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Announcement: Front Office Changes

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Old 03-31-2006, 05:18 PM   #376
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Re: Announcement: Front Office Changes

Originally Posted by jdlea
I was gonna stay out of this, but I can't...I've been coming here too long. I wasn't around for the Yahoo! days, but I was here back when BrudLee hit his 1000th post the first time. On the old boards back before our post counts got reset.

I've been coming to the Warpath for a long time and I have to say this really bothers me and as much as I respect Matty's ability to attract people to this site, if this is real, I won't be a member here when the new one opens. You can change my avatar or whatever you want, I don't really care. I'll be a "Defector" it doesn't matter to me. I agree with Gman that we have a right to know what the hell is going on. Plenty of us do. Plenty of people have been members of this site for too long to be kept in the dark, however Matty wants to try to take the high road...that's fine.

However, when you banned Malcolm you lost me. That's ridiculous. If this is a hoax I'll be angry. However, if it's not, I won't be attending this site for much longer.
Malcolm was starting to get a little out of hand both here on the boards and with his PM's to me. I gave him a temporary ban to chill out and he agreed with the rationale.

The whole story will come out in time, right now it's just too hot of an issue.

Please respect my decision to try to keep things as civil as possible.
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Old 03-31-2006, 05:25 PM   #377
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Re: Announcement: Front Office Changes

Jeez, I take a break from the site for a few days and there's all this?
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Old 03-31-2006, 05:43 PM   #378
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Re: Announcement: Front Office Changes

Aren't you guys a day early for this?
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Old 03-31-2006, 05:45 PM   #379
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Re: Announcement: Front Office Changes

This has to be the most stupid thing I've ever seen. You're making a new website, just so you can write essays. Why can't you just do it on here? It's just a website, who cares.
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Old 03-31-2006, 05:59 PM   #380
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Re: Announcement: Front Office Changes

Ok, it's gone on long enough that if this is a joke, you've got me. I was convinced it couldn't be real......but i have to think it is now because too many members of this site are way too PO'd to keep it going on any longer. So if it's a joke, good job getting everyone on board to make it look pretty darn real.

If it's not a joke, then this is a very sad day indeed and I'm sorry to see it have come to this. I reiterate that I will probably visit both sites as regularly as possible, and I wish the best to TAF, Brud, Sheriff, Schneed, and TMC in their new endeavors. I'll still consider this my primary "home", but I see no reason not to wish the others well. The more successful Redskins Fan sites we have on the internet, the better this world will be.

I'm now off to my vacation, convinced that when I come back, this won't be a joke after all.
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Old 03-31-2006, 06:42 PM   #381
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Re: Announcement: Front Office Changes


Every one of us on both sides of the Mod fence understand that there is nothing more important than providing Redskins fans with the best coverage of their beloved team. It is something we have consistently strived to do, unfortunately I think all the moderators can agree we have let our personal pride take over what is best.

Throughout the day we have continued working behind the scenes trying to resolve this issue, even while sadly slinging mud in public. This behavior is not typical of any of us and is of no good to any of you.

At this point our differences amongst the mods are simply too far apart. However, we have agreed that the best decision is not for any of us to decide. We're going to let the people decide and "settle the score" as it were. Let's not continue with the namecalling in this thread, let's hear from all of you now. What do you want? What's missing? What's good?

Now is the time for all of you to step up and tell us why you keep coming back to this site. But more importantly, what you want to see that will encourage you to come back more often, participate more, and tell your friends about it.

And hopefully we can resolve these petty differences and work together to create the best site for everyone.

So tell us what you want
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Old 03-31-2006, 06:48 PM   #382
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Re: Announcement: Front Office Changes

Originally Posted by TAFKAS

Every one of us on both sides of the Mod fence understand that there is nothing more important than providing Redskins fans with the best coverage of their beloved team. It is something we have consistently strived to do, unfortunately I think all the moderators can agree we have let our personal pride take over what is best.

Throughout the day we have continued working behind the scenes trying to resolve this issue, even while sadly slinging mud in public. This behavior is not typical of any of us and is of no good to any of you.

