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Custom McFarlane

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Old 09-23-2009, 05:20 PM   #46
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Re: Custom McFarlane

Ok thanks, apprerciate the info.

Im loving that Sean Taylor sitting on the bench... will inquire.
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Old 09-23-2009, 06:33 PM   #47
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Wink Re: Custom McFarlane

I can tell you that I have used Patrick for a lot of my customs and you can't go wrong. I will say that Coggs figures seem really great as well. 65 is probably the going rate for a quality custom. Patrick charges about 80 plus. It depends on what you want. 65 is a pretty good price for what kind of quality you are getting from Coggs. I will note though that patrick is a cowboys fan. If you can deal with that then you have no problems.

I can tell you that I did buy a substandard custom one time. I think that I ended up paying about 45 dollars, but the work was really poor in comparison to Patrick's and Coggs. You can go on Ebay and you will see the difference between ebay sellers and the customizers who take time and attention to detail.
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Old 09-24-2009, 12:10 PM   #48
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Re: Custom McFarlane

In my opinion,the top 3 guys are Ptrac, jomo( and jamf ( Their work is unreal. If you want a football re-paint, ptrac is tops, jomo seems to be focusing more on baseball lately. JAMF doesnt seem to be doing as much, but when it comes to custom poses, he is great. Basically, you can send him any picture,and he can create it.
"Everyone is talking about their dynasty. Well, OUR DYNASTY STARTS TONIGHT."--Michael Strahan, pre-game huddle Pep talk, February 3rd, 2008.
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Old 09-24-2009, 12:19 PM   #49
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Re: Custom McFarlane

Originally Posted by mcarey032 View Post
I can tell you that I have used Patrick for a lot of my customs and you can't go wrong. I will say that Coggs figures seem really great as well. 65 is probably the going rate for a quality custom. Patrick charges about 80 plus. It depends on what you want. 65 is a pretty good price for what kind of quality you are getting from Coggs. I will note though that patrick is a cowboys fan. If you can deal with that then you have no problems.

I can tell you that I did buy a substandard custom one time. I think that I ended up paying about 45 dollars, but the work was really poor in comparison to Patrick's and Coggs. You can go on Ebay and you will see the difference between ebay sellers and the customizers who take time and attention to detail.
Thanks, although mine are not nearly as good as patrick's. As for EBay, you are right. It is a lot of people looking to turn a quick buck. When Sean Taylor passed away, you saw people churning out Sean Taylor figures. The day after the Penguins won the cup, you saw a few penguin stanley cup figures. When Vick signed with the Eagles, it took about 18 hours for a Vick Eagles custom to show up. Same for Favre and the Vikings. There are a few people I know who as they put it, "I make the figures I want to make, and just sell them on EBay." They built a customer base that way, but rather than taking orders they do what they want. Although they are not as prevelant on EBay, they are there and their work is also top notch.

As for details, it really is the little things that make a great custom. For example, on my David Tyree head catch, when I brought it to him to sign, he was amazed as were the employees at how I put the reebok logos on the pants and jerseys and painted the gloves and shoes (although not as good as I hoped). When I brought Marshall his, he was commenting on how I even made LT's gloves. That is why it is so much harder, more time consuming and more expensive to make hockey customs, especially goalies. They have a ton of equipment logos all over the uniform and gear, and the stripes are a lot harder. Although, I will admit, I have one idea I am likely to put on EBay. The Rollie Fingers. Bought one because I want to make it into an 82 Brewers uniform. Not a Brewers fan or even a Fingers fan, just think it would be cool to do. I'll likely put it on Ebay and sell it for whatever.
"Everyone is talking about their dynasty. Well, OUR DYNASTY STARTS TONIGHT."--Michael Strahan, pre-game huddle Pep talk, February 3rd, 2008.
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