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Shanahan The New Head Coach Of the Redskins

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View Poll Results: Mike Shanahan is the new coach of the Redskins, approve or disapprove?
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Old 01-06-2010, 12:38 PM   #166
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Re: Shanahan The New Head Coach Of the Redskins

Originally Posted by BigHairedAristocrat View Post
A decade of history following the team.
Chad Dukes is that you, no maybe it's Lavar!
That got ugly fast
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Old 01-06-2010, 12:40 PM   #167
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Re: Shanahan The New Head Coach Of the Redskins

Originally Posted by BigHairedAristocrat View Post
A decade of history following the team.
So you're saying the team is never going to change. Then why bother even commenting on these things? I think everyone is in wait and see mode, but you sound almost sure that this is going to fail.
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Old 01-06-2010, 12:51 PM   #168
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Re: Shanahan The New Head Coach Of the Redskins

Originally Posted by Ruhskins View Post
So you're saying the team is never going to change. Then why bother even commenting on these things? I think everyone is in wait and see mode, but you sound almost sure that this is going to fail.
Everyone is NOT in the wait and see mode. Everyone is drinking the koolaid. I would love if the Poll in this thread had an option for wait and see. its certainly where I would have casted my vote. I'm almost certain it will fail because this is too similar to the Marty and Gibbs situations and neither of those worked out. I think Shanahan-the-coach is the 2nd best option we could have gone. if I had to rate my happiness with that aspect of the hire, i'd probably say 8 out of 10. Its just his personnel history and the front office structure that i think is likely to screw this whole thing up.

Snyder may very well have changed and is now willing to leave the big decisions to "football guys." Bruce Allen may have somehow learned how to be a personnel guy. Shanahan may very well have learned how to be a personnel guy too. but given the histories of all three men in the areas i mentioned, I feel skepticism is appropriate in this situation.
Dolphins get good press for saving drowning humans.But we only hear about the swimmers theyve pushed ashore.You know who we havent heard from: all the people theyve pushed out to sea.Dolphins dont know what theyre doing-they just like pushing things.
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Old 01-06-2010, 01:01 PM   #169
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Re: Shanahan The New Head Coach Of the Redskins

Originally Posted by Lotus View Post
I found the "Rise and Fall of Zorn" article interesting because it says that one of the first things that Bruce Allen did was cancel Friday coach-owner lunches. Allen apparently did so on the theory that the buck stops with him, not with Snyder. So Rick Snider's cynical article is already mistaken in saying that, "no one will push for Snyder to throttle down his involvement." Bruce Allen already has.

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Old 01-06-2010, 01:04 PM   #170
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Re: Shanahan The New Head Coach Of the Redskins

I'm with BHA here. A wait-and-see approach is pointless to judge the quality of the hire.

I don't think anyone is suggesting that Shanahan won't be an improvement over Jim Zorn (and twice on gameday), but the facts are that there was no actual coaching search, that this move was decided upon at least three months ago, and that I'm just not sure what the whole point of this hire really is.

Perhaps the whole point was just to try to restore respectability to the franchise as swiftly and as effectively as possible. By getting an established coach like Shanahan, you know you aren't getting a guy who can't handle the position. Maybe in the wake of Zorn's firing, that's all the plan really was.

If so, hard to complain about whether or not we actually win any playoff games in the next few years. I have a hard time seeing how this hire increases the chances of that over a hire of a lesser known name who has a similar track record of success. Maybe Mike Shanahan will be more successful here than he was in Denver, which would be great, but I'm not holding my breath.

I don't see any reason to trash this move, but if this was Plan A, I don't think this can really be considered a "top half" franchise. This move is nothing if not uninspired.
according to a source with knowledge of the situation.
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Old 01-06-2010, 01:07 PM   #171
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Re: Shanahan The New Head Coach Of the Redskins

I'm not disappointed with the excitement over Shanahan, but more of this fact it seems most people still think just one or two more players and the skins have a good team. It's Time to take a couple years to get shit together.

