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Coronavirus (political)

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Old 04-14-2020, 12:39 PM   #166
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Re: Coronavirus (political)

Originally Posted by Chico23231 View Post
Really who cares?

.............evidently you do.
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Old 04-14-2020, 12:40 PM   #167
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Re: Coronavirus (political)

Originally Posted by SolidSnake84 View Post
It would appear at least so far, that the individual states so far who have launched their own task forces / groups dedicated to re-opening their states for business seem to be politically divided. It appears that Republican ran states are eager to re-open again and are waiting for guidance / advice from the federal gov't / CDC, etc...

Democrat controlled states seem to be pushing back and trying to stay shut down as long as possible. Take Ralph Northam for example, whose June 10th order is currently the longest in the USA.

So it looks like there is going to be a big fight once again between Republicans and Democrats. This is one time that I hope the republicans win because i'm not sure how anyone thinks something good can come out of people being out of work until the end of the year / through next year, etc...
It’s not about one side winning or losing, its about coming together to get rid of this terrible Wuhan virus...and then opening parts of the country up to get back to normal life. Different ways to do that based on different affected regions.

We will beat this...but I think the more data we get, we are gonna find millions and millions had this extremely highly contagious virus and never showed a symptom.
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Old 04-14-2020, 12:40 PM   #168
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Re: Coronavirus (political)

Originally Posted by Chico23231 View Post
New York, New Jersey, Michigan, California did everything perfect? But a dishonest media to cherry pick simply based on political position is expected I guess. De Blasio had the kids in school in mid march

Do you find it great that the media is high fiving that people are getting sick simply based on politics? When I look at the maps of infections and death rates should I be celebrating the deaths in Democratic run areas? What country do I live in, seriously
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Old 04-14-2020, 01:02 PM   #169
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Re: Coronavirus (political)

Originally Posted by SolidSnake84 View Post
It would appear at least so far, that the individual states so far who have launched their own task forces / groups dedicated to re-opening their states for business seem to be politically divided. It appears that Republican ran states are eager to re-open again and are waiting for guidance / advice from the federal gov't / CDC, etc...

Democrat controlled states seem to be pushing back and trying to stay shut down as long as possible. Take Ralph Northam for example, whose June 10th order is currently the longest in the USA.

So it looks like there is going to be a big fight once again between Republicans and Democrats. This is one time that I hope the republicans win because i'm not sure how anyone thinks something good can come out of people being out of work until the end of the year / through next year, etc...
Who has said anything about people being out of work for the rest of this year or into next year?

There's a fine line with no black or white answer as far as how to restart the economy while also trying to keep thousands more from dying.
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Old 04-14-2020, 01:56 PM   #170
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Re: Coronavirus (political)

Originally Posted by MTK View Post
Who has said anything about people being out of work for the rest of this year or into next year?

There's a fine line with no black or white answer as far as how to restart the economy while also trying to keep thousands more from dying.
Neel Kashkari - says that America should be shutdown between 18 and 24 more months...
Time to nut up or shut up
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Old 04-14-2020, 02:20 PM   #171
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Re: Coronavirus (political)

Originally Posted by SolidSnake84 View Post
Neel Kashkari - says that America should be shutdown between 18 and 24 more months...
Let's dive into what he said exactly...

Kashkari, while acknowledging the downside of what a prolonged shutdown could mean for the economy, said the U.S., “barring some health-care miracle,” is looking at an 18-month strategy of rolling shutdowns based on what has happened in other countries.

“We could have these waves of flare-ups, controls, flare-ups and controls, until we actually get a therapy or a vaccine,” he said. “We need to find ways of getting the people who are healthy, who are at lower risk, back to work and then providing the assistance to those who are most at risk, who are going to need to be quarantined or isolated for the foreseeable future.”
No argument there, multiple waves of this are expected, although the hope is they lessen in severity each time and with a flattened curve hospitals won't be overwhelmed.

“This could be a long, hard road that we have ahead of us until we get to either an effective therapy or a vaccine,” he said. “It’s hard for me to see a V-shaped recovery under that scenario.”
Again, common sense. Until there are effective treatments and ultimately a vaccine the virus isn't going to disappear on it's own. But we're still finding out that more people than previously thought are asymptomatic so we don't truly know how deadly it is. It very well still could be a severe flu in comparison.

