the time. I didn't intend to say that the legal system is perfect, just that it is unfairly labeled as broken.
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Old 04-10-2007, 07:08 PM   #85
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Re: Pacman suspended for entire 2007 season!

Originally Posted by FRPLG View Post
You honestly think that the rookie seminar is the magic bullet here? How naive.
My point is that with all of the off the field incidents that have happened throughout the years, the NFL should have had a strict policy from the jump, before anyone is allowed to
violate the rule and the automatic 1 year suspension should be in place if they are found guilty of a felon. The reason I say found guilty and not if they are arrested, is because most of these guys are being tried in the media instead of a court room. How can anyone be suspended for a year on accusations of being involved in a crime? The focus should be on preventative or deterent policies that are preached and enforced from the mountain top to the valley low.
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Old 04-10-2007, 07:10 PM   #86
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Re: Pacman suspended for entire 2007 season!

Forget about the other 9 incidents, Pacman's uncontroverted and substantiated actions at the night club in Vegas are enough to warrant a 1-year ban.
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Old 04-10-2007, 07:13 PM   #87
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Re: Pacman suspended for entire 2007 season!

We live in a country that has adopted an "at will employment rule," meaning employers can fire their employees for just about anything. In other words, employers can fire employees "at will." The CBA, an agreement the NFLPA signed, stipulates that the Commissioner has the authority he is currently exercising. So, to require a criminal conviction prior to the imposition of any suspension would be creating a new rule.
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Old 04-10-2007, 07:21 PM   #88
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Re: Pacman suspended for entire 2007 season!

Originally Posted by Sheriff Gonna Getcha View Post
We live in a country that has adopted an "at will employment rule," meaning employers can fire their employees for just about anything. In other words, employers can fire employees "at will." The CBA, an agreement the NFLPA signed, stipulates that the Commissioner has the authority he is currently exercising. So, to require a criminal conviction prior to the imposition of any suspension would be creating a new rule.
And there you have it, it's that simple. Hey SGG, my legal council has been pretty damn bad lately. You takin new clients? My wife also has an insurance office maybe we can get a multi line discount? Like a GOOD NEIGHBOR........ HIRED!
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Old 04-10-2007, 07:22 PM   #89
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Re: Pacman suspended for entire 2007 season!

We live in a country that has adopted an "at will employment rule,"
Isn't it required in several states for a person to be given two weeks notice before they're let go?

I like parts of this and I don't so much like other parts. I think that being able to suspend people before the crime goes through a court of law is a huge mistake. At least wait till these guys are convicted before sitting them down. I don't want to see someone kicked off the squad for four games go to find out he had nothing to do with the situation.

That's my main gripe, and I'm not sure if anyone said this yet or not, but Pacman can reduce his punishment to ten games if he does a ton of different things. They ran through them on Sirius' afternoon blitz.
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Old 04-10-2007, 07:26 PM   #90
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Re: Pacman suspended for entire 2007 season!

Originally Posted by Daseal View Post
Isn't it required in several states for a person to be given two weeks notice before they're let go?

I like parts of this and I don't so much like other parts. I think that being able to suspend people before the crime goes through a court of law is a huge mistake. At least wait till these guys are convicted before sitting them down. I don't want to see someone kicked off the squad for four games go to find out he had nothing to do with the situation.

That's my main gripe, and I'm not sure if anyone said this yet or not, but Pacman can reduce his punishment to ten games if he does a ton of different things. They ran through them on Sirius' afternoon blitz.

I don't know about several states? But in VA your LUCKY to get a 2 second notice!
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