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'Occupy' types

Debating with the enemy

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Old 11-21-2011, 03:42 PM   #391
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Re: 'Occupy' types

Originally Posted by over the mountain View Post
couldnt the cops have just plastic tied their arms behind their backs then carried them off one at a time?

yeah know, like they pretty much did right after giving them a pepper spray shower?

idk, seems things like carrying them away would be an option well before "shake can, point, spray in face from close range".

anyways, sad the occupy movement is starting to be defined and covered as a occupy v. police situation instead of a occupy v. big biz corruption platform.

lets face it, im pretty pissed i got to work for 30 years and pay my bank 750k for a 200k loan. it shouldnt be this hard to just make ends meet and squeek through life.
That's how a loan works. Your other option is to save money for a long time and pay cash. Not sure what you think the bank should be doing differently as it applies to providing you a home loan.
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Old 11-21-2011, 04:02 PM   #392
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Re: 'Occupy' types

Ten Things You Should Know About Friday’s UC Davis Police Violence « Student Activism

In my opinion, on this one, both sides should have some regrets.
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Old 11-21-2011, 04:42 PM   #393
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Re: 'Occupy' types

Originally Posted by FRPLG View Post
That's how a loan works. Your other option is to save money for a long time and pay cash. Not sure what you think the bank should be doing differently as it applies to providing you a home loan.
But should it be that way? Should we just accept the status quo that big business lays out for us?

the state of maryland created this auto insurance entity called MAIF (md auto ins fund) that has to provide auto ins to md licensed drivers who have been denied by 2 or more auto ins companies. this is b/c auto ins is required in md and the state had to provide some protection for md drivers who couldnt otherwise get approved for insurance.

last year, MAIF decided they were going to cut their rates b/c they were operating a 146 million dollar surplus. the other insurance companies complained that it would hurt their competitive market if MAIF dropped their rates below the industry average and that it would cause MAIF to possibly become default.

MAIF said how is cutting our rates by 6 million going to make us default? all it will do is mean we wil be running a 140 mil instead of a 146 mil surplus.

These big business industries are bleeding us dry.

corporate greed is rampant. i get it, its a capitalist market, yada yada yada.

but i shouldnt have to work this hard just to eek by in life. health insurance and banks push as far as they can.
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Last edited by over the mountain; 11-22-2011 at 11:16 AM.
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Old 11-22-2011, 12:01 PM   #394
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Re: 'Occupy' types

Originally Posted by over the mountain View Post
But should it be that way? Should we just accept the status quo that big business lays out for us?

the state of maryland created this auto insurance entity called MAIF (md auto ins fund) that has to provide auto ins to md licensed drivers who have been denied by 2 or more auto ins companies. this is b/c auto ins is required in md and the state had to provide some protection for md drivers who couldnt otherwise get approved for insurance.

last year, MAIF decided they were going to cut their rates b/c they were operating a 146 million dollar surplus. the other insurance companies complained that it would hurt their competitive market if MAIF dropped their rates below the industry average and that it would cause MAIF to possibly become default. The ins. companies want that surplus there to protect them from having to bail out the MAIF.

MAIF said how is cutting our rates by 6 million going to make us default? all it will do is mean we wil be running a 140 mil instead of a 146 mil surplus.

These big business industries are bleeding us dry.

corporate greed is rampant. i get it, its a capitalist market, yada yada yada.

but i shouldnt have to work this hard just to eek by in life. health insurance and banks push as far as they can.
Thats an assumption that could prove to be wrong. Do you know who has to bail out the MAIF if it fails? The insurance companies that write auto ins. in MD so there is more to the story. The ins. companies want that suplus to keep them from having to bail out the MAIF.

Last edited by firstdown; 11-22-2011 at 12:04 PM.
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Old 11-22-2011, 01:04 PM   #395
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Re: 'Occupy' types

Originally Posted by firstdown View Post
Thats an assumption that could prove to be wrong. Do you know who has to bail out the MAIF if it fails? The insurance companies that write auto ins. in MD so there is more to the story. The ins. companies want that suplus to keep them from having to bail out the MAIF.
yeah in fact I think ins companies have to pay alil something into a "just in case" fund which Im sure is repaid every year when the fund didnt need to be tapped.

But my point is there is unnecessary corporate greed.

just look at my Bank of America thing. B of A is posting their highest profits in 4 years or so at teh same time they have been intentionally and strategically overdrating me to charge me $35 a pop for the past 7 years or so . . they had been doing this to me when I was at my lowest and most vulnerable financial moments.

that BofA thing justs shows, banks at least BofA is blood thirsty.

they dont give a dang about anybody except increasing their bottom line, even if they have to lie cheat and steal your money from you.

