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Supreme Court vacancy

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Old 12-02-2021, 02:00 AM   #211
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Re: Supreme Court vacancy

As related to the above post:

This is a baby at 12 weeks:

That's 3 weeks less than 15 weeks, clearly not some random life form. If is a far right website, they tricked me, with such an innocent name.

Here's WebMD, they have a breakdown of every trimester and week. Here is week 15:

Your baby, from head to heel, is as long as a large russet potato -- 6.25 inches. They're covered by very fine hair, called lanugo, which is usually shed by birth. Eyebrows and hair on the top of the head are beginning to grow, bones are getting harder, and the baby may even be sucking their thumb. Their organs are fully formed now and will continue to grow. You may be able to tell the baby's sex this week with high-resolution ultrasound!

Here's the link to the whole pregnancy:

So tired of being lectured about "science". It's not science, it's "Selective Science". If you based all your decisions on factual science, you should be appalled by abortions at 15 weeks, and at 24 weeks, ashamed of yourself.
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Old 12-02-2021, 03:32 AM   #212
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Re: Supreme Court vacancy

Joe Biden in 1974 interview with Washingtonian:

"I don't like the Supreme Court decision on abortion. I think it went too far. I don't think that a woman has the sole right to say what should happen to her body," Biden said during the interview.

1977 letter to Delaware citizens after voting against a compromise that allowed Medicaid-funded abortions:

"As you probably already know, the*Senate*and the House of Representatives finally agreed on language dealing with the problem of Medicaid-covered abortions December 15," Biden wrote. "The 1977 fiscal year appropriations bill prohibits the use of federal funds to pay for abortions '...unless the life of the mother is in danger.' This is the position which I have consisted supported. During considerations of the 1978 fiscal year appropriation bill for the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, the House again passed the same language. The Senate, however, passed a broader definition of the circumstances under which Medicaid funds could be used to pay for an abortion. I did not support this version."

If democrats went 100% against abortion, under all circumstances, tomorrow, Biden would go back to pretending like he's a religious catholic that was always against it. And he was in his 30's when both above quotes were made. The dude is a lifetime rat that lives off of our tax dollars. Biden worships Biden.
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Old 12-02-2021, 04:53 AM   #213
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Re: Supreme Court vacancy

Only 24% of Americans want Roe /Wade changed . US population rate way down . This is right wing BS .
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Old 12-02-2021, 05:11 AM   #214
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Re: Supreme Court vacancy

Originally Posted by Giantone View Post
Only 24% of Americans want Roe /Wade changed . US population rate way down . This is right wing BS .
You are the right wing aren't you? Or did you officially register as a democrat finally?

Also, the supreme court shouldn't make decisions based on polls.
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Old 12-02-2021, 05:44 AM   #215
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Re: Supreme Court vacancy

Originally Posted by sdskinsfan2001 View Post
You are the right wing aren't you? Or did you officially register as a democrat finally?

Also, the surpreme court shouldn't make decisions based on polls.
Since Roe /Wade was decided only 5 SCJ have voted to overturn it, two are sitting on the bench now , 15 others said you keep it the law of the land.

Nope , just becuase you're a republican doesn't make you "right wing" but trumpers like yourself and chico don't seem to understand that, it's why you guys call everyone who you don't like a "liberal".. The Supreme Court shouldn't make "political decisions" yet if they over turn R/W then the Court is broken and it will be hell.
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Old 12-02-2021, 05:52 AM   #216
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Re: Supreme Court vacancy

Originally Posted by Giantone View Post
Since Roe /Wade was decided only 5 SCJ have voted to overturn it, two are sitting on the bench now , 15 others said you keep it the law of the land.

Nope , just becuase you're a republican doesn't make you "right wing" but trumpers like yourself and chico don't seem to understand that, it's why you guys call everyone who you don't like a "liberal".. The Supreme Court shouldn't make "political decisions" yet if they over turn R/W then the Court is broken and it will be hell.
Lol. I'm back to being a Trumper again.

What would you consider yourself republican about? Even the things we agree on, flat tax and foreign affairs, aren't republican ideas. Neither of the 2 parties, at least people that can try to run on it, support a flat tax. And both parties are involved in wars all the time.

Maybe you're not a democrat, even though you stick up for all of them like they're all Daniel Jones, but you're definitely not republican either.
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Old 12-02-2021, 05:56 AM   #217
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Re: Supreme Court vacancy

Originally Posted by CRedskinsRule View Post
Shouldn't we also remember that roe v wade broke at least 100 years of established law?

The question for me always comes down to who should be protected more by the power of the government, an adult woman who makes a choice with potential consequences (not talking rape or other non consensual acts) or a potential human life that has no ability of self defense.

But the issue in the media is always liberal good conservative bad.

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What do you say to those on your team that aren't willing to make exclusions for rape or incest?
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Old 12-02-2021, 05:59 AM   #218
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Re: Supreme Court vacancy

Originally Posted by sdskinsfan2001 View Post
As related to the above post:

This is a baby at 12 weeks:

That's 3 weeks less than 15 weeks, clearly not some random life form. If is a far right website, they tricked me, with such an innocent name.