This is what exactly leads to the knee jerk reaction Dan Snyder uses. We need someone to be here for at least 3 years before expecting them to take us to the promised land, and that's regardless if their record the first two years is under .500 both times.
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Old 01-06-2010, 01:16 PM   #172
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Re: Shanahan The New Head Coach Of the Redskins

I'm excited about Shanahan, but if he's smart he doesn't hire Zimmer as DC and he just worries about the O. This is a step in the right direction, but hiring Zimmer as DC, a guy who hasn't had much success in the places he's been DC is a huge mistake.
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Old 01-06-2010, 01:19 PM   #173
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Re: Shanahan The New Head Coach Of the Redskins

Dude Zimmer is the MAN what are you talking about?

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Old 01-06-2010, 01:25 PM   #174
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Re: Shanahan The New Head Coach Of the Redskins

bighairaristocrat, if shany was your second choice and you obviously 100% believe not a single thing has changed with the FO structure, what makes you think hiring cowher would ba any different? And also what difference does it truly matter if 3 months ago shany was on top of the list and their main target? They still had to interview him to see if he could be the right fit.
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Old 01-06-2010, 01:30 PM   #175
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Re: Shanahan The New Head Coach Of the Redskins

Mike Wilbon's take on the hire.

Michael Wilbon - Redskins hire Mike Shanahan, but will anything really change? -
Dolphins get good press for saving drowning humans.But we only hear about the swimmers theyve pushed ashore.You know who we havent heard from: all the people theyve pushed out to sea.Dolphins dont know what theyre doing-they just like pushing things.
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Old 01-06-2010, 01:32 PM   #176
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Re: Shanahan The New Head Coach Of the Redskins

Originally Posted by SkinEmAll View Post
bighairaristocrat, if shany was your second choice and you obviously 100% believe not a single thing has changed with the FO structure, what makes you think hiring cowher would ba any different? And also what difference does it truly matter if 3 months ago shany was on top of the list and their main target? They still had to interview him to see if he could be the right fit.
Overall, if we swapped Cowher for Shanahan and kept everything else the same, it wouldn't be much different. I'd be 10/10 happy with Cowher as a coach (as opposed to 8/10 with Shanahan), but just as skeptical about everything else, perhaps even moreso in the personnel department. While Shanahan is a proven failure as a personnel guy, there's no book on Cowher, since he's always relied on a good GM to provide him with players. He could have been great having final say, he could have been as bad as Shanahan, or he could have been worse.
Dolphins get good press for saving drowning humans.But we only hear about the swimmers theyve pushed ashore.You know who we havent heard from: all the people theyve pushed out to sea.Dolphins dont know what theyre doing-they just like pushing things.
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Old 01-06-2010, 01:46 PM   #177
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Re: Shanahan The New Head Coach Of the Redskins

Originally Posted by SkinEmAll View Post
I cant remember where but I read this but Shany and Allen already discussed working together, and I don't think they knew where they would end up originally. And also there was many rumors the last couple of years and recently that whoever was the next coach in D.C. was going to get 10 mil a year. Allen is more of a cap and negotiating guy and the fact that Shany is getting 7 mil. tells me Allen is doing his job already, and I'm sure Shany probably gave up some $ per year to have more control over the team and in return will get some big fat bonus for playoff and or super bowl appearances. And who gives a crap what wilbon snider and maske have to say, wilbon in particular never has anything positive to say about the Skins, he's right there with JLC as far as reporting.
It was in a Buffalo news paper after Shanahan's interview with them. Shanahan told Buffalo "Where ever he ended up as a HC, he wanted Allen as his GM." He told Buffalo "We are a package deal."

But for whatever reason instead of people saying I'm skeptical and will reserve my right to be skeptical that DS has not totally turned over the reigns and leave it at that..... in other words if it is happening .... show me. Instead they are trying to nit pick this to death and say "Oh see, see, I told you DS is not giving up control. He forced Allen to hire Shanahan when he could have had Cowher." " See DS is pulling the strings cause Allen didn't have time to interview for the job." "Allen hasn't interviewed anyone else so I know DS is not handing over the keys."

They just don't want to grasp the fact that Shanahan already told Buffalo he and Allen were a package deal. Now if your an owner and want Shanahan then that tells you you need to pick Allen as your GM. So DS fires Vinny and picks up Allen. Allen endorsed/hired Shanahan. I don't see what people don't get.

