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Cowboys fan tases fans at Met Life Stadium

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Old 09-15-2011, 04:32 PM   #46
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Re: Cowboys fan tases fans at Met Life Stadium

Originally Posted by mooby View Post
Who knew that a career criminal would also be a Jehovah's Witness?

Seriously though f that guy. What a prick. The Marine could probably tell he was just a pos too, so I'm not upset at the Marine doing what he did. The guy was apparently just looking for confrontation.

I still want to know how he got a taser in the stadium though. My pat-down on Sunday was very thorough, the only place I could've smuggled something in was if it had been strapped to my chest or back and not looked suspicious, or smuggled up my A.
Did you put any effort into thinking through what you wrote? The Marine is as much of a fcking moron as this guy. This isn't a country run by the Third Reich and last time I checked people are free to stand, sit, and get up and walk to wherever they want to go without some dipshit Marine playing enforcer. He is lucky he just got tasered and not shot to death outside the stadium.

Please feel free to play the matcho enforcer guy at the next game you attend and tell us how it went.
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Old 09-15-2011, 04:40 PM   #47
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Re: Cowboys fan tases fans at Met Life Stadium

A sheriff at the PG circuit courthouse showed me a cellphone look-a-like he confiscated then proceeded to taze his hand with it . .those things make a vicious sound. thats why when ever you enter a montgomery county courthouse you have to turn your phone on to show it is a phone . . .strange that you dont have to do that for PG or anywhere else . .

also Leroy in his jail escape charge, it said something about "tools" used for escape so he might have alot of experience hiding things in places things shouldnt be hidden . . im guessin he taped it to his man area when he went thru security.

read a case about whether evidence found in a "pull your cheeks apart" strip search is consider in plain view to be admissible for a warrantless search .. and another strange case where the Md co of appeals allowed evidence seized from an unconscious guy in a hospital admissible b/c since he ws unconscious he didnt suffer any embarrassment . . weird
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Old 09-15-2011, 04:42 PM   #48
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Re: Cowboys fan tases fans at Met Life Stadium

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
Did you put any effort into thinking through what you wrote? The Marine is as much of a fcking moron as this guy. This isn't a country run by the Third Reich and last time I checked people are free to stand, sit, and get up and walk to wherever they want to go without some dipshit Marine playing enforcer. He is lucky he just got tasered and not shot to death outside the stadium.

Please feel free to play the matcho enforcer guy at the next game you attend and tell us how it went.
from the accounts i read, the guy decided to try and get out of the aisle where the marine told him dont try to (he could have gone the other way) . . .then when noone would let him through he pulled the taser out before anyone laid a hand on him . . . unless you where there i guess we wont know until people testify in court
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Old 09-15-2011, 04:58 PM   #49
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Re: Cowboys fan tases fans at Met Life Stadium

Originally Posted by over the mountain View Post
from the accounts i read, the guy decided to try and get out of the aisle where the marine told him dont try to (he could have gone the other way) . . .then when noone would let him through he pulled the taser out before anyone laid a hand on him . . . unless you where there i guess we wont know until people testify in court
We don't know what happened exactly but from what we know he was falsely imprisoned and the marine could be charged with that and possibly kidnapping.
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Old 09-15-2011, 06:02 PM   #50
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Re: Cowboys fan tases fans at Met Life Stadium

Or do like they do at a soccer match and show your pride and sing your countries national anthem. On topic though....seeing as when my father and I went to see Skins @ Raiders we weren't even allowed to bring in chapstick and they checked my sunglasses (major WTF moment in Oakland) I dont see how this guy got a tazer in in New York!!! Especially at an event where a former president was at. This is a person that Secret service will make you put down your fork at applebees if he's walking through. Second yes the Marine was wrong for not letting the guy go pee but the fan was an idiot for trying to pick a fight with a Marine. Still nonetheless...A TAZER!!!?
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Old 09-15-2011, 06:08 PM   #51
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Re: Cowboys fan tases fans at Met Life Stadium

Originally Posted by over the mountain View Post
jeez, this guy is a straight up criminal.

i checked charleston county which neighbors Berkeley.