Here's WebMD, they have a breakdown of every trimester and week. Here is week 15:

Your baby, from head to heel, is as long as a large russet potato -- 6.25 inches. They're covered by very fine hair, called lanugo, which is usually shed by birth. Eyebrows and hair on the top of the head are beginning to grow, bones are getting harder, and the baby may even be sucking their thumb. Their organs are fully formed now and will continue to grow. You may be able to tell the baby's sex this week with high-resolution ultrasound!

Here's the link to the whole pregnancy:

So tired of being lectured about "science". It's not science, it's "Selective Science". If you based all your decisions on factual science, you should be appalled by abortions at 15 weeks, and at 24 weeks, ashamed of yourself.
Is a baby sentient at 15 weeks?

You know there's a reason they call dead not when your heart stops - but when brain activity ceases functioning.

Same logic applies to fetuses. If there's no brain activity - I'm not feeling guilty about anything.

And if there is brain activity - I'd bet it was at such a stage the mother was planning on going through with the pregnancy and her doctor told her it wasn't viable.
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Old 12-02-2021, 06:10 AM   #219
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Re: Supreme Court vacancy

Originally Posted by mooby View Post
Is a baby sentient at 15 weeks?

You know there's a reason they call dead not when your heart stops - but when brain activity ceases functioning.

Same logic applies to fetuses. If there's no brain activity - I'm not feeling guilty about anything.

And if there is brain activity - I'd bet it was at such a stage the mother was planning on going through with the pregnancy and her doctor told her it wasn't viable.
From my previous post:

Your baby, from head to heel, is as long as a large russet potato -- 6.25 inches. They're covered by very fine hair, called lanugo, which is usually shed by birth. Eyebrows and hair on the top of the head are beginning to grow, bones are getting harder, and the baby may even be sucking their thumb. Their organs are fully formed now and will continue to grow. You may be able to tell the baby's sex this week with high-resolution ultrasound!

Below is from the above link.

The brain is a complex organ that controls thought, memory, emotion, touch, motor skills, vision, breathing, temperature, hunger and every process that regulates our body. Together, the brain and spinal cord that extends from it make up the central nervous system, or CNS.

So yes, a functioning brain is there. Also, we've had similar discussions before, and I could be wrong, but I don't recall you ever mentioning brain function as part of your argument.

I'm tired of being told abortion is a necessity in our country. And especially at basically 4 months. Nothing is necessary about abortion in 99% of cases, let alone at 4 months.
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Old 12-02-2021, 06:46 AM   #220
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Re: Supreme Court vacancy

Originally Posted by mooby View Post
What do you say to those on your team that aren't willing to make exclusions for rape or incest?
Rather than deflect from my point, why do you think the governments power should not be used to protect the powerless, which includes the unborn and rape victims both)?

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Old 12-02-2021, 06:53 AM   #221
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Re: Supreme Court vacancy

Originally Posted by sdskinsfan2001 View Post
From my previous post:

Your baby, from head to heel, is as long as a large russet potato -- 6.25 inches. They're covered by very fine hair, called lanugo, which is usually shed by birth. Eyebrows and hair on the top of the head are beginning to grow, bones are getting harder, and the baby may even be sucking their thumb. Their organs are fully formed now and will continue to grow. You may be able to tell the baby's sex this week with high-resolution ultrasound!

Below is from the above link.

The brain is a complex organ that controls thought, memory, emotion, touch, motor skills, vision, breathing, temperature, hunger and every process that regulates our body. Together, the brain and spinal cord that extends from it make up the central nervous system, or CNS.

So yes, a functioning brain is there. Also, we've had similar discussions before, and I could be wrong, but I don't recall you ever mentioning brain function as part of your argument.

I'm tired of being told abortion is a necessity in our country. And especially at basically 4 months. Nothing is necessary about abortion in 99% of cases, let alone at 4 months.
We're gonna have to agree to disagree on this.
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Old 12-02-2021, 06:54 AM   #222
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Re: Supreme Court vacancy

Originally Posted by CRedskinsRule View Post
Rather than deflect from my point, why do you think the governments power should not be used to protect the powerless, which includes the unborn and rape victims both)?

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Wish you guys felt the same about needy kids as you do about unborn fetuses.
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Old 12-02-2021, 06:58 AM   #223
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Re: Supreme Court vacancy

Originally Posted by mooby View Post
Wish you guys felt the same about needy kids as you do about unborn fetuses.
Still deflecting, and I do feel the same about needy kids, they are included in powerless, but adults who abuse the system are a different story.

But still, why should the government's focus not be on protecting an unborn child, not the couple who make a choice to discard it.

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Old 12-02-2021, 08:45 AM   #224
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Re: Supreme Court vacancy

Really don't want to hear about the sanctity of life bullshit when our kids keep getting shot up in schools.
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Old 12-02-2021, 09:05 AM   #225
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Re: Supreme Court vacancy

Originally Posted by MTK View Post
Really don't want to hear about the sanctity of life bullshit when our kids keep getting shot up in schools.
I'm sure this comment will be loved here.

But that's like saying I really don't want to hear about school shooting bullshit when we are aborting hundreds of thousands of kids every year.

More kids die in 1 month in any given year from abortions, than all kids killed in school shootings combined, ever, and it's not even close.

"In 2018, there were approximately 620,000 legal abortions reported in the United States."

Over 12 months, that's an average of 51,667 per month.

One has nothing to do with the other. Just more deflection. And both are wrong. I'm against abortion and against school shootings. We can all care about more than 1 thing at once. Sanctity of life is just that. All lives regardless of age.
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