Does anyone want to defend BofA in their overdraft class action lawsuit?
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Old 11-22-2011, 01:27 PM   #396
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Re: 'Occupy' types


How people even support this guy still is amazing.
"So let me get this straight. We have the event of the year on TV with millions watching around the world... and people want a punt, pass, and kick competition to be the halftime entertainment?? Folks, don't quit your day jobs."- Matty
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Old 11-22-2011, 01:48 PM   #397
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Re: 'Occupy' types

Originally Posted by NC_Skins View Post

How people even support this guy still is amazing.
Well Jimmy Carter, a lot of the media and others have pointed out opposition towards Obama is mainly because of racism. Here i was thinking OWS protesters were just anti-semitic....
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Old 11-22-2011, 01:57 PM   #398
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Re: 'Occupy' types

i think a noticeable portion of Obama hatte is b/c of racism.

Have you read the comments on fox news or the blaze? 9/10 of are just comparing michelle obama to a monkey.

I think its easy to think overt racism doesnt exist when you live in or around DC which is such a mettling pot of diversity. When me and my lady go outside of the urban areas we get looks and stares. I could only imagine what it would be like if we went to a rural area of middle america or down south.

racism from blacks and whites is alive and well imo and experience.
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Old 11-22-2011, 02:15 PM   #399
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Re: 'Occupy' types

I'm not ignoring your lame stance on the police abuse either JR. I really don't even think it deserves a response, and the fact you are taking up for the police is sickening as is. So you think that it's not ok if other countries put their people in line when they peacefully protest, but it's ok for our country to use it's police to do so against its citizens? Hypocritical to say the least. I suggest you reread what Obama's quote in that picture again, and then tell me if he meant America as well. Apparently he didn't which is exactly why he's allowing that crap to continue on instead of putting his foot up some of those local mayors asses.

Freedom of speech isn't free if you put a time limit on it or require a "permit" for it. It's a ****ing joke and to defend it angers me so don't even bother doing it. There is no justification unless you simply support a police state.

Guys, you can have free speech from the hours of 8am to 11pm, but only on Monday through Friday. Oh, you have to get a permit and have it approved by our council. Thanks in advance. FUUUCK that. Maybe that's just the anarchist in me.

I will go on record and say I support any and all violence against authority in situations where police abuse their authority. Being a cop doesn't give you a right to abuse your position of power to break the laws yourself. People have a right to defend themselves, even if it's against the tyranny of it's own government.

My friend had a great quote.

"Obedient citizens never fixed anything."

This in regards to you harping about them breaking the laws, and condoning the police brutality acts.
"So let me get this straight. We have the event of the year on TV with millions watching around the world... and people want a punt, pass, and kick competition to be the halftime entertainment?? Folks, don't quit your day jobs."- Matty
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Old 11-22-2011, 02:20 PM   #400
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Re: 'Occupy' types

Originally Posted by hooskins View Post

That lame and bullshit lie that the cops were surrounded and needed a way out. It's clear the cop stepped over the line, JUST so he could spray them. Those people weren't blocking them in any way. People like this should be pulled out of their home and beat merciless.
"So let me get this straight. We have the event of the year on TV with millions watching around the world... and people want a punt, pass, and kick competition to be the halftime entertainment?? Folks, don't quit your day jobs."- Matty

Last edited by NC_Skins; 11-22-2011 at 02:26 PM.
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Old 11-22-2011, 02:49 PM   #401
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Re: 'Occupy' types

My only opinion on that video, is that the protesters sitting down were idiots. Yeah, the cops could step over the protesters, and certainly it is a flipped out scene to see the officer stepping over the line to spray them, but the protesters had a ton of warnings, and simply refused to obey what were simple lawful orders. They were well aware of what the refusal meant, in terms of getting sprayed, and so when it happened, it's hard for me to build up any amount of sympathy for them.

This whole movement just seems like a shadow of the civil rights movement, and sadly reflects how pathetic our country has become. I mean you have a group of protesters, than a hundred cell phone users hoping to capture the next Rodney King video, some people laughing (can you imagine anyone laughing as Rosa Park refused to go to the back?, or at MLK Jr's I have a dream speech? Those were serious issues, and demanded serious respect), then you have a cop walking over the protester line to spray them so that the police could move them off of a small piece of pavement. Simply ridiculous on all accounts.

Last edited by CRedskinsRule; 11-23-2011 at 11:13 AM. Reason: corrected a grammer mistake...
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Old 11-22-2011, 03:01 PM   #402
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Re: 'Occupy' types

Originally Posted by CRedskinsRule View Post
My only opinion on that video, is that the protesters sitting down were idiots. Yeah, the cops could step over the protesters, and certainly it is a flipped out scene to see the officer stepping over the line to spray them, but the protesters had a ton of warnings, and simply refused to obey what were simple lawful orders. They were well aware of what the refusal meant, in terms of getting sprayed, and so when it happened, it's hard for me to build up any amount of sympathy for them.