Be skeptical, thats ok. Say you want time to see that DS has turned over the keys, I understand. But don't throw BS out there and claim its' all DS. Be mad at DS for not giving Cowher an interview, thats ok. But on that issue, everywhere I read Cowher made it known to the media he was not interested in the Skins job or it's front office issues. He said he didn't want the job. Now that only two teams are available Browns and Buffalo, both teams that suck, we become the consolation prize? The Browns will most likely when they decide to hire a new HC will pick up a WCO style due to Holmgren so that leaves Buffalo for Cowher. He's kinda snubbing his nose at them and saying he might simply stay an announcer for one more year until a better job with better pay comes available. Then he calls the Skins to talk to Allen.

I'm not liking the whole consolation prize bit. I also, now that I think about it, don't think he and Allen or DS would get along. I do like Cowher and did want him, Gruden or Schottenheimer cause I felt we needed a disciplinarian. I guess we will see if Shanahan can be that. I'm hearing reports now that he is.
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Old 01-06-2010, 01:55 PM   #178
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Re: Shanahan The New Head Coach Of the Redskins

Originally Posted by BigHairedAristocrat View Post
Everyone is NOT in the wait and see mode. Everyone is drinking the koolaid. I would love if the Poll in this thread had an option for wait and see. its certainly where I would have casted my vote. I'm almost certain it will fail because this is too similar to the Marty and Gibbs situations and neither of those worked out. I think Shanahan-the-coach is the 2nd best option we could have gone. if I had to rate my happiness with that aspect of the hire, i'd probably say 8 out of 10. Its just his personnel history and the front office structure that i think is likely to screw this whole thing up.

Snyder may very well have changed and is now willing to leave the big decisions to "football guys." Bruce Allen may have somehow learned how to be a personnel guy. Shanahan may very well have learned how to be a personnel guy too. but given the histories of all three men in the areas i mentioned, I feel skepticism is appropriate in this situation.
I think Gibbs worked out. Vinny might have been an issue but I think DS and Gibbs had an understanding and got along. Gibbs left for several reasons I think. Partly due to stress over losing a player, partly his grandson's illness, partly cause he was not helping the team progress, and partly cause his Racing teams needed his guidance more. I think Tony Stewart left to start his own team and Gibbs had to look for a new Racer and probably some staff members to fill any vacancies from Stewarts leaving. I think Gibbs was just stressed out again. He left the first time due to that and I think he started feeling the stress again and said I can't do it again. Family first.

Marty is another story. He left. Marty took the one year job. Fired Vinny. Wrestled control with DS, and at the end of the season told DS I want total control of the team and front office and DS said no. Marty left. Quit.

It would be hard for any owner to relinquish total control. Most probably give up half or partial. Even today it's DS's property. He owns it, or atleast the majority of it. Giving up control to Allen whome he is not close with or too familiar with is probably hard. Then he brings in a HC that says if you want me I will have total control. DS learned from his mistake. He's giving control to Shanahan. He's letting go by simply hiring Shanahan.
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Old 01-06-2010, 02:04 PM   #179
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Re: Shanahan The New Head Coach Of the Redskins

Originally Posted by BigHairedAristocrat View Post
Everyone is NOT in the wait and see mode. Everyone is drinking the koolaid. I would love if the Poll in this thread had an option for wait and see. its certainly where I would have casted my vote. I'm almost certain it will fail because this is too similar to the Marty and Gibbs situations and neither of those worked out. I think Shanahan-the-coach is the 2nd best option we could have gone. if I had to rate my happiness with that aspect of the hire, i'd probably say 8 out of 10. Its just his personnel history and the front office structure that i think is likely to screw this whole thing up.

Snyder may very well have changed and is now willing to leave the big decisions to "football guys." Bruce Allen may have somehow learned how to be a personnel guy. Shanahan may very well have learned how to be a personnel guy too. but given the histories of all three men in the areas i mentioned, I feel skepticism is appropriate in this situation.
Not true.

Today right at this moment, I'm happy with the moves we've made.

At the same time I am in wait and see mode. I'm not blind as to what we've seen here since Snyder bought the team. But taking everything for face value right at this moment, I think we've made good moves to change the direction of things. Nobody knows for sure how this story will end, but it's off to a good start.
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Old 01-06-2010, 02:04 PM   #180
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Re: Shanahan The New Head Coach Of the Redskins

does anyone have a link to the stream??? and DS sat in the audience?
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