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Whats with the T.O. talk

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Old 01-18-2006, 09:15 AM   #16
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Re: Whats with the T.O. talk

Originally Posted by onlydarksets
You know how you get those canned responses when you email tech support? Where it obviously just searched for a key term and then emailed you back with the same text it emails everyone else?

We need something like that here, where it automatically creates the entire thread once it finds the phrase "wide receiver". Then it would automatically add the following posts:

"I heard we're talking to TO."
"The guy is a cancer."
"Still, he's got mad skills."
"I wouldn't touch him with a 10-foot poll - we need chemistry."
"What if we signed him for the minimum."
"TO won't sign for the minimum."
"What if there was a behavior clause?"
"Joe Gibbs would never allow a player like that in the clubhouse."
"What about Dexter Manley?"
There's nowhere to go but up. Or down. I guess we could stay where we are, too.
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Old 01-18-2006, 10:29 AM   #17
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Re: Whats with the T.O. talk

Originally Posted by Redskins8588
what is your source? where did you hear this info from? Maybe we are thinking that we would rather have him against dallas twice a year rather than us go aginst him twice a year, but I would think that the BIG LITTLE MAN Santana Moss would have feel like he just got slaped in the face...
If we had another WR with the talent of TO or close to TO's I think Moss's numbers would go up. Look what he did as the only deep option with two and three people trying to cover him. With another deep option teams would be forced to take them into account given Moss less attention and it would also beneft Cooley.
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Old 01-18-2006, 10:33 AM   #18
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Re: Whats with the T.O. talk

Originally Posted by onlydarksets
You know how you get those canned responses when you email tech support? Where it obviously just searched for a key term and then emailed you back with the same text it emails everyone else?

We need something like that here, where it automatically creates the entire thread once it finds the phrase "wide receiver". Then it would automatically add the following posts:

"I heard we're talking to TO."
"The guy is a cancer."
"Still, he's got mad skills."
"I wouldn't touch him with a 10-foot poll - we need chemistry."
"What if we signed him for the minimum."
"TO won't sign for the minimum."
"What if there was a behavior clause?"
"Joe Gibbs would never allow a player like that in the clubhouse."
"What about Dexter Manley?"

Sounds like the tech support I get here at work.

Or lack of.
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Old 01-18-2006, 10:43 AM   #19
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Re: Whats with the T.O. talk

Stephen A Smith and other sports writers at the Philadelphia Inquirer have been speculating on TO's future, including rumors that Jerry Jones or Daniel Snyder will offer Owens a lucrative contract. I believe Snyder is reformed and will not go after Owens unless St. Joe Gibbs initiates it, which he won't. Bill Parcells is old school, too. It's unlikely Owens will be in Dallas.

I believe Owens will play in an Iggles uniform next season. I'll post my reasons why on my blog later today.
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Old 01-18-2006, 10:03 PM   #20
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Re: Whats with the T.O. talk

Gibbs has already made it clear TO ain't happening. It amazes me this guy keeps coming up on threads. TO has been discussed here on several threads since the middle of the season and the topic has been met with the same consequence each time. Why do we keep discussing this guy? It's just a dream to think Gibbs would have this guy as he's already made it clear a pass is in order.
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Old 01-18-2006, 10:07 PM   #21
Pocket$ $traight
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Re: Whats with the T.O. talk

He is too expensive but if the skins had the cap room he would be a risk worth taking. The guy is probably the best receiver in the NFL. He is Steve Smith except bigger and stronger.
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