This whole movement just seems like a shadow of the civil rights movement, and sadly reflects how pathetic our country has become. I mean you have a group of protesters, than a hundred cell phone users hoping to capture the next Rodney King video, some people laughing (can you imagine anyone laughing as Rosa Park refused to go to the back?, or at MLK Jr's I had a dream speech? Those were serious issues, and demanded serious respect), then you have a cop walking over the protester line to spray them so that the police could move them off of a small piece of pavement. Simply ridiculous on all accounts.
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Old 11-22-2011, 03:37 PM   #403
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Re: 'Occupy' types

Originally Posted by NC_Skins View Post
I'm not ignoring your lame stance on the police abuse either JR. I really don't even think it deserves a response, and the fact you are taking up for the police is sickening as is. So you think that it's not ok if other countries put their people in line when they peacefully protest, but it's ok for our country to use it's police to do so against its citizens? Hypocritical to say the least. I suggest you reread what Obama's quote in that picture again, and then tell me if he meant America as well. Apparently he didn't which is exactly why he's allowing that crap to continue on instead of putting his foot up some of those local mayors asses..
I will use incredible restraint and simply say you have no concept of the rule of law and all its implications. Comparing these protests and the police reaction to them as the equivalent of the Arab Summer protests and the governmental reaction to them is the height of ignorance. Peaceful protests in the US happen all the time without confrontations or suppression. These students were clearly seeking a confrontation and they got one.

When a mob gets to choose which laws to obey - it's still mob rule, peaceful or otherwise.

Originally Posted by NC_Skins View Post
Freedom of speech isn't free if you put a time limit on it or require a "permit" for it. It's a ****ing joke and to defend it angers me so don't even bother doing it. There is no justification unless you simply support a police state...

Guys, you can have free speech from the hours of 8am to 11pm, but only on Monday through Friday. Oh, you have to get a permit and have it approved by our council. Thanks in advance. FUUUCK that. Maybe that's just the anarchist in me.
200 years of reasoned caselaw says you have no clue what you are talking about. At the same time, your position is incredibly hypocritical in light of your call in the "Media" thread to allow the government to regulate the content put out on the airwaves. So - on one hand you want to adopt laws that allow the Federal government to regulate/censor content on the airwaves - but you want to prohibit local governments from reasonably regulating their thruways and public spaces so that everyone - protesters and non-protestors alike can use them? Get a clue.

It's not the anarchist that calls for such hypocrisy, it's the uniformed citizen.

Originally Posted by NC_Skins View Post
I will go on record and say I support any and all violence against authority in situations where police abuse their authority. Being a cop doesn't give you a right to abuse your position of power to break the laws yourself. People have a right to defend themselves, even if it's against the tyranny of it's own government.

My friend had a great quote.

"Obedient citizens never fixed anything."
Ghandi, MLK would agree - and yet they never called for violence even the face of abuse and violence far exceeding what these students faced. Again, your resolution is something akin to barbarism - I was wronged so I will wrong you. Your understanding of civil society is barely above neaderthal. Yes, police abuse of authority is wrong and, although often not severely or consistently enough, is punished. This situation will be thouroghly vetted and lawsuits will fly, I guarrantee.

Originally Posted by NC_Skins View Post
This in regards to you harping about them breaking the laws, and condoning the police brutality acts.
See CRed's statement. I agree with it 100%.
Strap it up, hold onto the ball, and let’s go.

Last edited by JoeRedskin; 11-22-2011 at 03:51 PM.
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Old 11-22-2011, 03:53 PM   #404
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Re: 'Occupy' types

So lets take a vote on who was dumber.

A. The Police For Spraying The Kids
B. The Kids For Sitting There Knowing What Was Coming.

We know the smart ones where the kids cheering them on ready to take a photo the minutes the cops started the warnings. If you watch the video one guy on the end gets up and leaves.

Last edited by firstdown; 11-22-2011 at 03:54 PM.
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Old 11-22-2011, 03:53 PM   #405
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Re: 'Occupy' types

it was college students sitting on a sidewalk on their college campus . . .they werent blocking I 95 or obstructing any public walkways or even disturbing the public.

a strong argument could be made that they, as paying college students to UC Berkley, are an exclusive group who get the right of quiet use and enjoyment of the private campus to which they pay tuition.

this whole obstructing the public, public disturbance notion floated out there doesnt apply here imo. It would if this was OWS or some other public area but it isnt.

personally, from seeing the video i think the officers felt kinda stupid for just standing their like lame ducks and the one guy was embarrased/put on the spot so he did something . . .something really stupid.
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