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Tony Romo

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Old 11-20-2008, 12:42 PM   #31
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Re: Tony Romo

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
It is kind of funny how he asked for the day off from work so he could go see a movie with Tony Romo.
That IS hilarious! Thanks tony romo for inspiring so much hope in doc (one of the few homeless guys with a job) that he felt it neccessary to take the day off work and spend his time (and money from what I gather) watching a movie with you. Hell you've inspired me to neglect paying income taxes next year so I can afford season tickets!
I am the brute squad.
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Old 11-20-2008, 12:56 PM   #32
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Re: Tony Romo

Originally Posted by skinsfan69 View Post
Nice post. I don't have a problem with it. It's better than talking about Pac Man and his drama. How many of us would get out of a car and change a strangers tire or let a homeless man hang with you at a movie theater. Romo seems like the kind of guy I'd want my daughter to date.
This is what I'm saying, it's just nice that there's people still with values and doing the extra stuff.... I know it's a rival site and all that but with so many bad news from diva players and selfish players I thought it would be nice to read about the selfless ones.
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Old 11-20-2008, 01:43 PM   #33
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Re: Tony Romo

Well it seems that Romo's kindness is getting paid back today as Packman is cleared to play again.
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Old 11-20-2008, 02:12 PM   #34
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Re: Tony Romo

Originally Posted by firstdown View Post
Well it seems that Romo's kindness is getting paid back today as Packman is cleared to play again.
Jerra', Jerra', Jerra'......will it never end?
When Pacman is banned from the league .....forever, maybe Romo will take him to a movie.
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Old 11-20-2008, 02:51 PM   #35
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Re: Tony Romo

It really does not matter if the name is Tony Romo, Clinton Portis or Jo-Jo the dogfaced boy, it is just plain good to hear celebrity giving back and not expecting anything in return. Period.

Sure many big name players have thier "charities" or "foundations" that are named after them, but they do get something back in the huge tax break they get.

But to hear about players that do little things like this is just plain refreshing to see. No matter what uniform they wear. Romo is the same guy that stopped on a busy Dallas highway and changed a flat tire for an elderly couple that was stranded. He also just made a spur-of-the-moment cameo appearance at a Dallas High School Football teams pep-rally (he also took his good friend Will Smith with him).

Lots of players do these things, and I am with the majority when I say that we need to hear more about the good things that happen (like this) and not the bad things (like Pacman Jones or Larry Johnson).

I am a 25 year retired veteran and was asked to speak at a local school here to the students on Veterans Day, and that is just the message I brought to them. That for every bad thing they hear on the evening news about Iraq and Afghanistan, there are 100 good things that are military men and women are doing that you don't hear about.

Would I have started this thread on a rival board? Probably not, but giving D'BOYZ his due, these things are good to hear none-the-less.
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Old 11-20-2008, 02:51 PM   #36
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Re: Tony Romo

No one is doubting he's a class act. No one is doubting he has compassion. No one is doubting he has talent cause if he didn't he wouldn't be in the NFL. No one is doubting his name Tony Romo is to close to Homo, which if I were him I would change my name. We just hate the Cowboys and anything associated. Unfortunatly ...he's associated.

Like others have said....other players with other teams have done just as much if not more for the local citizens. How come the Dallas fans aren't on Pac-Mans jock? I mean he was trying to put college girls through college. lol.
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Old 11-20-2008, 02:54 PM   #37
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Re: Tony Romo

Pacman is a punk and has no business in professional sports.
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Old 11-20-2008, 03:04 PM   #38
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Re: Tony Romo

Originally Posted by sandtrapjack View Post
Pacman is a punk and has no business in professional sports.
I can't believe Jerry Jones is taking him back. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice....

I don't even think it's debatable- Pacman will F-up again, and Jerry will continue to look foolish for this. I just don't understand. Short of a few nice punt returns in Tennessee, what the hell has this loser done anyway?
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Old 11-20-2008, 03:38 PM   #39
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Re: Tony Romo

Originally Posted by sandtrapjack View Post
It really does not matter if the name is Tony Romo, Clinton Portis or Jo-Jo the dogfaced boy, it is just plain good to hear celebrity giving back and not expecting anything in return. Period.

Sure many big name players have thier "charities" or "foundations" that are named after them, but they do get something back in the huge tax break they get.

But to hear about players that do little things like this is just plain refreshing to see. No matter what uniform they wear. Romo is the same guy that stopped on a busy Dallas highway and changed a flat tire for an elderly couple that was stranded. He also just made a spur-of-the-moment cameo appearance at a Dallas High School Football teams pep-rally (he also took his good friend Will Smith with him).

Lots of players do these things, and I am with the majority when I say that we need to hear more about the good things that happen (like this) and not the bad things (like Pacman Jones or Larry Johnson).