At this point our differences amongst the mods are simply too far apart. However, we have agreed that the best decision is not for any of us to decide. We're going to let the people decide and "settle the score" as it were. Let's not continue with the namecalling in this thread, let's hear from all of you now. What do you want? What's missing? What's good?

Now is the time for all of you to step up and tell us why you keep coming back to this site. But more importantly, what you want to see that will encourage you to come back more often, participate more, and tell your friends about it.

And hopefully we can resolve these petty differences and work together to create the best site for everyone.

So tell us what you want

What kind of defector are you Tafkas?
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Old 03-31-2006, 06:49 PM   #383
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Re: Announcement: Front Office Changes

Originally Posted by TAFKAS
So tell us what you want
Well first of all I want one website.

I like the idea of having people that went to the games and crap writing articles, but other than that, I like the website just how it is now.
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Old 03-31-2006, 06:50 PM   #384
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Re: Announcement: Front Office Changes

Originally Posted by wilsowilso
What kind of defector are you Tafkas?
LOL. Not a very good one it seems. Seriously though, none of us want to defect. We just feel backed into a corner. But we all had a long discussion during lunch and realized that really there has to be a solution.

And the best solution right now is to see who's "right" by getting the opinions of the rest of you.
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Old 03-31-2006, 06:50 PM   #385
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Re: Announcement: Front Office Changes

I think you should start a new thread for what "The People" want...start from a clean slate.
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Old 03-31-2006, 06:54 PM   #386
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Re: Announcement: Front Office Changes

Originally Posted by TAFKAS
LOL. Not a very good one it seems. Seriously though, none of us want to defect. We just feel backed into a corner. But we all had a long discussion during lunch and realized that really there has to be a solution.

And the best solution right now is to see who's "right" by getting the opinions of the rest of you.

Who's right????? You've got to be kidding. No one knows what the hell you guys are even fighting about! This is a great site so what's the problem? There isn't one. I will say all of you are freakin genius for this. Whatever this is?
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Old 03-31-2006, 06:58 PM   #387
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Re: Announcement: Front Office Changes

Originally Posted by TAFKAS

so tell us what you want
we want
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Old 03-31-2006, 06:59 PM   #388
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Re: Announcement: Front Office Changes

Originally Posted by TAFKAS

Every one of us on both sides of the Mod fence understand that there is nothing more important than providing Redskins fans with the best coverage of their beloved team. It is something we have consistently strived to do, unfortunately I think all the moderators can agree we have let our personal pride take over what is best.

Throughout the day we have continued working behind the scenes trying to resolve this issue, even while sadly slinging mud in public. This behavior is not typical of any of us and is of no good to any of you.

At this point our differences amongst the mods are simply too far apart. However, we have agreed that the best decision is not for any of us to decide. We're going to let the people decide and "settle the score" as it were. Let's not continue with the namecalling in this thread, let's hear from all of you now. What do you want? What's missing? What's good?

Now is the time for all of you to step up and tell us why you keep coming back to this site. But more importantly, what you want to see that will encourage you to come back more often, participate more, and tell your friends about it.

And hopefully we can resolve these petty differences and work together to create the best site for everyone.

So tell us what you want
before you ask what we want, we should get to hear what all this bs was about
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Old 03-31-2006, 07:00 PM   #389
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Re: Announcement: Front Office Changes

Originally Posted by wilsowilso
Who's right????? You've got to be kidding. No one knows what the hell you guys are even fighting about! This is a great site so what's the problem? There isn't one. I will say all of you are freakin genius for this. Whatever this is?
Well we don't want you to pick this because of Matty or that because of Brud. We just you want you to say what do you like, what do you want.

jbcjr has a good idea though. I'm going to move this into a new thread
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Old 03-31-2006, 07:05 PM   #390
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Re: Announcement: Front Office Changes

What we want is for all of the mod's to quit acting like level-5 douschebags. Don't tease the common people on this site with the whole "we're fighting but we won't tell you why" crap, only to turn around & ask us who's "right" in the argument when all we can base our opinion's on are vague personal attacks & defector avatars.
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