2003 tresspassin after hours

2005 1st degree burglary

2006 escaped from prison, recaptured in state

2007 poss w intent to distribute cocaine base

plus more, man i could only imagine what he has in other counties . . looks liek he was doing substantial time in a NC jail with alot of jail time from SC crimes he pled to transferred sentence over there, im not even gonna bother looking into NC database . . .
wow this guy is a piece of S**t, Dont we use face recognition tech at stadiums....sounds like he shouldn't of been alowed up in the joint
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Old 09-15-2011, 06:36 PM   #52
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Re: Cowboys fan tases fans at Met Life Stadium

Originally Posted by over the mountain View Post
jeez, this guy is a straight up criminal.

i checked charleston county which neighbors Berkeley.

2003 tresspassin after hours

2005 1st degree burglary

2006 escaped from prison, recaptured in state

2007 poss w intent to distribute cocaine base

plus more, man i could only imagine what he has in other counties . . looks liek he was doing substantial time in a NC jail with alot of jail time from SC crimes he pled to transferred sentence over there, im not even gonna bother looking into NC database . . .
Did you also verify if he is the same guy? The guy you're talking about was born 1955 which would make him 56 years old...this guy is listed as 59 years old.

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Old 09-15-2011, 07:04 PM   #53
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Re: Cowboys fan tases fans at Met Life Stadium

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
Did you put any effort into thinking through what you wrote? The Marine is as much of a fcking moron as this guy. This isn't a country run by the Third Reich and last time I checked people are free to stand, sit, and get up and walk to wherever they want to go without some dipshit Marine playing enforcer. He is lucky he just got tasered and not shot to death outside the stadium.

Please feel free to play the matcho enforcer guy at the next game you attend and tell us how it went.
I did, and quite honestly I still support that Marine. If I were devoting my life to the freedom of my country and some douchebag intentionally tried to start shit, of course I'd stand up to him. Especially if he was a fat pos a-hole. Now I'm sorry that that annoys you but w/e. You're not going to change my opinion on this matter so don't bother trying.

I realize that the Marine is just as much at fault as the d-bag is, but I completely understand why he did it. The guy with the taser wanted to start shit, so shit got started. Sucks for the Marine that he got tasered but I'm not gonna crucify the guy for standing up to that prick.

All the Cowboys fan had to do was be quiet during taps and the National Anthem. Instead, he was intentionally being loud. Don't give me that "he has rights" crap, because you're basically defending his right to start shit in public settings.

I'm done with this after this post. I think most of the story is clear by now, but I'm sure if things go to trial we'll know all the details. Until then, saden, you're free and clear to keep defending assholes rights to start shit.
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Old 09-15-2011, 07:16 PM   #54
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Re: Cowboys fan tases fans at Met Life Stadium

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
Did you also verify if he is the same guy? The guy you're talking about was born 1955 which would make him 56 years old...this guy is listed as 59 years old.

Bothering isn't your forte...just do you.
I could understand if he was in fact 29 and the dude was listed as 59 but FFS!
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Old 09-15-2011, 07:38 PM   #55
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Re: Cowboys fan tases fans at Met Life Stadium

Originally Posted by mooby View Post
I did, and quite honestly I still support that Marine. If I were devoting my life to the freedom of my country and some douchebag intentionally tried to start shit, of course I'd stand up to him. Especially if he was a fat pos a-hole. Now I'm sorry that that annoys you but w/e. You're not going to change my opinion on this matter so don't bother trying.

I realize that the Marine is just as much at fault as the d-bag is, but I completely understand why he did it. The guy with the taser wanted to start shit, so shit got started. Sucks for the Marine that he got tasered but I'm not gonna crucify the guy for standing up to that prick.

All the Cowboys fan had to do was be quiet during taps and the National Anthem. Instead, he was intentionally being loud. Don't give me that "he has rights" crap, because you're basically defending his right to start shit in public settings.

I'm done with this after this post. I think most of the story is clear by now, but I'm sure if things go to trial we'll know all the details. Until then, saden, you're free and clear to keep defending assholes rights to start shit.
Let me get this, because I won't take my hat off and I continue to talk to my friends it means I am starting shit? No mofo, starting shit is when your skull meets the over priced beer bottle in my hand. That's real talk. The world is full of dangerous people that you don't know or what they are capable of, best be careful who you're talking to.