I am a 25 year retired veteran and was asked to speak at a local school here to the students on Veterans Day, and that is just the message I brought to them. That for every bad thing they hear on the evening news about Iraq and Afghanistan, there are 100 good things that are military men and women are doing that you don't hear about.

Would I have started this thread on a rival board? Probably not, but giving D'BOYZ his due, these things are good to hear none-the-less.
Kudos to TRomo. Having said that, this is a retarded thread. A man who could never imagine living off of 6.50 a day, took a man to the movies. So compassionate. Incredible. BS. Sorry, You want to say someone did something for someone, let him do something then. He has 6.5 MILLION Dollars. Let's say the Govt takes half. That's 3.25 MILLION Dollars left. I don't care what uniform he wears either. Taking a guy to a $10 (no million behind that) movie is something he could do EVERY day and not notice it. I would be impressed if he took Doc in (not every one, but just one person) helped him clean up, give him a hand up, get him going, regardless of what it takes, then I will admire an athlete.
But taking a man to a movie. gosh what an awesome guy.

Please note I am not saying that TRomo has to do all that, or that because he makes so much he is obligated to do anything. It just isn't a feel good story to me.
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Old 11-20-2008, 03:47 PM   #40
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Re: Tony Romo

Originally Posted by sandtrapjack View Post
It really does not matter if the name is Tony Romo, Clinton Portis or Jo-Jo the dogfaced boy, it is just plain good to hear celebrity giving back and not expecting anything in return. Period.

Sure many big name players have thier "charities" or "foundations" that are named after them, but they do get something back in the huge tax break they get.

But to hear about players that do little things like this is just plain refreshing to see. No matter what uniform they wear. Romo is the same guy that stopped on a busy Dallas highway and changed a flat tire for an elderly couple that was stranded. He also just made a spur-of-the-moment cameo appearance at a Dallas High School Football teams pep-rally (he also took his good friend Will Smith with him).

Lots of players do these things, and I am with the majority when I say that we need to hear more about the good things that happen (like this) and not the bad things (like Pacman Jones or Larry Johnson).

I am a 25 year retired veteran and was asked to speak at a local school here to the students on Veterans Day, and that is just the message I brought to them. That for every bad thing they hear on the evening news about Iraq and Afghanistan, there are 100 good things that are military men and women are doing that you don't hear about.

Would I have started this thread on a rival board? Probably not, but giving D'BOYZ his due, these things are good to hear none-the-less.
Just runnig a foundation or charity does not give you a tax break. It does usually running without paying taxes but you only get a tax break if you donate money and you cannot write off donated time.

Its not that DBoyz posted it here its the timing of posting.
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Old 11-20-2008, 04:23 PM   #41
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Re: Tony Romo

Originally Posted by GMScud View Post
I can't believe Jerry Jones is taking him back. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice....

I don't even think it's debatable- Pacman will F-up again, and Jerry will continue to look foolish for this. I just don't understand. Short of a few nice punt returns in Tennessee, what the hell has this loser done anyway?
Jerry Jones is so desparate to try and win a Superbowl that he will do anything no matter what the cost. This is a good thing for us because he will eventually destroy all the work that Parcells did just like he did after getting rid of Jimmy.

I thought Snyder was going to be a Jones clone and at first he was as a new owner. Luckily it seems Snyder has figured it out and lets others make the football decisions.
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Old 11-20-2008, 04:42 PM   #42
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Re: Tony Romo

sand thanks for the 25 years of service that enables all Americans to operate any way they want( as long as its within the boundaries of the law) lots of people take it for granted. i try not to. anyway, thanks for everything
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Old 11-20-2008, 05:49 PM   #43
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Re: Tony Romo

Wow, reading some of these incredible...we shouldnt be hating on this, i mean sure i wouldnt post something like this on a rival teams board, but seriously...hearing about this show one of the few bright spots in todays world of National Sports. So many athletes these days are getting in trouble, selfish, e.t.c and ive seen people (not nesscary on this site) but in other places that they say "Ohh blah this, blah that" but when someone of fame does something nice, people have to start bashing on it.
If im wrong on this then tell me, but this seems to be how it is in todays world
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Old 11-20-2008, 06:47 PM   #44
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Re: Tony Romo

true. that was a good move on his part. but i still hate em 2.
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Old 11-20-2008, 08:32 PM   #45
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Re: Tony Romo

Originally Posted by sandtrapjack View Post
Pacman is a punk and has no business in professional sports.
I can't believe you said that. Pacman is supporting college girls by letting it "Rain." lol.

Look at Ricky Williams of Miami supporting the Swiss bars by going over and smoking up. lol.
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