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Putting Things In Perspective

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Old 10-16-2007, 07:07 PM   #16
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Re: Putting Things In Perspective

Originally Posted by skinsguy View Post
I realize some of you guys are in your 20's. With that, I say, hang onto your 20's for as long as possible!
Nothing against you personally, I just always thought that there was nothing sadder than some dude holding on to an era that has clearly passed him by.

Like Dick Clark. Just go ahead and die man, it's ok, we're all going to eventually. He's still trying to act young and hip when we all know he's somewhere around 138 years old.
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Old 10-16-2007, 08:08 PM   #17
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Re: Putting Things In Perspective

Why even worry or pay much attention to the number? You party when you don't have much need for reponsibility. You settle down when you feel the time is right. Being single was a blast. Being married and having kids is pure joy. My teens were awesome, my 20's were equally awesome. I'm just starting my 30's and it's been a great experience, which I'm sure to finish up by characterizing them as equally awesome. I sayDon't worry about the number of years you've spent thus far. Worry about how you're going to spend the rest.

I will say one drawback to the aging process is the toll it takes on your body if you were particularly reckless playing sports. Man, do I feel it now diving for a ball in the outfield. I used to bounce right off the grass back onto my feet after the catch; now, I sort of lay there wondering which body part will refuse to respond to simple movement commands.
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Old 10-16-2007, 10:20 PM   #18
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Re: Putting Things In Perspective

Yeah, nice thread. I am only 26 but don't feel pulled by the same desires a lot of people are. For example, getting married and having a family life has absolutely no appeal to me. Not knocking it, I know many people for whom it brings genuine joy. However, I also know people who got married because they felt like they had to and aren't really happy now.

So at 26 I am keeping this thing going and seeing how far I can take it.
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Old 10-16-2007, 10:40 PM   #19
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Re: Putting Things In Perspective

I love my life. Great husband, great job and great family/friends. I'm enjoying my 30's much more than my 20's. At this point, I don't think I'm going to have kids. Neither my husband nor I feel the desire to have children. People have finally stopped asking thank goodness.

I stay at home too much. I would like to travel more. Sometimes I feel like a good portion of my life has been wasted sitting in front of a computer.
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Old 10-17-2007, 12:02 AM   #20
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Re: Putting Things In Perspective

Yeah, i'm trying to enjoy what is left of my teenage years.
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Old 10-17-2007, 10:17 AM   #21
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Re: Putting Things In Perspective

Originally Posted by djnemo65 View Post
Yeah, nice thread. I am only 26 but don't feel pulled by the same desires a lot of people are. For example, getting married and having a family life has absolutely no appeal to me. Not knocking it, I know many people for whom it brings genuine joy. However, I also know people who got married because they felt like they had to and aren't really happy now.

So at 26 I am keeping this thing going and seeing how far I can take it.
I didn't get the itch to get married until I hit my 30's, and the itch to have kids still hasn't hit me at 34.

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Old 10-17-2007, 11:51 AM   #22
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Re: Putting Things In Perspective

Being 28, I'm at the tail end of my 20s, and I look back and know I had some good times. However, I'm certainly looking forward...just had our baby girl, have a loving wife, a great house, and a good stable job. The basics are all we need...the rest are just benefits of riding the big wave we call life. And there are plenty of good times ahead, just some don't involve heavy amount of alcohol and chasing short skirts around the bar (although I'm under the umbrella of looking is just fine, as long as that's where it stops).

I used to be the young guy on all my softball teams, but they've evolved, and now I'm middle of the pack towards the older spectrum, and to listen to the stories the younger guys makes me miss that lifestyle sometimes. College was great times, but I wouldn't go back...because no matter what you think, it'll never be the same. But I'm loving life now, and love knowing that there is something new to look forward to every day.
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Old 10-17-2007, 11:56 AM   #23
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Re: Putting Things In Perspective

I have few regrets from the life I lived in my 20's, and even fewer during my 30's. That was when I felt mature enough, and financially stable enough, to begin a life more settled and start a family. Sure, it was a blast to live day to day, stay out all night and not worry about much else other than where the next party was. But, as I became older, things became much more defined. My relationship with my wife, my desire to have children, my career, where to live, my health and well being, etc., etc. Now being well into my 40's, I am comfortable with who I am and what I've done so far. Am I completely satisfied? Of course not. We can all stand to improve in practically anything we do and we can always do things to be a better person. But somewhere along my 30's, I became much more secure with myself and I was more content. So, now I've replaced chasing girls around on Friday nights years ago with attending one of our boy's football games and instead of searching for that elusive import beer everyone craves, I'm on the hunt for a great crab-cake sandwich. Boring? To some maybe. But to me, I wouldn't trade my life now for anything I ever did when I was younger.
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Old 10-17-2007, 01:13 PM   #24
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Re: Putting Things In Perspective

Originally Posted by mheisig View Post
Nothing against you personally, I just always thought that there was nothing sadder than some dude holding on to an era that has clearly passed him by.

Like Dick Clark. Just go ahead and die man, it's ok, we're all going to eventually. He's still trying to act young and hip when we all know he's somewhere around 138 years old.
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Old 10-17-2007, 02:52 PM   #25
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Re: Putting Things In Perspective

Originally Posted by mheisig View Post
Nothing against you personally, I just always thought that there was nothing sadder than some dude holding on to an era that has clearly passed him by.

Like Dick Clark. Just go ahead and die man, it's ok, we're all going to eventually. He's still trying to act young and hip when we all know he's somewhere around 138 years old.
No offense, but I think you missed my point completely.
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Old 10-17-2007, 08:35 PM   #26
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Re: Putting Things In Perspective

This biggest regret that I have is not completing my college earlier in life. I was thinking how cool it would've been to have been out of college at the tender age of 22, and to have the job I have now! It seems like I spent most of my 20's broke...LOL!
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