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2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

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Old 09-11-2012, 02:23 AM   #796
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by firstdown View Post
The poor has no problem with producing an ID to get food stamps and well fair why is it such a problem to vote?
I don't know, why don't you ask them? (while we're generalizing and all).
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Old 09-13-2012, 12:04 AM   #797
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Romney doubles down on Obama criticism

Mitt Romney really is a scum bag piece of shit.

Romney under friendly fire for his response to embassy attack in Libya | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

Asshole should be taking heat. He should just drop out of the race and have some class. Guess that's something money couldn't buy.
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Old 09-14-2012, 12:38 PM   #798
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

If President Obama loses the election...some people are making plans already:

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Old 09-14-2012, 12:43 PM   #799
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by NC_Skins View Post
If Romney wins in PA or Ohio, it will because the GOP has restricted poor/minorities from voting with Voter ID laws.
PA resident here. Voter fraud, especially in Philly has been very bad in the last few elections...not to forget about the Black Panthers at the polls threatening anyone who "looks" like they might not vote for Obama last time. One election, 103% of registered voters in one Philly voting precinct cast a vote. More votes than registered voters. You support that?

How exactly is asking to show ID to match the voter registration book keeping anyone from casting a LEGITIMATE vote? That's the key...anyone opposed to this common sense standard is most likely on the side that commits voter fraud.

PA offers an ID card, always has for those who cannot or will not get a driver's license. It's not expensive, just a few dollars (about $8 or 10) as opposed to $36 for a driver's license. and there was been talk of giving it out for no cost to help people get the IDs they need for the election.

If you won't get one, you're most likely either lazy, an illegal immigrant, a criminal who doesn't want to show up at a Government office and present an address, or just stubborn. There is public transportation and assistance from county organizations in PA to help the elderly get this done...the offer was put out by the Agency on Aging to pick people up and help them get IDs.

Being poor, old or a minority are not valid excuses for not having an ID. Anyone in PA can get one. If people would take a few minutes to get it done instead of protesting, they'd be ready. This discussion has been going on for about 2 years...everyone had plenty of time.

How can you even get through life without ANY form of photo ID anyway?
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Last edited by Monkeydad; 09-14-2012 at 12:49 PM.
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Old 09-14-2012, 12:50 PM   #800
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by firstdown View Post
The poor has no problem with producing an ID to get food stamps and well fair why is it such a problem to vote?
GASP! How dare you speak the truth?

If we want to talk about REAL voter suppression, lets talk about the military absentee ballots, or lack of, in the 2008 Presidential election. NUMEROUS states, all conveniently "blue" states either did not send the overseas military absentee ballots out on time or at all. If anyone should get to vote, it's our active military.

They knew who the soldiers would support, so the ballots got "lost" or delayed...from several states. Sure...accident, right?
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Old 09-14-2012, 01:12 PM   #801
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by Monkeydad View Post
If President Obama loses the election...some people are making plans already:
At least no one needs to worry about these clowns voting....they'll be too busy with the weed.
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Old 09-14-2012, 01:16 PM   #802
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

what are the obstacles as far as drug testing for welfare recipients?
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Old 09-14-2012, 05:42 PM   #803
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by Monkeydad View Post
If President Obama loses the election...some people are making plans already:

wow, you're not to racist are ya?
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Old 09-14-2012, 07:34 PM   #804
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

GOP trumpets rampant Philly voter fraud in a report that doesn't show it. | Philadelphia City Paper | 07/20/2012
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Old 09-14-2012, 10:41 PM   #805
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Pennsylvania will provide a free ID to anyone who doesn’t already have one. The state even allows voters to cast a provisional ballot if they sign an affirmation that they can’t afford the supporting documentation needed to get an ID. There is simply no way that this law could prevent an eligible voter from casting a ballot
"I would bet.....(if), an angel fairy came down and said, '[You can have anything] in the world you would like to own,' I wouldn't be surprised if you said a football club and particularly the Washington Redskins.'' — Jack Kent Cooke, 1996.
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Old 09-14-2012, 10:44 PM   #806
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by Giantone View Post
wow, you're not to racist are ya?
slapping white people and raping white girls ISN'T racist, but pointing out folks talking about doing those things IS.....
"I would bet.....(if), an angel fairy came down and said, '[You can have anything] in the world you would like to own,' I wouldn't be surprised if you said a football club and particularly the Washington Redskins.'' — Jack Kent Cooke, 1996.
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Old 09-15-2012, 02:55 AM   #807
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by Slingin Sammy 33 View Post
slapping white people and raping white girls ISN'T racist, but pointing out folks talking about doing those things IS.....
Yup, when you can go and find just as many tweets from whites saying the same if not worse about Obama and his family, yet you only post the ones against whites, yeah it's racist.:smashfrea
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Old 09-15-2012, 03:36 AM   #808
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Originally Posted by Giantone View Post
Yup, when you can go and find just as many tweets from whites saying the same if not worse about Obama and his family, yet you only post the ones against whites, yeah it's racist.:smashfrea
No its not. It is bringing a group of people's public comments into this dialogue. If you want to counter it by showing similar idiotic statements from the other side of the spectrum that's fine, but lets not shut down every dialogue as racist. If the poster of those tweet images had added some blatant racist remark like "look at what some ... wrote" then fine point that out, but that really wasn't the case.
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Old 09-15-2012, 06:38 PM   #809
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by CRedskinsRule View Post
No its not. It is bringing a group of people's public comments into this dialogue. If you want to counter it by showing similar idiotic statements from the other side of the spectrum that's fine, but lets not shut down every dialogue as racist. If the poster of those tweet images had added some blatant racist remark like "look at what some ... wrote" then fine point that out, but that really wasn't the case.

Yeah it is,what would have been better is if the conversation was about the same action on both sides but since Monkeydad chose to show only one side ...yes it's racist and I would have said the same thing had he only put out tweets from whites about Obama.Look there are nut jobs and wackos on bothsides but this scare tatic BS has got to stop.Or do you really want me to post all of the dumb stuff Rush Limbaugh says?

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Old 09-15-2012, 07:25 PM   #810
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Originally Posted by Giantone View Post
Yeah it is,what would have been better is if the conversation was about the same action on both sides but since Monkeydad chose to show only one side ...yes it's racist and I would have said the same thing had he only put out tweets from whites about Obama.Look there are nut jobs and wackos on bothsides but this scare tatic BS has got to stop.Or do you really want me to post all of the dumb stuff Rush Limbaugh says?

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is it partisan yes
racist no. again its the sad state of US political discourse that any representation made that is not all inclusive is suddenly berated or decried as a racist or sexist or elitist or whateverist, and thus whatever point might be made is lost or belittled.

regardless of other people's statement the tweet images represent what should be unacceptable sentiments of how to handle a political loss.
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