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The Big Rumor: If The Colts Take Luck, Then Manning Could Be...

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Old 01-16-2012, 07:40 PM   #316
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Re: The Big Rumor: If The Colts Take Luck, Then Manning Could Be...

Originally Posted by Giantone View Post
Chris Mortanson(sp) just went over that on ESPN's NFL 32,and what he says is Peyton still could'nt play now,....not ever again.
I didn't say either or. Said his father didn't even know if he was going to be able to play this year or not.
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Old 01-16-2012, 09:22 PM   #317
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Re: The Big Rumor: If The Colts Take Luck, Then Manning Could Be...

All of this Manning to Redskins talk was contingent upon him being healthy enough to play again. Since that would appear to no longer be the case, it's time to explore other options. But if Manning was healthy enough to play again, and if he was fine with coming to DC, I'm pretty sure if his dad told him no it would not factor into Peyton's decision. But that argument appears moot after 12th's informative post.
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Old 01-16-2012, 09:25 PM   #318
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Re: The Big Rumor: If The Colts Take Luck, Then Manning Could Be...

Originally Posted by mooby View Post
All of this Manning to Redskins talk was contingent upon him being healthy enough to play again. Since that would appear to no longer be the case, it's time to explore other options. But if Manning was healthy enough to play again, and if he was fine with coming to DC, I'm pretty sure if his dad told him no it would not factor into Peyton's decision. But that argument appears moot after 12th's informative post.
I imagine there are about 38k options being explored for the next few months
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Old 01-16-2012, 09:27 PM   #319
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Re: The Big Rumor: If The Colts Take Luck, Then Manning Could Be...

Originally Posted by mooby View Post
All of this Manning to Redskins talk was contingent upon him being healthy enough to play again. Since that would appear to no longer be the case, it's time to explore other options. But if Manning was healthy enough to play again, and if he was fine with coming to DC, I'm pretty sure if his dad told him no it would not factor into Peyton's decision. But that argument appears moot after 12th's informative post.
This will be talked about throughout 2013. I bet you.
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Old 01-16-2012, 09:59 PM   #320
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Re: The Big Rumor: If The Colts Take Luck, Then Manning Could Be...

Originally Posted by Hog1 View Post
I imagine there are about 38k options being explored for the next few months
Not surprising. I would hope that BA and Shanny have every possible contingency scenario prepared out by the time the draft comes. Now obviously you can't prepare for every possible scenario, but I know we will definitely go in with multiple options. We can't put all our eggs in one basket, as they say. I just hope that by the time May comes around we have a definitive qb of the future in hand.

@Diehard: I'd imagine if Peyton's neck is beyond reparable, we'll be talking about his retirement sometime this offseason (probably training camp or so I'd imagine) and that's where the focus will shift.
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Old 01-16-2012, 10:25 PM   #321
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Re: The Big Rumor: If The Colts Take Luck, Then Manning Could Be...

Originally Posted by Giantone View Post
Chris Mortanson(sp) just went over that on ESPN's NFL 32,and what he says is Peyton still could'nt play now,....not ever again.
So why not retire and save the Colts the anguish of having to release him. How much of that contract has already been paid to him?

I am not asking so we can sweep in and sign him, but just as a what should they do? Can they restructure it to not pay him much next season but have incentives if he plays in 2012 or for that would it take a release and resign type of deal? But if you are the Colts how do you keep a QB that is that old when you presumably have the next great QB starting for you?
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Old 01-16-2012, 10:47 PM   #322
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Re: The Big Rumor: If The Colts Take Luck, Then Manning Could Be...

Originally Posted by mooby View Post
Not surprising. I would hope that BA and Shanny have every possible contingency scenario prepared out by the time the draft comes. Now obviously you can't prepare for every possible scenario, but I know we will definitely go in with multiple options. We can't put all our eggs in one basket, as they say. I just hope that by the time May comes around we have a definitive qb of the future in hand.

@Diehard: I'd imagine if Peyton's neck is beyond reparable, we'll be talking about his retirement sometime this offseason (probably training camp or so I'd imagine) and that's where the focus will shift.
You and me both! If last years draft maneuvers are any indication, I think they know what they are doing.......
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Old 01-16-2012, 11:22 PM   #323
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Re: The Big Rumor: If The Colts Take Luck, Then Manning Could Be...

Originally Posted by 12thMan View Post
A pretty good source just dropped on me that Peyton has been medically advised to never play again. If true, I'm sure it'll leak out soon enough.

If so, the Skins should totally stay away from this guy.
If so then the Skins need "to" jump on this one. Contact him and bring him in as QB coach. As KS is coaching the QB's on technique in practice, P.Manning could be coaching the QB's as to reading defenses and where to go with the ball.
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Old 01-17-2012, 09:53 AM   #324
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Re: The Big Rumor: If The Colts Take Luck, Then Manning Could Be...

Originally Posted by SBXVII View Post
If so then the Skins need "to" jump on this one. Contact him and bring him in as QB coach. As KS is coaching the QB's on technique in practice, P.Manning could be coaching the QB's as to reading defenses and where to go with the ball.
You can't have a player just retire and come in as a coach. There is a process. Now I realize Peyton has played like a coach his entire career calling his own plays and whatnot, but just because you were a really good player doesn't automatically equate to you being a good coach. You typically come in as a quality control guy, learn the ropes, then move your way up. That's just not realistic. Coaches put in twice as many hours as the players do. Well the good ones anyway.
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Old 01-17-2012, 12:09 PM   #325
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Re: The Big Rumor: If The Colts Take Luck, Then Manning Could Be...