He's not saying the entire country should remain locked down for 18-24 months, just that the rolling stops and starts could extend that long.
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Old 04-14-2020, 05:54 PM   #172
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Re: Coronavirus (political)

IMO, you can't keep pushing the food chain workers or Hospital workers like has been happening . once this takes over in there ,yes there will be absolute panic and then what? I realise this is important please make no mistake but the Country can not go into lock down Marshal law and that is what some are preaching .
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Old 04-14-2020, 06:41 PM   #173
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Re: Coronavirus (political)

This may sound ignorant but what are we supposed to do? Wait a year or two for a vaccine to come out and bankrupt the country and ourselves because less than 1% of the people (most w/ serious underlying conditions) are at risk? I'm sorry but that doesn't sit well w/ me.

It's time to get back to a normal life, open up the economy imo. The people who have underlying conditions stay the hell home, work from home, wait it out and keep your distance.
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Old 04-14-2020, 06:56 PM   #174
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Re: Coronavirus (political)

Originally Posted by skinsfan69 View Post
This may sound ignorant but what are we supposed to do? Wait a year or two for a vaccine to come out and bankrupt the country and ourselves because less than 1% of the people (most w/ serious underlying conditions) are at risk? I'm sorry but that doesn't sit well w/ me.

It's time to get back to a normal life, open up the economy imo. The people who have underlying conditions stay the hell home, work from home, wait it out and keep your distance.
34 states have less than 200 deaths.

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Old 04-14-2020, 06:58 PM   #175
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Re: Coronavirus (political)

Originally Posted by skinsfan69 View Post
This may sound ignorant but what are we supposed to do? Wait a year or two for a vaccine to come out and bankrupt the country and ourselves because less than 1% of the people (most w/ serious underlying conditions) are at risk? I'm sorry but that doesn't sit well w/ me.

It's time to get back to a normal life, open up the economy imo. The people who have underlying conditions stay the hell home, work from home, wait it out and keep your distance.

Well yeah, that’s the direction we’re headed in, not as easy at it sounds though depending on where you live

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Old 04-15-2020, 07:09 AM   #176
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Re: Coronavirus (political)

Originally Posted by skinsfan69 View Post
This may sound ignorant but what are we supposed to do? Wait a year or two for a vaccine to come out and bankrupt the country and ourselves because less than 1% of the people (most w/ serious underlying conditions) are at risk? I'm sorry but that doesn't sit well w/ me.

It's time to get back to a normal life, open up the economy imo. The people who have underlying conditions stay the hell home, work from home, wait it out and keep your distance.
That's exactly what the governors seem to want to do. I think they realized long ago that the country would bankrupt, and their mentality now is just kind of like "F It".

USA is on a fast track to becoming bankrupt as a country, like i said, 300 + million people out of work by years end. This could be the end of us as the world power, i think in many ways it already is.

to be clear: I AM NOT A TRUMP SUPPORTER - but Trump seems like the only guy who wants to try and get America going again, and he is being met with resistance at every turn. I believe now that the governors WANT to bankrupt their states just so they can go to Trump and say "F You, we will never open again because YOU want us to".
Time to nut up or shut up
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Old 04-15-2020, 07:40 AM   #177
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Re: Coronavirus (political)

Originally Posted by SolidSnake84 View Post
That's exactly what the governors seem to want to do. I think they realized long ago that the country would bankrupt, and their mentality now is just kind of like "F It".

USA is on a fast track to becoming bankrupt as a country, like i said, 300 + million people out of work by years end. This could be the end of us as the world power, i think in many ways it already is.

to be clear: I AM NOT A TRUMP SUPPORTER - but Trump seems like the only guy who wants to try and get America going again, and he is being met with resistance at every turn. I believe now that the governors WANT to bankrupt their states just so they can go to Trump and say "F You, we will never open again because YOU want us to".
Snake, I am sorry but you are going off the rails with this. Has anybody ever told you cutting off the hand to spite the face is nonsense?

Governors are preparing the way they're preparing because Trump said the states need to be running point on this, and the feds are the backup option. This is what happens when the leader of this nation doesn't take charge and aggressively act before the outbreak to stop it. Now it's widespread and we can only hope to contain it. Everything we do from this point on is about limiting the damage. Restoring societal norms even a month from now would be a disaster, and it would only allow COVID-19 to keep spreading. Is it safe to assume from your response you are alright with however many people have to die just to try and save the economy? And the hospital system being overwhelmed for however long it takes to find a vaccine?
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Old 04-15-2020, 08:10 AM   #178
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Re: Coronavirus (political)

Originally Posted by SolidSnake84 View Post
That's exactly what the governors seem to want to do. I think they realized long ago that the country would bankrupt, and their mentality now is just kind of like "F It".