By your attitude you will learn the easy way or the hard way but you will learn.
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Old 09-15-2011, 07:43 PM   #56
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Re: Cowboys fan tases fans at Met Life Stadium

Originally Posted by RedskinRat View Post
I could understand if he was in fact 29 and the dude was listed as 59 but FFS!
Bringing and using a taser was definitely a stupid idea but this guy really didn't do anything to warrant what happened to him. From the looks of it what he did was out of self-defense and hardly qualifies as starting shit.

Even old men have pride and I wouldn't put up with that shit if I were him.
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Old 09-15-2011, 09:45 PM   #57
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Re: Cowboys fan tases fans at Met Life Stadium

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
Bringing and using a taser was definitely a stupid idea but this guy really didn't do anything to warrant what happened to him. From the looks of it what he did was out of self-defense and hardly qualifies as starting shit.

Even old men have pride and I wouldn't put up with that shit if I were him.
Again: Don't go somewhere where the majority of people are going to be patriotic if you know you'll piss people off. He started shit by not stading for the National Anthem. You don't want to stand? Go to the bathroom.

I don't go to church/temple/mosque and bait the god-botherers for this exact reason. I'd get what I deserve.

There's no reason to bring any weapon into a stadium, that's why they provide (inept) security. Talk to them and let them sort it out.
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Old 09-15-2011, 11:35 PM   #58
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Re: Cowboys fan tases fans at Met Life Stadium

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
Let me get this, because I won't take my hat off and I continue to talk to my friends it means I am starting shit? No mofo, starting shit is when your skull meets the over priced beer bottle in my hand. That's real talk. The world is full of dangerous people that you don't know or what they are capable of, best be careful who you're talking to.

By your attitude you will learn the easy way or the hard way but you will learn.
First off, no, not taking your hat off and talking to your friends doesn't mean you're starting shit.

Second off, I will excuse him sitting during the National Anthem because he is a "Jehovah's Witness", which I will get to in a minute.

My point is he was instigating. I would be willing to excuse the talking on his cell phone during the moment of silence if he kept his voice low so as not to disrespect the ceremony, but if you are a Jehovah's Witness you'd know that they are not allowed to show any form of disrespect during a national ceremony.

And further more, the Jehovah's Witness thing is bullshit. Jehovah's Witnesses don't carry stun guns, they don't have beards, they don't disrespect national ceremonies by talking on their cell phones (during highly charged emotional ceremonies of all things), they don't associate with non-Jehovah's Witnesses, and they don't start fights in stadiums because someone didn't let them pass through where they were sitting. The guy was looking for a fight. Who the hell carries a stun gun into an opponent's stadium. Someone looking to start shit.

You ever notice most normal fans don't ever have a problem with opposing team fans that are respectful of their surroundings and circumstances? He already knew walking into the stadium that he had a target on his back for being a Cowboys fan wearing Cowboys gear. So what did he do? He further escalated the incident by sitting down (per Jehovah's Witness regulations, which he is just using a crappy defense), and talking loudly on his cell phone during a moment of silence on 9/11 of all days.

What did you think was gonna happen? And not just that he was prepared for shit to pop off because he brought a stun gun to the stadium. And don't give me that "he didn't know stun guns weren't allowed" bs. What kind of retarded half wit would think weapons are allowed into a highly secured cramped public area like an NFL stadium on the 10th anniversery of 9/11? His whole story is bs.
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Old 09-16-2011, 12:11 AM   #59
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Re: Cowboys fan tases fans at Met Life Stadium

Our constitution was written to protect people from this mob justice you espouse. How ironic you lot find it just to punish people for not standing up for the national anthem which symbolizes our social contract. So much for "the land of the free." Wait, maye that should read "the land of the marine free punish as he pleases."

Let's hope you guys don't run into people who don't like the shirt you are wearing and stabbs you in the neck.
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Old 09-16-2011, 01:10 AM   #60
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Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
Did you put any effort into thinking through what you wrote? The Marine is as much of a fcking moron as this guy. This isn't a country run by the Third Reich and last time I checked people are free to stand, sit, and get up and walk to wherever they want to go without some dipshit Marine playing enforcer. He is lucky he just got tasered and not shot to death outside the stadium.

Please feel free to play the matcho enforcer guy at the next game you attend and tell us how it went.
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