Don't know if any of you heard Mike and Mike this morning, but I will fill you in on what John Clayton reported during the show.

The Colts as of this moment are willing to keep Manning and draft Luck. As well as pay Manning's contract. Irsay, the new GM, and Caldwell are all on board with keeping PM. So there is our answer folks Manning will either retire or be a Colt. The three I mentioned above do not want to release Manning and be the ones to run Manning out of town.

As far as the coaching option, I do not see Manning coaching anywhere but with Indy. #1 He has a good relationship with Luck #2 He does not wnat out of Indy #3 He really likes his roots there.

So as cool as this sounded just a short while ago, this is not going to happen.
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Old 01-17-2012, 12:35 PM   #326
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Re: The Big Rumor: If The Colts Take Luck, Then Manning Could Be...

Originally Posted by artmonkforhallofamein07 View Post
Don't know if any of you heard Mike and Mike this morning, but I will fill you in on what John Clayton reported during the show.

The Colts as of this moment are willing to keep Manning and draft Luck. As well as pay Manning's contract. Irsay, the new GM, and Caldwell are all on board with keeping PM. So there is our answer folks Manning will either retire or be a Colt. The three I mentioned above do not want to release Manning and be the ones to run Manning out of town.

As far as the coaching option, I do not see Manning coaching anywhere but with Indy. #1 He has a good relationship with Luck #2 He does not wnat out of Indy #3 He really likes his roots there.

So as cool as this sounded just a short while ago, this is not going to happen.

Good news for Manning and the Redskins in my opinion. This has always been what made the most sense for the Colts.

Whats interesting to me is that you say Manning and Luck have a good relationship with each other? I wonder how that came about or how/if that will change once Luck becomes Manning's backup/replacement.

Also im almost certain that ive heard before that Manning isnt really a guy that spends time teaching and coaching up his back ups, much like weve heard about Farve. Has anyone heard the same thing or know if thats true?

I would think the only way Indy pays him the 28 million in March is if Manning agrees to work with Luck and and has a transition plan. Either that or Indy is planning on taking Luck and auctioning him to the highest bidder. If Manning is really healthly or gets completely healthy he could be a QB for 4 more years.
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Old 01-17-2012, 12:39 PM   #327
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Re: The Big Rumor: If The Colts Take Luck, Then Manning Could Be...

Going from a healthy Manning (assuming he is) to a unproven Luck would be a step back or two for the colts.

What they could get for that first pick good easily boost this team back up and ride Manning for a few more years.
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Old 01-17-2012, 02:57 PM   #328
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Re: The Big Rumor: If The Colts Take Luck, Then Manning Could Be...

Originally Posted by mlmpetert View Post
Good news for Manning and the Redskins in my opinion. This has always been what made the most sense for the Colts.

Whats interesting to me is that you say Manning and Luck have a good relationship with each other? I wonder how that came about or how/if that will change once Luck becomes Manning's backup/replacement.

Also im almost certain that ive heard before that Manning isnt really a guy that spends time teaching and coaching up his back ups, much like weve heard about Farve. Has anyone heard the same thing or know if thats true?

I would think the only way Indy pays him the 28 million in March is if Manning agrees to work with Luck and and has a transition plan. Either that or Indy is planning on taking Luck and auctioning him to the highest bidder. If Manning is really healthly or gets completely healthy he could be a QB for 4 more years.
#1 Question. Luck and Manning met and became friends at a Manning Qb School, I do not know if this was prior to college or during college and if it was more than once. Something that is slipping my mind is that I believe that Luck actually has come out to the camp o help out in coaching kids up recently. Could be wrong but that may be another connection in their relationship. Apprently they have a good relationship and talk to each other from time to time.

#2 Question. From what I have read and heard I think we can see some proof in the pudding in that Manning takes all of the practice snaps and does not allow others to get in work during practice. In this I would see where Manning would be a bad QB to learn under because he is more focused on his own preperation than others. This was talked about a long time ago in this thread.

Your last paragraph would be the whole crux of the situation IF Manning was able to come back healthy. From what we are hearing and reading now though this seems to be a long shot and may not ever come about.
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Old 01-17-2012, 03:40 PM   #329
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Re: The Big Rumor: If The Colts Take Luck, Then Manning Could Be...

No way does Indy keep both Manning and Luck next year. Whether Manning is healthy or not it sure looks like Indy's cleaning house and turning the page.
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Old 01-18-2012, 10:44 AM   #330
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Re: The Big Rumor: If The Colts Take Luck, Then Manning Could Be...

Well during John Clayton's interview I mentioned above he stated that the GM had looked at Coach Caldwell and felt good about keeping him. Just five short hours later he was fired. So maybe John was just giving his opinion, but it sure sounded like what he was talking about was a matter of fact not conjecture. So who knows once again.

It does sound like one thing is for sure though, PM is not healthy.

I tend to agree with you Skinsfan, why would the Colts keep an injured 36 yr that costs over 28mil this year, the bonus is just part of his 2012 salary, he will also make his regular game check come Sept.
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