USA is on a fast track to becoming bankrupt as a country, like i said, 300 + million people out of work by years end. This could be the end of us as the world power, i think in many ways it already is.

to be clear: I AM NOT A TRUMP SUPPORTER - but Trump seems like the only guy who wants to try and get America going again, and he is being met with resistance at every turn. I believe now that the governors WANT to bankrupt their states just so they can go to Trump and say "F You, we will never open again because YOU want us to".
Your post makes zero sense.

On Monday, Newsom along with Washington Gov. Jay Inslee and Oregon Gov. Kate Brown announced a regional partnership to coordinate the reopening of the West Coast. In the northeast, seven other states, including New York and New Jersey, the two hardest-hit states by the coronavirus, announced a similar plan to coordinate reopening.

With the exception of Massachusetts, all ten states actively developing plans to reopen are led by Democratic governors.
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Old 04-15-2020, 08:57 AM   #179
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Re: Coronavirus (political)

Originally Posted by skinsfan69 View Post
This may sound ignorant but what are we supposed to do? Wait a year or two for a vaccine to come out and bankrupt the country and ourselves because less than 1% of the people (most w/ serious underlying conditions) are at risk? I'm sorry but that doesn't sit well w/ me.

It's time to get back to a normal life, open up the economy imo. The people who have underlying conditions stay the hell home, work from home, wait it out and keep your distance.
That shows a lack of understanding of math & statistics though. This plan will result in a spike such that more people will need ventilators at the same time than we actually have ventilators. Meaning those people that can't get access to a ventilator will die, when they otherwise might have been saved.

So you're not just talking about a threat to the 1%. You're talking about adding another 0.2% on top of the 1% it will already kill under normal course.

In other words, you're advocating for causing more death. Now, you don't know you're doing that, because you don't understand the math. So it's not like I'm accusing you of callousness, just ignorance of the statistics.
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Old 04-15-2020, 09:22 AM   #180
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Re: Coronavirus (political)

Originally Posted by mooby View Post
Snake, I am sorry but you are going off the rails with this. Has anybody ever told you cutting off the hand to spite the face is nonsense?

Governors are preparing the way they're preparing because Trump said the states need to be running point on this, and the feds are the backup option. This is what happens when the leader of this nation doesn't take charge and aggressively act before the outbreak to stop it. Now it's widespread and we can only hope to contain it. Everything we do from this point on is about limiting the damage. Restoring societal norms even a month from now would be a disaster, and it would only allow COVID-19 to keep spreading. Is it safe to assume from your response you are alright with however many people have to die just to try and save the economy? And the hospital system being overwhelmed for however long it takes to find a vaccine?
No one here has to apologize to me for anything they say to me. I consider you all friends, and in any debate we have i imagine it being no different than just some guys/gals sitting around the bbq having different opinions.

I have felt that what they want from the beginning is to keep all businesses / schools, etc. closed until they come up with a vaccine two years or so from now.

They don't seem to have the ability to draw a line between public health and economic / country health. Right now the mentality seems to be one OR the other. I think there is a way to do both. I do not want people to die, but they are going to keep dying every day even in spite of coronavirus, there are still other things like cancer, car crashes, drug overdoses, suicides, homicides, etc. and society has never had to shut down because of this.

Many of the jobs lost will never come back. In this country, you have likely already seen the end of movie theaters, theme parks, etc. Possibly school. Soon maybe, professional sports. Restaurants are hanging on, but even with curbside options they wont last forever. Those things wont be able to attempt a comeback until there is a vaccine years down the road.

And my fear lies that with so many people unemployed, the system is strained beyond the capacity that it was ever intended for. Unemployment benefits depend on taxes to fund it. With 85% of your country unemployed by the end of the year, what happens when there is no more money to pay all of the people out of work? As companies and entire industries continue to go out of business, the next thing will be massive food shortages as farms / meat suppliers, etc. go out of business. Trucking companies, with nothing to haul anywhere, fold up. Its an avalanche/snowball effect that only finishes when everything has been destroyed and society builds back.

I hope that the USA is looking at other countries that are (so far) easing restrictions and slowly and gradually returning to normal, and I hope we are learning something from them. This is a time where all nations can work together and put aside differences for a common good.
Time to nut up or shut up
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